Chapter 4

Untouchable Face


The swearword was supposed to be uttered under her breath but as the bus drives past her, making sure to drive through the nearby puddle, it slips out of angrily. The water flies in her direction, splashing her thoroughly and causing her to drop her coffee which she had yet to take a sip of. Closing her eyes tightly, she presses her hand against her forehead and inhales slowly, trying to calm herself down.

Picking up the now empty coffee cup, she bins it and turns around, heading back in the direction of Starbucks rather than work. Today she needed the kick coffee would give her more than ever. She hadn't managed to sleep much last night after her neighbours decided they would throw a party, one which she wasn't even invited to, she may add.

Although she can't blame her inability to sleep at the moment completely on her neighbours…she is finding it impossible to not think about Eunji and Chorong.

It is still a weird concept to her, to call the brunette 'Chorong' when she had been used to 'Lea'. Not that they really talked much but ever since the first night they met, the brunette has been a permanent fixture in Bomi's mind.

It may sound stupid but she's finding it harder than she thought to make the mental shift from Lea to Chorong.

Although that might be due to her unwillingness to accept that the girl she can't stop thinking about is in reality, Eunji's girlfriend.

'Chorong' does seem to suit the brunette better though.

Even when she did finally get to sleep last night, her alarm clock decided to stop working, resulting in her waking up an hour later than normal.

The sound of her ringtone brings her out of her reverie and she stops walking momentarily to rummage through her handbag. Pulling out the offending article, she glances quickly at the caller ID. Through a mixture of guilt and sense of betrayal towards her friend, she hasn't been able to answer any of Eunji's calls since the Halloween party. When Hayoung's name flashes on the screen, she hits answer.

"Hello Hayoungie."

"Sunyoung's seething Bomi-ah," Hayoung informs her. "Where the hell are you? You're already late. I've covered for you but you need to get here quickly. I'm pretty sure Sunyoung doesn't buy my excuse. The longer you take, the less plausibility my excuse has."

Bomi groans at not only the knowledge that she will have to face the wrath of her boss when she finally does make it to work but also due to the heaven's decision to start raining heavily. "Hold on," Bomi says through the phone before resting it between her ear and shoulder, grabbing her umbrella from her bag and opening it. Once under shelter, she grabs the phone again. "I'm not having the best of days Hayoung-ah, I just need to get my caffeine boost and I'll be right there."

The silence on the other end of the line causes Bomi to bring the phone away from her ear, just to check she hadn't accidentally disconnected the call.

Finally she hears Hayoung's voice.

"What? I can barely hear you."

"I'll be there as soon as I can," Bomi shouts her reply this time so Hayoung can hear over the bustling noise of Seoul and the traffic speeding past her. The sudden torrential downpour isn't helping matters either.

She hears Hayoung mumble something before hanging up the phone. Bomi throws it back into her bag and quickens her pace towards Starbucks. Pushing open the coffee shop door, she basks at the warmth which overtakes her. After walking outside in the blistering cold and wet, standing inside a cosy coffee shop which was already partially decorated for Christmas, feels perfect and gives her a brief chance to dry off.

She closes her umbrella and pushes the door shut behind her. Surprisingly there is no queue and when she reaches the counter, Nahyun, the barista smiles at her and gives her a quick hello. "Back so soon? I know you love our coffee but I didn't realise you loved it this much."

Bomi returns the smile sent her way by the teenager. Due to the fact that she frequents this coffee shop almost every day, Nahyun knows her order off by heart and sets about making her usual coffee before she stops her quickly. "Just a regular coffee please."

"What? No tall skinny latte with two shots of vanilla syrup?"

"I'm too late to properly enjoy my coffee so regular will have to do. A tall one please."

Nahyun nods and starts making it. "So you never did tell me why you're back so soon."

"Idiot bus driver thought he'd get his jollies by purposely driving through a puddle and splashing me. The damn shock made me drop my coffee."

"How late are you for work now?"

