Semester end

Bright nights and dark days

*Nobody POV*

The sun seeps through the window, blazing down on tired figures. Pens hastily scribble down on paper, that and mumbling being the only clear sounds to be heard through the building. Somewhere, someone takes a sip of water, trying to quench their thirst and battle the heat.

The bell chimes, reverberating off the school walls. Soft thundering footsteps and scraping of chairs overwhelm the senses. A soft bark is heard alongside the pitter-patter of soft paws. 

Summer is here.

*Jungeun POV*

'I can't believe we actually got through this!' I chuckle at how tired Yeojin sounds. We decided to celebrate the end of the school year by meeting up at Haseul's diner. She closed it for a private party for all of us. Yeojin stumbles in front of us, dragging her backpack on the pavement. 'How are you explaining your ripping backpack to Haseul, lentil bean?' 

Suddenly stopping in her tracks, she glares at me before picking up her backpack and picking up her pace. Just the mention of her elder sister and she changes her attitude so quickly. 

'Is Jinsol coming too?' Jiwoo links arms with me and smiles brightly at the blazing sun. I swear they must be siblings. Frowning, I reach for my phone to check my text messages.

'She hasn't messaged me yet. She told me yesterday that she'd be there though.' Nodding, Jiwoo squeezes my arm tightly. 'I'm sure she's already there, preparing us all our favourite drinks.' I chuckle softly and nod. 

I can't believe how close we've all gotten over the semester. Jinsol and Sooyoung can actually have small talk now and chat over messages daily. They've been discussing what university to go to after summer and which classes to take. Jiwoo and I are closer than ever, I finally have a best friend again after all these years.

'Soo, my mom just texted me that she wants you over tonight if you can make it to congratulate you!' Sooyoung walks past shrugging. 'I don't have any plans. They do realise the actual graduation ceremony isn't for another 2 weeks, right?'

Laughing together comfortably, we round the corner and arrive at the diner. Inside, I can see Haseul and Vivi moving around with trays of food and drinks. Yeojin rushes in, throwing her backpack to the side and launches herself at the food. Haseul starts chiding her but smiles softly as she's happy Yeojin likes her food so much.

'Hey, how are you guys?' Smiling, I let Haseul and Vivi pull me in a hug. 'I'm fine but I miss Jinsol. Is she here yet?' Winking, Haseul points at the toilet. 'She should be out in a minute.'

What was that wink about? I disregard it quickly and set my backpack down by one of the tables, turning to grab a cup of lemonade. 

I take a sip as I turn to the sound of the bathroom door opening. That sip ended up on the floor and I nearly drop my whole cup. 'HOLY CRAP!' Jiwoo squeals loudly as I'm still standing, frozen.

Jinsol walks up to me. I blink slowly and place my cup back down on the table. Jinsol frowns sadly but I quickly grab her hand and drag her to the backroom. I hear the girls laughing and Sooyoung hooting in the background but I don't care.

'Jungeun? You don't like it? I remember you once said you'd like to see me with dark hair and I thought-' I cut her off by pulling her into a searing kiss. If she wasn't already ridiculously beautiful before, not a word in the world can be used to describe how gorgeous she looks now. 

She moans against my lips softly, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me into her. Sensing the urge to breathe, I break away with a gasp.

'You're absolutely stunning, I love it. I love you.' Her face breaks into a huge smile, reaching her eyes in the most beautiful way. 'I love you too, Jungie.'

I reach up to run my hair through familiar soft locks, now a deep black instead of the previous vibrant blonde.

'Is this why you didn't message me?' Nodding her head, Jinsol leans into my touch. Pulling her closer, I look her in the eye. 'How did I get so lucky to find you?' Blushing, I hide my face in her neck. I love the way we fit together so perfectly. I breathe out contently as she runs a hand up and down my back. 'I think I'm the one that got lucky, love.' Shaking my head and chuckling, I look up at her. 'I guess we both got lucky.'

