Chapter 38

Untouchable Face

A.N.: Okay, so the scene in this chapter is a little more M-ish but still, pretty direct and short so it does not require the big M. I think lmao.


A friendship with Chorong comes with stipulations but Sana has to admit, she can't imagine ever having a better friend than her. Chorong's fiercely loyal, quite hilarious when she wants to be and thanks to her impeccable timekeeping, she's never anything but punctual.

Chorong is the person she called when she had an argument with Momo, the shoulder she cried on after her and Momo's attempt at living together failed and she needed to move back in with Chorong. Naturally, Chorong welcomed her back with open arms saying it was still her apartment, her friend was just sorry she needed to move back in. Chorong is the person she went out to celebrate with when she and Momo rekindled their relationship.

Chorong has always radiated confidence in practically every aspect of her life except when it comes to potential romantic partners. With regards to dating, she's always been a little bit shy. Even now she's still bashful. Before she dated Eunji, she was hit on a plethora of times by random men and women but she never had the courage to take things further. Most of the time she refused to even believe somebody was hitting on her. Chorong has always needed somebody who loves every little thing about her, from her best attributes to her flaws.

When Chorong first introduced her to Eunji, the woman had accidentally tripped over her own feet and stumbled in front of her. Sana made a joke that anybody who falls at her feet is certainly somebody she likes and the way Eunji chuckled rather than blushed made her query whether Chorong had found the one. As their relationship blossomed, Sana watched Chorong's smile grow a little bit wider and her eyes sparkle.

She has to admit, she's disappointed Chorong's relationship with Eunji didn't worked out, she's liked Eunji from the first time she met her.

Sana loved how whenever she spent the night, Eunji would cook Sana breakfast as well as Chorong because she didn't find it fair to leave her out when she was using food Sana had bought. She loved how Eunji appreciated reality television to the same capacity as Sana did and they would watch it together, criticising how bad the show is. Reality television used to be their guilty pleasure. She used to love sharing a bottle of wine with Eunji and gossiping about their daily lives and how one of the teachers at Eunji's school was partaking in an extra-marital affair.

She's not sure she'll ever find out what happened with the teacher's marriage, whether the man decided to leave his wife or stay with her.

Over the past couple of months, Chorong's demeanour gradually started to change. Her smile was still as wide as ever and her eyes still held a sparkle but there was something different about her. Sana feels let down in herself that she failed to notice how Chorong's relationship with Eunji shifted from a loved-up couple to barely even a couple. She really should have as well, especially because in recent months, whenever Eunji spent the night, she spent more time with Sana than Chorong. Then again, Chorong has always been exceptionally good at maintaining a façade.

Sana clears , causing three pairs of eyes to fall on her, clearly expecting her to say something but she remains silent. There's a noticeable atmosphere in the living room and there has been since Chorong and Bomi emerged from her bedroom looking both sheepish and nervous. Momo had hugged the pair of them while Sana looked Bomi up and down, as though fascinated by the woman.

Sana doesn't know much about Bomi other than what Chorong told her the night Chorong finally admitted she was falling in love with somebody other than Eunji. Evidently Bomi must be pretty special because Chorong isn't one to have an affair on a whim. She would never have guessed that Chorong would have an affair at all.

Sana certainly appreciates the beauty of women and Bomi's beauty leaves nothing to be desired, from her delicate features to her breathtaking candy-like eyes.

"Well Bomi, I must say, you certainly have an air of Audrey Hepburn's beauty about you."

Uncharacteristically, Bomi blushes. She was beginning to presume it was only Chorong who could elicit such a reaction from her but evidently not. "Thank you Sana, that's very kind of you."

"So Chorong," Sana announces, crossing her legs and raising her eyebrow in an inquisitive manner. "Am I safe to assume you two are now officially together?"

Chorong's fingers blindly find Bomi's and interlock with them. "Yes, it is safe for you to assume that."

Bomi bobs her head with a shy smile. "We are indeed."

Momo bumps shoulders with Sana and smiles in a heart-warming manner. Staring at the two women causes her to become rather reminiscent of when her relationship with Sana began. The fleeting looks of adoration when the other person isn't looking, the bashfulness at every compliment, the feeling of overwhelming infatuation. Part of her is rather envious she doesn't get to relive those initial feelings of love but she wouldn't change what she has with Sana for anything.

"You two certainly make a cute couple. I have to admit, you rival Sana and I in the looks department. Both of you are stunning."

"Flattery will get you everywhere," Chorong replies playfully. "Just so you know, Bomi rivals you in the singing department as well," Chorong tells her before glancing at Bomi. "Am I mistaken in saying that? It's just I distinctly remember you telling me you could sing."

