Chapter 1

The Possession

A/N: Whoever's picture or gif is on the chapter image, that's who's point of view it will be for the chapter. Enjoy! 

It was a cold August day; the breeze blew icy wind occasionally, making Jin snuggle deeper into his light pink turtleneck. The summer had been colder than usual this year and while the day before he had been in shorts and sandals, today was the opposite. He stood outside of his car, taking in the scenery of the house that stood in front of him.

He sniffed in distaste as he spotted spots of the house that had paint peeling off.

The house was so old and looked to be covered entirely with an inch of dust. It was a simple two story, brick roof house complete with a fireplace and a lovely garden in the front.

At least that’s what the ad in the paper had advertised. Jin looked at the lovely garden, no longer lovely nor a garden, instead tangles of weeds grew up like tall grass, giving it a jungle type of feel.

He sighed and walked up to the house.

The porch seemed to groan under his weight as he stepped and he panicked for a moment, wondering if it would fall apart underneath him. Not wanting to find out he quickly knocked on the door, a hideous gargoyle type creature with a ring in its mouth was mounted on the door, looking at him in displeasure. Jin looked back with equal dislike.

When no one answered, Jin used the ring attached to the gargoyle slamming it against the door twice.

He waited.

No answer.

He then reached for the doorknob. Maybe the person who was renting had left it open?


It was open.

Jin stepped inside noticing immediately, the house was in awful condition. There was dust everywhere and cobwebs on every corner of the wall. The whole house reeked of mothballs and mold. He looked around for a source of light, wondering why every single door and window was closed shut.

Jin walked over to a window and opened it, coughing at the release of dust in the air. He waved it away and walked to another window opening that up too. He walked to a third window when he heard footsteps.

He paused and turned to the stairway. Was someone here already?

“Hello?” He called up the stairs.

More footsteps were heard but no one answered. Jin becoming uneasy reached for a nearby lamp and walked up the stairs.

He wasn’t one to be easily spooked, when watching horror movies, he was the guy eating all the popcorn apathetically. Vandalism, stalking, murder—these were all things he worried about though.

Jin reasoned it was normal to be cautious over these plausible things, yet, he didn’t want to be scared. It made him feel…weak.

The footsteps grew louder as he grew closer. He reached the top of the stairs then went to a door on the right. He heard noise from behind it.

Jin reached for the doorknob feeling his heart threatening to jump out of his chest. Just as he wrapped his hand around it, it turned and the door swung open.

Jin screamed and held the lamp up ready to strike whoever or whatever was there.

A short boy, with fluffy blonde hair ripped jeans, dirty red converses and a hoodie two sizes too big, stared up at him with a dull expression. He looked him up and down then noticed the lamp, raising an eyebrow.

“What are you doing?”

Jin set the lamp down and sighed in relief. “You scared me!”

The boy pulled earphones out of his head. “Min Yoongi, senior.”

So, that’s why he didn’t answer me before!

“I’m Kim Seokjin, senior too.” Jin bowed his head. He then smiled when he made the realization. “Oh, you’re my roommate!”

Yoongi nodded, placing his hands in his over-sized hoodie. “This is our room; the others already took the other rooms.”

“Oh? They’re here too?”

“No, they went to a store nearby for cleaning supplies.” Yoongi replied going to the right side of the room and rummaging through boxes.

Jin looked around the room. It was clean unlike the rest of the house. The walls looked to be recently painted white and the wood flooring was clean and polished. There were two twin beds on the left and right side complete with their own desks and closets.

Jin removed his coat and set it on his bed before going out the room and down the stairs. He opened more windows on his way out of the house, then brought in his boxes.

The silence in the room was a bit awkward. Jin tried to focus on his cleaning, but every so often he would glance at his roommate hoping he would break the silence.

Yoongi, however, remained focused on his task of setting him his Kumamon plushie on his bed.  

As he and Yoongi organized their sides, a slam of a door was heard followed by loud chattering. Jin, relieved, rushed down eager to see his future housemates. All he knew was that they were all college students and were all younger than him. Jin didn’t mind that, he had never lived with so many people before, it would be quite an experience.

In his rush, down, he tripped at the second to last stair. He felt his body fall forward, in an almost slow motion manner. He let out a yelp and closed his eyes, preparing for impact.

He then felt himself being pushed upright. His eyes flew open and suddenly, Jin was nose to nose with a boy at the bottom of the stairs, their chests pressed together.

“You okay?” The boy, with a calm deep voice, asked through a lollipop.

Jin could feel the boy’s breath fan his cheek. A shiver went down his spine and Jin pulled away quickly, fanning his face. He knew it was probably bright red, full of embarrassment. “Yeah…I’m fine.”

The boy was taller than him and gangly, but his demeanor screamed smooth. He stood confidently in jeans, a cap and a hooded leather jacket, looking unabashed and twirling the lollipop in his mouth.

He smiled, showing off dimples and making Jin’s stomach flutter with a weird feeling. Who was this boy? Was he one of the older ones?

He couldn’t imagine being flustered so badly by a freshman or sophomore.

He watched the boy his head slightly as if he too was wondering who he was. Jin tugged at the collar of his pink turtleneck, suddenly feeling slightly self-conscious under the boy’s questioning stare.

He was probably full blown red now too. Jin fanned his face again.

“Who are you?”

A short kid interrupted their thoughts, coming to peer into Jin’s face. He seemed to ask the one question both Jin and the other boy were thinking.  

