Chapter 30: Kyuhyun in Greece

Hallyu Love
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Kyuhyun was sitting on their usual spot in the Han River Park with his arms crossed above his chest and his eyes closed. He was wearing a jacket despite the warm weather and a baseball cap which was covering half of his face. He opened his eyes and looked at his watch and saw that it was almost midnight. He took his phone out from his pocket to check for messages. He frowned when he saw none. He heaved a deep sigh as he placed his phone back in his pocket. He has been waiting for almost an hour already. He looked around him and felt quite relieved when he saw that there were only a few people in the park. Some of them, he thought, were probably celebrities also based on what they were wearing. Another ten minutes has passed when Kyuhyun spotted her running towards him. She was wearing denim shorts which in Kyuhyun's opinion is way too short, a white t-shirt, a jacket and a cap which is the same as his. Half of her face was covered as well. Kyuhyun smiled. Although he should be mad at her for being very late, he just can't. He sat up straight as she came nearer and nearer until she reached the bench where Kyuhyun was sitting.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Shin Hye apogized while panting. She sat down beside Kyuhyun and adjusted her cap so she could see his face. "My car won't start so I have to beg Shin Won oppa if I can borrow his car." She took off her bagpack from her back and placed it between her and Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun shook his head while clicking his tongue. "Look at you, almost an hour late on our last date before I leave." He smirked at Shin Hye.

Shin Hye glared at him. She turned and looked away while pouting.

Kyuhyun chuckled. "Wae? Are you going to miss me that much?" He teased while poking her soft cheeks.

"Ani. I'm jealous that you get to take a vacation and go to Europe. You know I've never been to Europe." Shin Hye sighed. "Idols are so lucky. They get to go to diferent places because of concerts." She pouted her lips again.

Kyuhyun laughed. "Aigoo kyeopta." He exclaimed while pinching her cheeks. "But I'm not going there for a concert."

"But you've been to Europe! You get a vacation and you're going somewhere that you've already gone to." Shin Hye told him in a very cute way. "Why not go to Jeju Island?" She suggested. 

"I already went to Jeju Island. But I've never been to Greece." Kyuhyun said. He narrowed his eyes at Shin Hye. "You are gonna miss me, aren't you?" He asked in a teasing tone.

Shin Hye lowered her head. "Of course I will." She admitted in a small voice. "I have a free week, too. But it won't be fun since you're not gonna be here." She pouted.

"There's still time to buy a ticket and come with us." Kyuhyun said in a sing-songy voice.

"And shock everybody and make them wonder why I'm going to Greece with three Super Junior members?" Shin Hye exclaimed. "No, thank you. I'll just sulk here and wait for you to comeback." Again, she pouted her lips.

Kyuhyun sighed. He pulled Shin Hye closer to him and let her head rest on his shoulders. "Aigoo. How can I even leave if my girlfriend is being like this? Should I not just leave?" He said.

Shin Hye looked up at his face. "Could you that?" She asked in a hopeful voice.

Kyuhyun sighed. "I want to but Eunhyuk hyung and Ryeowook might kill me. Eunhyuk hyung paid for the tickets, after all." He said.

Shin Hye wriggled away from Kyuhyun and looked at him. "Gwaenchana. I already planned my week anyway. I already called some of my university friends and arranged for us to meet and have drinks." She said, her eyes twinkling.

Kyuhyun scoffed at her. "Yah, you. That was sneaky. Do you have guy university friends?" He asked.

Shin Hye only smiled at him and shrugged her shoulders.

Kyuhyun shook his head disapprovingly. He sighed. "I should call Eunhyuk hyung and tell him to take Donghae hyung instead." He pretended to take out his phone from his pocket when Shin Hye stopped him.

"Don't! Don't worry there won't be guys!" Shin Hye exclaimed in a worried voice.

"Really?" Kyuhyun asked her sternly.

"Promise!" Shin Hye said. She held out her pinky finger.

Kyuhyun laughed at her while looking at her pinky finger. "How childish. I'm sorry but I don't--" He stopped laughing when he saw Shin Hye was scowling at him. He hurriedly interlaced his pinky finger with hers. Shin Hye smiled sweetly at him.

"That was nice!" Shin Hye happily exclaimed. "Keunde, where are you taking me?" She asked him.

"Oh, yeah!" Kyuhyun exclaimed as if he forgot the whole purpose of their date tonight. "It's a surprise. You'll see. Come on!" 