"I told you something along the lines of, I wouldn't have the door slammed in my face if I went carol singing but I'm nothing special." Bomi furrows her brow. "I'm not about to be thrown head first into a singing battle or something because I hardly think I can perform well in a competition with a theatre star and her evidently talented friends."

Her response is clearly the correct one because staring back at her are three tremendously appreciative faces. Chorong's right, flattery will get you everywhere.

"Don't be ridiculous Bomi," Chorong chastises lightly as she fiddles with her girlfriend's fingers. "Besides, you and I would be on the same team, we wouldn't be competing."

Bomi tilts her head to the side and can't help the way curls upwards. "Why do I have the feeling I'm going to be subjected to an audition in the near future?"

"I don't know. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind Bomi-ah."

"What's your opinion on reality shows Bomi?" Sana questions suddenly.

Bomi clears before shrugging her shoulders. "I've never really thought about it. I guess I don't choose to watch them but if they're on, I wouldn't demand they were switched off." She tosses a fleeting glance in Sana's direction and suddenly has the feeling that wasn't the answer she wanted to hear.

"Where do you stand on gossiping about your work colleagues?"

"Oh…" She hesitates momentarily because when Chorong said she was about to face an interrogation, these weren't the questions she was expecting but her answers are clearly helping Sana form an opinion of her. "One of the people I work with has just become engaged to her long-term boyfriend but she's recently discovered that she has feelings for his brother." Bomi rubs the back of her neck. "Does that qualify as good gossip?"

"You'll have to keep me updated."

Chorong rolls her eyes at the conversation she's being subjected to listening to. "Ignore Sana."

Clearing gently, Bomi turns to face Sana and Momo, settling on Momo because she seems significantly less intimidating right now. "How long have the two of you been dating?"

"Few years, on and off but we are most definitely on now," Momo answers before Sana has a chance to.

Chorong leans further back into the couch. "I for one hope you don't break up again because as much as I love you both individually, together you are perfect. I'll be expecting to hear wedding bells in the not so distant future."

"Bomi," Sana says suddenly, once again. "I hope you don't find this rude of me but Chorong told me you're not exactly one for monogamy."

"Just one second Sana, I certainly didn't use those words," Chorong interjects, feeling a sense of panic fill the pit of her stomach. "We were just talking and –"

"Chorong it's fine, don't worry. You weren't lying; monogamy hasn't really been my forte in the past." She taps her free hand against her knee. "Before you ask, yes, I have slept with numerous women. In the past, I decided against being in a monogamous relationship Sana, it's not because I'm incapable of it. I am more than capable of being with one person, if it's the right person."

"Sleeping with various women, is this something you may return to doing in the future?"


Sana frowns. "Forgive me, I'm not trying to sound discourteous or as though I'm prying into your personal life but you have decided against being monogamous in the past but Chorong enjoys commitment. She isn't one for sleeping around."

"I do know that."

"I'm sure entering into a relationship with Chorong must be new and exciting but I hope it isn't something which you'll eventually lose interest in. I don't want Chorong to be just a new craze for you. Chorong is my friend, my best friend and I'm not going to stand by and watch as somebody comes into her life like a hurricane, destroying everything she thought she knew, only to leave the same way."

"Sana," Chorong and Momo say at the same time. Chorong turns to face Bomi. "I apologise for Sana's insolent behaviour, you don't have to justify yourself to her."

"I'm only looking out for you Chorong," Sana defends.

"I'm a big girl Sana; I don't need you to protect me."

Bomi rubs her thumb against Chorong's hand in a comforting manner. "If your best friend didn't question me, I'd think less of her. I admire how protective you are over Chorong and I hope you'll believe me when I say that a relationship with Chorong is not and will never be a new fad or some sort of fascination for me. I will not lose interest in her as time passes, if anything, I'll merely grow more interested in her."

"What are you intentions towards her?"

"Sana, please refrain from questioning her further. You are beginning to sound like my father and trust me; Bomi has already received an interrogation from him."

"These are harmless questions Chorong."

"I'm in love with Chorong. I don't have any intention of hurting her. The only intention I have is to make her as happy as I can. She's your best friend; I understand why you're asking these questions. I ruined my friendship with my best friend by pursuing Chorong, even though I knew it was the wrong thing to do. I wouldn't have risked destroying a twenty-year friendship if Chorong was just a game to me. Being with her is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I don't intend to let her slip through my fingers. I trust you can understand that feeling."

