Chapter Two


Chapter Two


Jungkook looked at the office around him. He was finally starting work after spending the last ten days recovering from his bruised ribs and concussion. The young nurse had just about been able to spend some time with his elder brother while waiting for work to start over his recovery days. It still embarrassed him to think of being treated in the hospital he was now working at.


“So, Jungkook-ah,” Seokjin smiled, “I’ll show you to the break room, you’ll be given a locker to keep your personal items in during your shift. I recommend always keeping a spare set of clothes or two here, as well as a spare uniform.”


“Never know what might happen during a shift,” Jungkook nodded, smiling back. He had heard those words on placement during his second year studying to become a nurse.


“Correct, I think we all keep a few spare shirts and trousers around,” he chuckled, “Let’s get you set up with a locker and you can start your first shift,” he added, getting up from his chair.


“Thank you, Doctor Kim,” Jungkook nodded, getting up and following him out of the room.


“Please, called me Seokjin-hyung, or Jin-hyung,” he said softly, “Most of the staff here are pretty close, so we don’t use titles for the most part. Though always start with the honorifics,” he advised.


“I will,” he nodded.


Seokjin took him to the break room and opened the door, someone was already inside, sitting and sipping at a mug of coffee. “Yoongi,” he greeted the doctor.


Yoongi looked up from his mug and almost seemed to glare at Seokjin, “Hyung,” he greeted back. His eyes went wide as he spotted the young man behind the head consult in the A&E. “I know you.”


“You know each other?” Seokjin smile, “Wonderful, would you like to show him around a little more Yoongi?” he asked.


“I treated him over a week ago. He’s Junghyun's younger brother,” he explained.


“Ah, Junghyun was the one who recommended him for the position,” he nodded looking at the now red Jungkook.


“Do you still not remember?” Yoongi questioned. He had felt that there was something off when he had first given the excuse of not remembering how he ended up hurt.


Jungkook looked up and then down again, “No I don’t.”


Yoongi pursed his lips, eyes narrowing a little as he hummed, “All right. I don’t mind showing him around.”


“Make sure to introduce him to everyone as well,” Seokjin said, “This is your locker, combination 0612,” he said, gesturing to one of the lockers further along the back wall.


Jungkook went over to it, “Thank you, hyung” he grinned as he used the numbers to open it and put a few things inside.


“Well, Jungkook, welcome to our team,” Seokjin welcomed him once more.


“Thank you, Seokjin-hyung,” Jungkook said once more, giving a bow as Seokjin smiled once more at him and then walked out of the room.


Yoongi watched as the younger man finished putting things in the locker and then closed it up, relocking it. “I’m going to finish my coffee before I show you around. Have a drink before we go, there is water and hot drinks. If you want things like sodas then use the vending machine out in the waiting room. Or bring some in, but don’t forget to put your name on it if you do,” he said, taking another sip.


“I’ll just have a small glass of water for now,” he said as he went over to the sink, grabbing one of the clean glasses and filling it with water. He stood there, drinking it. “Thank you.” He said, causing Yoongi to turn towards him and send him a puzzling look.


“What for?” he asked.


“You’re the one that treated me, and I have no doubt that Junghyun-hyung was difficult,” he gave a grin.


Yoongi snorted, “He may have been, but no worse than some of the relatives of patients we’ve had come to this place. Though, for the most part, I believe Hobi dealt with his insistence on seeing you the second he found out.”


“I’ll have to thank him as well,” he smiled, finishing his water and cleaning the glass, as well as the two mugs that were waiting to be cleaned as well.


“Right,” Yoongi said, getting up and moving over to the sink to wash his mug.


“Here, I’ll do it, my hands are still wet,” Jungkook offered, holding out his hand.


Yoongi hesitated for a moment before handing the mug over, “Thank you,” he nodded.


Jungkook quickly washed the mug and put it on the draining board. “There we go,” he grinned, drying his hands, “So where are we heading to first?” he asked.


“I’ll show you the different areas, we have trauma, children's ward and then normal. We also have a few other more small areas, but you’ll find out more about them when the time comes,” he said, leading the way out of the room.


Jungkook nodded and followed him through the corridor. He could hear the low-level din of voices that were quietly talking. Yoongi led him through to the waiting room. Junghyun glanced over from where he was talking to a young woman with a crying baby in her arms. He gave a little wave and went back to her.


Jungkook watched his brother work. Talking to the woman, and wiggling his fingers and cooing to the baby. Helping to calm them both down as he took their details.