"Wow." Shin Hye exclaimed as soon as she stepped out of Kyuhyun's car. They took back Shin Hye's oppa's car back to her house. "This is your house?" She asked gesturing to a posh, three-story house in front of them.

"Well, it's my parents' house." Kyuhyun said as he shyly scratched his head.

Shin Hye looked at him then to the house then back at him. "It has three floors!"

Kyuhyun laughed. "Yeah. My parents' and other rooms are on the second floor. Mine and noona's are on the third." He explained.

Shin Hye nodded his head. "Wow. So it's true that your family is rich?" She whispered.

"What, you don't believe that?" Kyuhyun asked with mock hurt in his voice.

Shin Hye shrugged her shoulders. "You don't look rich."

Kyuhyun laughed while ruffling her hair. "Let's go inside." 

He held her hand and they walked together to the gate. Kyuhyun entered the password to open the gate and they went inside. Shin Hye's jaw dropped slightly as she was greeted by a cute, huge garden full of different kinds of flowers that she did not get to enjoy because Kyuhyun tugged her hand and hurried to the front door. He typed a password again and the door unlocked and they went inside. Upon entering, a huge family portrait welcomed them.

"Welcome to our living room!" Kyuhyun happily exclaimed.

Shin Hye's eyes remained transfixed to the family portrait. She was staring at Kyuhyun's appa. She still hasn't met him but based from the stories she have heard from Kyuhyun and the way he looks on the portrait, Shin Hye have a feeling that he is very strict and scary. She pulled her hand away from Kyuhyun's.

"What?" Kyuhyun asked her.

"Uhm, is it okay for us to be sneaking in at this hour?" She whispered.

Kyuhyun nodded. "Yeah, it is. It's my house, too." He said in a normal voice.

"But, your appa might get mad." Shin Hye whispered again. She was wondering why Kyuhyun is not bothering to lower his voice.

"Oh, don't mind him. I bet he's snoring in their room already." Kyuhyun non-chalantly said. "Come on." He said as he took her hand again and led her into the house.

"This is the dining room. And that over there is the kitchen." Kyuhyun said as they entered a room with a long table with a flower vase in the middle. "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything?" Kyuhyun asked.

Shin Hye shook her head. She proceeded to a smaller but long table where picture frames are placed. "You guys have a lot of pictures. I saw a lot in the living room but there are still a lot more here." She said as she picked up one with a much younger Kyuhyun in it wearing pajamas and scowling at the camera.

"Oh, yeah. Our eomma captured every move we made when we were kids." Kyuhyun said as he stood beside Shin Hye. "See? I just woke up there and she just came up to me and snapped a photo of me hence, the scowl." He explained.

Shin Hye giggled. "Ah kyeopta!" She said as she looked at Kyuhyun's face standing beside her then back to the cute, sulky and younger Kyuhyun in the picture. "Keunde, why do you look different?" She asked.

"Uhm, well, because, I grew up. You know, puberty and all that stuff." He nervously said. "Let's go upstairs." He hurriedly took the photo from Shin Hye's hand and placed it back in the table and led her to the stairs. 

They climbed up the stairs. Shin Hye was quietly tip-toeing up the stairs while Kyuhyun was noisily taking step after step.

"Yah! Can you climb the stairs quietly? We might wake your parents up!" Shin Hye reprimanded him in a hushed tone.

Kyuhyun laughed at her. "Don't worry. All the rooms here are sound proof." He said as they reached the third floor. "You want me to scream and see if they'll wake up or not?" 

Kyuhyun opened his mouth to scream but Shin Hye stopped him by covering his mouth with her hands. 

"Are you out of your mind?!" Shin Hye whispered to him. She glared at him and Kyuhyun blinked his eyes several times. She then removed her hands from his mouth. "You're making me nervous." She said.

Kyuhyun smirked. "Wae? Is it because we have the third floor all to ourselves?" Kyuhyun said in a teasing tone accompanied by a wink.

Shin Hye hit him in the chest very hard which made Kyuhyun wince in pain. "Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!" She exclaimed as quietly as she could.

"I was joking." Kyuhyun whimpered, trying to act cute and cuddly to ease Shin Hye's anger. "I'm not gonna do anything to you especially not with my parents at the floor below." He explained. Shin Hye was still glaring hard at him, anger etched in her face. "Well, maybe this." Kyuhyun said as he hastily gave Shin Hye a soft kiss on the cheek. He smiled when he saw Shin Hye's face softened up.

