Rival Dance

A Glued Friendship

Taeyeon's P.O.V

I finally arrived at B1- dancing. Dancing was fun, except a few times, I'd slip and fall on my back. When I arrived, nobody was there. I thought I was in the wrong class, and so I checked classroom. Yup, B1- Dancing. I even double-checked my schedule. No doubt, I was suppose to be here. I entered in it slowly, only hearing small footsteps that were mine. Suddenly, a burst of loud music came on. I jumped, and followed the music. When I found a little corner, there was a boy about my age that was dancing! 

Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry
Naega naega naega meonjeo
Nege nege nege ppajyeo
Ppajyeo ppajyeo beoryeo baby
Shawty Shawty Shawty Shawty
Nuni busyeo busyeo busyeo
Sumi makhyeo makhyeo makhyeo
Naega michyeo michyeo baby

I kind of grove to the music, swaying my body gracefully. I kind of liked this song. It had a good beat, good moves, etc. Next thing I knew, I was dancing like crazy. The music stopped playing a long time ago, but I kept going, repeating the lyrics in my head. Once I was done, I heard few clapping. I looked at my left, seeing a small crowd. I blushed, feeling really embarrassed. The boy who was on the corner frowned, but he was still clapping. I took a small bow, and suddenly, the dance teacher approached me.

"Beautiful, beautiful~! My name is Mrs. Song, if you didn't hear. We all saw your wonderful dancing! Beautiful! What's your name?" she complimented me, smiling really wildly. I felt shy, but then I kind of liked this attention. I looked at the boy, and he was still frowning. I suddenly recognized that the boy was Leeteuk. I felt myself turn really red.

"My name is Taeyeon, but um... Leeteuk helped!" I said, pointing at him. Leeteuk was surprised, but Mrs. Song just laughed.

"Silly girl! We all saw only you dancing! You did perfectly well! Well, let's go on with the basic. Line up! One, two, three! One, two, three...." the teacher continued. I felt kind of bad for Leeteuk, but oh well! It's his fault for tuning the music on and letting me dance. I took a peak behind me, seeing if Leeteuk was angry. Sure enough, he was staring-- more like glaring-- at me. I gulped and continued to look back at the teacher, listening to her lessons. 

Leeteuk's P.O.V.

Aish... that girl is annoying! I mean, Taeyeon is annoying. Can't she show anyone some respect? I wanted to go up to her, but... I was shy. I wasn't those type of guys who could get angry easily and go up to someone and punch them. I just wanted to dance in privacy. Well, maybe she saw me, but she wanted to dance with me? Well, I at least wanted an apology from her... Suddenly, the teacher told us to line up along the mirror and hold onto the bars. We did, and we started to do some hand motions. Behind me was Taeyeon. For some reason, I could sense that she was looking at me.

"Sorry," I heard her whisper.

"What?" I asked harshly. Okay, that just sounded mean from me. I felt bad. 

"Sorry about earlier," she managed to squeak out. I nodded and turned my head slightly.

"It's okay," I said, turning back and looking forward. I started to feel a little happy. Maybe she wasn't such a bad girl after all, right?

After class, there was a Nutrition Break. I packed my bag up, and I saw Taeyeon alone, packing her things quietly. I decided to walk up to her, just to know her a little better.

"Hi," I greeted, smiling. She jumped, and she stared at me. I gave her a wider smile. She smiled back awkwardly,

"Yes?" she asked, slipping on her bag.

"Want to walk to Nutrition?" I offered while we walked out of the door. She froze for a moment, and she slowly nodded. 

"Great! Let's go!" I said, grinning. I took her hand, holding it tightly as we walked out. I felt dazed for a moment, just staring at her while we walked. She looked at me, and our eyes locked for a second. I felt a spark, but did she feel it, too? I quickly glanced away, but I rolled my eyes to just take a small peek of her. She was still staring at me.

"Why did you want to walk with me?" she asked curiously. I could feel myself turn a bit red. Why did I want to walk with her? Well, I wanted to know her better, too, but why? I was confused.

"Um, why? You didn't want to walk with me?" I asked back. She shook her head quickly.

"No, I was curious," she said, looking back. I sighed in relief. She wasn't those kind that kept asking too many questions. That was good, 'cause I needed some time to think about something: Why did I wanted to walk with her?

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Randomly featured on 11/17/14! It's been 4 years since I've wrote this story, too (I cringe, lol).


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@--Moonie: Haha, thanks! ^_^
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@Pizzalover: But it's so cheesy XD And cliché O_O And weird at some parts (if not, then most) :P It's such an old story, I can't believe that I improved my writing from this story. O_O
@BarbieTiffany: Thank you! >.<
@ninjasmell: Thank you! :) But I'm wondering how random this random feature is. I've been featured randomly twice (this is my 2nd random feature) O_O
ninjasmell #7
congrats on getting featured!
@pastelbow: Thank you! ^_^
@JJaehwa: Haha, thanks! :)
Congrats!! :D