“I’m Kim Seokjin.” Jin replied, smiling at the short kid, but glancing at the other boy too. “I’m a senior and culinary arts major. I’m also the oldest, so you can call me Jin hyung.”

“Oh! Hello, I’m Park Jimin. I’m a sophomore and performing arts major.”

“Oh…that’s nice...” Jin glanced at the tall boy who was still staring at him with a smile on his lips.

“Kim Namjoon.” The tall boy answered reading Jin’s mind. “I’m a junior, double major in music and literature.”

So, he wasn’t a freshman or sophomore, that was a relief.

“Wow, I’m impressed.” Jin’s eyes went wide, making Namjoon chuckle.

“I get that a lot.”

His laugh was…hot. Jin realized, as he watched Namjoon pull the lollipop out of his mouth just to it. He was…hot.

Jin pushed away the thought. He shouldn’t be having these feelings for a boy he just met. He shouldn’t be having these feelings for anyone at all! Just because he had saved Jin didn’t mean he had to go diving into his pants already!

He glanced at Namjoon’s tight jeans. Though, he did wonder what would be beneath...Stop it Seokjin! Get it together!

“The others are coming behind us. We have a lot of stuff.” Jimin said, holding up bags.

“Let me help.” Jin insisted. He nodded to them both, walking out to the driveway where two more cars including his own were parked.

“Hello!” A boy, with a black tracksuit and matching black Nike shoes, raced up to him. He waved the bags in his arms wildly, his smile boxy and cute.

“Hello.” Jin smiled.

“I’m Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you!”

“I’m Kim Seokjin, nice to meet you too.” Jin looked at his bags. “Need help?”

“Sure. Hoseokie hyung and Jungkookie are pulling out stuff from the trunk.” Taehyung said, looking very excited. “We even bought paint! I’m painting the room bright orange, who cares what Jiminnie says!”

The boy ran off to the house, giggling madly. Jin watched him go, then ran over to where two more boys were grabbing bags from a trunk.

“Ah hello.” Jin called.

“Hello.” The younger looking one bowed.

“Hello.” The other one bowed as well.

They were both wearing plain white shirts and jeans. The younger looking one had a navy jacket and timberland boots on though while the other one had an olive-green bomber jacket and brown boots.

“I’m Kim Seokjin. Senior and culinary major. You guys can all call me Jin hyung.”

“I’m Jung Hoseok. I’m a junior and performing arts major.” Hoseok smiled. He then elbowed the younger boy to follow suit.

The younger boy looked at the ground. “I’m Jeon Jungkook.”

“Nice to meet you guys.”  

They all grabbed as many bags as they could then walked back to the house. When they entered, Jimin and Taehyung were sweeping the floors and arguing back and forth. Jin assumed it was over their room colors.

Yoongi had come downstairs too and was showing something off his phone to Namjoon while Namjoon was attempting to brush away cobwebs with a feather duster.

Jin smiled as he set the bags down. The atmosphere was already lively and playful, quite different than he was used to. He could learn to like sharing a house with six other students.

They cleaned thoroughly.

Every corner and crack was washed, polished, shinnied, and dried. Jimin and Taehyung, swept and mopped while Yoongi and Namjoon cleared any sign of dust and webs on the walls. Jin set to work cleaning cupboards in the kitchen. Hoseok and Jungkook, meanwhile set up light bulbs throughout the house and bedrooms.

They all worked diligently until the night with only a break of pizza from delivery in between. By the time the clock in the hallway struck twelve, most of them had retired.

Jin meanwhile was caught in a limbo of awake and asleep until, he felt a hand brush his own on the couch.

He turned to the left and saw Namjoon was beside him with his head lolled to one side, fast asleep. He pulled his hand away from Namjoon’s with a small blush.

He got up slowly, walking around a sleeping Hoseok and Jimin to get upstairs. Jin strolled into his room, immediately beginning to unpack his blankets to sleep properly. He rummaged through his boxes and paused when he heard a grunt.

“Keep it down.”

“Sorry.” Jin whispered to Yoongi, who turned his back on the older one and pulled his blanket over his head.

Jin finished making his bed the best he could then sneaked back downstairs. He would wake up the others and tell them to go to their beds.

As he made it to the living room he saw Namjoon fall to the ground with a loud thump. Jin rushed to his side, helping him up.

“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” Namjoon smiled, then walked away as if nothing has happened.

Jin watched him go then turned back to the floor where he had fallen. It had sounded hollow. He knocked on the wood flooring a hollow sound rang, confirming his thoughts.

He pried the wood and was surprised when it opened easily. He moved the floorboards to the side and uncovered a hole in the floor.

In the hole was a book covered in dirt and dust. Jin pulled it out, then put the floor back. He blew the dust away. The book was small and black. The cover had no title and the pages were yellowed and crinkled. It was ancient.

Why would someone put a book here? Were they keeping it hidden for a reason?

Jin skimmed through the book, not recognizing any words.


He would show the others in the morning, he decided as he put it aside and went to wake them. 

The next day Jin woke up early to make breakfast. Everyone came in one by one, the last one being Yoongi who looked anything but pleased. Jin figured someone woke him up rather than him coming down on his own.

“Yay breakfast!” Taehyung clapped his hands. Jimin followed and soon they were chanting “Breakfast! Breakfast!” Namjoon quieted them down and turned to Jin.

“You didn’t have to cook.”

“I want to.” Jin smiled. “What kind of culinary major would I be if I didn’t practice? Besides, consider this my way of contributing to the house chores.”

