
Always On My Mind
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I might update two or three chapters tonight...






Chapter Twenty-eight



That night was the longest night Tiffany ever had, she couldn’t rest at all and kept on tossing and turning on her side. If she could have it her way, she wanted to go see Jessica but Taeyeon pleaded with her that she was also tired from arranging everything for Jessica the whole day and she also need her strength back and that there’s nothing they could for her sister at the moment other than give each other than a must needed rest.

Taeyeon also promised her that she had placed a tight security for her sister and she trust those men looking after Jessica so they can all be rest assured that she’s safe from any harm.

“Where did you find her?”

Tiffany softly asked, it’s now morning and they are now on their way to go to Jessica, she’s meticulously looking out on the road to see where Taeyeon was taking her.

“She’s been bound at Sowon Resort, according to the report, Jessica has been staying at a cottage there for a week now.”

“What she’s been doing there? Did she say to anything to you?”

Taeyeon only shakes her head in reply and Tiffany leaned back on the head rest and closed her eyes, her thought was only filled by her sister’s face.

“Finally, it’s over… thanks God.”

When she opened her eyes again she found Taeyeon looking at her carefully. That instantly alarmed Tiffany. She looked outside the road and realized that they’re not heading to the resort Taeyeon mentioned.

She turned her eyes back to Taeyeon and looked at the shorter woman, Taeyeon seems to want to say something to her but kept quiet. Then a few more minutes of driving, Tiffany finally realized where they are heading and it shocked her when she saw that they are entering the hospital vicinity.

Her heart began to pound heavily in her chest and her breath are getting labored due to too much anxiety. Tiffany silently prayed, she prayed that it was nothing serious, that the quietness in Taeyeon aura means nothing.

“Jessica was brought here around four in the afternoon yesterday.”

Tiffany felt like a thousand of ice cold bucket of water had been thrown over her head down to her body. She felt her whole body shiver and her knees feels so week. Her strength was slowly leaving her consciousness.

‘Four o’clock… that was after she called me…’

“My PI and I were on the way to the resort when I receive a phone call from the hospital, they notified me asap since the local police station already notified them a day earlier.”

“God no… D-did… did my s-sister tr-tried to… kill herself?”

Tiffany stuttered as she can’t bear to think let alone say out those words out loud. Taeyeon shakes her head at first before further answering her question.

“The resort staff that found Jessica said he receive a report that somebody heard an exploding like sound coming from the room Jessica was occupying so he checked to see if there’s something’s wrong, he knocked on her door and found the door not locked so they took the initiative to check and that’s when the staff found Jessica’s unconscious body on the floor with blood pooling around her. Jessica has a gunshot wound on her left chest and she’s currently being closely observe at the ICU. And Yuri has been there since last night.”

Tiffany took a sharp intake of breath as she finds everything Taeyeon had just said to her so hard to imagine. Taeyeon silently lead her to the ICU and they found a haggard looking Yuri sitting at one of the benches along the corridor.


The taller woman looked up as Taeyeon called her, she gave them a weak smile and truly broke Tiffany’s heart. She quickly sat beside Yuri and envelope the woman in a tight hug and the two of them start to cry together.

“Fany-ah, why did this happened to Sica? Why?”

“I-I really can’t think of any, all I know, is that Jessica badly needs us right now so we need to be strong and stay beside her.”


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 34: I read this few years ago. I still want moreeee😭😭
thanks for all the marathons.. im happy to know you enjoyed reading my stories.. its made me really happy.. and sorry if i couldn't reply any sooner.. thanks so much!!
NekoLS #3
Chapter 34: On mood to marathon your stories and I definitely love your amazing stroyline! Taeny for life aaaaaa i love
169 streak #4
Chapter 34: Woah you never disappoint!!! You truly are one of the best author-nim, long live Taeny woo 🥳🙌!!!
Oncemidzy #5
Chapter 34: This is my second time reading this ff yet it still managed to take my breath away with the ending. So beautiful and heart warming
cutiegurll #6
Chapter 34: dhdgvegwg ommmmg this is beautiful:( thank u author
Chapter 34: That was the best
Thank you
579 streak #8
Chapter 34: Rereading...
Chapter 34: I reread it again ❤️ still I liked this story
Jaehyun_jj #10
Chapter 7: Firts kiss