Silence coats the living room before Sana quirks her eyebrow and grins. "Well Bomi, I think it's safe to say that you and I might just get along swimmingly."

Bomi breathes out a sigh of relief. Meeting Chorong's friends and family seems to be one long cross-examination which involves Bomi constantly having to justify herself.

Momo waits for Sana to fall silent before clapping her hands. "Now that rather ill-timed questioning is over, I think Sana and I will stop being nuisances and retire to her bedroom. It's evident we interrupted your date and I'd hate to interrupt it any further."

"We're not being nuisances," Sana states. "Bomi and Chorong are enjoying our company. Aren't you?"

When neither woman responds, Momo chuckles. "I think their silence tells you everything you need to know." She stands up and grabs Sana's hands, tugging her into a standing position. "Let's go Officer before you start another inquisition. It was lovely to finally put a face to the name, Bomi."

"The pleasure is all mine," Bomi replies warmly.

Chorong and Bomi watch as Momo drags Sana into her bedroom and closes the door behind them. Silence falls between the two of them before Chorong coughs. "You know, you didn't have to tell her all of that."

"I know I didn't but I wanted to," Bomi tells her. "I know better than anybody that my past isn't the greatest but I'm not ashamed of it. Don't get me wrong, I regret some of the mistakes I've made, some more than others but everything that has happened to me, everything I've done, right or wrong, has led me to this couch, to your apartment. It's led me to you. I'm perfectly okay with explaining my past and my actions to anybody who needs clarification because at the end of the day, you are the only person whose judgement matters to me. You've told me that you don't judge me on my past, that's all I need to know."

Chorong bites down on her bottom lip. "You know one of the things I love about you is how you stand up for yourself and defend your actions. Some people might cower away once people start judging them but you, you don't let their judgement define who you are. It's admirable."

"Their judgement doesn't define me, only I can do that and I like to think I'm creating a new definition of myself because of you. But thank you anyway." Bomi chuckles lightly before glancing towards the kitchen. "How about we heat up that takeaway so it doesn't go to waste? Since Sana and Momo have kindly retired to Sana's bedroom, we probably owe it to them to continue our date."

"I agree, it would seem rude if we didn't continue our date but as I recall, when Sana and Momo interrupted us, we weren't eating food," Chorong states as she stands up, extending her hand and waiting patiently for Bomi to accept it. "One thing you should learn about me is that I despise not being able to finish something which I've already started."

The right side of Bomi's mouth tugs upwards as she allows Chorong to lead her into the bedroom. "Is that so? I'll remember that for the future. It might be useful to know."

Chorong closes her bedroom door before ing her shirt and removing her jeans within seconds. Bomi trails her gaze hungrily over Chorong's underwear clad body. She's not entirely sure where Chorong's sudden confidence has come from but she is in no way complaining.

"Are you just going to stare at me?"

"It's a pretty good view."

Chorong laughs softly. "I believe you are wearing too many clothes, Bbom-ah."

Bomi shrugs her dress off immediately and throws it in Chorong's direction, accidentally hitting Chorong in the face. Chorong laughs heartily and grabs the dress, dropping it to the floor. "Somebody is rather eager."

"Do you have a problem with that?" Bomi questions as she closes the gap and wraps her arms around her girlfriend's waist before kissing her.

"Not at all," Chorong replies, closing her eyes as Bomi begins placing open-mouthed kisses along her neck. Bomi appears to have a particularly affiliation with her neck. "Eagerness is actually a great quality to possess. If you weren't eager about what was about to happen, you'd be uninterested."

"Just so I know, are you always going to talk this much when we're about to ?" Bomi raises her eyebrows at the curse word, revelling in the way Chorong ducks her head bashfully.

"I cannot help it." Chorong tilts her head to the side. "I'll be quiet." She leans forwards and reconnects with Bomi's, her tongue sneaking out to its counterpart. She pushes Bomi backwards until they're falling onto the bed before straddling the girl's thighs.

"You are beautiful Bomi." Chorong brushes her nose against her girlfriend's. "I love how you always blush now whenever I compliment you."

"What can I say; you bring blushing out in me." Bomi's tongue darts out to her lips and Chorong finds herself memorised by the action.

Chorong beams before dipping down and brushing her lips against Bomi's in a whisper of a kiss. Her fingers tenderly trace the curve of Bomi's right as Bomi forcefully wraps her hand against the back of Chorong's neck and tugs her down so their mouths connect in a heated kiss.

Chorong drops kisses down her girlfriend's body and Bomi's stomach flips when Chorong's lips reach her navel.