Namjoon smiled back, with his dimples. Jin nearly melted.

He served bowls of rice and set down the side dishes and seaweed soup before grabbing the book.

“Yesterday, I found this in the floor.” He spoke up, showing the book to them. “It was in the floorboards, hidden.”

“A book in the floor?” Hoseok raised his eyebrows.

“Must have been put in there for a reason.” Jimin mumbled through rice.

“You saying it might have something secret in there?” Taehyung asked Jimin, while wiping some rice on Jimin's chin away.

Jimin nodded through a spoonful of soup.

Namjoon reached for it, intrigued.

“Is it in English?” Jin asked the boy, figuring the literature major student would know more than them.

Namjoon looked through it with a pensive frown.

“Looks more like Latin.” He spoke after a moment.

“This house is crazy!” Jimin exclaimed.  “Books in the floors and mold in the walls. We just moved in, what gives?”

Everyone agreed. The house was old and strange and having to redecorate it all wasn't helping them grow fond of it any sooner.

Namjoon passed the book around the table, everyone wondering what the book could possibly be about.

“If you want I can hold onto it and maybe try and translate it?” Namjoon offered when the book came back around to him.

Jin nodded.

“It’s probably about witchcraft.” Taehyung joked.

“Please don’t say things like that. We’re eating.” Hoseok said through his rice. He didn’t look very comfortable when Jin had shown the book to them. In fact, he was the only one who didn’t go through the book, instead passing it down the line. Jin wondered if he was afraid.

Taehyung said nothing to Hoseok, but shot him a grin that Hoseok returned with a frown.

After breakfast, everyone went straight back to cleaning. This time everyone was focusing more on the places that weren’t quite so important. Hoseok and Namjoon were weeding the yard outside, Jungkook was cleaning the gutters, and Yoongi was cleaning the bathroom because apparently Namjoon had done a sloppy job.

Jin was organizing the kitchen pantry when he heard bickering. He went to the hallway, curious, and saw Taehyung and Jimin standing by the basement door.

“You’re the oldest!” Taehyung shoved Jimin.

“Exactly, I’m older so the younger one should do the favor.” Jimin shoved him back.

They shoved back and forth until it turned into wrestling on the ground. Did they really not want to go? Jin wondered as he watched Taehyung try to body slam Jimin. Were they scared perhaps?

Jin interfered when Taehyung had proceeded to choke hold Jimin in order to knock him out. Jimin was a short boy with chubby cheeks and while there was definition on his arms and legs, Taehyung was just too big and able to overpower him.

“What’s going on?”

Taehyung and Jimin turned to Jin who had his hands on his hips.

“Hyung, Jimin won’t go down there.”

Jimin shot Taehyung a glare.

Jin smiled. “You guys are scared.”

It was a statement not a question.

“No way!”

“Maybe just a little.”

Jimin gave Taehyung a shake of his head in disapproval. At least he was honest, Jin reasoned.

He chuckled and patted their heads. “Here I’ll go.” He grabbed a flashlight from Jimin and opened the door.

“Hyung…be careful!” Jimin called as Jin descended the stairs.

The basement was cold and smelled strongly of mold. Jin wondered if there were any leaking pipes that could be causing the strong odor. He shined the light at the bottom of the stairs and it offered little revelation of what could be down there.

When he finally reached the bottom, he saw it was just boxes. Boxes and boxes of junk.

Probably from the owner. Jin thought. They should have taken all of this with them though.

“You okay hyung?” He heard Jimin call.


“Are there bats?” Taehyung asked.

Jin looked at the ceiling then at the corners of the walls. Were there?

The whole ceiling was covered in giant cobwebs, but other than that it was empty. Bat-free.


“That’s a shame.” Taehyung called, sounding disappointed.

Jin smiled at Taehyung’s want for bats when usually it was a pest problem that required an animal control officer and money. He began to make his way back, when he collided with a box, spilling its contents on the floor. He winced, as he landed on his elbows and knees, scraping them.

“Hyung?” Taehyung and Jimin yelled.

“I’m fine.” Jin called. “Just tripped.”

He sat up and shined his light on the box. The box was full of sewing supplies. Yarn, silk, and sewing needles scattered the floor. Jin scooped up the mess and shoved it back in the box. He winced again when a sewing needle pierced his skin. He yanked it off and threw it, on his finger for relief.

Once he was done, he began to walk up the stairs, pausing when he felt a cold breeze down his back.

He shivered. Why was it so cold? Was it a draft?

Jin turned around, flashing his light around one last time. He then shook his head. He was being paranoid, letting Jimin and Taehyung’s fear get to him.

Jin finally came back up the stairs.

“Hyung! Hyung!” Jimin and Taehyung crowded around him.

“Basement is fine.” Jin told them. “Just full of junk and we have to get the light bulbs replaced.”

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged looks of awe.

“There’s some light bulbs in the living room behind the TV.”

“Oh…but...Hyung, maybe you could?” Jimin asked with a sheepish smile.

“Yeah since Jin hyung isn’t scared of anything!” Taehyung added.

Jin looked at them both. Despite being sophomores they had the baby faces of freshmen, especially in that moment as they made their eyes big and put their heads in their hands attempting to be cute.

Damn it, they were cute.

Jin sighed and saw the boys smile between themselves. They had won. 

He made sandwiches for lunch.

Jimin and Taehyung ate happily, while Jin eyed them. For people who made him do all their assigned chores they ate well.

Yoongi came in with the mail, sorting it with a sandwich in his mouth. He pulled one envelope specifically and opened it up.

“What is it?” Jin asked, seeing Yoongi’s eyebrows knit together.

The younger boy handed it to Jin.

Jimin, Taehyung, and Hoseok crowded around him, nosy.

“It’s from the owner.” Jin announced.

Everyone else who was not around him perked up immediately.

“It’s just rules.” Yoongi explained, shrugging.

“Once a month visits to pick up rent and inspection of house to see if it is in suitable conditions. No girls over. No loud noises— “

“Who’s going to hear us?”  Taehyung protested. “The neighbors are a mile away!”

“No painting the outside without permission. No throwing out the owner’s things. No pets bigger than a dog. No small businesses, including non-profit organizations.” Jin continued.

“Well there goes my lemonade stand.” Yoongi muttered.

Hoseok roared with laughter, clapping wildly and pointing at Yoongi.

Jin thought he saw a faint smile on Yoongi’s lips as the boy sipped his juice, but he couldn’t be sure.

“All decorations outside of the house must be cleaned up with the week after the holiday. If house happens to be made a mess due to people or weather, we are responsible for cleaning it up.”

“I like how they give us all these rules, but they left this place a mess.” Namjoon shook his head.

“Rent’s so cheap, I’m not complaining.” Yoongi replied.

“You’ve barely helped clean hyung!” Jimin protested, sending everyone into laughter.

Yoongi gave him a look but went back to sipping his juice.

“These rules aren’t that bad.” Jin said. “We can work with it.”

Everyone agreed then they went back to eating.

The house was looking very clean now. They had gone through the whole house and were finishing up the small touches. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were decorating their rooms with posters after painting their room half orange and half red. Yoongi had gone back to sleep in his and Jin’s room, and Namjoon and Hoseok were decorating the living room.

Jin was putting away the rest of the kitchen supplies when Namjoon came in with the offer to help.

“Sure, thank you.” Jin smiled.

Namjoon went to grab a pan to place under the kitchen sink cabinet. In doing so, he knocked over a box of spoons, sending them flying off the counter and to the floor.

Jin laughed.

Namjoon laughed too. “Sorry I’m clumsy.”

“I’m not so coordinated myself.” Jin admitted as he and Namjoon cleaned up the mess.

They put away pots and pans and talked over their majors and goals in life. Jin explained how he came to pick his major. Once he had moved away to college he needed to learn to cook.

“I would call my mom every day for a different recipe.” He said. “I think she got annoyed because she would occasionally not pick up, but then I would go ahead and leave her voicemails.”

Namjoon laughed. “Well, she should be happy you were passionate about cooking.”

“She is now.” Jin smiled. “It’s a relief for her when I decide to cook on the holidays.”

He wiped down the kitchen counter then glanced at Namjoon who was still looking at him, with fascination. He wondered what the boy was thinking and felt himself grow warm from the face. Was he checking me out?

“What about you?” He finally broke the silence.      

Namjoon sighed. “Let’s see. I was passionate about music at a young age, but put it off for studying. Then when I reached college I decided while I liked studying, I loved music. So, I made it my major.”

“I see.” Jin nodded. He was sure quick to the point.

Namjoon nodded back and they went quiet until Jin spoke up.

“Wait so why the major in literature?”

“Oh, that’s for fun.”

Jin burst into laughter. “Fun?”

Namjoon cracked a smile. “Yeah.”

Jin came down from his laughter but still felt elated as he met Namjoon’s eyes. He’d never heard of anyone become a double major student for fun. He’d never heard of anyone chose a literature major for fun. But as he looked at the junior, he knew he was serious about it. He truly loved music and he loved studying as well.

He felt his stomach flutter with the same feeling he had felt before, when Namjoon had saved him.

“Hey uh…thanks for catching me earlier.”

“Oh.” Namjoon smiled softly. “No problem.”

Jin watched him look down and noticed the tips of the boy’s ears were red. Wait, was this…mutual?

Jin wondered if he should make some sort of indication he was available. It would have to be subtle…

“I’m available.”


“I mean…I’m available for…tutoring…in cooking. If I mean, um…” Jin stuttered watching Namjoon raise his eyebrows.

“You mean you’ll teach me to cook?”

“Uh, yes. Yes!” Jin nodded. “I think it’s a basic life skill everyone should know. Can’t eat ramen, forever right?” He chuckled then mentally kicked himself. Did he have to be awkward in all aspects of his life?

“Right.” Namjoon nodded.

With the offer, open, Jin and Namjoon continued to wipe down counters and cabinets, then when they were all done Jin clapped.

“We did a good job! This kitchen looks spotless.”

Namjoon placed a hand on Jin’s shoulder causing Jin to jump.

“Oh sorry.” Namjoon pulled away. “Are you ticklish?”

“Oh no, I’m good.” Jin smiled. “I just didn’t know that…it’s fine. You can touch me.”

He then regretted that statement. You can touch me? What kind weird consenting answer was that?!

Namjoon seemed oblivious to his reply and just smiled.

God, the dimples… Jin stared at Namjoon’s mouth. Those lips

He looked away. Get it together Seokjin! He’s younger and your housemate and a junior! You have school to worry about not boys with thick lips and dimples and deep voices…damn it…

“Since I helped you out, you owe me a favor.” Namjoon said chasing Jin’s mental battle against himself away.

“What did you have in mind?” Jin asked.

