Start of a good friendship

Bright nights and dark days

*Nobody POV*

The girls had a bit too much fun cooking together, Jinsol even managed to play around with Haseul and Vivi a bit. Vivi smiles softly as she watches Jungeun and Jinsol wash the dishes together. Haseul and her were put in charge of cleaning the dining room and kitchen counter. 

As Vivi finishes brooming and Haseul wipes the last bit of dirt off the table, Haseul turns to her girlfriend. 'They really make a cute pair, don't they?' Vivi smiles and wraps an arm around her small girlfriend. 'They're great together. I'm glad to see Jinsol so open. I have never seen her smile or laugh. Especially not so genuinely happy like this.' Haseul frowns at this and looks up at Vivi. 'She really was a loner before she found her bond, wasn't she?'

Vivi only sighs and nods. The girls were lucky to have found each other so early on. And even luckier to have Vivi and Haseul find them.

'Guys, do you want some coffee or tea or something?' Jungeun walks out of the kitchen, Jinsol following closely behind her. She smiles at the couple, a faint blush on her cheeks from playing around with Jungeun in the kitchen. Vivi smiles and nods. 'Jinsol, why don't we make our girls a drink while they go relax? After all, they made most of the food. Drinks are more of our speciality.' 

The baristas move into the kitchen, but not before stealing a kiss from their respective girlfriends. Jungeun and Haseul move into the living room and settle in the couch, falling into comfortable conversation.

*Jungeun POV*

'So you beat up a guy for Jinsol?' Haseul's voice is filled with amusement and surprise. Nodding, I laugh at her expression. She has a very expressive face.

'Yeh, kind of. I just broke his finger.'I shrug and giggle as Haseul sputters nonsense in confusion. 'How the hell?! Wow, your life is a drama.' We laugh together and turn our head towards the kitchen at the sound of some cups clinking together. 

'Let's hope those 2 really know what they're doing. My mom will kill me if she finds anything broken.' Haseul smiles at me sweetly and pats my leg. 'Don't worry. I'll be killing them first if they dare break something in their host's house. That's just plain disrespectful.' I chuckle but it quickly turns to a nervous clearing of my throat. Haseul looks entirely too serious about this. To be fair, I could see her murdering them for something like this. She seems to be the motherly strict and righteous yet loving type. The type to beat some sense into you and treat your wounds after.

'Let's hope it doesn't come to that.' 

Footsteps are heard behind us and I turn to see the girls walking towards us with two trays. Jinsol is holding a plate of cookies on hers while Vivi is perfectly balancing 4 mugs on hers.

'I have a coffee special for my dear Seul.' Vivi hands her the drink with a soft smile and turns to me. 'Our Jinsol made Jungeun a sweet hot chocolate special.' She hands me my drink with the signature heart on top. Jinsol had written two J's in it as well this time, it's endearing. I blush and thank them both before taking a small sip.

'What are the drink masters having?' Haseul shoots a wink to them and they chuckle cutely. Jinsol grabs her mug and pushes the tray of biscuits to the middle of the coffee table before settling on the couch next to me. Vivi does the same but settles next to Haseul on the other side of the couch.

'I'm having a caffe latte and Jinsol over there managed to find some matcha tea powder and went off with it.' Vivi sips her latte and smiles at us sweetly. I swear, she's so adorable. However, my eyes find their way to the tall girl next to me automatically. Jinsol looks down at her cup and blushes. I smile and lean up to kiss her cheek. 

'What are you having, Sol?' I keep my voice soft, knowing she isn't comfortable with talking around others yet of course. She nervously grips her mug tightly, staring into it.

'M-Matcha...Latte...' Her cheeks redden even more. Her voice was soft and shaky but loud enough for everyone to hear. I hear Vivi and Haseul squeal next to us and smile up at Jinsol sweetly. Finally, she dares to look at me too and I nearly melt. I lean up and kiss her sweetly. 'Enjoy.' Now we're both blushing like idiots.

'You guys are too cute! And Jinsol, sweetie, you really have a nice voice. It's a shame you don't bless our ears with it more often.' Haseul's praise causes Jinsol to nearly choke on her drink. I quickly put down my mug and pat her back, rubbing soothing circles as she coughs loudly. 

'Seul, don't embarrass her. Let her take it at her pace.' Vivi shushes her girlfriend quickly and shoots me an apologetic look. I simply shake my head, mouthing it's okay, and turn back to Jinsol who was finally breathing regularly again. 'You okay, Sol?' She nods at me and takes another sip of her drink, urging me to do the same. I chuckle and reach for a cookie.

