Bodyguard (Aron)

Nu'est One Shot

Concept: FLUFF

Image result for nu'est aron in suitImage result for nu'est aron in suit

//Sitting in the café enjoying a cup of hot coffee. Getting immerse in the book you are reading. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and light music around. It was then a figure walk in to the café, standing infront of you disturbing the peace you were having//

‘I’m sorry Miss. But you have to go back with me.’

A Ra: //Totally ignoring the presence infront of you. Not looking up your book even once. Even though you’re clearly annoyed by his presence//

‘Miss? You need to follow me back. Your uncle is calling for you’

A Ra: I’m not going. //Eyes still locked on your book//

‘Miss, I’m sorry but if you don’t follow me back, I’ll have to used force on you//

A Ra: I don’t care. You can never get me back.

‘Miss, you need to go back. Your uncle is calling for you. And I will lose my job if you don’t come with me’

A Ra: //Sighing, you finally looked up at him. Even though you hated all the body guard that your uncle hired for you. But you felt bad that all of them would be fired if they can’t get you back. Which explains why you never seen the same body guard twice// Sit down.


A Ra: You want me to go back right?


A Ra: Than sit down and accompany me. //Thinking that this body guard doesn’t look half bad. He looks around the same age as you. Maybe you could get along with this guy before your uncle comes and fire him as well//

‘I don’t think I should Miss’

A Ra: Call me A Ra.

‘Miss A Ra’

A Ra: A Ra will do.

‘I can’t’

A Ra: //Rolling your eyes// My uncle is not here. And could you sit, my neck is hurting looking up at you.

//He finally obey to your orders and sat down on the chair infront of you//

A Ra: So, how old are you?


A Ra: Ahhh… What’s your name?


A Ra: I’ll call you Aron oppa then. (Maybe I should play some tricks on this guy. He seems interesting.) Aron oppa. You want me to go back right?

Aron: Yes

A Ra: Then get me a pet wolf, a huge one. With fur as white as snow. And I want all these guys to be my boyfriend! //Showing them your favourite kpop group picture. (Nu’est)//

Aron: //Taking up his phone dialling some number to call someone// Hi, do you sell wolf. Yes. EHmmm a huge one? With white fur?

A Ra:  //Widen your eyes in shocked. You snatch his phone away from him, ending the call. You didn’t know he would actually do what you tell him to. And you didn’t know how clueless he could be// Are you crazy? Don’t you know I can’t have any pets? I’m allergic to fur. My uncle would fire anyone who buys me one. Don’t you know?

Aron: No.

A Ra: Do you even know who these guys are?

Aron: No. But I’ll find them.

A Ra: You’re unbelievable

//You couldn’t know how could your uncle send him here to get you. Normally all the body guards that were send to get you, know how good you are at getting away from them. And was always warn of what they could and couldn’t do. But this guy here doesn’t seem to know anything//

But surprisingly you’re interesting. Fine. I’ll go back with you.

Aron: Really?

A Ra: Yes. Let’s go.


‘I didn’t think you would really get A Ra back. None of them succeed in doing so. I’m impress Aron’

A Ra: Why did you ask me to come here?

‘Well, I just want to let you know that you’ll be getting married to P Company’s, CEO’s son.’


‘A Ra’

A Ra: I’M OUT OF HERE. THIS IS THE REASON WHY I NEVER CAME BACK TO THIS HOUSE. //Walking out of the house, slamming all the doors. Making a ruckus//

‘Mr Kwak. Please take care of her.’

Aron: I will.

‘You sure about this? She is a hand full’

Aron: Well, I would like to spend more time getting to know the real her. Since, she is going to my wife.

‘I appreciate the afford Mr Kwak. I’m sure she will too.’

Aron: I’ll be going then.

‘Take care. And be careful.’


Aron: A Ra! I finally found you. Where are you going? I’ll give you a lift.

A Ra: My house

//It took Aron no time to find where you are, because all the body guards in that house have your phone IP to track you. (Your uncle installed it secretly, for your safety). Driving off to your house. As you reached, the first thing you do was to drag a big luggage out putting clothes in//

Aron: Where are you going?

A Ra: None of your business.

Aron: I’m your body guard.

A Ra: More reasons why you should not know.

Aron: Wherever you are going, I’m going with you.