“Well, now that I’m not in Ilsan anymore I was thinking of a new underground rapper name.”

“Wait you’re an underground rapper?”

Namjoon nodded. “Actually, me and Yoongi are. That’s how we know each other.”

“That sounds really cool. You guys must sound great!”

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck, looking down with another smile.

Stop smiling, you’re ruining my life and I just met you today! Jin wanted to scream instead he played along.

“So, rapper name…” Jin tapped his chin. “How about rap…god? Rap king?”

“A bit overused, I’m afraid.” Namjoon chuckled.

“Rap bossbeastmonster?”

“Rap Monster?”

“Sounds unique to me.” Jin laughed. “Then again, I haven’t met many underground rappers.”

“I’ll give it a try, thanks.” Namjoon picked up a rag that had fallen off the counter and handed it to Jin.

“No problem.”  Jin said as he took the rag from him. Their hands brushed and Jin felt a tingling go up his arm and down his whole body.

Namjoon excused himself to finish helping Hoseok and Jin watched him go, feeling giddy inside.

He hadn’t really had crushes, sure he had plenty of admirers, his looks could attest to that, but he never really returned feelings. He was always focusing on school or work.

Now, he would probably have to spend a little time focusing on Namjoon or at least trying hard not to focus on Namjoon.

“You’re drooling.” Yoongi stated.

Jin jumped as Yoongi placed bags on the counter.

“I am not!” He wiped the corner of his mouth for good measure.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, but didn’t comment as he pulled out a six-pack of beer and took one.

“Wait what is that?”

“Chicken and beer.”

“I could have cooked!” Jin exclaimed.

“I was hungry now.” Yoongi shrugged opening his beer and taking a sip.

Hoseok and Namjoon came in from the living room and spied the chicken.

“Look Hoseok hyung, the fried chicken you wanted.” Namjoon told the older boy.

Hoseok’s face lit up.

“Thank you! I didn’t think anyone heard me!” He aimed to hug Jin, but he put his hands up and pointed at Yoongi.

“It was all him.” Jin said, smirking at Yoongi. “Give him a nice big hug.”

Hoseok hugged Yoongi tightly.

Jin smiled as he saw Yoongi’s face grow pink, a prominent frown on his face. Somehow, he had a feeling he wasn’t the only one growing infatuated with a junior.

Once they all settled down to eat, they decided on school schedules.

“I have class at 8 in the morning tomorrow. Anyone want a ride?” Jin asked.

Jimin and Taehyung raised their hands.

“I have class at 3 pm tomorrow.” Yoongi spoke up, taking a sip of his second beer.

“I’ll go with you!” Hoseok grinned.

“OK.” Yoongi replied.

Jin glanced at Yoongi’s expression noting the faint pink in his cheeks. He did like Hoseok, Jin couldn’t have been imagining. He fought back a smile and focused on his chicken wing.

“Hoseok isn’t that your car outside though?” Namjoon asked.

“Oh…right.” Hoseok smiled sheepishly.

“Just go with Yoongi hyung, I’ll take your car and take Jungkook to class.” Namjoon said.

“I have class at 8 am.” Jungkook spoke up.

“Just go with me then.” Jin smiled at the boy.

Jungkook nodded to him then continued eating. Jin realized out of all his housemates he interacted with Jungkook the least.

He wondered why the boy was shy? Maybe he took a while to open up? He knew Yoongi was just not interested, but Jungkook seemed to yearn for interaction.

Jin would make sure to show him lots of attention.

“Actually,” Namjoon smiled. “I also have class at that time…”

“Then I’ll take you too.” Jin smiled at him, noting the way Namjoon smiled back then looked at his food.

With their carpool schedules done, they ate happily. Jin ended up having to take away the beer as they were all on their 3rd and 4th can. And with classes, early in the morning, a hangover would not do them well.

They retreated to their rooms everyone exchanging good nights and as Jin finally landed in bed he turned to Yoongi.

“You shouldn’t have wasted your money like that.”

“You had already made breakfast and lunch.” Yoongi replied.

“I don’t mind making food.” Jin protested.

“Well you got to talk more to Namjoon didn’t you?”

Jin paused in pulling his blanket up. “Oh…”

Did Yoongi perhaps see Namjoon and him earlier? Was he acting as a wing man?

“You’re welcome.”

He was!

“Thank you.”

“Also, leave a pill by my bed in the morning.” Yoongi added. “I may or may not have snuck two more beers when you weren’t looking.”

Jin shook his head in the dark. “Alright, goodnight.”


No sooner had Jin drifted off to sleep that he awoke to footsteps. The footsteps were heavy and loud sounding almost like someone was stomping around in a marching band. He opened his eyes and looked around. He could make out the outline of Yoongi’s body, sleeping peacefully. Did he not hear it?

Was it one of the other young ones clowning around?

He was tempted to go look, but instead turned to the side and pulled his blanket up to his ears.

Whoever it was, they had better quiet down. He thought.

Or whatever it was.

No, no, no! Jin argued. It was one of his housemates. Probably Jimin or Taehyung, they were always so hyper. It wouldn’t surprise him if they stomping back and forth just for laughs.

He forced himself to sleep. Don’t overthink, just sleep. He repeated until he felt his mind go and the footsteps fade away.

Jin woke up early, his alarm going off and making Yoongi give him the stink eye through his blanket.

He whispered a “Sorry!” then got changed slipping into a light blue sweater and jeans with plain white tennis shoes.