She may be particularly experienced when it comes to but one thing Bomi has found out is that it's different with every person and even though she and Chorong have only been intimate on two occasions, with her surpasses everybody else. Everything feels new and exciting with Chorong. The mere thought that Chorong is keen to use causes shockwaves of excitement and nerves to shoot through her body.

"I thought you didn't want me to talk," Chorong comments, peering up Bomi's body. She places a butterfly kiss on Bomi's thigh before repeating the action on the other thigh. She does enjoy symmetry. "Goodness Bomi, anybody would think you've never done this before. Are you nervous?"


The answer comes as a surprise because Chorong had expected the other woman to fervently deny it. Chorong rests her chin against Bomi's stomach. "Why?"

"This is something we've not done before and every time you and I do something new, I feel like a teenager losing my ity again. It's stupid I know."

"That's not stupid," Chorong corrects. "Do you want me to stop?"

"No." Bomi laughs shortly. "I definitely don't want you to stop."

Chorong smiles against Bomi's skin before dropping a kiss just above the waistband of dark blue . Teasingly, she tugs the offending article of clothing down Bomi's legs. At Chorong's first tentative swipe of her tongue, Bomi's hands find a home in brown locks before her eyes subconsciously flutter shut. From the delicateness of Chorong's ministrations, Bomi can tell her girlfriend is being cautiously hesitant and attempting to learn what Bomi likes and dislikes and every strangled moan she releases helps Chorong grow in confidence.

"Oh God."

Chorong glances at Bomi briefly. "Are you okay?"

"I'm perfect," Bomi reassures. "Keep going."

Bomi bites down hard on her bottom lip as Chorong becomes relentless in her actions so when Chorong adds her fingers to the mix, Bomi's teeth are about to break the skin of her bottom lip.

With every swipe of her tongue and curl of her fingers, Bomi's hands tighten painfully so in Chorong's hair. Her stomach clenches while Chorong drives her steadily towards her and after a couple more swipes coupled with Chorong's curling fingers, Bomi allows herself to give in and the pleasurable sensation washes over her body.

Chorong lets her girlfriend for a couple of seconds to catch her breath before she kisses her sweetly and brushes a strand of hair away from Bomi's face.

Bomi chuckles dryly and pulls Chorong's body into her. "Wow." 

Chorong brushes her nose against Bomi's cheek. "I know you said I talk too much and I should be quiet but I was expecting you to be a bit more vocal. You've not been quiet in the past."

"Are you forgetting Sana and Momo are in the adjacent room?"

"Oh, you're right."

Her fingers trail delicately over Chorong's spine, leaving goose-bumps in their wake. "You are amazing."

"I like to try my best."

Bomi hums her agreement. "You know how you hate leaving things unfinished."


"I believe I may have started something earlier which I have yet to finish," Bomi whispers against Chorong's lips.

Chorong swallows hard. "I believe you did."

Bomi shifts her weight and flips her girlfriend over so she's on her back, eliciting a giggle from Chorong. "I suppose I should correct that then."

"I suppose you should, it's only fair after all," Chorong replies with a smirk.


"Can we just backtrack for a second because I want to make sure I completely understand what you're telling me? Are you informing me that any possibility, no matter how slim, there may have been for us to have one wild night of passionate , is now off the table. Indefinitely."

Bomi frowns. "Why did you limit it to one night? If you were ever fortunate enough to see what I'm like in bed, you wouldn't be able to leave it at just one night. Before you try arguing, I really am that good."

Naeun laughs heartily into the phone. "Somehow I can believe that. Let's not pretend you haven't imagined what I'd be like in bed though. I defy any of my friends to not have had that thought at some point."

"You certainly think highly of yourself."

"Hey, if you don't think highly of yourself, how can you expect others to think highly of you?" Naeun exhales heavily into the phone. "Do you want to know why all my friends have thought about me in bed?"

Bomi smiles even though Naeun can't see her. "Humour me."

"It's because I'm a dancer. They all wonder how flexible I am and what I can do with my body."

"How flexible are you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Bomi chuckles heartily as she presses the phone closer to her ear. "Anyway we are digressing in the completely wrong direction. Before you started all this, yes, I was telling you that Chorong and I are dating."

"How will I ever move on?"

"I'm sure you'll survive," Bomi tells her, falling onto Chorong's bed.

"You were the one that got away, Bomi."

"You never had me to begin with."

"I could have had you if I wanted you," Naeun teases lightly. "Seriously though, I'm happy for you, it's about time you finally stepped up and got the girl. I feel like we're in our own little romantic comedy and I've been playing the role of the supportive friend. Although if this was a romantic movie, shouldn't I have met somebody as well? Isn't that what normally happens?"