Jinsol cracks a smile and pulls me back towards the dining room. 'Come on, we're already going to get teased enough by Soo and Jiwoo.' Those 2 will tease us no matter what we do. I eagerly follow Jinsol and hold her hand tightly in mine. 

Sure enough, everyone turns and starts hooting as we walk out. 'Oh, calm your hormones. We didn't do anything.' A blush spreads on Jinsol's cheeks. Of course, we want to, but we agreed to wait and take it slowly.

We quickly dig into the food Haseul prepared to hide from the rest. Boris plays around with Jiwoo happily while being fed treats by Sooyoung. I love this mess.

*Nobody POV*

Haseul smiles at all the girls and wraps an arm around Vivi's waist. 'Look at our big family.' Chuckling, Vivi kisses the top of her girlfriend's head. The happy bunch calms down after a while, simply chatting about what to do this summer while allowing the delicious snacks to digest.

'So, you guys almost done with university applications?' Sooyoung nods excitedly. 'Yeah! We should get a reply within 2 weeks and then we can actually get prepared for the first semester and figure out my dorm options.' Nodding, Haseul sips her lemonade. 'Right, Jinsol, you said you'll commute since you're content with the apartment you have now, right?' A gentle nod comes from the now dark-haired girl across the table. 'I told her she could move into a dorm with Soo but she wants to stay close to Jungie.' Chuckling, Jiwoo sticks her tongue out to Jungeun playfully.

Jungeun blushes and cuddles into Jinsol's side. 'So what, my girlfriend likes being close to me! I like it too...' Everyone shares a laugh.

'I'll be helping out at the diner this summer to save up for a new console! Haseul won't just buy it for me.' Pouting, Yeojin crosses her arms. 'Sorry, bean. You should earn it and have something useful to do besides just playing games all summer.' Yeojin groans as her sister places a hand on top of her head. 'You just want me to work so you can go on more dates with Kahei.'

As true as that may be, Haseul also wants to teach Yeojin some responsibility and get her more involved with the business.

'I'll be working at a kid's summer camp with Boris and Jiwoo. A camp leader saw Jiwoo and I playing in the park with Boris and some kids so they thought it'd be a good idea. They have some shy kids come in each year that do better when there's an animal around and they, of course, loved Jiwoo's energy.' Jiwoo proudly smiles at this. 'We get to play with kids and Boris all summer! I'm so excited!' Jungeun just shakes her head. She wasn't one to be around children much, but it was an easy enough job since she'd be in charge of keeping Jiwoo and Boris in check, mainly.

'Sounds like we've all got quite an interesting summer ahead of us. Cheers to the end of an amazing semester, filled with new friendships and future plans!' Haseul gets up and raises her cup, prompting everyone to follow her and do the same.


Even Jinsol said it softly, next to Jungeun. 

The group spends the rest of the afternoon relaxing until Jiwoo and Sooyoung have to get home for dinner with Jiwoo's parents. This prompts Jinsol and Jungeun to head home to have a celebratory dinner with Miss Kim as well.

Haseul and Vivi clean the diner after allowing Yeojin to go play games at home. She deserved to relax, her grades were going up this year.

Softly, the night comes to an end. Darkness starts slowly sweeping in as the sky morphs from blue to a pinkish-yellow and orange.




Author's note:

Update again :D

Enjoy and have a good day/night :3





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I'll try to update each of my stories at least once a week however life and my health are a bit messy lately :P If you want to send me requests or feedback and such or just have a chat and watch me be a mess, you can always head over to my twitter @shaimaafoop


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_boom_ #1
Fighting! 😉
G-IDLE_Trend #2
Chapter 23: update please
xbadwolfx #3
Chapter 23: Just read this all in one day! Please I love it so much 😭💜 can't wait for the next update 💜
Chapter 23: Thaaankkk youuu for theeee Updaaateee ÓwÒ
Yebinx #5
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update!!
prinzginger #6
Chapter 21: Oh no jungeun.. hope theyre both fine and dont fight..
prinzginger #7
Chapter 20: Cuteeee ahhhh thanks for the update authornim! Take care!
fixzy01 #8