He quickly went downstairs and started on breakfast.

Jungkook was the first one to appear. Jin served pancakes with eggs and watched in amusement as Jungkook’s eyes went wide.

“You never had American breakfast?”

“Once.” Jungkook said. “But… it didn’t look this good.”

Jin smiled and patted his head. “This boy, up to the hyungs already.”

Jungkook smiled back, making Jin want to pinch his cheeks like a grandmother would, but instead he patted him again and returned to the kitchen.

Everyone else except for Hoseok and Yoongi filed in. Jin had a feeling Hoseok had also had a bit too much to drink. They took advantage of their late classes well.

Jimin and Taehyung were quick to eat, practically swallowing their food whole, while Namjoon ate more coolly with a book in one hand.

Jin gave them all second helpings, making sure Jungkook got the most. He didn’t want to play favorites, but Jungkook was obviously the most grateful for the food. He would take a bite then smile up at Jin, while Jimin and Taehyung didn’t bother to chew and Namjoon didn’t spare a glance up.

He sat down to eat with them as Yoongi came in with messy hair and a scowl.  

“Who was making noise last night?” He demanded.

Everyone shook their heads. Yoongi glared at them as he stacked pancakes in his hands.

“There’s plates in the second cabinet.” Jin’s mutter went unheard by the short boy.

“Maybe it was Hoseok?” Namjoon suggested over his book. “He usually has dance practice early.”

Yoongi seemed to soften at the sound of Hoseok. The fire in his eyes died and he frowned faintly. “Well, tell him to keep it down.”

He then marched back upstairs, pancakes in hand.

“I heard it too.” Jin spoke up when Yoongi had left. “It sounded a bit heavier than Hoseok’s footsteps.”

“You saying it’s a fat ghost?” Jimin joked. He and Taehyung laughed.

Namjoon shook his head. “No way, it was probably just him stepping heavy, since it was early in the morning and he was barely awake.”

Jin started picking up the plates and shrugged in defeat. “I guess.”

On the way to college, Jimin and Taehyung joked around with Jungkook in the backseat while Namjoon kept switching stations in the front beside Jin.

Each time Jin would pick a station, Namjoon would switch it.

“Hyung how can you listen to that?!” Namjoon cried when a generic pop song came on. Lyrics about bubblegum and first loves making his face scrunch up. He changed it and a fast rap song full of swear words came on making Jin cringe. In the rear view mirror, he saw Jungkook’s eyes widen at the words. Poor kid, there was probably some words he had never heard in his life and now he would be traumatized.

“How can you listen to that?!” He retorted covering an ear with one hand, the other on the steering wheel.

Namjoon laughed.

He and Jin fought playfully the whole ride, Jin’s hand brushing Namjoon’s more than once.

When they arrived, the younger ones were quick to leave, Namjoon stayed behind smiling at Jin.

He was suddenly nervous at the small space around them. Their legs separated by an armrest.

“When do you get out of class?” Namjoon asked.


“Same.” Namjoon nodded opening his car door. “Maybe you want to grab coffee afterwards?”

“Okay.” Jin replied as they got out of the car and made their way onto campus.

They exchanged numbers and walked in different directions. Namjoon shot him a grin goodbye and Jin almost crashed into a pole getting lost in it.

He really needed to get it together.

On his way out of class, he texted Namjoon he was out 15 minutes early. His phone vibrated immediately a minute after and he wondered if Namjoon was as eager to meet him as he was.

He glanced at his phone in anticipation and deflated when it was Yoongi.

You left the front door open and unlocked.

Jin frowned. No, he hadn’t he had even locked and tugged on it twice just in case. He quickly texted back, slightly outraged Yoongi would even accuse him.

No I didn’t!

Yoongi’s reply came back quick.

Yes you did. What am I looking at then?

Jin scoffed. What was he looking at indeed?

I closed it, Min Yoongi.

Must have not been hard enough, Kim Seokjin.


Jin grumbled to himself and put his phone away. He wasn’t about to keep fighting with the younger boy. He would deal with it at home.

When he felt his phone vibrate again, he willed himself not to look.

But what if it was Namjoon?

He sighed and pulled his phone out.

I heard something upstairs.


Who’s here?

No one. Jin replied. Hoseok was at dance practice and everyone else was in class. Unless, Hoseok was home? But why would Namjoon say he wasn’t? He was his roommate he had to have heard him get out of bed and leave.

Worrying, he took a seat on a nearby bench and called Yoongi.

“What’s going on?” Jin demanded as soon as Yoongi picked up.

“I think someone’s here.” Yoongi said. “Also, not so loud, there’s a hammer pounding in my head already.”

Jin rolled his eyes. Whose fault was that? “Look, call the police don’t go upstairs.”

“I got a switchblade in my pocket, don’t worry.”


“Shh.” Yoongi replied. “What did I say hyung?”

Hyung, Jin thought. It was the first time he had heard Yoongi say it. Sounded a bit off, as if Yoongi wasn’t himself.

He’s probably scared too. Jin thought.

He heard creaking up the stairs along with Yoongi’s steady breathing. His breathing grew quicker as the creaks stopped. Jin should take Yoongi to the gym sometime.

He heard some rustling then a door opening followed by a scream.

“Yoongi!” Jin screamed.

“You idiot! What are you doing?!” Yoongi yelled.

“I’m sorry!”

Jin heard Hoseok’s voice and sighed with relief falling back into the bench.

“Why are you ?!” Yoongi shouted.