Bomi glances at the clock hanging on the wall behind her and groans. "Over an hour. It's not my fault my alarm clock chose today of all days to break. Everything seems to be going wrong today."

Nahyun places the lid on her takeaway cup and rings it up on the till. "Do you want anything else? Chocolate always seems to help when having a bad day."

"Go on then, I'll have one of those please," Bomi states, pointing towards one of the brownies in the corner.

Nahyun bobs her head with a smile and grabs a brownie from the selection, placing it in a brown bag and resting it besides her takeaway coffee.

"That'll be $6.50 Bomi-sshi."

Before she can reach for her purse, a hand reaches in front of her and hands Nahyun the money. "I'll get this."

Bomi turns at the voice and shakes her head at Eunji. "You don't need to do that, I can get it myself."

Eunji shrugs her shoulders. "Let's call it my treat."

Knowing there's no use arguing with her because once Eunji sets her mind to something, she won't back down, even if it's something as simple buying a cup of coffee and a brownie, Bomi thanks her quietly. She pockets her brownie before heading towards the condiment section. Taking the lid off her cup, she pours two sachets of sugar into her coffee before stirring.

Eunji deposits a wrapper in the bin beside her and rests against the table. "Have you got time for a chat?"

"Not really Meungji, I'm already incredibly late as it is."

She places the lid back on her cup and tries to move past Eunji only to have the auburn-haired woman step in her way. "Come on Bbom-ah, what's wrong?"

"Eunji, I really need to get to work."

Eunji releases a soft sigh before nodding slowly. "Fine, I'll walk with you."

Bomi tries to not let the uneasy feeling that is currently flooding through her show on her face and instead gives her friend a small grin. She takes a sip of her coffee, revelling in the warmth it gives her hands and the back of and heads towards the exit. Once outside, the cold hits her forcefully and she pauses momentarily to grab her hat from her bag before shrugging it on.

At least the rain has stopped for the moment.

They walk in silence for several minutes before Bomi feels compelled to talk. She never experiences awkward silences with Eunji, they've always been able to tell each other everything yet here they are, both walking in silence, both pretending that they're not uncomfortable.

Bomi clears . "Shouldn't you be at work?"

Eunji shakes her head and rubs her hands together. "School is closed due to a burst pipe," Eunji tells her. "But don't try to change the topic. You've been avoiding me since Hayoung and Namjoo's Halloween party. Have I done something to upset you?"

"You haven't done anything," Bomi replies, putting strong emphasis on the word you but Eunji doesn't seem to catch it. "I've just been really busy with work. Columns don't write themselves you know."

"So it has nothing to do with Chorong?"

The question is asked so innocently yet it causes shockwaves of worry to spread through Bomi's body. "Why would it have something to do with Chorong?"

"I don't know Bomi-ah, maybe because I introduced her to you and you haven't spoken to me since," Eunji explains, scratching a non-existent itch on her ear. "Did you not like her or something?

"I don't even know her."

That's not necessarily a lie. She doesn't know Chorong, she knows what Eunji has told her about the brunette but that's it.

She was just getting to know Lea and if she lied about her name, who knows whether their personalities will differ. The first night they'd met, Chorong had said she should start doing things she wouldn't normally do so maybe Lea is her wild side and Chorong is meek in comparison.

Somehow Bomi doubts it.

"There's an easy solution to that problem," Eunji suggests, stuffing her hands into her pockets trying to give her hands some extra warmth. "Come out with us sometime, it'll give you a chance to properly meet her and get to know her. We could go for dinner or something."

"I'm really busy right now Meung."

She feels Eunji's arm on her wrist, stilling her and spinning her around so they're facing one another. "Stop lying to me Bomi, what's really wrong?"

I had with Chorong the other week.

Eight words, that's all it would be.

Eight words and the truth will be out there.

Eight words and her friend's heart would break.

Bomi rubs her forehead awkwardly and gestures for Eunji to start walking once more. Stopping at traffic lights, the silence still lingers between them and only breaks once they've crossed the road.

