Episode 43

Power Rangers SJ Force

"Commander Rex would not have given up to get our crystals." Leeteuk said. "But do you think that Polly knows more about the dark crystal than her husband?" Eunhyuk said.

"Not sure, but Angel did mention that it's more than just killing us and the citizens." Kyuhyun said. "It will destroy our planet as well." Heechul added in.

"The thing is, how are we going to stop Commander Rex and his wife to get more power in the dark crystal?" Siwon asked. "We need to come up with another brilliant plan in order to stop them from doing so." Donghae said.

"Even if we did sneak up into their spaceship, they know what we're doing to them." Ryeowook said. Leeteuk is thinking through in his head as the team got contacted by Mr Kim.

"Mr Kim?" the others said. "I need you guys come to the lab." the older male said. "But it's our day off. We don't have anything else to do." Heechul said. "This is more important than you guys think." the latter said as the team decided to go to the lab immediately to get some answers from Mr Kim.

In the spaceship, Polly is looking at the dark crystal on her own as she wants to stab her husband as she only liked him for her evilness. Seeing her husband who is sleeping, she summoned one of the most dangerous monsters instead.

"Yes madam, is there anything you want me to do?" a female monster said. "I need you to take care of that certain ranger who's a leader of the group." Polly said in a sadistic voice.

"What can I make sure he would be dead once I find his certain weakness?" the latter asked back. "His element is snow. Use this dangerous gun to kill that white ranger and he won't make alive to get the dark crystal from me and my husband." Polly explained as she gives the monster a dangerous gun.

In the lab, Angel explained the origin of the crystals to the team. "The crystals are not just there you rangers need to protect from Commander Rex." "What do you mean by that?" Ryeowook asked. "Each crystal are actually the original guardians who protect these crystals before Commander Rex wanting to steal something." Angel explained even furthermore.

"In other words, they are inside the crystal you have from the beginning." the guardian said as the others soon realized that the original users of the crystals wanting to get revenge from Commander Rex who had killed them. "Then, we will get revenge for them to stop Commander Rex and his subordinates." Leeteuk said as they noticed that the monster is in the city.

The team arrived at the location it gave them until they saw her using a gun. "Well, if it isn't the Power Rangers..." a female monster said. "Who the heck are you?" Donghae asked. "I'm Dawnhood. Polly's most dangerous monster you will ever meet." Sawnhood said as the team realized it has a white tiger symbol. "You're aiming at Leeteuk-hyung?" Kyuhyun asked.

"Of course you smarty pants. In fact, I have been tasked to find your leader's weakness."  Sawnhood said as she shoots at the others first. "Change Standby!" Leeteuk command as the team took out their global power-up. "Roger!"








"Mythical Change!" "Mythical Henge!" they morphed into their ranger suits. "Minions, attack these rangers! I must get the white ranger." Dawnhood said as the six rangers are fighting against the minions.

"She's going after Leeteuk!" Heechul said. "We have to protect him!" Eunhyuk said. The team has decided to shield their leader. However, Dawnhood uses her normal attack on them causing them to get beaten first.

"What are you targeting me?" Leeteuk asked.  "You're the one who kept the team together, isn't it?" Sawnhood said as she tried to shoot at Leeteuk. The white ranger managed to dodge the shots as the others are getting the concern about their leader. 

"Do you think Leeteuk-hyung will be alright?" Donghae asked. "One can hope though." Eunhyuk said as they noticed that Heechul is nowhere to be seen.  "Leeteuk-sshi! Stop this already. We need to retreat for a while." the pink ranger said as the latter ended up pushed him instead.  "I need to stop her or she will hurt you guys again." Leeteuk answered back as he continued to dodge her bullets.

"I'm outta here!" Sawnhood said as she vanished into thin air. The team didn't demorph as they confront Leeteuk for a while. "Hyung! Our plan is to stop Commander Rex, not leaving us behind!" Ryeowook said back. "Not now! She's trying to kill me and none of you cared!" the leader angrily said as the team never seen their leader much angrier.

"Leeteuk-sshi, what Ryeowook said is the truth! We need to find Commander Rex to destroy the dark crystal and defeat him. Then, we can deal with that creep that is trying to kill you!" Heechul explained. "That creep there seems to know my certain weakness!" the leader answered back. "If none of you cared, I'm finding her by MYSELF!" the white ranger shouted back as he ran off.

"Leeteuk-sshi..." Heechul said as Donghae comfort the older male. "Let's go back to the lab for a while." the blue ranger said as the team demorphed to go back into the lab. In the lab, the team just became silent after what Leeteuk have just said to them. Just then, Yesung and Sungmin came in for a visit. "Hey, guys..." Sungmin said as both ninjas noticed that the team did not want to speak.

"Oh, Yesung-hyung, Sungmin. What makes you guys come here?" Kyuhyun asked. "We were about to deliver some news about Commander Rex's latest activity but where's Leeteuk-sshi?" Yesung asked. "He went to find a new monster by himself after he lashed us out thinking we didn't even care." Heechul answered back.

"Why would he even think of that?" Sungmin asked. "It seems that this monster knew about Leeteuk-hyung's certain weakness. He sound like he's hiding a secret from us." Eunhyuk explained. Just then, Donghae suddenly remembered from yesterday event from what the black mysterious figure meant.

The figure goes to him as he needs to warn him. "Do not trust your leader at all." the latter said.  A short flashback came to Donghae's mind for a while. "Donghae, are you okay?" Siwon asked in concern. "I'm okay. While I was finding the Falcon zord during Rockstone's incident, that mysterious figure came to me and telling me that we should not trust Leeteuk-hyung at all." the blue ranger explained from his perspective.