I take a bite and before pulling the entire cookie in my mouth, I turn to Jinsol to offer her the other half. She has other plans, however. Her eyes zone in on my lips, and the cookie half hanging out from it. She places her mug on the table and leans in quickly, kissing me and biting off the bit that was out of my mouth. I blush as she pulls away and grabs her mug again as if nothing happened. I turn to sneakily touch my lips, still confused. I slowly chew my cookie as Vivi and Haseul shoot me a knowing look. I simply stick my tongue out at them and grab my drink to hide behind.


* * *

Haseul and Vivi ended up having dinner with us too and left after giving us both a tight hug and saying once more that they're happy for us and glad that we can be friends. Haseul promptly told me to come by again and bring Boris.

Currently, I'm sitting on the couch, watching Jinsol lay on the living room carpet with Boris. At some point, he had gotten playful and Jinsol somehow was able to keep up with him. She played around with him until they both got tired. Now, Jinsol is laying on top of Boris, lazily ruffling his fur. Boris fell asleep a few minutes ago. I check the clock. It's nearing 10 pm, I'm getting a bit sleepy.

'Jinsol, I'm getting a bit tired. Should we go sleep?'

She sits up and looks at me, tilting her head in a similar way to Boris. 'You're sure I can stay the night again?' I nod and reach out for her. She crawls towards me and kneels on the floor between my legs, looking up at me sweetly. Her hands wrap around my waist loosely and she nuzzles her face into my stomach. 'I have work tomorrow.'

I nod softly and run my hand through her hair softly. 'When do you have to go?' She sighs, holding up her hand, showing 4 fingers.

I gasp and gently pull her head away from my stomach. '4 AM?! Why didn't you tell me? You need to sleep, Sol!' She shrugs and looks at me sadly. 'I just wanted to spend more time with you...'

I smile and pull her up into a sweet kiss. She tightens her hold around my waist as I caress her cheeks. Her lips are so soft against mine. I break away before I lose myself in the kiss.

'You'll still be able to spend so much time with me, Jinsol. I'm not going anywhere, okay? My mom is sending me to school starting next week to see if I could fit into this school. Then maybe I can actually study my entire senior year at a real school next year and finish school properly. But I promise we'll still be able to see each other every day. After all, you're my angel and I feel like I'd go insane if I don't see you daily and hear your deep voice...' I grab her hands from around me and squeeze them tightly, looking her in the eye. 

She smiles up at me and jumps up, pulling me with her. 'Let's get to bed then. I'll finish work on time tomorrow and we can prepare for your going to school together every day!' I smile at her and hug her tightly.

'I'd like that a lot. Will you be my private tutor, Jinsollie?' She blushes and nods. 'I'm a bit slow sometimes but I aced all my classes, that's why I'm already working now. So I can start university next year with people my age.'

I pull her into a deep kiss, squeezing her sides. She melts into me and I feel my heart race. I break the kiss after a while, head spinning and breathing ragged. 

'Lucky for you, I'm an exceptional student. So we can study and prepare, and still have time left for cuddles.' She chuckles at this. God, I love her voice.

She nods and pulls me towards the stairs, Boris whines as he gets up to follow us. I smile at him and pat his head as he rushes past us.

I can really get used to this.





Author's note:

Is that... AN UPDATE?!

Wow, I finally did it. It's been a while, I'm very sorry for that.

I hope you like this little update. Will try to update more often.

Have a good day/night :3


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I'll try to update each of my stories at least once a week however life and my health are a bit messy lately :P If you want to send me requests or feedback and such or just have a chat and watch me be a mess, you can always head over to my twitter @shaimaafoop


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_boom_ #1
Fighting! 😉
G-IDLE_Trend #2
Chapter 23: update please
xbadwolfx #3
Chapter 23: Just read this all in one day! Please I love it so much 😭💜 can't wait for the next update 💜
Chapter 23: Thaaankkk youuu for theeee Updaaateee ÓwÒ
Yebinx #5
Chapter 22: Thanks for the update!!
prinzginger #6
Chapter 21: Oh no jungeun.. hope theyre both fine and dont fight..
prinzginger #7
Chapter 20: Cuteeee ahhhh thanks for the update authornim! Take care!
fixzy01 #8