“I showered!” Hoseok shouted back.

Jin sighed. He wasn’t about to deal with this. He hung up and glanced at his phone. It was Namjoon.

Meet me by the school café.

Jin recounted what had happened and by the end Namjoon was bursting into a fit of laughter.

“They scared me to death!” Jin exclaimed, clutching his latte in his hands.

“Don’t worry. It’s a new place, it’s normal to be paranoid over the small things.” Namjoon smiled.  

“I’m not paranoid. I mean maybe a little.” Jin admitted. “With the whole footsteps thing, it must have thrown me off.”

“It’s okay.” Namjoon reassured him with a pat on his arm. He kept it there for a while and Jin felt the stomach flutters once again. He met Namjoon’s deep brown eyes and realized he wanted to kiss the boy.

He pushed it off and sat back, taking a sip from his latte before smiling. “I guess.”

After coffee, the two drove back to the house. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook would be getting a ride from some classmate of Taehyung’s Bacon—Baekhyun or something, Jin couldn’t recall.

The whole ride had been a little nerve wracking. It was obvious to Jin that Namjoon was interested, but it was up to Jin to make a move. He was older and the one with more control, Namjoon had made it clear.

They made it to the house and once inside, Jin saw Yoongi and Hoseok sitting on the couch spooning ice cream from the carton as the TV blared some variety show.

“Thanks for worrying me!” Jin called.

“No problem.” Yoongi replied, with a slight smirk.

Jin frowned at them. Hoseok, with more sense, got up and bowed his head.

“Sorry hyung!”

“Close the door next time Hoseok.” Namjoon added to Hoseok’s apology list.

“Huh?” Hoseok stopped bowing. “I did. I even locked it.”

Yoongi, Jin, and Namjoon looked among themselves then at Hoseok.

“I did!” He insisted.

Before Namjoon could open his mouth a crash was heard in the kitchen. He reached for a lamp.

Jin reached for an extension cable.

Hoseok reached for Yoongi.

“It was the ghost that opened the door!” Hoseok cried.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Yoongi tried to pry the man away from him, but Hoseok held onto his shoulders tight.

They all sauntered into the kitchen, Namjoon leading the way. He motioned that he would go in first and the others nodded. He slipped in quietly, coming out immediately with a sigh.

“It’s a cat knocking over plates.”

“A what?” Yoongi asked.

“A cat.” Namjoon repeated.

“How did it get in here?” Hoseok wondered looking at the closed front door.

“Beats me.” Namjoon shrugged. “However it did, it’s sure making a mess in there.”

Jin dropped the extension cable and burst into the kitchen, furious. Not my plates!

Sure, enough there was a white cat near the sink knocking over clean plates with his paw. He turned at the sight of them, his blue eyes flashing.

He made eye contact with Jin as he slid a mug over the counter. It crashed to the floor the handle breaking off into a million pieces.

Evil! Jin thought. Pure evil!

Jin surveyed the room then spotted a broom in the corner. He grabbed it then raised it to smack the cat. The cat getting the memo jumped from the sink to the counter. Jin chased it hitting everything but the cat. The others came in circled around attempting to grab the cat.

Hoseok dived for it just as Jin raised his broom and received a painful whack on the head.


“Sorry Hobi!”

Hoseok smiled rubbing his head. “Well when you call me like that…”

Yoongi pulled him up off the floor with a frown. “Get it together Jung Hoseok.”

Jin turned away with a grin. If he didn’t know better he’d think Yoongi was jealous.

“Everyone split up.” Namjoon ordered. “Block the entrances!”

Jin took the side that led to the front door and Hoseok took the door that led to the hallway.

Yoongi chased the cat off the top of the refrigerator and towards the sink where Namjoon was waiting. The cat then swerved heading for Hoseok.

“Hoseok grab it!” Namjoon yelled. “Don’t let it get to the…” The cat flew in between Hoseok’s legs and to the hallway.

“Rooms.” Jin finished.

Hoseok smiled apologetically as they all rushed past him into the hallway.

“There it goes.” Jin pointed to the cat fleeing up the stairs.

“Damn it.” Namjoon cursed.

“Go to the rooms.” Jin ordered. This cat wasn’t getting away this easily.

He and Yoongi looked through their room and came up empty. Namjoon and Hoseok met them in the hallway both shaking their heads. Jin checked the restroom then glanced at the room of the youngest ones.

“It’s in there.”

They all surrounded the bedroom door.

“Don’t let it get away this time, Jung Hoseok.” Yoongi warned.

Hoseok smiled at him. “Don’t worry Min Yoongi.”

Jin opened the door slowly.

He was about to enter when Taehyung’s voice rang out. “We’re home!”

A door slam was heard and the cat ran past them all and down the stairs.

“Damn it Taehyung!” Jin sighed.

The others followed him down the stairs where Jimin held the cat in his hands.

“We got a cat?” Taehyung asked, petting the cat in between the ears.

“No, it’s a stray. Get rid of it.” Jin said pointing to the front door.

“But…” Jimin hugged it closer.

“We’ll feed it and potty train it!” Taehyung pleaded.

“Didn’t the owner say no pets?”

Jin looked at Yoongi with a smirk. Liar.

Yoongi smirked back. I know, he seemed to say.

“He’s family!” Taehyung protested.

“Jimin, get rid of it.” Namjoon spoke up looking annoyed.