"Not always."

"Well that seems fair." Naeun sighs into the phone. "I have to admit, I'll miss your miserable stupor though; it was nice to know that somebody other than me had problems in their life."

"Exactly what problems do you have?"

"Oh you know, money, the unbridled fear I'll die alone surrounded by cats who will turn on me and devour my corpse, world poverty, all the usual problems."

"You won't be surrounded by cats," Bomi corrects. "You hate felines with a passion. Dogs are a possibility though."

Naeun chuckles. "That is the same thing my dear friend."

Bomi pulls the phone away from her ear when she hears somebody knocking at the front door. She glances at clock on Chorong's bedside table. It's only a little after 9.30 in the morning, who would be calling round this early. Chorong would have just let herself back in. "Naeun, I better go, there's somebody at the door."

"You're going to answer it?"

"Why wouldn't I? It's rude to just ignore it. Besides, you never know, it might be important."

Bomi frowns at her answer. Two weeks spending practically every day with Chorong and Bomi's already talking like her.

She can hear Naeun clear into the phone. "Allow me to paint you a little picture. You're in your new girlfriend's apartment, probably either in your underwear, an item of Chorong's clothing or last night's clothing because you haven't had the chance to bring some clothes over to her place."

Bomi glances down at what she's wearing and smirks.

"Somebody knocks at the door."

"Can I just ask something? Are you turning this scenario into a horror story? Should I be afraid? I should warn you, I don't deal with ghosts very well."

"It's bad manners to interrupt somebody when they're telling a story," Naeun chastises lightly. "Anyway, as I was saying, somebody knocks at the door. You open it and come face to face with her parents for the first time. Their first impression of you is that you're in their daughter's apartment at 9.30 in the morning, leaving no doubt in their mind that you spent the night with their little princess, more than likely defiling her."

"Defiling? Really?"

Naeun ignores her. "You can't very well ask them to leave because that's rude and you don't want to be bad-mannered so you're left with no alternative but to invite them in. Suddenly you're sitting at the dining table having breakfast with the in-laws."

"As creative as that story is, I've already met her dad and he knows about me and Chorong."

"Did you make a good first impression?" Bomi swallows a bob in and evidently her silence provides Naeun with the answer she was looking for. "I suppose him finding you in her apartment after clearly spending the night will change his impression of you."

The person outside Chorong's apartment knocks once more, louder this time, clearly growing impatient. "This is ridiculous and purely hypothetical. You don't even know it's her dad, you're guessing."

"You don't know it isn't."

"Chorong isn't even the only person who lives here. It could be somebody for Sana."

"So let her answer the door."

Bomi puffs out a breath. "Sana and Momo are currently still fast asleep; apparently they don't surface until around midday on Sundays. It's the only day they can have a lie-in." She shakes her head lightly. "I'm going to go answer the door; I will call you again soon."

"It's your funeral," Naeun teases before uttering a heartfelt goodbye.

Bomi disconnects the call before standing from the bed. She heads towards Chorong's bedroom door before freezing. She reaches to her left and grabs the nearest sweater before throwing it on. Even though the person on the other side of the door probably isn't Chorong's dad, she doesn't think answering Chorong's door for the first time in her bra and will give off the best first impression. The sweater is a little small for her so she decides to search for a pair of pants before finding a pair of jeans and pulling them on. The knock at the door grow more frequent and Bomi runs towards the door rather than walk.

She swings it open with some force before smiling politely. "Sorry about the delay." Any confidence she felt dissipates the second her eyes meet Eunji's. "Oh. Hello."

Eunji's eyes drop to Bomi's sweater before she swallows hard. "I can see you're making yourself at home. That's good to know."

Bomi glances around the apartment as if looking for Chorong. "Do you want to see Chorong?" She shakes her head lightly. "Obviously you do otherwise you wouldn't be here. She's just nipped to the shops but she should be back soon."

She decides against telling Eunji the sole reason Chorong has nipped to the shops is because she wanted to be romantic and cook Bomi breakfast in bed but she didn't own any chicken. Bomi told her it didn't matter but Chorong wanted to make everything perfect for their first morning together in her apartment and that included cooking Bomi's favourite breakfast.

"I have no intention of stopping; I just wanted to drop this off." Eunji hands over a small box and Bomi accepts it. "It's just some little things I forgot to pack with the rest of her belongings. I've packed some of the substitute food I had as well because I'm not going to eat it. I contemplated throwing it away but I had Chorong's voice in the back of my mind. She hates waste."

