Cooking with Love

A Glued Friendship

Yuri's P.O.V.

Class ended earlier than I expected. Yoona and I just took Dancing, and boy, were we tired! The teacher spoke fast, acted fast, and we had to learn fast. Everything had to be quick in the class. I usually like taking my time on things, but when it's dancing, I really want to take my time. 

"Yoona, what do you have next?" I asked kindly. She checked her schedule.

"I have...Singing. How about you?" Yoona replied, smiling. I frowned a little.

"Aw! I have Cooking!" I complained. I really loved to cook. I probably wanted to be the best chef in the world. Now, you might be wondering why I'm at this Academy while I love to cook, right? Well, I love dancing and singing, but I had to choose only one academy. So I chose this!

"Oh, alright. I better go to class! Where is A4?" Yoona asked. I widened my eyes, shock.

"Are you that good at singing?" I asked. Yoona laughed.

"Not really.... why?"

"There are four buildings in this academy: A, B, C, and D. A is the building for the best, and D is the building for the lowest."

"Ha, ha! That means that I'm really bad at cooking!" she laughed. I laughed as well.

"I'm pro at cooking! My cooking class is at... A3. I think we should part away for now. See you soon!" I said, leaving the building. I was looking forward to my cooking class. Once I arrived, I saw no one that I knew in my class. I guess I was also pretty late, because there was only one seat left: Heechul. I slowly arrived next to Heechul, giving him a small smile. Most of the girls complained about this, but the they were happy to sit by their friends. 

"Hi! I'm Heechul!" he greeted, shaking hands.

"Oh, um, I knew that. I'm Yuri," I replied, shaking his hand.

"So you like cooking a lot?" Heechul asked.

"Well, I LOVE cooking! I think I'm the best at cooking! Do you cook?"

"Nah! I EAT. I LOVE TO EAT! That's why I'm in the "A" ranking for cooking. 'Cause the teacher loves to see me eat her food and other students! She says that it's 'Expressing your inner-self', whatever that means," Heechul exclaimed. I gave him a gentle smile. Heechul was... strange. When with his friends, he's always so... dark. But when he's without the crew, he's so light-hearted. 

"You're so... happy... light-hearted... and yeah," I said, awkwardly. I shifted my feet quickly, looking at him in the eyes.

"It's because of... Donghae," he replied, gazing at me. We were like this for a moment, until I shook my head.

"Oh, um, I understand," I said, even though I didn't really understand.

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Heechul's P.O.V.

Oops! I might have outdone my "charming" look. :P I needed to do something fast.

"Er, so what's today's lesson?" I asked, changing the subject. She looked back at me and gave me a smile. I felt warmed when I saw that smile.

"Baking a cake. You know how to bake?" Yuri asked. I shook my head.

"I know how to eat baked food!" I joked, cracking up. Yuri looked at me strangely. I knew she was going to laugh any minute... any minute now... okay, never mind. She looked at me dumbfounded.

"It's a joke," I explained, chuckling. She nodded her head slowly and laughed quietly.

"Ha, ha, um, that's funny..." she said, looking away. I could tell that she didn't like my joke. Seriously, what's wrong with people these days? Isn't it good to laugh at least once?

"Yeah, funny," I said, looking at the board. Class started just a few minutes ago, and I was in charge of putting sugar into the bowl. My hands felt all shaky as I poured a huge amount of sugar into the cup. It overfilled it, but who cares? Sweets are better! I was just about to dump it in, until Yuri stopped me.

"NO!" she screamed. The class stared at her, shock about her screaming. She turned really red and bowed to everyone, apologizing. Especially to the teacher.

"Aish... you didn't need to scream!" I hissed at her. 

"Sorry! But you're doing it wrong! Watch!" she said, taking away my overfilled-cup-with-sugar-in-it. She took a sharp knife. I thought she was silly. How could you cut sugar? They are so small! Then, she scraped off the sugar that were above the cup. The sugar was perfectly on the line of the cup. I looked at her, amazed. Then, she dumped the sugar in the bowl.

"See? Pro," she smiled, dusting the sugar off her hand. I smiled back to her. I think I like Yuri. She's fun, good at cooking, and she smiles a lot. Just like my kind of girl that I love.

"Thanks," I thanked her, continuing to working. I love baking. Especially next to Yuri.

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Randomly featured on 11/17/14! It's been 4 years since I've wrote this story, too (I cringe, lol).


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@--Moonie: Haha, thanks! ^_^
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@Pizzalover: But it's so cheesy XD And cliché O_O And weird at some parts (if not, then most) :P It's such an old story, I can't believe that I improved my writing from this story. O_O
@BarbieTiffany: Thank you! >.<
@ninjasmell: Thank you! :) But I'm wondering how random this random feature is. I've been featured randomly twice (this is my 2nd random feature) O_O
ninjasmell #7
congrats on getting featured!
@pastelbow: Thank you! ^_^
@JJaehwa: Haha, thanks! :)
Congrats!! :D