Jimin and Taehyung began to pout, making their eyes go wide with sadness. Jin looked away not wanting to break. That cat was a destroyer! His kitchenware couldn’t afford the risk.

“Let’s vote on it.” Jungkook suggested.

“Vote?” Jimin raised his eyebrows.

“It should be a house decision.”

They all looked at Jungkook, impressed at the diplomacy.

“All those against?” Jungkook asked.

Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon raised their hands.

“All those in favor?”

Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok raised their hands.

“Hoseok!” Namjoon cried. “You betrayed the hyung line!”

“It’s cute!” Hoseok protested scratching the cat’s behind. The cat purred in response making Hoseok let out a high-pitched squeak.

Jungkook glanced around, he was the tie breaker.

“I vote…”

Everyone leaned forward, even the cat seemed to raise its ears in anticipation.


Jimin. Taehyung, and Hoseok cheered. Yoongi’s stare quieted down Hoseok who grinned at him, throwing an arm over the shorter boy’s shoulder.

The white cat yowled at the noise and leaped out of Jimin’s arms racing off. A crash was heard and Jin turned to Jimin with a glare.

Jimin and Taehyung smiled innocently.

“Clean up its mess.” Jin ordered.

They bowed and headed to the kitchen.

Jin had a feeling they were in for a lot of cleaning.

They ended up calling the cat Kkanji per Taehyung’s request. Kkanji was still an outdoor cat, so by nightfall he was scratching the front door meowing loudly.

Jin who was the last to turn in, opened the door for him then went to bed.

Later that night he awoke to scratching. Jin grumbled. Did he have to be the one to open it? Surely Jimin or Taehyung or anyone else would hear.

He waited a moment, the scratching persisted.

With a groan, Jin stumbled out of bed and went to open the door.

“Alright Kkanji.” He sighed. “Come in.”

The cat was nowhere in sight. Jin looked around the porch. He then sighed again and closed the door.

I guess he changed his mind. Jin thought.

He went back to bed and just as head hit his pillow he heard the scratching again.

Why me?

Jin raced back down, yanking the door open.

No cat.

“Make up your mind, you feline.” He muttered then went back up the stairs. He paused in the hallway when the scratching resumed once again.

Not this time.

Jin knocked on Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook’s door. Jimin opened it, rubbing his eyes.


“Go get the cat, he’s scratching the door.” Jin ordered before retreating to his room. He wasn’t about to keep playing this cat and mouse game. He had breakfast to make in the morning.

“You should have just let him in.” Jimin called after him.

Jin turned before entering his room. “Every time I opened the door he wasn’t there!”

Jimin looked at him confused, then went back to his room emerging with Taehyung and a flashlight.

Jin went to bed. Their problem now. They were the ones who wanted that cat anyway. He laid in bed and closed his eyes.


Jin opened an eye. Meow?


Jin sat up peering over to Yoongi’s bed. There on top of the lump that was his roommate was Kkanji.



“How long has that cat been here?”

“Since I came home from my shift. He came in with me and followed me to bed.”

Jin sighed for the third time that night and stomped down the stairs. Jimin and Taehyung were still outside calling for the thing.

Jin called them back inside.

“Kkanji was inside this whole time, sorry.”

Taehyung waved it off, while Jimin looked grumpy. It was chilly outside and to have to search the yard in a tank top and boxers must have been uncomfortable.

They all walked back to their rooms and as Jin laid back in bed staring at Kkanji who at his paws he wondered, what had been scratching at the door?

If not Kkanji then who, or...what? 

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Keylareyes #1
Chapter 9: God imagining Jungkook like that is so scary I think you rendered beautifully who the boys roles is in this story
Keylareyes #2
Chapter 7: Gosh poor kitty I’m sad BUT TAEHYUNG PLAYING THAT SONG I SOUNDED LIKE A GOOSE I COUSLNT BREATHE. Ah anyways this is so good like Jungkooks description when his face is like that is so scary I’m - I LOVE THIS
Chapter 22: Even though it wasn't a story that mainly focused on yoonseok, which is the tag I used to find this story, it was really good. I really loved how I could visualize everything you were describing in the story perfectly. Which I really appreciate because not many story's I've read focus on giving us a good visual so thank you. Job well done, I look forward to reading the sequel. ??
Kpopisidklife #4
Chapter 22: I honestly never thought I was going to read a horror fanfic but after the popular Outcast that we ARMYs are playing I decided to search for some good ones! And I really like yours!!!!!
cj-the-greatest #5
This is the best Fanfiction ever. It had all of my favourite elements. Accurate characterization, good grammar, gripping plotline (love horror) fantastic dialogues. I loved reading this. It was an epic experience. I adore Namjin...Vmin and Sope had stolen my heart. I Loved reading every single line. Thanks a billion for sharing this precious gem with us
Army_carat_ #6
Chapter 21: This is one of the best stories i have ever read
I dont really like horror and i get scared easily
But i did it
You are a real good writer
Ga zo door ; )
Army_carat_ #7
Chapter 18: How much holly water do they have
I am not trying to sound cold ir something i am really curious : )
Army_carat_ #8
Chapter 13: I think i have posted to many
comments on this story
But this needs a award
I am not a fan of horror i hate watching thhem but this is
omg i have no words for it..
Army_carat_ #9
Chapter 11: I am scared.. I can't
my cat appeared out of know where
and i got scared. How can a story be this scary
Army_carat_ #10
Chapter 9: Dit verhaal zit zo goed samen ik zou het niets
kunnen doen in 10 jaar thumbs up!