A Ra: Suit yourself. If you could ever keep up with me. //As soon as you said that, you were done with packing// Drive me to the airport.

Aron: Airport?

A Ra: Let’s go. //Getting out of your house to the car//

*Journey to the airport*

Aron: Why are you suddenly leaving Korea?

A Ra: Isn’t it obvious. You were there when it happened.

Aron: Because you’re getting married?

A Ra: Correction, force to get married.

Aron: I don’t see it’s a bad idea. You’ll have a comfortable life with him by your side.

A Ra: I would rather sleep on the streets alone than in a mansion beside someone I don’t love.

Aron: You’re overreacting.

A Ra: I’m not okay. You can’t just force someone to get married to someone they don’t love and expect them to stay together forever and have a happy life. It doesn’t work that way. Have they even thought of, what will happen if their children grow up in that sort of environment? An environment with no love. Plus, I don’t even know him. He could be some stuck-up guy with a very bad attitude for all I care.

Aron: ….

A Ra: Aron, don’t you get it? Marriage is not a game. He can’t just force me to get married to someone I don’t love, just because doing that would profit his company. There are lines he need to draw from earning profit. Arghhh… Why am I even saying so much to you?

Aron: Well, we’ve reached.

A Ra: Thanks, and goodbye Aron.

//Getting out of your car you went in to the airport yourself. Getting your tickets and checking in. Since you saw there was a fight in a few hours’ time when you were travelling back to your house. You decided to just run away from here for a while. That’s why you booked the ticket and packed your luggage. Finally getting on the plane, you bathed and change out of your clothes to the pyjamas that they give on the airplane. You sat in the first class, it natural that they provide everything from a tooth brush to a shower facility. As you walked out of the airplane’s washroom, getting back to your seat. You saw a familiar face in the seat right next to yours.//


Aron: Ya?

A Ra: What are you doing here?

Aron: I told you I’m following you wherever you go.

A Ra: I didn’t think you were serious.

Aron: I’m your body guard. I’m supposed to do that.

A Ra: Well, none of them succeed to even get me close to that house. Not to say travel with me.

Aron: Well, I’m honoured Miss A Ra.

A Ra: First of all, I don’t mind you coming with me, but could you please stop calling me Miss A Ra. Second, you can’t say no. Because since you say you’re my body guard, you must listen to me. So just call me A Ra from now on.

Aron: Sure.


//Finally, your flight to Singapore has landed. Aron was getting your luggage for you, waiting at the belt. As he was getting your luggage, you started putting action to your plan. He was busy foddering with your huge luggage and was distracted with it. You took that chance to ran out to the departure hall trying to get a cab. But in the end, you had no choice but to hop on, on some guys bike to get away from the bodyguard that was chasing you with his luggage. Truthfully, it was a funny sight to see and you got to admit that he was so cute. The guy that was giving you a ride was so confused, when you got on the bike suddenly. But seeing you panicking and asking him to start driving, he give in to him. Thinking you might have a very good reason you acted that way. After driving for a while he stops his bike near some park. Parking it, both of you when to find a spot to sit//

A Ra: Sorry for the sudden intrusion. It’s just that the guy chasing me is my bodyguard. I’m just trying to get away from him. I’m A Ra. What about you?

Baek Ho: Baek Ho. But bodyguard?

A Ra: I know. It sounds absurd. It’s just that my uncle owns a few businesses and he hires bodyguard for me because he is scared that his competitor would take me hostage to get the best of him. It’s a long story.

Baek Ho: What made you come here?

A Ra: Well, my uncle tried to marry me off to some other companies’s Ceo son that he had business with. That’s why I’m here. Running away.

Baek Ho: That is even more absurd. I thought things like this only happens in drama.

A Ra: Me too. I thought so too. But I really appreciate the help.

Baek Ho: No problem. But I think you have a problem now.

A Ra: Huh?

Baek Ho: //Looking at the figure running towards both of you// He is here. Need another ride?

A Ra: Thanks, but it’s okay. I made him run enough today. But it’s nice spending time with you.

Baek Ho: No problem. I’ll go now then. //Walking away to this bike, leaving you there//

A Ra: Thank you!