Shin Hye sighed. "Just be quiet, okay? I don't want your parents to get mad at us or anything."

Kyuhyun nodded his head. "Arasso." He grinned. "Let's go. My room's at the end of the hall." He said as he led Shin Hye towards the last door at the end of the hall.

The door was painted blue and had Kyuhyun's name on it. He opened the door and let Shin Hye in first.

"Wow." Shin Hye said as she stepped in. "Your room is.." Her voice trailed off.

"What?" Kyuhyun asked as he closed the door and sat down on his bed.

"Your room is... Have I been here before?" Shin Hye asked. His bed room is vaguely familiar to her.

Kyuhyun clapped his hand. "Oh! Maybe because it looks exactly the same as my dorm room!" He exclaimed.

Shin Hye clapped her hands too. "Yeah! That's right!" She nodded as she took in her surroundings. "Your room is small." 

"Well, that's because it has an extension." Kyuhyun said as he stood up and walked to a door which Shin Hye presumed to be the bathroom. He opened the door and beckoned for Shin Hye to enter.

Shin Hye and Kyuhyun entered the room. She looked at him with a smile on his face. 

"So, this is where the magic happens." Kyuhyun said as he winked at her.

Shin Hye laughed while shaking her head. "Why am I not surprised that you have a room like this?" She said as she looked around the room. This room is even bigger than Kyuhyun's actual bed room. There was a big televesion and game consoles and shelves with lots and lots of video games in it.

"You know how my appa is obssessed with my studying, right? These things were banned from our house before. But appa was always so furious because I was kind of neglecting my studies and was always spending time at my friend's house. So I told him if he wants me to stay in this house and to study hard, he should buy me all of these stuff." Kyuhyun proudly said. He and Shin Hye sat down on the sofa in the middle of the room.

Shin Hye nodded. "So, after your appa bought you all these, did you study hard?" She asked.

Kyuhyun grinned. "Yeah. I had to keep my end of the bargain if I don't want all of these to be gone."

Shin Hye smiled at him sympathetically. Her parents were always so understanding of her failing grades before probably because she started working at an early age. It was hard to balance work and high school.

"So, wanna play?" Kyuhyun asked, his eyes twinkling.

"Yeah, let's do this." Shin Hye smiled at him.



"Aish!" Kyuhyun muttered as he dropped his xbox controller on the floor. He and Shin Hye were playing car racing games on his xbox for the past hour. And out of the ten rounds that they have played, he only won three of them.

Shin Hye was laughing while clapping her hand merrily. "I won! That means I get to punish you!" She said as she stuck his tongue out to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun nodded. "Arasso. What would your punishment be then?" He asked.

Shin Hye scrunched up her forehead while trying to think of a punishment that would really be hard for Kyuhyun. "Hmm. Ah! While in Greece, you only have to eat ramen. You can't eat greek food or anything."

Kyuhyun's jaw dropped. "You're kidding, right?" He asked incredulously.

"Hmm. No." Shin Hye said in a cold voice.

"No. Please not that! You know food is the second thing that I love the most, with you being number one. Please? I'll do anything." Kyuhyun said in a pleading and very serious voice.

Shin Hye chuckled at him. "Arasso. You're so funny."

Kyuhyun sighed in relief. "Fine. Anything." He said.

Shin Hye thought for a while. "Ah! I don't know. Because you're so cute and adorable, I don't think I wanna punish you." She said. She giggled a little.

"Yes!" Kyuhyun sat up from the sofa and danced around. He sat back down and placed a kiss on Shin Hye's cheeks. "You're the best girlfriend ever!"

Shin Hye giggled at him. "I know." She proudly exclaimed. Her smile fade away as she looked away from Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun's eyebrow creased. "Wae? Is something wrong?" He worriedly asked.

Shin Hye sighed as she shook her head. "I'm worried about you. You're a very clumsy person. Who's going to take care of you without your manager there?"

Kyuhyun smiled. "Ryeowook's gonna be there."

Shin Hye's face brightened up. "Yeah. Ryeowook oppa takes care of people like an eomma." She said. She sighed in relief.

"I'm worried about you, too. Those guys who has a crush on you might take advantage of you while I'm gone." Kyuhyun said. It's now his turn to pout his lips and cross his arms above his chest.

Shin Hye giggled. "Aigoo, kyeopta. But what guys are you talking about?" She innocently asked.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes at her. "You know exactly who I'm talking about."

"Who? Hongki?" Shin Hye asked. She blinked her eyes innocently.

