




"Baekhyun-hyung! Wake up! I think something is happening outside!" I heard Taehyung's panicked voice as he shook me on my bunker. I stood up groggily as I register what did the kid said.





I mean can you believe it? It's like 12 midnight and—





"What's with those torches?" I asked as I realized that the people are gathered on the open area of the sanctuary using torches to light up the dark surrounding. I immediately hooked my weapon on my shoulder. Putting hand guns on the inside of my right boots and a hike knife in the left.





"Take this." I quickly handed Taehyung a double eagle gun that's loaded with bullets as we headed outside.






"What's happening here?" I asked from the male that was looking obnoxious. He just pointed towards the gate with his hands shaking.





What the is happening?




"Baekhyun!" Luhan's voice came into clearance as he came towards us with Taehyung.





"Something happened." He announced. I can clearly see the nervousness etched on his face as he held his weapon tightly, preventing himself to shake.





"What happened?" I asked, still clueless as I moved closer to where everyone is panicking with.





It led me to the gates and when I took a glance on it, I never expected that I would witness a bloody horrifying scene as disturbing and nerve wrenching as this. 




It was like the first time I saw a zombie in my whole life that made my hair in my whole body straighten.




Infront of me was the three gate keepers. Hanged in their necks to death and turned theirselves into flesh eaters. It was like a thriller movie where the killer hangs his victim and watch them struggle to in breath and die. Their eyes, mouth and ears pulsated with blood gushing down on their chests as they chewed on their own tongue and mouth. Their white smokey turned eyes glaring at us.




I knew them. I talked to them before about asking permission to go to hunt.




They were ing nice people. Who did this?




And the creepy thing was that the corpses have a  message with only two words that's been painted with their own thick blood on their clothes that reads, "You are next."





"What the happened to them?" I said, my tough voice cracked in uneasiness. Looking around only to find that they're as panicked as I imagined.




"Someone killed them and hanged them there in the middle of the night. Sending a message to us." Luhan answered, his eyes never leaving the kicking zombies on the air.




"The thing was that, the killer may be still inside. Living with us right now. Watching us." Luhan gritted his teeth as he looked at me with worried eyes.





"Taehyung, come here." I ordered as I kept him beside me.





"Stay together. No matter what happens. I'm just gonna talk to Chanyeol." I instructed and started leaving. But before I could move a meter away from them, two loud gunshots reverberated the silent surroundings.







"An outsider entered the walls." I heard Chanyeol spoke seriously while he stood beside me. He pulled the trigger of the gun, making the three newly turned gatekeepers stop groaning from the crave of flesh.






"H-How is that possible?" I asked, anger filling my nerves as I think such thing like this would happen. I'm angry because of the message of the killer that conveys that were next to die. 




"Please go back to your cabins. Lock the doors and windows securely. Any sign of movement outside, just use the honks to alert everyone." He managed to announce. 





I felt nervous about this. I don't feel right.





Everyone scrambling on their places now, locking every single possible passages on their cabins.





"Get inside!" I sternly ordered as I pulled Luhan and Taehyung inside our cabin.





"Luhan, I know you're tired from watching on the south corner. Take a rest." I spoke, as I leaned my back on the farthest wall, holding my samurai on my hands as I sat down on the cold floor.





"And you're tired too, by scavenging earlier this morning." He pointed out. Yes, honestly I'm still tired but I can manage to stay up when it comes to them.





"I'm fine." I stated.





"Taehyung, take a rest too okay? Don't be scared. I'll protect you." I smiled. Taehyung rushed to the bed bunk beside me and laid there. I could feel him shaking and sniffling due to the hurrying scene.




"Thanks hyung." He mumbled as he reach to hug my waist. I could feel his hands shaking and I could only do is to make him feel secured by staying up.




"I'll stay up too." Luhan exclaimed in the dark. Only the bare light from the moon is our aid of sight as he sat next to me in the floor with his rifle on his lap.




I just stayed there, eyes open even though I couldn't make out almost anything outside due to the darkness and from the fog that covered almost all around the place.




After a moment of ruffling Taehyung's head to sleep, I felt Luhan's head rested on my shoulder with a soft thud. I sighed in relief as he finally got to sleep too. He watches 24 hours in the side b of the sanctuary and it's not a small job to do.




I slowly held his head and carefully rested it to my lap. His body followed course as I let him sleep on my thighs. I can see he's really tired and I felt bad because I can't achieve the security I wanted to give them.




Because I'm also scared like them.





A madman entered the camp without us knowing, slaughtering people inside and sending a death message? Like what the . I'm getting the shrills.





I'm disturbed with the fact that we're dealing with a person now. Not with a dumb flesh eater. 




However, I need to look and stay strong for them to feel secured.




Minutes passed and my eyes are attentively roaming around for any movement or sound outside. 





I'm feeling a little bit relax now but then something caught my nerve and my attention.





It started when I heard soft knocks in front of the door outside our cabin.







A. Eyes


B. Death


C. Fear

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Beau1996 1385 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1385 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1385 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1385 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek