Episode 38

Power Rangers SJ Force

At the museum, the others are doing their museum duties as usual and Donghae and Ryeowook are still doing their final exams in their school. Mr Kim later contacted them as they have to deal a monster who is destroying. "We'll get Donghae and Ryeowook. Let's go!" Leeteuk said as the team ran out of the museum.

At the main city, Dolly is using her human disguise as she as uses her dark magic powers to kill more innocent civilians. The other civilians screamed as they saw her monster form until a blast coming from the team. "Stop right there!" Leeteuk said. "Oh look, it's those pathetic rangers..." Dolly said as the team uses their global power-up.








"Mythical Change!" "Mythical Henge!" the team morphed into their ranger suits as they fight against the minions as they are trying their best despite a few of them (mostly Heechul) are still recovering from their injuries. "I'm going after her!" Kyuhyun said as he rushed towards Dolly.

"KYUHYUN-AH! Don't!" Ryeowook shouted as the younger male starts to find her weak spot. "My my... If it isn't the red ranger who is a bit reckless." Dolly said as Kyuhyun hated one word from her as he continued to attack her. Unfortunately, she uses the most powerful dark magic to hurt Kyuhyun instead.

"KYUHYUN!" the others shouted as the youngest member demorph and is unable to wake up. "Bye bye rangers..." Dolly said with a smirk as she left the others with the maknae. The others demorph instantly as they rushed towards Kyuhyun as they tried to get him awake.

"Little bro? Yah! Don't play with me!" Siwon shouted as he started to cry while Donghae offers him a comforting hug. "Kyuhyunnie?..." Ryeowook said with a crying tone. "Eunhyuk, Heechul, call Mr Kim and the ambulance! Now!" Leeteuk commands the other two as they immediately called them.

Meanwhile, at the forest, Polly is thinking about the dark crystal since she didn't that her husband has been using her not only the rangers' crystal but also the dark crystal. "I think Slasher knows everything since he is my husband's right-hand man." she said as she starts to find Slasher.

At the hospital, the doctor is examining Kyuhyun's body. "There is no blood loss. He's in a coma for 24 hours." the doctor said. "Is there anything you can do?" Siwon immediately asked. "I'm sorry..." the doctor said as he left the others with Kyuhyun who is now lying down on the hospital bed.

"It has to be Dolly's dark magic. Does she tend to make him fall into a coma for 24 hours? Meaning..." Ryeowook said. "He could die immediately just like she did with other civilians..." Eunhyuk said as they looked at Kyuhyun instead.

Kyuhyun woke up as he realized the others aren't with him. "Hyungs? Ryeowook-sshi?" he said as he started to wonder everything. "What the hell is going on in here?" he asked as a figure appeared with a gate opening for him.

"Hello Mr Cho..." someone said. "Who the heck are you?" the red ranger. "I have no name but you're in a coma for now. Your physical body is in the hospital bed." someone said as he showed the red ranger in the real world.

"Hyungs!" he shouted as he wanted to get out but is unable to do so. "Dolly... She must have done something to me!" he said. "If you want to wake yourself up, you need to pass the test..." someone said. "Please, I'm a genius. I can take any test if you're a chicken." the red ranger said. "Very well, let the text begins!" someone said as Kyuhyun noticed that the minions appeared in front of him.

"What the hell? This isn't a test!" Kyuhyun said. "You said you can take any test since you're a genius, remember?" someone said in a snarky tone. "I meant as a math genius, not this!" the latter angrily said as he starts to fight against the minions.

Meanwhile, Ryeowook looked at Kyuhyun's lifeless body as he said something to him. "Kyu... Please wake up... Don't die here without me and your brother is slowly getting into a deep depression." the purple ranger said as he started to cry.

While still fighting against the minions, Kyuhyun hears Ryeowook's crying only for him to get hit by someone instead. "You have failed the test." he said. "YAH! I NEED TO WAKE UP SO I CAN DEFEAT DOLLY!" the latter said. "You desperately get out of here?" someone said. "How many tests are there I have to do?" he asked.

"Just two more to go." someone said. "How about we make a deal?" Kyuhyun said. "Really?" someone said. "If I passed 2/3 tests, you have to wake my body up so I don't have to worry my brother, my friends and my boyfriend." Kyuhyun said. "What if you didn't pass the test?" someone said. "I'm willing to die..." Kyuhyun said.

At the lab, the others were still feeling upset about losing Kyuhyun after Dolly used her dark magic to cause the younger male to get into coma. "We have to find her weakspot." Heechul said. "But how? She's too powerful for us to hit her." Donghae said. "We have to take the risk not just for Kyuhyun but especially to the other civilians as well." Siwon explained as the others agreed with him.

Kyuhyun noticed that the second test is actually based on the memories of him beating any of the monsters. "Seriously?" he asked. "Well, you mention you would die-" "SHUT UP!" Kyuhyun shouted as he saw the monsters that the team has defeated already even before and after him and Siwon. "Seriously?" he asked as he starts to fight until he managed to find every weakspot on every monster.

"Well done, you have passed your second test." someone said. "I still need to know your name first before doing the last test." Kyuhyun asked as he was being sush by someone instead. "You must never know my name otherwise you will never find Dolly's weakspot." he said. The red ranger just facepalmed himself as he needs to get out of here before knowing that he will die in 24 hours in the real world.

"There's nothing in here." Mr Kim said as the others are still getting worried about Kyuhyun's coma. "If we could have protected Kyuhyun earlier, none of these would have happened and we can defeat Dolly for now." Siwon said as he starting to get into a deep depression.

"Siwon?" Donghae asked as the green ranger ran out from the lab. "SIWONNIE!" Donghae shouted as he wanted to catch up with him until Heechul stopped him. "He needs to calm down for a while. Once we find Dolly, we will get Kyuhyun back into action." Heechul said as Eunhyuk felt something strange. "Is there something wrong, Eunhyuk-sshi?" Leeteuk asked. "I have a feeling that Kyuhyun is fighting against his coma." the brown ranger said.

Kyuhyun arrived for his third test as he really needs to get out from his coma quickly. However, he felt something strange about someone as he starts to attack him instead.

"Let me guess, the third test is me fighting against you, Dolly?" the red ranger said. Someone smirked as he revealed his disguise as Dolly. "How did you know I was him the entire time?" she said. "You're really a bad liar, aren't you?" Kyuhyun said as he finally managed to kick her weakspot causing her to get out of his mind.

At the hospital, Kyuhyun woke up as Ryeowook is surprised instead. "Kyuhyunnie? You're awake?" the purple ranger said. "I will explain later, call the others." Kyuhyun said as he took out his oxygen mask to run after Dolly. "What? Kyuhyun's out of the coma?" Siwon asked. "Yeah. He said that Dolly is in the city." Ryeowook said. "We're on our way." Leeteuk said as the others grabbed their crystals.

Dolly was running away from Kyuhyun until the latter hit her with his gun. "How did you know you're not going to die?" she asked. "Oh simple... I plant it on your head right after you put me into a coma with your dark magic." the red ranger smirked as Dolly was even more surprised. "What did I tell you? I may look like I'm a math genius but I'm the real genius in here! Change Standby!" Kyuhyun said as he took out his global power-up.

"RED LION!" "Mythical Henge!" he morphed into his red ranger as Dolly summoned the minions to attack the red ranger. Soon, the others joined him as well. "Thanks for the info Kyu." Ryeowook said as Dolly is even more shocked about what she had just heard.

"That thing I plant on your head, it's like an earpiece device where I can actually detect your attacks, letting the others know that I exposed you with something and you tried to make me fail the tests so that you can take my crystal as well as the other hyungs' and Ryeowook's as well." Kyuhyun explained as he managed to kill Dolly in one shot.

"WHY YOU?!?!" Dolly shouted as she became big and the team called their megazord to find her current weakspot. "Watch guys, she may use her dark magic!" Kyuhyun said as Dolly starts to attack them. "I don't want to get into a coma!" Heechul said. "Try something new!" Eunhyuk said as the others stared at him soon. "Okay..." Leeteuk said as they summoned both Armadillo and Squid zord but rather using the current zords like what Donghae previously mentioned, it changed into more weird.

"KYUHYUN!!!" Donghae angrily shouted at him. "Why not? Let's just try!" the younger male said as the zord surprisingly use it's more effective power at Dolly. "I take it back. You're a genius!" the blue ranger said. "Thank me later. We gotta destroy this weirdo..." the latter said as Dolly has been defeated by them.

At the lab, the others interrogate Kyuhyun like they are being detectives. "How did you managed to make sure you're not in a coma?" Siwon asked his younger brother. "Hyung, I have a strong mindset. If you die, I will die alongside with everyone else." the younger male said. "But wouldn't cause you much blood loss?" Eunhyuk asked. "I know but it's actually quite risky about every new monster we may battle against." the younger male said.

"New monsters?" Heechul asked. "While I was in a come for a while, I have a feeling that before we defeat Dolly, she was summoning more monsters that are created by someone else and it's not Commander Rex." Kyuhyun said.

"Who is it then?" Ryeowook asked. "I'm not sure but it's either Slasher or Polly. One of them is more smart enough to kill not just us but with the dark crystal, it's even more dangerous." he said. "How are we going to get that dark crystal?" Donghae asked. "We have to come up with a new plan. Fast or something dangerous may happen to us." Leeteuk said as the others begins to worried about not only the city but also Planet Earth.

To be continued...

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Chapter 39: A wonderful story
Always waiting for ur update author-nim
Chapter 39: Wow an update
The last scence was so cute
Chapter 38: Nice one.. khuhyun is the smartypants in the group anyway..
Chapter 37: Hahaha..so funny.. but why did sungmin hve the lucky chain? I find it pretty odd..
Chapter 36: HanChul ♡♡♡ so Darma is gone, Slasher is still waiting.. hmm.. i could not wait when commander rex flipped when he heard darma is defeated
Chapter 35: So thirsty~ yeahhhhhh! I like their fighting spirit!
Chapter 34: I wish I have one of the card to become more humble and more matured. Thanks for the update..its really fun to know that finally donghae going on date with siwon..
Chapter 33: Hahaha..poor kyunnie and wookie!! So cute..
Chapter 32: Ooowhhhh..the 89 line(is this corrrect?) are super adorable!! I think all of us hve our own weak side but we nver exposed them to others. Its good to know that btw..hahaha
Chapter 30: Eerie feelings coming for the next chapter, I can feel it!!! For this chapter, I think Siwon show his soft side by be kind with others without judging who are u and with whatever their form takes.. good job author-nim!