"Your brother is good at calming people down," Yoongi pointed out.


"Yeah," Jungkook smiled, "I could never stay angry or upset with him around."


"Hmm," he nodded, "Right, this is the waiting room, obviously. Over there you can see a few doors. They are the more private waiting rooms, we use those mainly for the family of those that have been brought in by ambulance, so they can wait over there while their relatives or friends that they came in with can be treated and their details can be taken down."


"Okay," he said smiling and waving at his brother as he then followed Yoongi back towards where they came from.


"We are heading to the children's section of A&E, you won't really come to this side, but they may ask for a little assistance at times," Yoongi explained as the blue and white walls soon changed to green and blue, with animals painted along the bottom half of the walls.


Jungkook smiled as he saw the paintings, "Wonder who did those?" he asked himself.


Yoongi snorted, "Taehyung and Jimin, head Nurse and Doctor for this side of things, did them. Came into work about eight months ago after the place was redecorated, found the two of them sitting on the floor painting," he shook his head. "Seokjin-hyung came along and he decided to join them. Most of us did one or two of them in the end."


"So which one is your's?" Jungkook asked, looking at the line on animals that ran both sides of the corridor.


Yoongi went silent for a moment, a light blush on his face, "I painted the koala and the bunny," he muttered, walking quickly down the corridor trying to avoid letting the younger see them by making him rush past them.


Jungkook ignored the rushing Yoongi and looked at the animals. He grinned as he spotted the Koala, sleeping, snuggled up against the painting of a tree. At the bottom of it was a very cute looking bunny, nibbling on a carrot. "They're pretty good," Jungkook called out, as he spotted the other at the end of the corridor and ran to catch up.


"Yeah," Yoongi shrugged, not believe the praise. He turned and began to walk away. Jungkook smiled, shaking his head and walked beside him. They turned the corner and stopped quickly as two men were standing there just about to walk around the corner as well.


"Yoongi-hyung," Taehyung grinned, "Good to see you, and hello to you Jungkook. Nice to see you up and about after last time," he said as he noticed the young man standing beside him. "I didn't know that you were a nurse?"


"Yeah, not the best impression I made," Jungkook blushed, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment.


"Maybe not," Jimin smiled at him, "I'm Jimin, I hope Jin-hyung mentioned that we're a little more relaxed on the titles and such here. So you don't have to call me doctor Kim-Park all the time," he said.


"Call me Tae-hyung," Taehyung grinned, "Glad you're okay now. I know Junghyun was worried about you when you came in."


"Yeah, our parents are back in Busan, I followed Hyung here to Seoul when I decided to study nursing, so he’s the only family here I have. He worries a lot about making sure I’m safe," he said.


"I did the same when I wanted to be a doctor. Taetae moved from Daegu," Jimin chuckled, "Small world."


"Yeah," Jungkook nodded.


"Right, let's carry on," Yoongi said.


"We'll see you around," Jimin said.


"We should get together tonight for a drink after shift," Taehyung suggested with a grin as Jimin rolled his eyes and grabbed his husband by the hand and began to pull him away.


"Maybe, depends on how the shift goes," Jungkook deflected.


"I'll come and bug you later then!" Taehyung called back as Jimin gave a wave as they walked down the corridor.


"Come on," Yoongi said as he turned and went down a different corridor that soon went back to the normal blue and white of the A&E department.


"Yoongi-hyung," came a voice as someone walked over to the two of them.


"Namjoon-ah," Yoongi greeted him.


"Patient in cubicle 4," he began, "I'm having them transferred for observation for the night."


Yoongi nodded, "All right, I'll have their care transferred to the ward as soon as, then."


"And you must be Jungkook," Namjoon smiled to the young man as soon as he noticed him.


"Yes sir," Jungkook nodded.


"Namjoon-hyung, or Joonie-hyung," he smiled, dimples appearing on his face.


Jungkook couldn't help but smiled back, "Okay, Namjoon-hyung."


"I'm the one people come to when they suspect self-inflicted injuries, and they want me to talk to the patient," he explained, "I'm a Psychiatrist, but I work mainly in A&E."


"Right," Jungkook nodded.


"I'll-" Yoongi was cut off as his pager beeped a messaging going up, "Right, time to throw you in the deep end Jungkook-ah," he said, "We're needed in trauma," he added as he turned and quickly headed there.


Jungkook gave a small bow to Namjoon before following him. They went inside as the doors at the other end of the room opened. A young man with brightly dyed red hair walked in, pulling a trolly, behind him was a woman helping to guide it.