"I'm embarrassed."


The blonde takes a sip of her coffee with a roll of her eyes. "The first time you introduced her to your best friend and I threw up, not exactly a warm reception. I'm embarrassed about it okay?"

She's surprised and worried at how easy it had been for her to lie.


She's aware of Eunji rubbing soft circles on her back, her hair being pulled over her shoulders to keep it out of the way and Eunji murmuring quietly beside her, constantly asking if she's okay. She's aware that people are walking on the street below, glancing at her curiously before crossing the road so they're safe from any more potential vomit.

She's aware of all of this but the only thing she is focused on is how Lea is really Chorong. Lea is her best friend's girlfriend and she had slept with her.

"Are you okay Bomi-ah?"

Bomi rests her head against the railing of the balcony and nods her head. "Fine."

"How many of Hayoung's concoctions did you have?" Eunji asks, her voice laced with concern. "I tried one earlier but it was far too strong for me and you know I can handle my liquor normally."

"A couple," Bomi tells her. "I'm not really sure, I kind of lost count."

"Is she okay?"

The voice is almost enough to make her raise her head and look directly at Chorong but she doesn't think she can look at either woman right now. Chorong, out of slight anger and Eunji, out of sheer guilt.

"Yeah," Eunji answers, running her fingers through Bomi's hair. "Can you go get her a glass of water please, babe?"

Unsurprisingly, hearing Eunji use a term of endearment towards Chorong makes her stomach jump through guilt.

She hears a quiet yes in response before the screen door opens and closes. The sudden disappearance of Chorong seems to reduce the invisible tension in the air between the two women.

Out of the corner of her eye she spots Eunji leaning over the balcony slightly. "I hope nobody was underneath you when you hurled," she says worriedly, humour lacing her voice. "That would certainly be eventful and quite hard to apologise for."

Bomi chuckles and presses her cheek against the cold metallic railing, relishing the coolness due the sudden heat that has overtaken her.

"I haven't seen you drunk in a while."

"I'm not drunk," Bomi tells her honestly. "I must have just eaten something earlier."

"It's Hayoung's Screaming Screwballs."

"That's what she called them?"

Eunji nods her head. "I'm surprised more people haven't thrown up, one sniff of that was enough to make Chorong feel queasy."


Bomi processes the name and it falls off her lips easily. Eunji glances at her with a quirked eyebrow before stepping away from the balcony. "She's just getting you some water."

Her friend must have thought she was asking the name as a question rather than a statement.

"I don't need water Meungji, I'm fine."

"You look really pale Bomi, so we're going to have to agree to disagree." Eunji rubs her on the back again. "Let's go back inside before you catch your death. Last thing you need right now is a cold."

Bomi pushes herself off the railing and heads towards the screen door, conveniently avoiding her friend's eyes. She pushes the screen door open and steps inside, hearing Eunji close it behind her when she was inside. Bomi glances towards the kitchen to see Chorong struggling to get to the sink, a drunk Hayoung and Namjoo blocking her way as they kissed against it.

Eunji must follow her gaze as she hears a small chuckle escape her friend's lips. "I best go and help her."

"I don't need water," Bomi states again, this time more adamant. "I think I'm just going to go the bathroom and then head home."

Eunji studies her quickly. "Let us take you home then? Chorong drove us both here. I'm sure she won't mind driving you home."

"It's fine, you two stay and enjoy the party," Bomi replies. "I'll just get a cab."

"Are you sure?"

The other woman doesn't look convinced in the slightest but the last thing Bomi can handle right now is sharing a vehicle with Eunji and Chorong.

She can't sit in a car where silence will undoubtedly fall, broken occasionally only by the sound of music or Eunji attempting to make conversation.

No, the thought alone is bad enough.

"Honestly, it's fine. I'd rather be by myself anyway," Bomi says with a bob of her head and bids a quiet goodbye in her friend's direction before dashing towards the bathroom. Once inside, she turns and locks the door behind her before sliding down against it.