"Would you like to come in?"

"I think the whole 'I have no intention of stopping' already answered that question."

Bomi steps backwards and placing the box on the kitchen counter before returning to the doorway and crossing her arms across her chest. "I know you want to but you can't ignore me forever Eunji, eventually you are going to have to talk to me."

"Are you forgetting we talked at the wedding? I haven't. I distinctly remember you telling me you were in love with Chorong and that she was different from anybody else you'd ever met. Or how about when you disparaged my ability to keep hold of a girlfriend?"

"When I said you couldn't keep hold of a girlfriend, I was mad and upset. We all say things we don't mean when we lose our temper. You did when you asked me to choose between you and Chorong."

Eunji shakes her head. "No, I meant that. I wanted you to choose and you did. You chose Chorong."

"You make it seem so incredibly black and white. It wasn't as simple as you think Eunji, it's not like flipping a coin," Bomi tells her. "I didn't want to have to make a choice, I still don't. I want you both to be a part of my life."

"There's the problem. You can't have both of us Bomi. I told you that."

Bomi pinches the bridge of her nose. "You told Chorong you could maybe see yourself forgiving her in the future. If you think there's a possibility you might be able to forgive her, why are you so adamant you won't be able to forgive me?"

"Do you really need to ask that question?" Eunji mimics Bomi's earlier action and crosses her arms over her chest. "You were the only person I trusted with my life and you ended up sleeping with Chorong. Why should I forgive you again? Give me one good reason. Honestly, I'd like to hear it."

When Bomi remains silent, Eunji grabs her hair and ties it up in a loose bun. "I may have told Chorong I could see myself forgiving her but I also told her I couldn't see myself being part of her life if you were in it."

Bomi clears and tries to mask the surprise which flashes over her face at Eunji's final statement. Chorong never told her that little titbit.

"It doesn't have to be like this."

"This is the way it is though."

Bomi bites her bottom lip. "Twenty years of friendship is going to be thrown away if we don't at least try and work on our friendship. It doesn't have to end."

"Yes it does Bomi," Eunji whispers, her voice breaking ever so slightly.


"You're in my ex's apartment at 9.30 in the morning, wearing Chorong's clothes." Eunji closes her eyes after looking at the sweater once more. Her clothes would be more accurate. "It doesn't take a genius to work out that you spent the night together. Do you want to know what I spent the night doing? Looking at old photographs of Chorong and I thinking how empty my apartment is now all of her belongings have gone. You and Chorong have obviously moved on but I haven't. Not yet."

"You have to try."

"Don't you think I want to move on? I don't like feeling this way. I'd give everything not to feel like this. You know what your problem is? Actually this isn't exclusive to just you. Both you and Chorong think that everything is going to be magically fixed within seconds but that's not going to happen. I need time and neither of you is allowing me to have that."

Bomi sighs lightly. "Time may be what you need but looking at old photographs isn't going to help you move on. If anything, that's only going to make things worse. You're torturing yourself Eunji."

"Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe I might want to torture myself? Maybe that's the coping method I've chosen. You don't know how I feel right now Bomi so don't try to give me your two cents worth."

"I do know how you feel right now." Bomi mumbles.

Eunji scoffs. "No you don't. Don't try and patronise me right now."

"I'm not patronising you." Bomi exhales heavily, it's about time Eunji knew the truth. "I was in love with Sohee and she crushed me. We didn't agree to go our separate ways because the relationship wasn't working; she broke up with me because she wasn't in love with me anymore. My way of coping was burning every tangible memory I had of Sohee. So make no mistake, I know how it feels to have the one person you love more than anything fall out of love with you."

"Do you know how it feels to have your best friend betray your trust?"

Bomi chooses to ignore the snipe. "If it's any consolation, it does get better. You don't think it will happen but that one day does come."

Eunji stares at the ground for several seconds before raising her head. "Why did you never tell me the real reason your relationship with Sohee ended?"

Bomi rubs her hands nervously. "I didn't want people to know that I hadn't been enough for her. I thought it would be easier for people to believe our break-up was a mutual decision than for them to know the truth."

"I loved Chorong more than I ever loved Sohee."

"So do I." Bomi gestures for the woman to enter the apartment but Eunji remains on the doorstep. "I would never have betrayed your trust and your friendship like this if I could help it. Chorong was irresistible to me and I wish, more than anything, she had been single. I wish we never had to hurt you."

"I wish that too but wishing is futile because you did both hurt me."

"I'm sorry."