"Patient is Female, approximately 35. Her name is Kim Eun-Hee, Lacerations on the face, arms and chest. Neck and spinal injury suspected, complaining of chest pains before losing consciousness in the ambulance," Hoseok said as he pulled the trolly beside one of the beds.


"Right, Lisa, over here," Yoongi called. On either side of the bed they stood, the trolly going up to one side, "On three lift and move over," he ordered. "One, two, three," and with that their patient was now on the hospital bed. Jungkook fell into step with them all easily as he listened to what was needed.




Jungkook leaned his head against his locker. His first thirteen-hour shift was over. When Yoongi had said he would be thrown in the deep end, he meant it. Three Road Traffic accident victims had come in, two heart attacks and six work-related injuries had been brought into Trauma during that shift.


"Tough one?" came a soft voice from behind him.


Jungkook flinched slightly as he turned, relaxing when he saw Jimin standing there, "Oh erm, yeah," he answered.


Jimin looked at him worriedly at the flinch, "You okay?" he asked.


"Yeah, just tired," he smiled.


The door opened and Taehyung was almost bouncing as he walked inside, "Hey, so, are you up for a few drinks before going home?" he asked, checking the time.


"It's it a little late now?" he asked, as he knew that it was past 10 pm and he needed to get home.


"It's not late yet," he grinned, "Come on, you have to come, just one drink, maybe two?" he tried to coax the younger nurse.


Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, making it stick up a little at the front, "I'm sorry but I should get home. I know Jinyoung will be waiting for me to get off shift."


"Your boyfriend?" Taehyung asked him.


Jungkook smiled and nodded, "Yeah."


"Why don't you ask if he can join us," he suggested, grabbing something from his locker.


"I know he would like a night in," Jungkook said, "He works hard and I know he gets tired, so..." he trailed off, giving a shrug.


"All right, then let's try and get together for another night then," Jimin said before Taehyung could say anything more to try and persuade Jungkook to go out drinking with them.


"Yeah, give you a week to settle in and see what you think of this place," Taehyung agreed as the door to the break room opened. "What do you think about coming for drinks tonight Yoongi-hyung?" he asked the tired doctor.


"I want my bed," was Yoongi's blunt answer, "I'm going home and going to sleep until I have no choice but to get up for work."


Jimin laughed lightly, "I can understand that I heard you were busy in Trauma today."


"Hmmm," Yoongi hummed, "Jin-hyung was with us for the most part as well, we had so many come in. Namjoon ended up diagnosing sprained wrists and broken bones most of the day."


"Well, I need to get going," Jungkook said, he wanted to remain, get to know the people that he was now working with.


"Make sure you ask your boyfriend about joining us for drinks sometime this week," Taehyung reminded him.


Jungkook gave a little bunny smile and nodded, "Yeah okay, I'll ask to see if he is free," he said as he then headed out of the room.


Jimin looked over to Yoongi, a worried look in his eyes. Yoongi gave a nod, "Something isn't right there," he murmured so only the paediatric doctor could hear him.


"So, we going drinking or home?" Taehyung asked Jimin, he had only suggested it mainly to spend a little time with their friends, they had an announcement they wanted to make to them. But it looked like it would have to wait once more.


"Home," Jimin replied, giving Taehyung a peck on the lips, a loving smile on his face.


Taehyung leaned closer and kissed him gently, "All right," he agreed, "See you tomorrow hyung, and enjoy your night of sleep."


"Try and get a night free or something Tae and I need to talk to you and the others," Jimin said just as they were able to leave the room.


"All right, want me to tell Jin-hyung and the others?" he asked.


"I've already told Hobi-hyung and Jin-hyung earlier. If you see Namjoon-hyung before me, then tell him. Or try and tell him to talk to me," Jimin told him.


"Okay," he agreed.


"Thanks, hyung," Jimin smiled, as Taehyung thanked him as well.


Yoongi watched the two of them walk out of the break room, hand in hand, a soft smile on his face as he turned and got ready to leave. He was looking forward to getting home, having something quick to eat and to slip into his bed and sleep for a good eight hours.

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Smith4439 #1
Smith4439 #2
Very sad that you haven’t posted in soooo long. I am dying to find out what happens next and how it ends. And your other stories.
Smith4439 #3
Dying to know what happens next!
Smith4439 #4
Any idea when you might be able to post the next chapter? I really want to see what happens next (in both your stories)
Smith4439 #5
Chapter 19: Waiting for more......