How is she supposed to deal with the fact that she has had with her best friend's girlfriend and ten minutes ago she hadn't been opposed to a repeat? Even after Chorong told her she had a girlfriend, it didn't deter her.

She would have still pursued her.

Obviously, she can't do that now.

A heavy banging on the bathroom door shocks her as somebody desperately tries to open the door on the other side. Bomi watches as the handle is lifted up and down furiously before the slurred speech of Hayoung hits her.

"I need to pee, why is this door not opening?"

Bomi sighs heavily before unlocking the door, allowing Hayoung to stumble inside once it opens. She must have been leaning against it in an attempt to remain upright.

"Hey Bomi-ah, you got the door open!" Hayoung gives her a drunken smile. "Now get out, I need to pee."

The tall girl pathetically attempts to push the blonde out of the bathroom, only to nearly slip in her drunken stupor. Bomi leaves the bathroom of her own accord, closing the door behind her. She walks towards the front door, glancing around quickly in the hope of spotting Namjoo to thank her for the party and say goodbye but her eyes only fall on Eunji and Chorong.

They seem to be deep in conversation and Bomi wonders for a second if they're arguing. That thought is quickly quashed as Eunji gives her a wide smile and kisses the brunette's cheek before heading in the direction of the bathroom.

Bomi doesn't let her gaze waver from the brunette and soon enough, Chorong turns in her direction and their eyes meet.

They stare at each other for several seconds before Bomi feels the need to look away, Chorong's intense stare unnerving her and causing a shiver to run through her at the same time.

The first time she properly saw Chorong, it was her eyes that Bomi was drawn to. There was something about them; Bomi could see that even through the shimmering tears, and she knew she wanted to get to know the brunette.

Now, seeing them again, this time wide and apologetic, Bomi knows something else.

She's in trouble.


"You're never embarrassed."

"Well maybe it was your description of her as the perfect girlfriend, the girl who can do no wrong," Bomi replies. "Her first impression of me can't have been a very good one."

Eunji links her arm with her friend's and opens her own umbrella as the rain starts to fall once more, shielding them both. "Actually I think she quite likes you."

Bomi whips her head towards her friend. "What makes you say that?"

In the bar, Bomi definitely received the impression that Lea, or rather Chorong, liked her. She thought they had an instant connection and she presumed the brunette felt it too but a week ago at the Halloween party, Chorong had obviously tried her best to deter Bomi.

For reasons that Bomi now fully understands.

"She was wondering what she could do to help and after we dropped you off, she kept asking me if you'd be okay."


Eunji bobs her head. "So you needn't feel embarrassed. Besides, a couple of months ago when we went to one of Chorong's friend's party, I drank far too much. Chorong doesn't drink so she's always alert but I let myself drink more than I should have and she had to look after me. I was in a worse state than you."

"You're never that bad as a drunk though Eunji-ah, you're a happy touchy-feely drunk who laughs at anything."

"Yeah, a touchy-feely drunk who apparently kept trying to playfully her girlfriend." Eunji chuckles before rubbing the back of her neck nervously. "I don't think that went down too well with Chorong. But if that doesn't make you feel better, Chorong bore witness to what Hayoung is like when she's drunk."

Bomi allows herself to laugh loudly. "She didn't start crying did she?"

"Weeping is more appropriate," Eunji explains. "After you left she started crying about how Namjoo hadn't wanted to dress as her prisoner before snapping at somebody who tried to push past her to get to the fridge. Next thing we know, they're kissing against the fridge like nothing's wrong."

"Hayoung drunk is always rather entertaining."

Eunji bumps Bomi's hip lightly, pushing her ever so slightly out of the safeguard of the umbrella. The blonde shrieks before stepping back underneath her protection.

"So now you don't need to be embarrassed, what do you say about dinner one night this week?"

She lets her eyes flutter shut briefly. She's knows it will be pointless to offer up another excuse as Eunji would squash it like she had done with her lie about being embarrassed. Still, she knows exactly how uncomfortable the dinner would be and she would quite like to spare everybody from that situation. As they stop outside Bomi's building, the blonde ducks underneath shelter quickly whilst Eunji stands still, waiting for Bomi's response.