"Donghae! I told you not to believe in him!" Yesung told the younger male. "Even if I didn't want to believe in him, it seems that he knows more about Leeteuk-hyung than any of us." the younger answered back. "We have to find our leader before he does anything reckless things that will happen to him." Heechul said as the team grabbed their crystals while Yesung and Sungmin stayed behind to guard the lab.

On the other side of the park, Leeteuk is finding Dawnhood as he felt that someone has already known his darkest secret. "SAWNHOOD! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!?!?" he shouted as he started to feel angrier at her. Just then, he felt that the bullets were coming for him and using his snow powers to freeze it.

"Shall we have a duel white ranger?" Sawnhood asked. "Just you and me you freakshow..." the white ranger said as both of them starts to fight very intense. The team is running to find Leeteuk in their ranger suits. "Any sign of him?" Heechul asked. "Not yet. He seems far away from us." Ryeowook said as they kept running.

As the team is now getting closer to find Leeteuk, they noticed that their leader is a bit worn out. "HYUNG!" they shouted as Leeteuk noticed. "Guys?..." he said. Unfortunately for him, Dawnhood uses this opportunity to use her gun to shoot him instead. "NO!" they shouted as Leeteuk got injured instead. However, he's using his snow powers and using his sword to destroy the gun and Sawnhood.

"What?!?!? That's impossible! It's supposed to kill the white ranger!" Sawnhood said when she turned into a giant as she realized that Leeteuk is still alive. "HYUNG!" the others said as they went to their leader. "Pabo! Are you okay?" Heechul asked in desperation. The latter nodded as he let Heechul use his tiger zord to form a megazord without him.

"We have to do it without you?" Eunhyuk asked. Leeteuk nodded as the blood is still coming out from his wounds. "We have to do it." Heechul said as the team agreed with him. "Hyung, please rest here." Kyuhyun said as he hoped Leeteuk would be okay. The team formed a megazord in order to defeat Sawnhood. 

"It's time to meet your death, rangers!" Sawnhood said as she lets the bullets shooting at them. "We need to use the Falcon zord, like as in right now!" Donghae said as the Falcon zord came in and formed into its wings. Although it has the advantage of flying around to find Sawnhood's weakness, the monster managed to hit them instead which cause their zords to disassemble.

"Damn it! What are we supposed to do now?" Siwon asked. As Leeteuk is resting, a female figure came in as she took his white global power-up and instantly morphed which Leeteuk is shocked about it. For the zords, they are unable to move for a while as Sawnhood has managed to damage the zords for a while. However, they saw the white tiger zord came in and hit the monster instead.

"Hey! Shouldn't Leeteuk be resting?" Heechul asked. Donghae realized that someone else is inside the tiger zord cockpit. "Um guys, Leeteuk-hyung is still resting over there." the blue ranger said. "Then, who is inside the tiger zord?" Kyuhyun asked. The female white tiger ranger is the one controlling the tiger zord.

"Why you?!?!" Sawnhood said as she continues to shoot at the tiger zord. "Take that!" the female ranger said as she uses the snow powers to freeze the monster. "What?" "It can't be..." "That's unbelievable." the others said as they never knew that the tiger zord would have this amount of power.

The female white tiger ranger uses her weapon to kill Sawnhood as a mark of the monster's defeat. "How is it that possible?" Ryeowook said. "Crap! Leeteuk-hyung!" Siwon said as the team ran to their leader as he still resting. "We have got to send him back to the lab." Eunhyuk said until a female white ranger stopped them.

"Okay, I don't wanna be so rude but you never bond with the white crystal!" Heechul said. "You can't just borrow his global power-up without his consent!" Kyuhyun added on until they realized that the white female ranger has a similar ranger suit like Leeteuk's except is a bit more upgraded and a skirt.

Just then, the black mysterious figure came in. "YOU!" Donghae angrily said as he wanted to punch the mysterious figure. However, the figure managed to stop his punch. "I told you not to trust your current leader." the figure said as he revealed himself to be a similar guardian like Angel but is a bit ruder.

"Meet your true leader. The White Tiger Ranger, Park Inyoung!" the rude guardian said the entire team is now confused as the white tiger ranger demorphed to reveal herself while Leeteuk knew this would end his friendship with his current teammates.

To be continued...

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Chapter 39: A wonderful story
Always waiting for ur update author-nim
Chapter 39: Wow an update
The last scence was so cute
Chapter 38: Nice one.. khuhyun is the smartypants in the group anyway..
Chapter 37: Hahaha..so funny.. but why did sungmin hve the lucky chain? I find it pretty odd..
Chapter 36: HanChul ♡♡♡ so Darma is gone, Slasher is still waiting.. hmm.. i could not wait when commander rex flipped when he heard darma is defeated
Chapter 35: So thirsty~ yeahhhhhh! I like their fighting spirit!
Chapter 34: I wish I have one of the card to become more humble and more matured. Thanks for the update..its really fun to know that finally donghae going on date with siwon..
Chapter 33: Hahaha..poor kyunnie and wookie!! So cute..
Chapter 32: Ooowhhhh..the 89 line(is this corrrect?) are super adorable!! I think all of us hve our own weak side but we nver exposed them to others. Its good to know that btw..hahaha
Chapter 30: Eerie feelings coming for the next chapter, I can feel it!!! For this chapter, I think Siwon show his soft side by be kind with others without judging who are u and with whatever their form takes.. good job author-nim!