Chapter 10

The Possession

Thank you to all of you new people who are reading, commenting or subscribing! Means the world to me! Love y'all! 

Jimin threw a pencil at Taehyung’s head for the fourth time.

The boy hadn’t so much as blinked since he had been around Jimin. He knew he had treated Taehyung wrong. He dismissed his feelings too easily and now he deserved what he got, but Taehyung wasn’t even sparing him a word in and Jimin found it hurt.

While his feelings with Taehyung were still a bit jumbled, he still wanted their friendship to continue while he figured it out.

Their class ended and they rushed out with the other students, Jimin grabbing onto Taehyung’s shirt.

“Tae, talk to me.” Jimin pleaded.

Taehyung gave him a look over his shoulder, then turned back, walking briskly. Jimin struggled to keep up.

“I’m not ignoring you.” Taehyung said. “I’m just not interested in hearing about your sudden change of heart.”

“My what?” Jimin panted.

“I have no interest in becoming someone’s rebound. Maybe I was desperate before, but your rejection opened my eyes.”

“I don’t want you to be a rebound either!” Jimin exclaimed as they were nearing the parking lot where Jin and Namjoon would be waiting.

“Then take some time.” Taehyung said. “Figure it out.”

Jimin looked at him, with his tall figure and serious expression. He couldn't tell if Taehyung still liked him.

“But…” He said, voicing his fears. “Will you wait?”

Taehyung shrugged.


Jimin caught Taehyung’s side smirk.

“Feels good to be chased.” He said in a low voice as they met up with the others.

Jimin smiled in relief.

“We're not going home just yet.” Jimin heard  Jin say as he made a sharp right turn.

“What?” Namjoon raised his eyebrows as they sped through a yellow light.

“I'm stopping to pay the owner a visit.” Jin’s mouth was a firm line and his eyes were dead set on the road.

Jimin had never seen his hyung more angry or focused. Namjoon hadn't either because he didn't make another comment, instead grabbed onto the handle on top of the car.

They made it to a nice neighborhood with big houses and trimmed lawns, it looked expensive.

“Our owner lives here?” Taehyung looked around in wonder.

Jin parked his car on the street, then got out not waiting for the others.

'Whats going on?” Jimin asked.

Namjoon shrugged. “Beats me, I'm going to wait here though, Jin hyung parked on red. I better be here in case they take the car away.”  

“Well I'm getting off.” Taehyung ran out.

Jimin followed. “Wait for me!”

Taehyung took his hand, just like before, but this time it felt different. Jimin blushed, as he noticed how bigger and warmer Taehyung's hand was compared to his own. And how nice it felt too.

He glanced at the handsome boy as they made their way up the stairs with Jin.

He's ... amazing . Jimin realized. Of course he knew Taehyung was a good friend, a brother, but seeing him in a new light he came to the realization that Taehyung would be a good boyfriend too.

He was attentive, kind, and caring. Yes, he was a little strange and he was nothing like Yoongi, but maybe that wasn't such a bad thing.

Maybe he was exactly what Jimin needed.

Jin knocked on the door of a big blue house and they waited what felt like a long time, then finally the door opened.

A cloud of smoke greeted them first, as their landlady popped out behind it. With a deep red satin robe and a cigarette between her long blood colored nails, she stared hard at Jin and then at Jimin and Taehyung.


“Mrs. Choi.” Jin bowed. Jimin and Taehyung followed. “I'm here to talk to you.”

“About what?” The old woman took another drag of her cigarette before huffing it in Jin's face.

Jimin saw Jin's fists clench before he smiled forcefully.

“About the house you're renting us.”

That seemed to take the smug look off her face and turned into a wide frown.

She looked at each of them, before opening the door wider to let them in.

Inside her house, the walls were rose colored with gold patterns, the hallway was adorned with candle sconces and expensive looking paintings, including a portrait of Mrs. Choi herself, smiling proudly.

Taehyung snapped a photo of it, Jimin watching as he set it as her contact photo.

They made it to a small living room that had stacks of magazines scattered throughout the room. Mrs. Choi took a seat on a flower patterned armchair and Jin took a seat on the flower patterned couch beside it. Jimin and Taehyung followed, Taehyung slipping a hand around Jimin’s waist.

Jimin squirmed slightly and Taehyung pulled away with an apologetic smile. Their physical forms of affection were different now, they were no longer just brotherly and cute. Jimin realized he would have to get used to the new feeling that came with them.

“Speak then.” Mrs. Choi said.

“You rented us a haunted house.”