Kyuhyun shook his head. "Aigoo, Park Shin Hye. Let's just play." He picked up his xbox controller on the floor and started a new game. But just as their race cars roared forward, the door to Kyuhyun's game room suddenly burst open.

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun!" Someone angrily shouted from the door.

"Oh no." Kyuhyun muttered under his breath.

"Ottoke?" Shin Hye nervously whispered.

Kyuhyun slowly stood up and turned around. "Eomma! Annyeong!" He grinned and chuckled nervously.

"Aigoo! Aigoo! This kid! Sneaking in the house in middle of the night to play games. Aigoo, Cho Kyuhyun!" His eomma approached him and hit him repeatedly wherever she could reach. "What am I going to do with this kid?"

"Ow! Ow! Eomma stop!" Kyuhyun said as he tried to shield himself away from his eomma's attacks. "Eomma, look! Park Shin Hye is here. Park Shin Hye, look!"

Shin Hye stood up and bowed her head. "Anyeong Hasseyo, eomoni. I'm so sorry for disturbing your sleep." She said while still bowing.

"Omo! Omo uri Shin Hye-ah is here in my house!" Kyuhyun's eomma happily exclaimed. She approached Shin Hye and gave her a tight hug.

"Eomoni, I'm so sorry to be sneaking in like this." Shin Hye said as she reluctantly hugged Kyuhyun's eomma back.

"Aniya, aniya. I'm the one who should apologize that you have to see the house at this time. I should have invited you over but you're too busy so it was just your eomma who came." She happily said. 

"Oh. So Shin Hye's eomma have been here before?" Kyuhyun asked his eomma.

Kyuhyun's eomma turned and looked at him as if forgetting for a moment that his son was in the same room as she and Shin Hye. She glared at his son. "Aigoo. You, making your eomma nervous! I thought there was a burglar but it was only you. Aigoo you could have given me a heart attack!" She said as she continued to hit Kyuhyun in all the places that she could reach.

"Ow! Eomma! Ow! Please stop! Ow!" Kyuhyun said in a pleading voice. "Eomma! Please don't hit me in front of my girlfriend!" He exclaimed.

Shin Hye giggled at the sight in front of her. Although Kyuhyun's eomma is very small, Shin Hye wondered how she was able to have a tall son like Kyuhyun.

"Serves you right for not letting me know that you are going to sneak in the house tonight!" Kyuhyun's eomma said as she pinched him on his side.

"Ow! Eomma jebal!" Kyuhyun whimpered while massaging the spot where his eomma just pinched him. "Where's appa anyway?" He asked.

Kyuhyun's eomma momentarily stopped beating him up upon his question. "This kid! Doesn't even know where his appa is!" She said as she continued hitting Kyuhyun. "You're appa is in Taiwan. His fixing things there for his academy. Aigoo." She continued hitting him. 

"Eomma stop or else I'll tell everyone that I'm a battered son!" Kyuhyun exclaimed while stomping his feet. "And a battered boyfriend." He added quietly while glancing at Shin Hye.

Shin Hye looked at Kyuhyun with an appalled expression. "Yah!" She whispered to Kyuhyun as she stole a glance on Kyuhyun's eomma's face.

"See that! Even your girlfriend knows that you should be beaten up. Aigoo!" Kyuhyun's eomma exclaimed as she gave Kyuhyun one last blow on his chest. She turned to Shin Hye and gave her a warm smile. "Aigoo, Shin Hye-ah. I'm sorry that you had to see that."

"Aniyo it's fine. My oppa and my eomma are like that also so, I'm kind of used to it." Shin Hye said. She smiled sweetly to Kyuhyun's eomma.

"What a very nice and polite kid!" Kyuhyun's eomma happily exclaimed while clapping her hands.

Kyuhyun cleared his throat. The two girls looked at him. "Eomma, when is appa coming back?" He asked. 

"In three days. Wae?" His eomma replied. Kyuhyun breathed a sigh of relief when he realized that his eomma has not hit him.

"Eomma ottoke? You'll be alone here in the house." Kyuhyun said. His voice full of worry. "I'll call noona tomorrow and tell her to stay with you."

"Aniya no need for that. My friend and I are going on a three-day spa trip anyway." Kyuhyun's eomma giddily said.

"Arasso." Kyuhyun said in a sing-songy voice.

"Oh! Eomoni, my eomma are going to a three-day spa trip, too!" Shin Hye exclaimed.