Eunji's tongue darts out to her lips. "You know what, I can't listen to you and Chorong apologise to me anymore. The word sorry has lost all meaning to me now." She buttons the top button on her coat before continuing. "I'm going to stay with my parents for a couple of days; I think the space will do me some good."

"Do you have to go so far?"

"It's not about the distance," Eunji tells her. "My parents' house isn't littered with memories of Chorong." She waves her hands in a hurried manner. "I didn't come here for a conversation; I only intended to drop that box off."

"Then why did you stay?" Bomi asks curiously as Eunji starts walking away. "If that's the only thing you wanted to do, you could have left the second after you gave me the box. You stayed and talked to me. Do you know what I think? I think you wanted to talk to me."

Eunji stops walking and puffs out a breath but she doesn't turn around. "You were my best friend; I guess I didn't want our final conversation to be the one at the wedding."

"Our final conversation?" Bomi steps out of the apartment and stands awkwardly in the corridor. "Eunji-ah?"

With her back still to Bomi, Eunji answers. "I have to go, tell Chorong I'll pick up my things from her apartment when I come back."

"You can do that now."

"No I can't Bomi! I don't want to be around you any longer than I already have. I can't be around you any longer," Eunji shouts, turning around to face Bomi and Bomi can see the woman is close to tears. "The more we talk, the more likely it is I'll somehow find it in my heart to forgive you and I need to hate you Bomi. I need to be angry because you hurt me. You have Chorong; you have the future with her that I dreamed about. For the time being, I need to hate you and more than anything, I need you to let me hate you. It's so hard Bomi."

"What is?"

"Everything," Eunji breathes out. "Please, just let me hate you."

"I don't want to do that."

"It's not about what you want."

Bomi blinks away the tears which are stinging her eyes. "If I do what you want, if I give you time to hate me, where does that leave us?"

Eunji swallows a bob in . "I don't know."

Eunji may not know but Bomi does. She always has.

"Okay. Take all the time you need. Just so you know, I'll always be here Eunji." She scuffs her feet against the floor anxiously. "Even if you never stop hating me, I'll still be here."

She doesn't expect a reply so when Eunji walks away, she isn't surprised.


Chorong shuffles her grocery bag in her arms before closing the door to her apartment building behind her. Trust Bomi's favourite food to be of the meat variety. Bomi's lucky she loves her, Chorong wouldn't go grocery shopping, especially searching for chicken, in the early hours of the morning for just anybody. She places her foot on the bottom step before ascending the first flight of stairs to her apartment. She's decided to start taking the stairs over the elevator as a minor way of keeping fit. After all it doesn't take much to try and aid a person's fitness and since she's going to be appearing on the Towol Theatre in a couple of months, she needs to be as fit as possible. She raises her head once she hears somebody descending the stairs at some speed and prepares to utter a polite hello.

When the person comes into view, Chorong frowns. "Eunji?"

Eunji doesn't stop; she merely brushes past Chorong and continues running down the stairs. Chorong's frown deepens before she quickens her own pace and continues to climb the stairs until she reaches her front door. She decides to knock on the door rather than rummage about in her bag for her key and after a couple of seconds, Bomi opens it.

"Did you forget your key?"

"Have you been crying?"

"I asked you first," Bomi replies as she takes the grocery bag from Chorong and places it on the kitchen counter.


"I don't cry," Bomi tells her, unpacking the groceries. "So the answer to your question is no. Now it's your turn."

Chorong closes the front door and walks towards Bomi. "I've just seen Eunji running down the stairs with haste so I decided against looking for my keys. What happened?"

Bomi gestures with her head towards the box on the counter, next to the grocery bag. "She brought that round for you."

Chorong opens the box and quickly scans the items before placing the lid back on the box. She trails her gaze over Bomi. "Is that what you were wearing when she knocked?"

"It's the first thing I grabbed. It was either this or open the door in my underwear."

"I think Eunji may have preferred that," Chorong admits.

"Why do you say that?"

Chorong grabs a fistful of the jumper. "This is Eunji's," she explains. "I used to always wear it to sleep in so she gave it to me because she didn't want it anymore. She must have thought if I'd given it to you so soon, it didn't mean anything to me which is obviously ridiculous. It means a lot to me."

"Do you want me to take it off?"

Chorong remains silent for several seconds before shaking her head. "No, leave it on. It suits you." She picks up the chicken which just so happened to be the first item Bomi unpacked. "I think the whole breakfast in bed idea might have to wait until another day. I have a feeling it wouldn't be particularly romantic anymore."