The old woman laughed, it came out hoarse and raspy.

Jin frowned.

“Did I?”

“I know about the cult and what they did to those women in that house!”

Jimin raised his eyebrows. Cult?! There was a cult before them in the house?!

“Well it isn’t a secret.” Mrs. Choi shrugged. “I merely bought the house for cheap and rented it to you all. I would have assumed you would check the house’s history before deciding to move in.”

Jimin saw Jin’s shoulder droop, knowing she was right.

“I figured you kids wouldn’t believe in ghosts and all that nonsense.” Mrs. Choi continued with a smile.

“I don’t really, but…” Jin trailed off, looking at his hands.

“A lot of stuff has been happening in the house, ma’am.” Jimin spoke up. “My roommate is getting nightmares and sleepwalking.”

“Well, I’m sorry about your friend, but these things tend to be all in your head. I wouldn’t pay too much attention to it.”

“What about the women?” Taehyung asked. “Were they all killed? Was it in the basement?”

Mrs. Choi shook her head. “The women were killed everywhere. Most of the bodies were found in the basement, discarded not necessarily killed.”

“So that’s where they come from…” Taehyung murmured. Jimin realized he must have been talking about the spirits in the basement. So they were behind it all? Why were they doing this to them, to poor Jungkook?

“So, you’re not do anything?” Jin demanded.

“There’s nothing I can do. I don’t believe in such things and neither should you.” Mrs. Choi said firmly, standing up. “Now please leave.”

They all got up and she led them through the hallway and to the front door.

“Thanks for your time anyway.” Jin bowed.

“Don’t let yourself get caught up in fear.” She warned. “It has a way of messing with you.”

Jin nodded and he walked off.

Jimin and Taehyung bowed to her and quickly followed.

Back in the car, Namjoon gave them a nod. “How did it go?”

Jin sighed and leaned his head back on the driver’s seat. He looked utterly defeated.

“Hyung, it’s okay, maybe Mrs. Choi is right.” Jimin spoke up. “We shouldn’t be letting fear get the best of us.”

“I know that.” Jin replied. “But it’s not just fear anymore.”

Jimin nodded. He was right, there was stuff happening in the house whether they were scared or not.

“Fear? What are you guys talking about?” Namjoon asked.

“Nothing.” Jin smiled, then started the car.

Jimin took one last look at the big blue house Mrs. Choi resided in, as they drove back home.

Of course she wouldn’t bother to do anything, she was far too comfortable in her own, new un haunted house.

It was up to them.

They made it back to the house and were bombarded by Hoseok and Yoongi who looked scared out of their minds.

Jimin listened as they told everyone how the blanket had been pulled off of them and Jungkook had stood in their doorway as if possessed.

“It was so creepy!” Hoseok cried.

Yoongi nodded, for once his cool demeanor gone.

“This house is haunted.” Hoseok then declared.

“You serious?” Namjoon laughed.

“Yes.” Hoseok nodded, firmly.

“It would explain a lot.” Jin added to Namjoon.

“We should call a priest.” Taehyung suggested.

“Jungkook’s probably been receiving negative energy from the spirits.” Jimin spoke up. “It's probably why he gets nightmares and sleepwalks.”

“The priest should bless him and the house.” Taehyung continued with his suggestion.

“Is this for real?” Jimin looked up again to see Namjoon give them all looks. “Why are you guys talking so seriously?”

“Because this is serious.” Jin cut in, staring Namjoon down.

“This is ridiculous!” Namjoon shook his head. “There’s no such thing as gho…”

Hoseok’s scream pierced the air as the lights in the house went out. The house seemed to groan as the power shut down and they were surrounded by darkness.

They stood silent, Jimin felt Taehyung clutch his arm, as he heard loud whispers ring throughout the house.

It was the female whispers of the women killed by the cult, Taehyung would claim to hear in the basement, except now it was everywhere.

“Taehyung, tell the spirits to turn the lights back on!” Hoseok whispered, clinging to Yoongi.

“They didn't do it.” Taehyung replied.

“Then who did?” Yoongi demanded.

Taehyung shrugged.

“Where’s Jungkook?” Jin interrupted, cutting in between them.

“Upstairs in bed.” Hoseok answered, giving Taehyung a suspicious look.

Jin motioned for them to follow him as he pulled out his phone and walked up the stairs, the phone’s flashlight guiding them.

The stairs creaked under their weight as step by step they walked upwards, Hoseok occasionally letting out a whimper.

They had almost made it to the top when Hoseok screamed. “What’s that?!”