Kyuhyun's eomma laughed at her. "Ara, ara! We're actually going together. Didn't she tell you?"

Shin Hye pouted while shaking her head. "Aniyo." She sadly said.

"Aigoo." Kyuhyun said as he stood beside Shin Hye and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

Kyuhyun's eomma smiled at them proudly. "Oh by the way, Shin Hye-ah do you want to eat something?" She asked Shin Hye.

"Oh no, eomoni. I think I should go home already. I have an early schedule later." Shin Hye shyly smiled.

"Of course, of course. I'll see you when your eomma and I get back, arasso?" Kyuhyun's eomma kindly said while tapping her arm.

"We're so sorry to disturb your sleep, eomoni." Shin Hye bowed her head.

Kyuhyun held Shin Hye's hand and smiled proudly to his eomma. "Kaja, Shin Hye-ah! Eomma annyeong!" He waved at his eomma and started walking to the door with Shin Hye who bowed one last time to Kyuhyun's eomma.

"I think you're forgetting something, Cho Kyuhyun." His eomma called his attention as they got to the door.

Kyuhyun sighed. He let go of Shin Hye's hand and walked back to his eomma. He gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Aigoo, my son." His eomma hugged him. "Be good while you're in Greece, arasso?" Kyuhyun nodded his head. "And don't forget to call me everyday. And call Shin Hye everyday, too. Arasso?"

"Deh, eomma." Kyuhyun replied to her. "You should go back to your room, eomma. I'll lock up here."

"Arasso." She hugged Kyuhyun one last time before walking out the door. She also hugged Shin Hye before descending to the second floor.

Shin Hye walked beside Kyuhyun. She giggled when she saw his face. He was blushing. "Why is your face so red?" She said as she cupped his face in her hands.

"Nothing. It was embarassing that you had to witness that." Kyuhyun cutely said.

Shin Hye laughed. "But it was very sweet. You're so sweet. You're exactly the type of guy that I want."

Kyuhyun giggled. "You're being extra sweet today. You're seriously making me re-think my decision to leave."

Shin Hye gave him a mischievous smile. She laced her arm to Kyuhyun's. "Let's go home."



Kyuhyun stopped his car in front of Shin Hye's house. All the lights in the neighborhood are switched off except for the lamp posts. Neither of them moved. Shin Hye made no attempt of climbing down the car. The two remained in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, both of them trying to catch a glimpse of each other's faces. When they finally caught each other's eyes, the two of them laughed. 

"So..." Kyuhyun quietly said.

"So?" Shin Hye said.

Kyuhyun bowed his head a little and lightly scratched it. "I guess, I'll see you in two weeks?" 

"Is that a question or what?" Shin Hye asked, a smile curving on her lips. 

Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. We'll see." He winked at her.

Shin Hye narrowed her eyes at him. "Yah! Are you planning something?" She asked as she slapped him in his arm.

Kyuhyun laughed. "Nothing!" He exclaimed. "I'm going to miss you." He added in a serious tone.

"I'm going to miss you, too." Shin Hye smiled at him. "Be good while you're in Greece, okay?" She added.

Kyuhyun nodded eagerly. "Of course. I'm always good." He said with a wink to Shin Hye.

"Yeah. Sure you are." Shin Hye said in a teasing tone. She looked out of the car window to her house. "I guess, I should go inside." She started fixing her stuff and placed her bagpack on her back. "Bye!" She waved at Kyuhyun then opened the car door. When she was half-way out, Kyuhyun suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"Wait a second." Kyuhyun said. He reached out and closed the car door. He sternly looked at Shin Hye who was giving him a confused look.

"Why? What happened?" Shin Hye asked, her brows furrowed.

"Seriously? We're not gonna see each other for two weeks and you're just going to wave bye at me?" Kyuhyun said in an incredulous tone. He laughed when he saw Shin Hye's still confused face.

Shin Hye only shrugged her shoulders.

Kyuhyun sighed. He inched closer to Shin Hye and cupped her face with his hands. He placed a kiss on her forehead then moved on to her lips. The kiss was sweet and soft. Kyuhyun pulled away after and gave Shin Hye a knowing look. 

"Oh." Shin Hye nodded her head.

Kyuhyun smirked at her. "Yeah. Oh." He said as he nodded his head as well, mimicking her.

Shin Hye smiled while blushing. She then wrapped her arms around Kyuhyun's neck. "I'll miss you. Please don't go around kissing greek girls like that." She said in her aegyo voice.

