

Its been raining for hours and hours and by now, the called sanctuary is now probably cold burnt into ashes from top to ground.




The roof made booming noises as the rain storms down from the angry dark clouds that flashes yellow and blue lighting bolts with like cracking sounds.





Baekhyun just sat behind the window from one of the abandoned apartments as he stalked the zombies roamed in the city. The room is strangely clean and there's still full water of jug inside. The sun already disappeared from the depths of the thickness of clouds.. But the horizon is clear in his eyes.





His stomach burning not because he is hungry but the idea that all the people he'd knew for the past month is now nowhere to find. Specially Luhan and Taehyung.





Well, except Chanyeol.




He had lots of thoughts running in circles in his mind. He felt numb as he think how will they end up if they vanished the camp right long before this happened. Are they still be together now or not.




Chanyeol suddenly groaned from his sleep. Pulling Baekhyun's thoughts away from him. His cut is deep. The bullet pierced through the far side of his stomach but it already stopped bleeding and he got a few hours sleeping to gain energy.





Baekhyun wiped his tears before looking behind him, only to find Chanyeol trying to sit up with his injured body.





"I needed to find medications for you. Also food." Baekhyun spoke, breaking the silence of the cold silent room.





The room is pretty small, one double deck bed, a jug of water and a door are the only things that are only essential to be able to survive from the outside world.





"I'll come with you." He sat up with struggle and gripped into the silver pole on one of the edges of the bed.






"I'll go alone. It'll be safer and faster." Baekhyun interjected as he hissed from the pain. Not to mention that his lips appeared more paler because of the blood lost. 





"I— I can." He insisted and attempted to stand but failed. He tried again but Baekhyun pushed him down.





"You can't last long like this. You'll bleed yourself out. Can't you understand? Do you want to die and end up like them?!" Baekhyun bursted. All his frustrations seemingly got lessen from his loud voice as he turned his hands into fists.






"I don't know where's Taehyung, Luhan and the rest and you still make me more frustrated! Aren't you worried that there's something bad that might have happened to them in this second?!" He added, adding force to his remark. His anger driven emotion lead his eyes in a verge of tears.





"Because I'm worried, Chanyeol! And you know what frustrates me even more? You are injured right now and the last thing I want is to find them!" He spoke with his broken voice.





The cold room became silent for a second before Chanyeol looked away and stared from the window.





"I'm just worried that you might leave me like the others..." He pointed. His eyes are far away, and his deep voice cracked a little.





Baekhyun was taken aback by his sudden pain and he just realized that he'd been a bit harsh to him.








"I will not leave you." He exclaimed.






"Thanks." Chanyeol thanked. He didn't expected that this boy, this teenage boy would save his old from death and even though he's a deadweight the called boy still care for him. Because in this world, practicality, selfishness and crimes happens when everyone is desperately wanted to live.




And here's Baekhyun, still with him.




Baekhyun grabbed his backpack and his samurai sword. He slung it on his back and looked at Chanyeol once more.




"We're even. You saved me, I saved yours. You gave me temporary shelter and protection. And so, I will not leave you. I still need you to find Luhan, Taehyung and the rest." He opened the lid of his tumbler and filled it with water from the jug in the corner of the room and handed it to Chanyeol for him to drink.






"I'll just try to grab some medicine downstairs and find some food in other rooms so don't ing die." He finally instructed, making Chanyeol smile a bit before he threw a thick blanket on the taller's face with thinner smile.






"Don't miss me too much, not because I'm cute, doesn't mean I can't cut heads. I'll be safe." He chuckled before opening the door and headed to the long corridor.





Chanyeol just smiled, he haven't encountered anyone as sassy and as stupid as Baekhyun. Or maybe he's not stupid. Maybe he's just fearless and sometimes he's emotional. He can't imagine a small cute boy holding a samurai sword would stay in his mind for hours.






And as shameful as a young boy saving his twenty five year old , he called the said boy a cute one.







A. Road


B. Stranger


C. Cuffs

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Beau1996 1383 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1383 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1383 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1383 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek