

Just by looking above the skies, most of them could already say that there will be a strong storm coming towards our direction. A couple of days of clearing the yard and dumping the dead bodies outside the fence is all it takes to mark the place as their own.




With the storm coming, they could also figured out that winter is not that far ahead of it judging by the strong winds coming from the south and the frequent raining seasons.




"He could have now saw even the tiniest way to get the zombies in right now." Kris muttered looking at Chanyeol who's checking the field metal screens.



"He haven't eaten a single meal since yesterday." Luhan mumbled as he try to eat peacefully in the little amount of food they have.



Taehyung searched for Baekhyun and he saw that the male is guarding the main gate of the prison who's sitting above a rolled burnt prison bus that blocked the gate.




"Baekhyun needed to eat too." Taehyung mumbled as he leaned on a water container.




"They've been putting their lives up front too much just to make sure all of us are safe..." Xiumin spoke too, grabbing his knife and some ripped tomatoes. He stood up and walked towards Baekhyun.




"Hey, Chen give this to Baek too." Luhan handed his own meal for the night. "They need this more than us." He mumbles as he wiped his lips with the back of his hand.




Only the sound of the crickets and the cracking of firewood was heard under the starless sky after the conversation.



"I'll get Chanyeol to eat even just a little too. We all needed to save energy for the next days. We need this. The kids need this." Tao spoke as he eyed the three children sleeping on Taehyung and Kasper's laps. 





Seungjae, Seoeon and Seojun. Everyone had they own story to tell...




Their kids' parents had probably been long dead by now. Tao happened to be passing by the town they are in. He happened to scavenge supplies in a kindergarten that seemed to be untouched by the other scavengers. Tao killed the now undead teacher and the poor dead kids that roamed the single classroom. Upon collecting kid instant goods in the cabinets of untouched lunch boxes, he saw the one huge cabinet that had a paper pinned on it's wooden doors.




'I hid three kids inside. Please save them. -- Mrs.Sue" It reads. Probably the one who wrote this was the one is the corpse he killed who's in a teacher's attire. He pried the doors immediately and so he got welcomed with three unconscious kids cramped in there. After realizing that they're alive, he didn't think twice to get them out of there before the dead ones will.




After that, Tao started taking the responsibility to take care of them, protecting them from the dead. After a few months later, that's when he encountered Chanyeol's group.




Tao stood up from the ground as he approached Chanyeol to convince him to rest and call it a day.





"We should be ready for the coming catastrophe. We'll never know what it'll cause us." Chanyeol spoken. The rest of the group piled in around a fire in the middle of the grass.




"Kris and I will check for the other gates on the left bound to make sure we're safe here and there's no zombie filling the field surprises." Jongin spoke up. Kris nodding in agreement as he wiped his metal baseball bat from the blood that stained upon it.




"Walkers are coming this direction, the vehicles led them here. Gotta deal with that too." Sehun stated as expressionless as usual.



"We'll take care for it." Jimin, Suga and Jhope complied. "We'll put them down from the inside." Seokjin added, being the former leader of the three, including his right hand, Jungkook.




"We could carry the corpses outside and burry them. We don't want to deal with stinks when the winters winds start to come from the south." Kyungsoo announced as he looked blankly.









Resources are almost depleted and we started saving up resources by our own selves. If we wanted to endure the winter then we should become ants, collecting stocks as much as possible. There are approximately thirty men left and we have four watch towers made of cement to use for protection from the storm and from everything else outside.




Each watch towers are ordered to have seven people. And under my roof, unfortunately Chanyeol happened to be the head and the rest are Taehyung, Luhan, Jungkook, Chen and Tao.




The other three watch towers are in head of Jongin, Sehun and Kris. Each of us have a major task to work. To work with full force of cooperation and teamwork.




"I hope these could help us from the cold." Tao mumbles as I put the remaing rice hays on the floor.





"We should get some more of it and maybe I could side track and see if I could find something valuable in the area." I stated as I put the potatoes, coconuts, corn and string beans in sacks that I collected for days. It's been a bit risky to rustle and scavenge on the nearest house that I found because the zombies are roaming in groups. And I have to deal with Chanyeol to wander far from his sight because it is forbidden to go far away from the Prison.




Thick blankets, pillows, mosquito nets and other kitchen utensils looted in that house. Maybe I could search for farther houses before the storm.





"You know that Chanyeol don't want us to go far from our location, Baekhyun." I know that Tao just cares for me but I don't like to just stay here and do nothing. I know I'm just eighteen but there are things that I can do without my age restricting me.