One more excuse can't hurt.

"I don't particularly fancy being the third-wheel to you and your girlfriend."

Okay, that time, not strictly an excuse.

"We'll invite Namjoo and Hayoung then."

Bomi laughs at the suggestion. "So I can be the fifth wheel? Yeah that's a much better idea."

Eunji steps forward slightly. "Look, we're not one of those couples people feel awkward about being around because all they do is kiss and act lovey-dovey," Eunji explains. "I promise you won't be a third-wheel."

Somehow, Bomi finds that hard to believe.

She imagines Chorong will not want this dinner to happen any more than she does so perhaps she'll get lucky and Chorong will come up with her own excuses to make sure the dinner doesn't go ahead. She stares at her friend and the look that is being sent back her way silently tells her that no matter what excuses she gives, she's going to end up agreeing.

Releasing a heavy sigh, she gives Eunji a small smile. "I don't think I really have much of a choice. Dinner sounds good."

She'll have to put her faith in Chorong now and pray she's better at persuasion than she is.

The wide smile sent her way makes her realise she's made the right decision in accepting the invitation. At least she's making Eunji happy.

What happened between her and Chorong was a one-off and that's how it's going to stay.

"Brilliant, well I'm supposed to be going round to hers in a bit so I'll let her know," Eunji states, checking the time on her watch. "She's making me watch Somewhere in Time. It's her favourite film and I've resisted until now but since she came to the Halloween party, even though she didn't really want to, she says I owe her a favour."

"Sounds like fun," Bomi mumbles the words under her breath, too quiet for her friend to hear them. "I really need to go, I'm already so late."

Eunji bobs her head emphatically. "Yeah sorry, have a good day."


Bomi rubs her temples in an attempt to alleviate her stress. She's not been able to concentrate on work all day and hasn't started writing any of the columns she was supposed to. It didn't help that as soon as she walked into her department, Hayoung started berating her.

After she passed Hayoung, Sunyoung decided to throw in her two pence as well, stating that there were plenty of people who would love to have her job and she was lucky she hadn't been fired yet.

Eunji had texted her about an hour ago stating that Chorong had agreed to dinner on Friday night. That was only three days away, she could always feign an illness and say she's not up for a dinner and yet another meet and greet.

Somehow due to her earlier resistance to the idea, she doesn't think Eunji would buy that excuse. Eunji always knew when she was lying, she knew everything about her.

She knows that when she furrowed her eyebrows she was about to cry, when she lingered opened she was confused or that when she has a neutral face she’s angry. Eunji knows that Christmas is Bomi's favourite holiday with Valentine's Day being her least favourite.

"Since I covered your this morning, you can cover for me tomorrow," Hayoung tells her as she leans over Bomi's cubicle.

"You didn't cover for me," Bomi explains. "Sunyoung knew I was late."

"It's not my fault you were later than you said you were," Hayoung replies. "You first said you'd be five minutes so I told Sunyoung you were at a gynaecologist appointment. Then it changed to 'I'll be there as soon as I can.' It's not my fault you came in over an hour later; you could have gone along with my lie. You could have told her something isn't quite working in that department so you needed extra treatment."

"Next time just say dentist," Bomi says quietly, rubbing her forehead as she stares at her computer screen. "Why do I need to cover for you tomorrow?"

Hayoung grabs a chair and pulls it beside Bomi. Sitting down she immediately throws her feet onto the blonde's desk leisurely.

"Joo and I are going to taste cakes for the wedding," Hayoung explains. "I personally don't think I need to be there, I trust Namjoo's judgement so I trust she'll pick the right cake. Joo says I have to come with her otherwise I might not like the cake she picks. Despite telling her food is food, I'll like it regardless, she's insistent."

"It's preparation for your wedding Hayoungie; it's nice for the couple to plan it together."

