Chapter Five


Chapter Five

Jungkook stood outside the hospital, looking at the entrance to the A&E. He didn't want to call in sick, as he knew that Junghyun would want to come by and see him. He gave a sigh, and a wince as his ribs complained at the movement. Shifting a little as he nodded to himself and walked inside. Wincing a little as he moved, he was thankful that his uniform covered everything that could show the bruises on his arms and torso. Heading towards the break room to drop off a few things.

"Hey Kookie," Junghyun smiled at his brother as he walked in.

"Hyung," Jungkook greeted back. Eyes went wide as his brother slapped him on the back, right where one of the larger bruises was hiding. Gritting his teeth to keep from yelling out in pain.

"You okay?" Junghyun asked, seeing his brother leaning against his locker door for a moment.

Jungkook took a breath, "Yeah," he said, forcing a smile on his face, "Just a little tired," he gave a cheeky grin at his brother, hoping he would take it in a certain way. It was better to be thought of like that, than anything else.

"Kookie," Junghyun whined, pulling a face, "There are some things hyung should know about his baby brother," he finished, heading out the door.

Jungkook grinned and laughed lightly, "well you asked!" he called out to him, the smile dropping from his face as soon as the door closed and he was left alone in the room.

Jungkook winced, sitting down on the sofa in the room and taking a few moments to himself. He was tired, he had been too scared to sleep that night. Lying in bed with arms around him that he didn’t want there. He knew he should say something, anything, but fear held him back. Not fear for himself, but for Junghyun. Jinyoung had threatened to hurt his brother is anyone found out what was going on.

Standing up, he steeled himself for the busy day ahead and walked out of the break room. He put a smile on his face and waved to Taehyung as he headed towards the break room. “How're things going with Sooyun?” he asked the older nurse.

“It’s wonderful. Jimin’s staying at home today, but he did say he would be coming in so you could all meet her. And so I can have a few cuddles as well,” he grinned, excited about Jimin bringing their daughter to the hospital so he could see her. The happiness radiated from him and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile just as widely at the pediatric nurse.

“That’s great, I can’t wait to meet her, I love kids, especially babies,” he smiled as he moved away from the break room door.

“I’ll make sure to come and find you when she gets here with Jiminie,” Taehyung said softly, as he then walked towards the break room and entered.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi greeted as Jungkook reached the divide between the cubicles and the trauma room.

“Yoongi-hyung,” he greeted with a nod.

“You’re are with me in the trauma room today,” he informed him as he opened the door.

“Okay,” Jungkook nodded, following him inside.

“We won't be in here all day, but we’re on call for this area,” Yoongi murmured, half distracted as he started to look through the room seeing what was there and what needed to be brought in, Though Jungkook knew they wouldn’t be in there all day, but he knew he was going to have to do his best to carry on, even though he was in so much pain already. They would be the ones to attend any emergencies that come in, or rather the first ones if they weren’t already dealing with one.

“I know,” he smiled as the two of them walked inside and Yoongi headed over to the other consultant who looked as though he had been working for a while already.

Jungkook looked around, and spotted Lisa, “Hi,” he greeted the woman, she was slightly older than him.

“Jungkook,” she greeted back, a soft smile on her face, “I’ll leave this room for you,” she grinned.

“Yeah, you off shift now?” he asked, “Or are you just going to another area?! He asked it happened often that they would have double shifts, sometimes in different areas of the hospital when they were short staffed.

“Yeah, I’m going over to the wards for the rest of the day, it’s been a long day already and it’s not even ten in the morning,” she sighed slightly, Jungkook cold hear the tiredness in her voice.

“Ouch, so long shift,” he sympathised before asking, “when did you start?”

“At three this morning,” she replied, it was normal for them to have double shifts in two different areas. Even Jungkook would end up in one of the wards occasionally if there was a shortage of staff there.

“Well, let’s hope it’s quiet on the wards for you,” he joked with her quietly.

“I can dream,” she smiled, “Though It’s been a quiet night here so far, so let’s hope that carries on for you and Doctor Min,” she added as she then left the room.

“Right, Seokjin-hyung is also going to be working with us today,” Yoongi said as he walked over. 

“Nice,” Jungkook smiled. He liked the older Consultant Surgeon, he was friendly and willing to listen to the staff no matter the problem. He looked away for a moment, a part of him suddenly wishing he could say something to Jin-Hyung.


It was their third emergency when Yoongi noticed something off with Jungkook. Yoongi had sent him to get something, he had moved faster than he had been all day, since it was needed quickly. Jungkook handed it over, hands shaking, which Yoongi knew didn’t happen with the calm young man. Yoongi carried on treating the road traffic accident victim, and sent him off to surgery moments later. Straighten up he looked at Jungkook. The young man was standing still, hunched over,

Yoongi walked a little closer, seeing the pain that was etched onto Jungkook’s face he put a hand on his shoulder, “Jungkook?” he called out, voice soft and full of concern.

Jungkook felt the touch on his shoulder and he jumped back, eyes looking around frantically for what was going to hit him. His breathing was harsh as his muscles in his stomach and back protested and his head swam a little from the sudden movement.

“Jungkook,” Yoongi called out softly. Keeping his voice calm and even.

Jungkook heard his name being called, but he couldn’t answer, not yet. He took a shaky breath as he tried to remember where he was. It took a moment as he heard his name called again. This time he recognised the voice as Yoongi’s. He winced as he realised what he had done and where he was, “Sorry,” he said quickly, giving a bow, “Was miles away,” he tried to brush it off.

“I don’t think you were just miles away,” Yoongi said, a little bluntly. He walked a little closer, “Are you okay?” he asked him again, wanting to reach out, but not wishing to startle him with his touch again.

Jungkook put a smile on his face, though Yoongi could see that it was forced, “Yeah, I’m fine,” he reassured as best as he could.

Yoongi’s gaze narrowed, “No you’re not,” he said, with a shake of his head. “I can see that you’re in pain, so why don’t you tell me what is going on?” he was pressing he knew, but he didn’t like the thought of the young nurse being in pain, not when he, as a doctor, was there to try and help.

“Really Yoongi-hyung, I’m fine,” he said, waving his hands and taking a step back. He winced as his back connected with one of the metal cabinets in the room.

Yoongi gave him a look, “You’re hurt,” he said taking a step closer and then stopping when he saw the panic on Jungkook’s face, “It's okay Jungkook, I just want to help.”

“Really, I’m fine, I think I just need a break,” he said as he then darted out of the room.

“,” he cursed as the door opened behind him and Seokjin walked in.

“Language Yoongichi,” he admonished his younger friend.

Yoongi snorted, “I need to talk to Junghyun,” he said as he was about to leave the room.

“What’s going on?” Seokjin asked, grabbing an arm and stopping him from leaving.

“I don’t know yet,” Yoongi said, though Seokjin could tell that there was something he wasn’t saying, “But I will. He then pulled away from Seokjin and headed out of the room.

Seokjin watched him leave, shaking his head. “And leave the mess to me,” he muttered as he called out for someone to help him put the trauma room back to rights once more.


Jungkook made it to the break room and walked inside. He froze as he saw people already in there. The panic he was feeling was still there, bubbling below the surface. He did his best to pull it back before the others could notice.

“Kookie!” Taehyung called out as he spotted him, “Come over here,” he said from where he was sitting on one of the sofas.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment but walked over slowly. Looking to the baby that was awake in his arms, “She is beautiful,” he said. She had large doe-like eyes and a cute little nose and a tiny mouth that was in a pout.

“She is,” Taehyung said proudly, looking adoringly at his daughter.

Jimin nodded as he sat beside him, looking down at his new daughter, “It still feels like a dream,” he said, “Can’t believe it’s already been a week since we brought her home.”

Jungkook sat on the other side of Taehyung, a gentle finger on the palm of a tiny hand. He giggled happily as small fingers closed around it, gripping it tightly, “She has a strong grip.”

Jimin nodded, eyes shining brightly as he glanced up, “Yeah.”

“Though I have to ask, why is Taehyung back at work, and I know you were yesterday Jimin-hyung?” Jungkook asked, looking slightly confused at the married couple.

“We decided that it would be best to do two days a week each, on different days so one of us would always be with her. But we want to try and get her into a routine as quickly as possible. We’re also looking for places where she can be when we are both back full time at work,” Taehyung answered, not taking his eyes of his daughters cute round little face.

“Makes sense,” he nodded.

“Want to hold her?” Taehyung asked him, a large grin on his face, eyes sparkling with happiness.

“Really?” he asked, unsure if he should.

“Of course you can,” Jimin laughed, “just support the head,” he reminded the young nurse.

“I know,” he grinned, rolling his eyes slightly, as Taehyung carefully handed the baby over to Jungkook.

The young nurse held her, a comfortable weight in his arms. He smiled as he looked down at the cute face, “She really is adorable,” he whispered, looking up at the two of them.

“Yeah, she is,” Jimin said, watching his friend and daughter.

“You tired?” Jungkook cooed when Sooyun gave a large yawn.

Jimin chuckled at the funny voice Jungkook was using as he talked to the baby. He was happy to let the younger hold her for a while longer since it looked like he was on a break. Taehyung settled against him as they watched, both of them were content with their life at the moment.


Yoongi stalked from the Trauma rooms and towards the waiting area. He glanced around, seeing Junghyun at the reception desk. No one was waiting, which was good. He walked over, “Junghyun,” he intoned, making the man look up from his computer screen.

“Yoongi-hyung,” he greeted the consultant, frowning.

“Can I have a word with you in private?” Yoongi asked quietly, not wishing for anyone to over hearing what he wanted to ask.

Junghyun frowned, “Well, yeah, it should be okay. Mi-Sun, can you take over for me for a few?” he asked.

“Sure,” she said with a smile as she took his seat as soon as he stood up.

“Follow me,” Yoongi demanded as he walked into one of the more private waiting rooms. Closing the door behind the two of them, he froze, he didn’t even know how he should talk to Junghyun about what he has noticed.

“What is it hyung?” he asked, looking curiously at the man.

“Jungkook,” he began. Running a hand through his hair, he was unsure of how he should begin.

“What about him? Has he done something? No he wouldn’t, he isn’t the type to cause trouble,” Junghyun jumped to conclusions quickly as he began to go through what could be going on for Yoongi to bring him aside to talk about his brother.

“Junghyun,” he called out, voice strong and commanding as the younger man stopped talking, “Right, he isn’t in trouble. I don’t think,” he said, thinking of another type of trouble someone could be in.

“What is it then?” Junghyun asked, concern in his voice.

“Something is going on with him. I don’t really know what, but I can guess it has something to do with why he ended up in the hospital and why he looks like he is in pain today,” he said, sighing and running a hand through his blond hair once more in a nervous habit.

“Pain?” Junghyun gasped, eyes wide.

“Yes,” Yoongi responded looking at him.

“Today, I… I slapped him on the back when he came in. He leaned against his locker for a moment. He said he was tired because of…” he trailed off with a blush on his face, “But,” he said, shaking his head, “He was in pain. He was hurting then, and when I did-” he stopped turning to head out of the room.

Yoongi rushed forwards and grabbed his arm, “You can’t confront him. Doing that will make him put up his defences and you won't be able to help him. We need to wait for him to reach the point where he comes to us. If we keep going to him, he is going to dig his heels in and won't say anything but to reassure us that he is fine.”

“Its Jinyoung, I know it is. When ever I met him, he always gave me a bad feeling. And when we went out and he came to get Kookie, he… he just didn’t act like the loving boyfriend that I hoped he was for my baby brother,” he said, hand still on the door handle.

“Maybe, but until he comes to us, we can’t do anything properly for now. But we can watch and be there when he needs some help,” Yoongi told him, putting his hand on Junghyun’s shoulder, reassuring him that they would be there.

“He’s in pain and he won't even get help,” Junghyun sighed “That’s why you’re talking to me.”

Yoongi nodded, “I pushed, and he ran. I think… I think we might need to talk to Namjoon about it, he’ll be able to give us a better idea of what we can do to help Jungkook.”

Fist clenching in front of him and anger twisting his face, “If I find out this is true, I will kill the er. No one touches my little Kookie,” he said as he tried to calm himself down before leaving Yoongi alone.

“I think I might join you,” he whispered as he collected himself to go back out there. The pager on his waist went off. Sighing he went back to work, hoping that Jungkook would be there as well so he could keep an eye on his.

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Smith4439 #1
Smith4439 #2
Very sad that you haven’t posted in soooo long. I am dying to find out what happens next and how it ends. And your other stories.
Smith4439 #3
Dying to know what happens next!
Smith4439 #4
Any idea when you might be able to post the next chapter? I really want to see what happens next (in both your stories)
Smith4439 #5
Chapter 19: Waiting for more......