"I needed to risk something to gain something." I spoke as put the sacks on the corner. Yeah, I travel probably one and a half kilometers to just to find these and I can do further than that if I try harder.








"If Chanyeol finds out--" 





"He don't need to find out. He's not my father." I firmly spoke. I hate it when somebody controls my life, it's my life. My effort. And if something happens to me, it's no ones fault.





"What is there to find out?" There, that's what I'm talking about. I turned around as I see him standing over the stairs with his eyes trained on mine. As far as my mind could remember, I never liked his stares on me, after what I've seen that night when Kyungsoo popped up. Maybe because of the idea that he's using that kind of expression and tone to anybody and that's kind of annoys me.




And when he kissed me from the yard encounter. I don't want that feeling.




"You don't need to know." I brushed him off as I tried avoiding his eyes. And yeah, I've been avoiding him since then and it's kind of hard because he had this personality to corner me often times.





"If you're mistaken, anything that my members had in their mind must be their leader's rights to know." He growled, losing enough patience and temper drastically.






"Maybe it's time to accept that I'm not your member. I needed to clear things out that if anything happens to me, you will have nothing to do with it. So stop acting as if you take all faults here. How many times do I have to tell you that." I exclaimed. I'm about to leave the second floor but then he gripped my upper arm. I can see pure frustration drawn in his face in the closest time. 





"Let's clear things out then," I heard his deep voice laced with frustration. I looked at his face and on Tao who happened to just listening.





"Maybe you should calm down Chanyeol..." Tao interjected but Chanyeol just spared a look at him and he immediately shut his mouth. After a second, he then divert his eyes on me and on reflex I looked down the floor. His eyes are dark as he glared at me.





"If you wanted to do your own thing and be your own leadership then you should get the out here and do what you want! I'm tired dealing with a brat like you. You think you're smart enough? Strong enough, huh?! Then go out there! I don't care about you at all!" Chanyeol heaved a breath. Raged driven him as he gripped on Baekhyun's arms harshly, shouting the words on his face.





Baekhyun just whimpered from the tight grip. His tears threatening to flow.





"Chanyeol, enough! You're hurting him!" Tao pulled Baekhyun away from Chanyeol.




"Because he's ing frustrating me! From now on, he can do whatever he likes! But not under my concern because if he disobeys me one more time... he needs to know how many of you that I planted a bullet on the head just because of not obeying me!" Chanyeol shouted in anger once more before abruptly walking out.





Once Chanyeol is out of sight, Baekhyun cried while Tao comforted him.






"I told you not to trigger him." Tao cooed as he rubbed Baekhyun's back. That's right, Chanyeol had several people that he killed under his govern just because of breaking the rules and doing crimes.






"I- I hate him!" Baekhyun sobbed in anger.




"He just cares for you." Tao reasoned out but I don't care. 




"What happened here?" There goes Kris rushing to their tower before he saw Chanyeol exiting the small building with his eyes full of rage and frustration.




"N-Nothing." Baekhyun was the one to answer as he sniffled. Wiping his tears harshly as he pulled away from Tao's embrace.




"Did he hurt you badly?" Kris asked in concern.




"He just shouted harsh things at him. You know how Chanyeol behaves when anyone talks back at him." Tao responded in a pitiful voice. Kris looked at Tao disappointingly.




"Babe, you should have stopped Chanyeol before he gets even further." Kris sighed referring to Tao. But secretly he's surprised that Chanyeol didn't hit Baekhyun or pointed his gun at him like everytime someone pissed him off.




"Next time, don't try to trigger him Baek. Okay?" Kris mumbles as he looked on Baekhyun's bluish mark showing how Chanyeol grip him tightly on the upper arm.




"Yeah. I'm okay." Baekhyun answers as he rushes down with a bucket to continue his work.




"Uhm and Baek... This is not my business but can you promise me to fix these things between you and Chanyeol... Because we barely see Chanyeol care for us physically. Yeah, he's the leader because he's there on times when our life is in danger and our lives now are always in danger. But Chanyeol changed when you came. He starts becoming a full time leader and less isolation from the curtains. He's not a bad person Baek. He's just having a rough time in everything we put on his back. If it's not a big favor for you, please." Kris spoken as he payed concern to Baekhyun.





But instead of anwering, Baekhyun just walked out as he covered his free hand on his bruised upper arm. But he don't really care about the pain on the upper arm where there's a bluish patch that resembles a hand becaue he had experienced more painful than that. However, what he couldn't endure was the strange heaviness that's growing on his chest in guilt as he realized that he's at fault here.






B. 🍞🌽🥥

C. 😢😣😔



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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek