Impromptu dinner

One letter "U"

"You are kidding, right?" Ryu threw her hands up, frustrated. "Why didn't you ask him to buy you a new one?"

"I didn't want to stay there any longer." Mijoo shrugged.

"Ryu, don't be angry. I will try to make something quick for us, ok?" Kei Ryu gently on the shoulder, like what a caring mother-alike Kei always do.

"But I was so looking forward to eating this chicken." Ryu huffed while throwing herself on the sofa. She turned to Mijoo and pointed her finger towards Mijoo, "when are you going to move? it's very weird that you still living right next door to your ex and his fiancee."

"No way. I like this place, it has good location and comes with a reasonable price." Mijoo shook her head. "No way. if anything, he should move. he is getting married, why would he stay in a one person size apartment"

"How are you feeling by the way? about him getting married." Ryu's facial expression changed. She looked concern now.

"It doesn't matter. It wont change anything. That ship has sailed." Mijoo muttered and chuckled sadly. "We never know what we got till it's gone, right? although it seems like he doesn't mine me gone."

Awkward silence filled the air. They were not there from the beginning, but they were definitely there to witness the ending.They were the ones who picked Mijoo up from the hole that she fell into. She was broken and devastated, and they were there to help her put together the pieces that was left.

"Anywayss..... Kei, how was your blind date?" Mijoo sat on the dining table, and took a bite of gimbap that was just served by Kei.

"It didn't happen." Kei answered nervously. She checked on the kimchi stew that was boiling on the stove.

"what do you mean 'it didn't happen'? did he cancel?" Ryu joined Mijoo on the table.

Kei placed the stew on the table, took off her apron and sat down next to Ryu. "I left."


"it's a long story." Kei waived her hand dismissively.

"Kei. at this rate, you will never get a boyfriend." Mijoo shook her head and sighed, feeling heavy as if it was her own problem.

Kei could only faked a laugh. She had no words to reply, only because she agreed with Mijoo. She is almost 25 and she has never had a boyfriend, not even a close male friend. She is too shy even for someone who wants a quiet girl. She is timid so she tends to say or do the wrong things in front of a man, and worse... she runs when she can't handle the nervousness. How can one build a relationship, if one keeps running away before it starts. 

"OH!" Ryu clapped her hands together as if she just remembered something. "I know someone. Do you want me to introduce you?" 

"Who is this someone? don't tell me it's that 'bicycle' guy." Mijoo asked while chewing. 

"Mijoo, eat first." Kei wiped a stain of sauce from the corner of Mijoo's lips. 

"Yes, him!" Ryu hopped excitedly on her seat. 

"Then, no." Mijoo waved her hand in disagreement.


"Why would you introduce someone you're interested in, to Kei?" 

"What?" taken aback, Ryu choked on her food. "I am not interested in him!"

"Didn't you buy a bicycle last week?" Mijoo asked with a suspicious tone

"What does that have to do with anything?" 

"22 years old, never ride a bike not even when you were a little girl. Suddenly now, why?" 

Ryu shrugged. She looked down at her food and started scraping the remaining sauce with her fork. 

"It's because of that guy whom you obviously are attracted to." Mijoo laughed in victory. 

"Whatever." Ryu grabbed her plate and set it in the sink without washing it, knowing Mijoo as the house owner will be stuck with it later. 

"How's Sunggyu?" Kei asked, hoping to change the topic. 

Ryu paused, "He's good, maybe..." 

"Still no news huh?" Mijoo asked knowingly. 

Ryu shook her head. 

"How long has it been this time?" 

"Two weeks."

Mijoo whistled, "Wow, that's very long."

"Yeah, the longest." Ryu stared at her phone on the counter, wondering about the call that never showed up, about the message that was never received.  

"What's the point of being in a relationship without talking to each other?" Mijoo huffed in frustration. "Just break up already."

Ryu frowned, "Do you think we just got together yesterday? we have been together for 5 years, for god's sake. I am not going to break up with him just because I haven't heard from him for two weeks."

 "So what? you are willing to spend another 5 years without talking to each other?" 

"Shut up. You are the last person who should be giving me advice about relationship." 

Mijoo threw a pillow towards Ryu and hit her on the thigh, "What exactly do you mean by that?" 

"You broke up with Sungyeol, your childhood love and best friend, just because he lied to you once?"

"How many times do I have to explain to you, Sungyeol never lie to me, not even when he fell asleep and missed my birthday celebration. The fact that he did it for her, it meant something. She meant something." Mijoo sat up on her knees on the sofa, desperate to get her words across to Ryu.

"Was she, though? or were you just being paranoid? Maybe you didn't trust him enough to stay." .

"ok, that's it." Mijoo jumped at Ryu and pinched both her cheeks. 

"Aaa!" Ryu screamed in pain. She reacted by grabbing Mijoo's hair. 

"Ok, that is enough." Kei hopped on the sofa to get a leverage for her height. She reached out for both their heads and pulled them away from each other. "Mijoo, you know how much Ryu loves Sunggyu. You cant just tell her to break up with him. and Ryu, Mijoo went through a very hard time before he broke up with Sungyeol and we both know it was not because she gave up on him."

Mijoo and Ryu looked at each other. "sorry." they said almost simultaneously.

"I just want to see you happy." Mijoo muttered.

Ryu nodded, "I know. but I worked so hard on this relationship, I cant give up just like that"

"That's what I meant. you have always been the one working so hard for that relationship, you even confessed to him first. I just want to see him to fight for you."

Ryu sat down. Mijoo's words hurt, but only because they are true. 


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DarelAranovskie #1
i love this <3
Chapter 1: ahh so precious <3