There was a shadowy figure at the top of the stairs leering down and when Jin flashed his light, they all screamed.

“Hyungs? What’s going on?”

“It’s just Jungkook.” Jin sighed.

Jimin let out a breath, he didn't know he had been holding.

Namjoon gave Hoseok a look and Hoseok smiled ducking behind Yoongi, who rolled his eyes.

“What’s going on?” Jungkook repeated looking at all of them, confused.

“I’ve chosen to be courted by Jimin now, Kookie.” Taehyung spoke up. “I hope you understand.”

Jungkook shrugged. “Okay hyung, it’s not like I’m gay or anything.”

“You’re straight?!” Hoseok practically yelled in Yoongi’s ear, earning him a swat to the face.

Jungkook nodded.

“Why did you move into a LGBTQ safe house then?” Jimin asked. "You know this place was renting specifically for students who didn't really have a place in the college dorms because of their ual orientation right? 

“It was cheaper than other houses.” Jungkook smiled weakly.

Jimin frowned.

“Well then, I’m embarrassed.” Taehyung covered his face with his hands. “All this time, I thought Jungkook liked me or something.”

“I do hyung.” Jungkook said. “Just not in that way.”

“Are you sure you’re not gay?” Jimin narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t like boys.”

“But I’ve never seen you talk to a girl.”

“Can we stop talking about Jungkook’s uality for a minute and go back to worrying over this haunted  house?” Yoongi demanded.

Jimin went silent, but shot Jungkook suspicious looks. He wasn’t about to believe Jungkook was straight, he’d seen the boy look at his , he was sure of it.

“How are you?” Jin asked.

“Okay.” Jungkook shrugged.

“Good.” Jin nodded. He then turned to Taehyung. “Call the priest.”

Jimin pulled out his phone first and dialed a number.

“Schedule him for tomorrow.” Jin ordered as they all made it up the stairs.

“Okay, hyung.”  

“Huh?” Jungkook looked from Jimin to Jin.

“Oh it’s not for you.” Jin waved him off. “It’s for the house.”

“The house is haunted?”


Yes.” Jin corrected, glaring at Namjoon.

Jungkook glanced back and forth at the two, his eyebrows raised.

“Get some rest.” Jin motioned to Jungkook’s room.

Jimin saw the boy hesitate as if to argue, but then nodded politely and went back to their room.

Jimin wondered if the boy felt left out of the group. They were here in the hallway, trying to bless the house and chase away evil spirits and he was confined to bed.

Jimin would gladly trade places though.

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Keylareyes #1
Chapter 9: God imagining Jungkook like that is so scary I think you rendered beautifully who the boys roles is in this story
Keylareyes #2
Chapter 7: Gosh poor kitty I’m sad BUT TAEHYUNG PLAYING THAT SONG I SOUNDED LIKE A GOOSE I COUSLNT BREATHE. Ah anyways this is so good like Jungkooks description when his face is like that is so scary I’m - I LOVE THIS
Chapter 22: Even though it wasn't a story that mainly focused on yoonseok, which is the tag I used to find this story, it was really good. I really loved how I could visualize everything you were describing in the story perfectly. Which I really appreciate because not many story's I've read focus on giving us a good visual so thank you. Job well done, I look forward to reading the sequel. ??
Kpopisidklife #4
Chapter 22: I honestly never thought I was going to read a horror fanfic but after the popular Outcast that we ARMYs are playing I decided to search for some good ones! And I really like yours!!!!!
cj-the-greatest #5
This is the best Fanfiction ever. It had all of my favourite elements. Accurate characterization, good grammar, gripping plotline (love horror) fantastic dialogues. I loved reading this. It was an epic experience. I adore Namjin...Vmin and Sope had stolen my heart. I Loved reading every single line. Thanks a billion for sharing this precious gem with us
Army_carat_ #6
Chapter 21: This is one of the best stories i have ever read
I dont really like horror and i get scared easily
But i did it
You are a real good writer
Ga zo door ; )
Army_carat_ #7
Chapter 18: How much holly water do they have
I am not trying to sound cold ir something i am really curious : )
Army_carat_ #8
Chapter 13: I think i have posted to many
comments on this story
But this needs a award
I am not a fan of horror i hate watching thhem but this is
omg i have no words for it..
Army_carat_ #9
Chapter 11: I am scared.. I can't
my cat appeared out of know where
and i got scared. How can a story be this scary
Army_carat_ #10
Chapter 9: Dit verhaal zit zo goed samen ik zou het niets
kunnen doen in 10 jaar thumbs up!