Aron: A RA!!!!!!!!!!!  //Finally standing in front of you. Panting and sweating//

A Ra: Bye. //Walking away//

Aron: W..wait //Panting hard//

A Ra: Fine. We’ll sit for now //Walking back to him sitting down//

Aron: //Sitting down as well, trying to catch his breath//

//It was already night time, hence, both of you went to the hotel you booked. Getting in the room. Both of you had to share one room. Because you only booked for yourself even before coming here//

Aron: I’ll take the couch.

//After washing, both of you went to sleep. You were dreaming about your parents and how they passed away right infront of your eyes. All of you were in the car travelling to somewhere, and suddenly the car over turned and your mum hugged you to her protecting you from any injury. Everything happened so fast and the last think you remember was them smiling at you, before closing their eyes. Shooting up from your bed, panting and sweating. You brought your legs closer to you. Sitting and hugging your legs, burying your head down. You didn’t know that you had woken Aron up until you felt the bed shifting and sinking down. While caressing your hair lightly. You looked up at him//

Aron: Nightmare?

A Ra: //Breaking down suddenly// I don’t deserve to be happy. I kill my parents….

Aron: //Hugging you to him// It’s not your fault. They protected you because they love you. They want you to be safe. They want you to be happy. You shouldn’t be blaming yourself. I’m sure they don’t want it.

//You’re too busy crying to even notice why did Aron know all of that. Clinging on to him, you cried your heart out. Falling asleep after a while in his arms. Waking up, you find yourself waking up in Aron’s arm, head burying on his chest. Feeling safe and comfortable. You just felt like he was dependable and a very sweet guy. His sudden movement, made you realised he was waking up already. Looking up to him, you saw how cute he was. With his messy hair and cubby face. Rubbing his eyes that were barely even open//

Aron: Ah.. you’re awake? Do you need to go out already?

A Ra: Nah. I’ve nothing plan out. I’ll just sleep more. //Lying to him. Because you can clearly see how tired he was. You just wanted him to sleep more and you don’t mind being in his arms for as long as you can//

Aron: Great! //Snuggling to you. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep. While you did the same as well//

//A few days has passed. And you’ve been spending a lot of time with Aron. Traveling around and getting to know each other better. Having a lot of fun together. Now, you’re sitting at the beach with Aron beside you, looking at the sunset. Breathing in the sea breeze, hearing the sound of crashing waves to the sea wall. Calming yet beautiful//

Aron: Don’t you think it’s time to go back?

A Ra: Go back so that I would get married?

Aron: Ehmm…

A Ra: Aron. I thought you knew better. Why would you want me to go back and get married to someone I don’t love? //You felt kinda hurt from what he said, because truthfully you were falling for him. And you want to spend more time with him getting to know more about him. It hurts you because he didn’t feel the same as you. He wanted you to go back so that you would get married. It hits you hard that he was just doing his job as a body guard that’s all. Nothing more, nothing less. You decided it was best to do what he wanted. Since, he wanted you to go back, you give in// Fine, I’ll go back!

//The next day came and both of you were taking the flight back to Seoul. As you reach, Aron got the car and send you back home//

Aron: Well, goodbye. //Smiling at you//

A Ra: Bye, Aron. //You didn’t know that it was the last time you saw him//


*2 weeks later*

//You were kind of missing Aron’s presence and company. You didn’t know where he went. As if he disappeared from your life. You were in your thought when you hear a knock on your door. Opening it up you saw a stranger in a suit standing outside//

‘Miss, your uncle wants me to bring you back’

//You’re surprised to see this new bodyguard. You didn’t know what happen to Aron. Why was he not here instead? And did your uncle fired him? Hence you decided to follow that body guard back so that you could know what happened to Aron. Also, you would tell him once and for all that you’re not getting married. Finally arriving to your uncle house//

‘So A Ra, have you thought about the marriage?’

A Ra: I told you I’m not getting married! I don’t care how rich he is or how handsome he is. I’m not getting married to someone I don’t know, and I don’t care about. And especially someone I don’t love.

‘Okay, fine’

A Ra: //Looking at him in surprise because you didn’t know he would really agree to it// What? Are you serious? You’re letting me off just like that?

‘Well, he called off the wedding’

A Ra: //You didn’t even want to know why. But you’re glad that he did, whoever he was you were grateful to him. You were leaving but you remember why you came here for// Ehmmm… Uncle. Where’s Aron?


