The Date

Staying with Suju

~~{Zhou Mi's POV}~~
I took a deep breath.
I was gonna ask Kay to watch a movie with me so I can confess the truth.
" I'm just getting ready to watch a movie later on. You wanna join? " I asked nervously.
She smiled.
" Sure! "
" Great, meet me here at 6, " I smiled back and she headed upstairs to change.
When she was out of sight, I jumped and whispered "yes! "
After I calmed down, I checked my watch. I had a whole hour to get ready for my movie night with Kay.
I made a mental checklist of what I had to do before 6 o' clock:
 - pick out a nice looking outfit
 - prepare the living room for a romantic date (candles?)
 - take a shower and change into nice clothes
 - get in the living room early for some last minute preperations
I could feel the excitement in me about to burst.
First things first, it's time to go shopping.
~~{Kay's POV}~~
I quickly changed into a simple Hollister shirt and dark skinny jeans.
I couldn't believe it. Did Zhou Mi just ask me out on a date?
And I agreed to come?
Yes, I did, and now I had to get ready for the movie night.
I sprayed on a little perfume then stopped to think.
Why get all fancied up when I'm just going to watch a movie?
The door opened up and Henry walked in.
" Heyo! " he called to me.
He took a sniff.
" Do I smell perfume? " he asked with a confused look on his face.
" Oh, yeah. I was just getting ready for movie night with Zhou Mi, " I said while reaching for my brush.
I should at least look decent.
" Ooooh, a date ," Henry smiled.
I turned to him.
" Ha ha, very funny. Right, it's not a date, we're just gonna watch a movie together and that's it, " I said crossing my arms.
" You know he has a crush on you, right? "
" I know, I could tell, " I said.
Henry laughed and grabbed a pillow.
" I'm gonna be down the hall watching you guys and then tell everyone that there's a new couple..."  I cut him off by throwing my brush at him.
He blocked it with his pillow..
" I gotta a better plan for you, why don't you join us? " I didn't want to be alone.
" I'm in! " he put the pillow back and tossed the brush back to me.
I caught with my amazing reflexes and set it down on the table.
" Cool, it's at 6, which is in like 30 minutes, "
I looked at my cousin.
" Thanks, I don't think I would be able to survive by myself, " I kinda shrugged my shoulders and smiled at him.
" No problem, and I'll try not to be too close and give you some space if you need it, " Henry winked at me.
I reached for my brush again and threatened to throw it.
He flinched and laughed.
I stood up and went back to my closet.
Maybe I could change into something a little nicer.
I pulled out my dark red mini dress and black leggings.
" What do you think? Should I wear this? " I turned towards Henry and placed the outfit in front of me.
He smiled and tilted his head. He looked as if he was a judge at a fashion show.
" Hmmmm..."
I laughed as he rubbed his chin.
" Hang on..." he stood up and walked into my closet.
He looked through my clothes.
" A HA! " he pulled out a short black mini coat with a black ruffled rose.
He handed it to me and pointed outside towards the bathroom.
" Now, go try it on, " he gave me a little push.
I giggled and stumbled into the bathroom.
Five minutes later, I walked back into the room.
I stood in front of Henry, who was laying on his bed with a magazine, and twirled around on my sequined flats.
He sat up and examined my outfit.
" Muah! Magnificent! " he pretended to be an Italian fashion proffessional.
I laughed and bounced on one foot.
" Thank you soo much for helping me out. I owe you BIG TIME! "
" Nah, just me being me, " he shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
~~{Zhou Mi's POV}~~
I left the shop with an armful of bags.
I had bought some vanilla and chocolate scented candles, a new outfit (black button-down shirt, white tank-top, ripped jeans), and some new cologne.
Once I arrived, I went into the bathroom to change my outfit. I didn't go into my room because Kay might be in there.
After I was dressed, I went back to the living room to set up the candles and neaten up the couch.
I the T.V. and the DVD player.
Then I dimmed the lights a little bit, just enough so that you could clearly see the T.V. screen but not too dark.
I checked the clock as it clicked to 6 o' clock.
No footsteps heading down the stairs yet. That still gave me time for extra preparation.
I put in the DVD and got it ready to begin playing.
Finally I heard footsteps. And a quiet conversation between a guy and a girl.
I sat down on the couch.
Kay came around the corner. Along with Henry.
My mouth dropped, but I quickly closed it before anyone noticed.
" Hey Mimi! I hope you don't mind, but I invited Henry if that's allright with you, " Kay smiled brightly.
I swallowed my dread.
" Oh, ok. That's fine. I guess he can join, " I wanted to kick him.
Henry came over to me.
" Don't worry, I'll give you some space, and privacy if you need it. She just wasn't so sure about being alone with you, " he whispered to me.
I gave a little nod and relaxed in my seat as Kay sat beside me. Henry sat in the recliner in the corner, stretching out.
I hit the play button on the remote. The movie began playing.
" Oooh, is this War of the Worlds? I LOVE this movie! " she said lifting up her feet onto the couch.
She hugged her legs and placed her head on top of her knees.
I couldn't focus on the movie.
I had to think of when I was gonna tell her.
" Henry, do you think you can go into the kitchen to get some drinks and some popcorn? " I looked over at Henry and raised my eyebrows.
" Oh! Yeah, sure, I'll be back in a bit, " he got up out of his chair, actually figuring out what I meant.
Finally, I could tell her.


:D will update soon, but for right now I need a break. WRITING A STORY IS EXHAUSTING!! >.<

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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!