"Thank you for the chicken Rong." Bomi grins and gives Chorong a light peck. "There's an easy solution to this though."

"There is?"

Bomi bobs her head. "I guess I'll just have to stay here tonight as well and you can cook me breakfast in bed tomorrow morning. I do love a domestic goodness."

"Oh you'll be lucky."

"Hey, I'll return the favour!"

"So I cook you breakfast in bed and you do the same for me? Is that your proposal?"

Bomi shrugs her shoulders. "I could do the same. Or I could do anything you wanted."

"Well I'm sure I could think of something I wanted," Chorong replies with a devilish smirk. "In that case, I would advise you not to eat all of the chicken." Bomi pouts before Chorong kisses it away.

Bomi opens one of the cupboards and withdraws a loaf of bread. She removes two slices before sighing and turning around to face Chorong. "You know, you told me that Eunji thought she could forgive you."

"I know I did."

"Why didn't you tell me what else she said? Why didn't you tell me that Eunji said she couldn't imagine being part of your life if I featured in it?

"I wanted to spare your feelings."

"I'm twenty-four years old. I'm not a child Chorong, you don't need to spare my feelings," Bomi chastises quietly.

Chorong moves around the kitchen so she's standing beside Bomi. "Did you talk to her?"

"A little but I left the conversation knowing the same thing I had at the beginning. She hates me."

"She's angry."

"No," Bomi comments. "She hates me. She made it pretty clear and then she asked me to let her hate me. So I'm going to do that."


"Eunji's going to stay with her parents for a little bit; I think she just needs to get away from us. For once, I'm going to do what she wants. I'm not going to talk to her, visit her, call her. I'm going to give her the time she needs to hate me in the naïve hope that afterwards, she'll be able to forgive me like she'll probably be able to forgive you. But I need to stop kidding myself. That isn't going to happen."

Chorong shakes her head. "You cannot know what's going to happen in the future. For all you know, this time next year we could be laughing about how you thought Eunji would never forgive you."

Bomi smiles sadly at her girlfriend's attempt to placate her. "Come on, you know that's not going to happen."

"You have to remain optimistic."

"But you know what? You said that next year we might be laughing about this and even though I sincerely doubt that will happen," she says firmly while cupping Chorong's cheek. "I still want to be laughing with you this time next year, more than anything."


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Chapter 40: I just re-read this again.. just like the rest of the fans here, I'll probably keep coming back 😁
I will never stop rereading this. acckkkk.
Chapter 40: came back to relive it and I knew it, it's once you read you can't stop... still just breathtakingly wonderful *0* refeeling the feels, the on-point dialogue, back-and-forth, introspection, beautiful feelings, thoughts, torment, metaphors ㅠㅠ inspires and motivates me
srlee012 #4
Chapter 40: This was so good!! i was as torn and devastated as bomi but i really feel bad for eunji :(( this story was a great read!!
It's been a long time since you updated
We missed you, please update
Chapter 39: It’s such a shame that i found this story years later. When I first read the description I thought its gonna be another cheesy one night stand turns romantic kind of story but you, Author really did amazing job creating, expanding and linking all the characters together. I really wasnt expecting such an angst and one thing for sure, i didnt expect i would get so devastated with what happened between relationships that is formed with the cost of friendship it just.. i can’t imagine it to happen to me. Lastly, thanks for the great story. You’re an amazing writer!
Chapter 40: Hi Waving Panda! I've just read the story again. I think it's the 3rd or 4th time already, and I wasn't quite expecting it, but I wondered if you re-wrote or edited parts of it, because I thought it was even better than how I remembered it.. This story is definitely worth reading over and over again.. and one doesn't even need to know Apink for real to appreciate the story and feel all those emotions that one would seek from a good love story..

This time after reading, I took some time to read the comments, and I agree that the ending is probably not as satisfying for many readers, since most people will be looking forward to the fluff after the angst is over. Yet, the fluff has got to end somewhere or this will just turn into a never-ending story, which will make it really odd. If there is no conflict, there is nothing much to anticipate too. So on second thoughts, perhaps the way it ended would have been best.

Thanks again for this story, it's definitely inspirational. And this will probably not be the last time I'll read this.

I hope you're still sharing your gift with your fans on this site.. =)
1235577 #9
Chapter 39: One of the best fanfics i’ve ever read!!!
byulyibabe #10
Chapter 40: I fell in love with your writing style. I'm so glad I discovered this story. I'm speechless. That was really beautiful. Consider me a fan and you have no idea how badly I want to snatch you in our fandom right now so we'll be blessed with your skills. Thank you! That was so wonderful ?