A Ra: Ya, where Aron? Did you fire him?

‘My dear. Aron didn’t tell you?’

A Ra: Tell me what?

‘Aron is the one you’re supposed to be married with.’

A Ra: What are you talking about? He is my bodyguard that you hire?

‘A Ra, Aron wanted to get to know you personally before he marries you. Hence, he wanted to pretend to be your body guard.’

A Ra: //Shocked, but everything was pieced together. Like how he didn’t knew that you were allergic to fur, to asking you why you didn’t want to get married, to how he knew about your parents, to him asking you to go back and lastly disappearing for the past 2 weeks. Tears started appearing//

‘A Ra? Are you okay? Why are you crying?’

A Ra: I said a lot of mean things to him….. about him infront of him….

‘A Ra, what are you talking about?’

A Ra: Where’s Aron???


A Ra: //Turning to your new bodyguard// Drive me to him.


//Finally arriving to Aron’s company. You ran in the lobby looking for him. Going to the reception asking for him//

A Ra: I need to find Aron.

‘I’m sorry but do you have an appointment with him?

A Ra: No. Where is he?

‘Then, I’m sorry. You can’t see him’

//You were about to bust out at her. But you saw the man you’re looking for. In a suit as if it was fitted and custom perfectly for him. Holding a bunch of files in his hand looking at it while walking across the lobby. With a man beside him, which look likes his sectary. You ran up to him, swinging your arms around him hugging him. Not caring you just made him drop his bunch of file. While the person at the reception desk came running after you as well//

‘I’m sorry, but I told her she can’t see you already. I’ll get her away from you.’

Aron: Don’t. No. It’s okay. She is someone important to me. //Stopping the receptionist from touching you. As well as stopping his sectary as well//

A Ra: //Looking up at him, while your eyes started to water up//

Aron: Hey… it’s okay. What’s wrong?

A Ra: //Digging your head on his chest, you tighten your grip around him// I miss you…

Aron: //Chuckling at you, caressing your head. Hugging you back tightly to him. Resting his head on you// I miss you too, a lot…. You found out?

A Ra: //Nodding your head on his chest//

Aron: So…… you changed your mind? You want to marry this stuck up guy with a very bad attitude that you don’t love at all. Then live in a mansion and sleeping beside someone you don’t love. And have kids that will grow up in an environment with no love. Just for profit. Taking this marriage as game? //Chuckling//

A Ra: //Chuckling, you broke the hug hitting him lightly on the chest. Locking your eyes on him lovingly//

Aron: Come here. //Pulling you to him, wrapping his hand waist. While the other, went to your cheek, lifting your face, while lowering his. Capturing your lips to his. Kissing you lovingly. Breaking it after that// I love you.

A Ra: //Blushing// I love you too.

Aron: //Bringing you back to him hugging you tightly not letting you go//

A Ra: Ehmm… Aron…

Aron: Ya?

A Ra: Can you let me go? We are kind of in the middle of the lobby….

Aron: Well, you didn’t seem to care about it when you come runing up to me hugging me?

A Ra: Aron.

Aron: Okay fine. //Letting you go. But lower his head bedside you, near your ear. Whispering to you// But I’m not done with you. //Lifting his head up looking at your blushing face, he winked at you. Making you blush even more, as if it’s even possible//


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NeenaKang #1
Chapter 78: Awww this is so lovely *.*

Thanks for the update, and for this new series <3
Chapter 78: Yasssss finally you are back~~ I love your stories. Keep it up! 😘💞
NeenaKang #3
Chapter 76: Awwww I missed a lot your beautiful stories <3 Thanks for uploading this *.*
Chapter 76: Sweeeeeet!! :) Beautiful story as always author-nim! I love it! :)))
Chapter 18: I love this. TT It was a misunderstanding. Glad they got back together. <3
lejardin #6
Chapter 75: Aww love it
Chapter 75: It was so cute. <3
NeenaKang #8
Chapter 75: Thanks for uploading this beautiful story.... I'm looking forward for next chapter *.*
Chapter 74: Thank you, Author-nim for another nice serie. I'm looking for the next member. Fighting! :)
NeenaKang #10
Chapter 74: Omggggg! I love it *.*
Thanks for writing authornim <3
Looking forward for the next guy :3