The Reality is Horrible

Staying with Suju

~~{ Ashley's POV }~~
I walked home with Heechul and Eunhyuk on either side of me. Heechul kept on cracking "your momma" jokes.
I laughed when Eunhyuk spoke up saying " your momma is sooo ugly, she makes Heechul looks pretty! " (A/N: Petal fans, don't hate me!!)
Heechul stopped in his tracks and glared at him with a shocked look on his face.
I cracked up some more. These Koreans...
We soon arrived at the dorm. I was surprisingly greeted with a tight hug from Henry.
" Ashley, don't ever leave and stay out that late without telling me!! " he squeezed me tighter, making it hard to breathe.
" Uh, can't breathe, " I said, struggling for air.
" Oh, sorry, " I pulled back and pouted. " I just don't want you to get hurt. "
I smiled sweetly.
" Don't worry, I won't get hurt, " I gave him another quick hug before running up stairs to take a shower.
Time to refresh!
~~{ Kay's POV }~~
I kept on hugging Kyuhyun for a long time for no particular reason. Oh, yeah, DRUNKENNESS.
He kissed my forehead softly. I gave him a sloppy kiss on the lips, still disorientated. His lips tasted like a mixture of wine, beer, and vodka. I couldn't stop thinking about what he might do under the influence.
Kyuhyun pushed me away and looked at me with a look that I couldn't really describe or even understand.
The next thing I know, he's being pulled back by none other than Zhou Mi.
" Yah! Get your own girl! " he yelled at him. Kyuhyun stumbled over since he was still drunk.
" Kyu! " I said with a hiccup. I ran over to his side as the bus halted to a stop. I fell from the sudden movement and landed right on top of Kyuhyun. I stared into his eyes and smelled his strong collogne.
Zhou Mi pulled me off of him, with me struggled and crying for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun stood up and glared at Zhou Mi. I could feel the tears falling down my cheek.
"Kyuuu! " I sobbed, still drunk. Zhou Mi carried me off the bus with Kyuhyun barely tagging along. We were dropped off in front of the dorm.
I continued crying even though my head was pounding. Zhou Mi kept his arms around me as he led me in.
I was instantly attacked by Henry and his annoying questions.
" Ah, oppa, hush. My head hurts, " I placed my hand on my forehead and wobbled over to the couch. I collasped down to nap.
I could hear Henry yelling at Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi at the front door.
" Are you okay? " I opened my eyes to see Yesung looking at me with his head tilted in confusion.
" Yeah. Owww! " I yelped in pain. It felt like someone was stabbing my brain! I messaged my temples with my fingers.
" Headache? " he sat down on the little space left on the couch besid my legs. He patted my thigh.
" Yeah, " I sighed and closed my eyes again. Kyuhyun, Henry, and Zhou Mi were being really loud. " Aish. Stupid Kyu, " I muttered. It was his fault for dragging us there anyways.
" Yah! Shut up over there, will you! " Yesung yelled, obviously understanding.
I secretly smiled. He turned back to me.
" Wait here, " Yesung stood up. " Stay, stay, good dog, " he said as he backed up. He turned around and ran up stairs. I sighed.
Yesung soon returned holding Ryeowook's hand. They were chatting. Ryeowook had a look that made him seem extremely interested.
Yesung looked at me.
" Oh, Kay! Wookie knows this recipe that helps with headaches! It's his special tea! " he seemed really enthusiastic. Ryeowook smiled sweetly and waved. Then he went to the kitchen to prepare his tea.
" Don't worry Kay, Wookie's making you tea, and then you're going to be all better. Trust me, it works! " he gave me a friendly hug. I smiled into his shoulder.
" Where were you all day anyways? " he put on a confused look again.
" Oh, just out with Kyuhyun and Zhou Mi. We went to go eat and then went to the mall, " I didn't meet his eyes, hoping that he couldn't tell that I was leaving out one important detail.
" And? " he pushed on.
" And what? That's it, " I crossed my arms and sat back down at the couch. The drunken feeling was barely lingering, other than this headache of mine.
" You're not telling me something, " he pouted and squinted at me. I sighed and looked down.
" We also went to a club, " I mumbled.
" What was that? " he asked, stubbornly.
" Nothing! " I looked up.
" Did you say that you went to a club? " he gave me a serious face. I looked back down.
" Yes, " I said, ashamed. " But Kyuhyun made us go! "
" Shame on him! He should've just gone on his own! " he said in a loud voice. I looked up at him.
" Yeah, and that's why I got the headache. I never drank alcohol before until today, " I bit my lip and tried to look innocent.
" Aw look at you! You're just like my little Wookie! " he gave me another hug.
Ryeowook returned with a glass of brownish-greenish-yellowish tea.
" Here you go! Drink up! " he handed it to me.
I inspected it curiously before taking a sip.
" Ack! " I held out the cup as far away as I could. It tasted like medicine.
" Drink it! It will make you feel better! " Ryeowook urged me on.
I sighed and chugged the whole tea down. I handed the cup back to Ryewook and placed a hand over my mouth. That was completely foul!
" All better? " Yesung tilted his head to the side.
Surprisely, my headache did go away!
" Thank you so much, Ryeowook! " I got up and hugged him.
Ryeowook left to return the cup and go back upstairs.
The yelling was over from Henry and the others.
I decided to rest for a while. I stretched out and rested my head on Yesung's lap. Kyuhyun walked in cursing under his breath. He ran upstairs and I heard him slam the door to his room.
Zhou Mi came in afterwards. He looked at me and Yesung, gave a small shrug and a pout, and headed upstairs.
For some reason, I felt like I did something wrong here.
" Kay. " I looked up. It was Henry. He was standing over me.
" Oh, Henry. What is it? " I tried to smile a little to try to lighten the mood.
" We really need to talk, " he put his hands in his pockets and went serious.
~~{ Kyuhyun's POV }~~
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!
I really hate myself right now!
I slammed the door and plopped down on my bed.
The bed was really comfy but it still didn't calm me down. I was still furious at myself.
I'm such an idiot!
I dragged Kay to the club and she got drunk. I should've known better!
Luckily, Henry didn't kill me. But he came pretty close to it.
Everyone was against me, saying how it was all my fault and how stupid I am. Geez, they don't have to rub it in, I already know!
I never do anything right. I'm such a stupid idiot! Everybody hates me right now.
I jumped up and went over to my computer. I went on my online games to say good-bye to all my online buddies.
Then I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and began to write:
Dear Cruel World,


AAAAAAH!! noooo!! I'm not going to say anything, because it will give it all away :D
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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!