"I'd be happy with a quick marriage, all I care about is being married to her but Namjoo wants the big white wedding so you'll be getting the invite soon. They went to the printers yesterday."

"You've finally set a date?"

"March 24th."

"I think I'm actually having my hair done that day," Bomi jokes and Hayoung glares at her.

"Oh no Bomi-ah, if I have to do the big white wedding, you're most definitely wearing a lovely maid of honour dress, that's going to be one part of the wedding preparation I actually enjoy."

Bomi frowns and stares at Hayoung who winks at her before removing her feet from Bomi's desk and standing. Hayoung walks away from her cubicle, only to return within a couple of seconds. "You have a visitor."

"What? Who?"

Hayoung doesn't answer her; she simply waves to somebody that Bomi can't see before she disappears to her own desk.

When nobody appears from the direction Hayoung had been waving, Bomi shakes her head, presuming it must have been Hayoung's idea of a joke. Sometimes she never understood her friend's sense of humour.

She brings her attention back to the computer screen, the white page staring back at her. The cursor taunting her, flashing impatiently, waiting for her to start typing.


She may not really know Chorong but her voice is rather unforgettable and Bomi tugs her bottom lip between her teeth at the gentle tone that laces it. She spins around on her chair to see Chorong shuffling on her feet nervously.

Bomi can't help but notice her attire, the knee-high boots, the winter's coat and the adorable ear muffs the brunette is sporting and the corners of curl upwards.

"Can we talk?"







AN: I'm deeply sorry I took so long to update. In my defence, Apink's comeback was absorbing me. Hopefully you like the chapter, thank you so much for the honest comments, upvotes and subscriptions, I'm happily overwhelmed  :)

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Chapter 40: I just re-read this again.. just like the rest of the fans here, I'll probably keep coming back 😁
I will never stop rereading this. acckkkk.
Chapter 40: came back to relive it and I knew it, it's once you read you can't stop... still just breathtakingly wonderful *0* refeeling the feels, the on-point dialogue, back-and-forth, introspection, beautiful feelings, thoughts, torment, metaphors ㅠㅠ inspires and motivates me
srlee012 #4
Chapter 40: This was so good!! i was as torn and devastated as bomi but i really feel bad for eunji :(( this story was a great read!!
It's been a long time since you updated
We missed you, please update
Chapter 39: It’s such a shame that i found this story years later. When I first read the description I thought its gonna be another cheesy one night stand turns romantic kind of story but you, Author really did amazing job creating, expanding and linking all the characters together. I really wasnt expecting such an angst and one thing for sure, i didnt expect i would get so devastated with what happened between relationships that is formed with the cost of friendship it just.. i can’t imagine it to happen to me. Lastly, thanks for the great story. You’re an amazing writer!
Chapter 40: Hi Waving Panda! I've just read the story again. I think it's the 3rd or 4th time already, and I wasn't quite expecting it, but I wondered if you re-wrote or edited parts of it, because I thought it was even better than how I remembered it.. This story is definitely worth reading over and over again.. and one doesn't even need to know Apink for real to appreciate the story and feel all those emotions that one would seek from a good love story..

This time after reading, I took some time to read the comments, and I agree that the ending is probably not as satisfying for many readers, since most people will be looking forward to the fluff after the angst is over. Yet, the fluff has got to end somewhere or this will just turn into a never-ending story, which will make it really odd. If there is no conflict, there is nothing much to anticipate too. So on second thoughts, perhaps the way it ended would have been best.

Thanks again for this story, it's definitely inspirational. And this will probably not be the last time I'll read this.

I hope you're still sharing your gift with your fans on this site.. =)
1235577 #9
Chapter 39: One of the best fanfics i’ve ever read!!!
byulyibabe #10
Chapter 40: I fell in love with your writing style. I'm so glad I discovered this story. I'm speechless. That was really beautiful. Consider me a fan and you have no idea how badly I want to snatch you in our fandom right now so we'll be blessed with your skills. Thank you! That was so wonderful ?