Kyuhyun chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Shin Hye's waist. "I'll miss you, too. And please don't go around hugging guys like this, arasso?" He said, his voice muffled.

Shin Hye nodded her head while still locked in an embrace with Kyuhyun. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Shin Hye gently pulled away. She gave Kyuhyun a peck on the cheek. "See you in two weeks!" She giddily said. 

She opened the car door and got out. She looked at Kyuhyun through the window and waved at him. Kyuhyun waved back at her. She happily walked to the gate, opened it and went inside. 

As soon as Shin Hye was out of sight, Kyuhyun drove away with a silly smile that he wasn't able to wipe off of his face.



Shin Hye was lying down on the sofa in their living room while watching TV. It has been three days since Kyuhyun and his other members left for Greece to relish their vacation. Shin Hye was given a week off as well which she was spending by just lounging around in their house. She was watching a foreign movie while eating popcorn when her appa positioned himself on Shin Hye's feet.

"Oh, what's this?" He asked her daughter.

"It's an american movie appa. It's really funny." Shin Hye replied while munching on her popcorn.

"Ah." Shin Hye's appa muttered. He grabbed a handful of popcorn and popped some in his mouth. "Don't you have any schedule? You've been stuck here in the house for three days." He said.

"Nope, appa. Sajangnim gave me a week off." Shin Hye said, not taking her eyes off from the TV.

"Ah. I see." Shin Hye's appa muttered. "Usually when you get a free time, Kyuhyun comes here."

Shin Hye looked at her appa. "It's because Kyuhyun's not here, appa." She pointed out.

Shin Hye's appa's face brightened. "Oh really? Where is he? One of their concerts abroad?" He eagerly asked.

"He's in Greece right now for a vacation." Shin Hye said. "Waeyo, appa? Do you miss him already?" She appa.

Her appa laughed at her. "Well, rather than missing him, I think I miss my daughter more." Shin Hye's appa shyly confessed.

"Aww, appa!" Shin Hye squealed. She placed down the bowl of popcorn on the table and hugged her appa. "Appa!" She squealed again.

"I know Kyuhyun is a nice kid and all, but he's taking too much of your time." Shin Hye's appa said. He was red in the face.

Shin Hye giggled. "Is my appa jealous of my boyfriend?" She said in a teasing tone.

"Not really. It's just, you're my only daughter. He's a very nice kid, very polite to the elders and financially stable but I am still not ready to give you away to him. You're my only daughter and my princess, after all." Shin Hye's appa said in a gentle voice.

"Appa! You're making it sound like I'm getting married to him." Shin Hye pouted.

"From the way he looks at you, it is not far from happening." He said. He let out a low chuckle. "I remember, that was exactly the way I looked at your eomma when we were your guys age." He said. He seemed like he has walked down the memory lane.

It was now Shin Hye's turn to blush and be embarassed. "Appa!" She giggled. She lightly hit her appa on his arm. "But don't worry, appa. No matter how many boyfriends I would have, you'll still be the number one man in my life. I promise!" Shin Hye proclaimed. She hugged her appa really tightly.

"Aigoo. This kid!" Shin Hye's appa affectionately said as he ruffled Shin Hye's hair.

Shin Hye abruptly let go of her appa, her eyes twinkling. "Appa! I have an idea!"



Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Eunhyuk just walked in their hotel room. They just came back from strolling ar

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I like the story. I hope you can still continue your story.
Chapter 47: ㅠ___ㅠ
JosieP1 #3
Chapter 47: Hi,
I really miss your story, hoping you will read my comments and hoping you will update soon.
Thank you and God Bless
Chapter 47: Why no updates from you? Did something happen? Hope you are okay.. ㅠㅠ

Are you not going to abandon this right? Please nooooo.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 47: It's almost 5 months since you've updated..

When will you update? I really miss this.. ㅠㅠ
Chapter 47: i miss this... TT_____TT
yoonhacci #7
Chapter 47: Annyeong aothornim.. Its really good to c u again.. Keep the story up. I will always waiting n support u.. Kekeke
sofiahunaini #8
Chapter 47: Same with waiting for next chap...i always see the update time...hehe...
Chapter 47: When I open my AFF and see you updated.. My reaction is yeyyyy! ^___^
KYU is going to propose... waaaaaaa I can't wait for that!!!
Your story is really my favorite and you made my day and I thank you for that..
waiting for your next update and please update soon! =D
hwaiting always! ^^
Chapter 47: An a surprise update pop up on my screen....