






At first I could feel my chest heaving breathes in a constant manner. And second I felt that burning pain in the back of my shoulder that made me aware of my surroundings. My head is constantly bumping from some sort of a hard metallic thing as if I'm inside a cargo.




Now that I realized, I'm inside of some sort of vehicle while I've been laid on the farthest end of seat.




I gripped my head, cursing a few strands of groans as I turn to squint my eyes away from the sunlight that's been hitting my face.




And something is off with me.




My weapon. Even in my weak state, I managed to sit up and look for the surrounding and then I found it, it was in the front seat gently seated with some other weapons I couldn't recall that was ours.




I quickly backed away, alerted with the fact that my weapon is missing. I checked myself if I got any scratches or bite marks but luckily I didn't had one.




"Who are you? Where are my friends?" I asked and positioned in a defensive manner. Getting the sight of a broad back in a black leather jacket while driving on the front board. All I can see was his back and his crimson red dyed hair.




"Try anything reckless and your dead." He answered coldly and just looked straight at his sight in the road. The path was like going on a mountainous location because the terrain is bumpy and tall trees scattered around. There's no official way too.




I saw  groceries, canned goods, necessities and stuffs, stacked in couples of sacks beside me. I also realized that two cars also followed behind the car I'm with.





"I'm asking who are you. And where are my ing friends." I growled because damn, my friends are no longer with me, and I'm inside of a stranger's car with the thoughts of kidnapping swimming inside my aching head.




The only reason that I didn't get to panic that much and jump out of the car was that this tall male with seemingly large ears  probably the one who saved me from the fire and from the walkers. 




And I'm alive.




I mean, he saved me, why should he kill me? 



I saw a water bottle near the seats so I quickly grabbed it and drank on it, quenching my dried throat.



I got only a wound caused by the glass that pierced through from the back of my shoulder but it'll be fine. 




At first I really don't have any idea where this path may lead but then, when I saw a secluded kind of like an under protection building, security came into my mind.




The walls are made of stacked wood lodges. It was high enough for about 10 feet tall.





As I expected it to be, the car stopped and someone opened the huge wooden lodge gate, the car roared once more and entered it. The two other cars followed behind.





I saw small wooden houses, for about four of them, a small pig pen, and in the corner, there was a vegetable plantation. In the middle, was the biggest grand two floor house among the four, expecting that the house was already been there even before the apocalypse came.




There's also a bunch of people working, collecting water from the well, feeding the chickens and pigs, nursing the vegetables, and people who's building another set of cabin. The area was a bit small but it can fit for about 40 people inside. 




After the car was parked, I got down from the back car door and set foot on the soil beneath my boots with a bit of struggle. The other cars parked too, a certain car opened and spat Luhan and Taehyung.




They saw me and immediately ran towards me, engulfing me with a hug.




"I thought we lost you!" Taehyung cried as he hugged me tighter. Luhan just hugged me too but didn't utter a word.




"That's what I thought." I spoke, coughing. I just hissed when the wound in my back pressed against Luhan and Taehyung's arms.




But I'm thankful someone saved me. I'm still alive.




Or should I be thankful?




"These guys saved us from the hoard of zombies." Luhan introduced as he smiled at the guy who drove the car they're in.



My eyes saw a glimpse of the tall man who didn't even tried to look towards us as he walked away directly towards the big manor in the middle and shutting the doors closed. And I never had to catch a look of his face.




I turned to look at the guy who's also tall and have a stoic face and prominent jawline.




"Where are we? What's this place." I asked hoping that this man can talk and answer my simple question as possible.




"It's supposed to be a sanctuary." He spoken briefly, examining us.




"It's pure luck that you survived out there just with yourselves." He mumbles. His face hadn't showed any expression.



"Don't underestimate us." I raised a brow.



He gave no expressions. He just walked away and called another man whom he ordered to bring us to our place and to start a new day tomorrow. 



"I'm Sehun. This is Lay. A friendly reminder, you try to hurt anyone of us and you'll be dead the next second." He stated before walking away.



And the first person I saw didn't even introduced himself. Or even gave me opportunity to introduce mine. 




Well, I don't care anyway.



A man ushered us into one of the small cabins. All furnitures are made of wood, bed spaces and necessities sat neatly on one of the table. And I knew from the man that Sehun introduced him as Lay that the house was just built last month.




"When did this sanctuary built?" I asked. Inspecting every corners of it.




"Since the beginning I guess. I've been here for quite some time. I used to be a doctor before everything happened." He spoke walking beside me with his straw hat on his hand.




"We kept this system running by contributing works and responsibilities." He added when he knew I wasn't going to respond.




"We still haven't said we're  staying. You don't need to explain things." I trudge faster and left him by turning to where our said cabin would be.




I looked towards the glass window outside while Taehyung and Luhan laid in one of the beds. I once noticed the walls again, it was high enough to prevent the walkers to come in. People are few but they managed to run things good.




But it doesn't mean we're staying. These walls doesn't mean security. Entrusting our lives on walls doesn't make you live longer let alone welcome strangers in your life.







A. Daylight


B. Strange


C. Name

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Beau1996 1383 streak #1
Chapter 20: Ok - not sure I can continue with cannibals - 🤢
Beau1996 1383 streak #2
Chapter 17: Poor Baek - no escape from trauma in the zombie apocalypse!
Beau1996 1383 streak #3
Chapter 16: Adrenaline induced kissing!!
Beau1996 1383 streak #4
Chapter 9: I love zombie au's so I can't believe I missed this one!
Chapter 32: Update soon :'(
Chapter 16: I want both kaibaek and sebaek