The Deal

Staying with Suju

~~{ Eunhyuk's POV }~~
I really don't know how that slipped out of my mouth. It just kind of did.
I mean, we weren't really dating or anything yet and I wanted to make it final. So it was reasonable enough to ask her out.
Ashley stared at me with a smile starting to creep onto her face. She giggled a little.
" Of course, " she met my gaze. I grabbed her hand from across the table. Her hand was soft like silk.
I rubbed her palm with my thumb. We continued staring into each other's eyes for a long time with goofy smiles on our faces, well, mostly me, anyways.
I loved her with all my heart and wasn't going to let anything get in between us.
Not even this kiss coming straight for me.
Wait a minute, WHAT?!
~~{ Kyuhyun's POV }~~
I just layed sprawled out on the wet grass. The rain had finally cleared away, but the clouds still looked dark and depressing.
Everything looked dark and depressing to me.
I heard running foot steps heading in my direction. I didn't bother to look.
The next thing I know, a pair of arms are wrapped around me. I still didn't look.
" Kyu, don't cry, " a soothing voice told me. Was I really crying? I haven't even noticed.
I recognized the voice; it was Kay. I didn't look at her.
She brushed her hand though my hair.
" What do you want, " I finally asked with a sigh. I sat up quickly, still not looking at her.
She's broken my heart enough, what more can she do?
" I'm so sorry Kyuhyun, " she said sympathetacally.
I couldn't help but glance at her.
She was extremely beautiful with her hair smooth from the rain. Even with the dark clouds blocking out most of the sun, she still had this radient glow to her.
I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Why had she came back anyways?
" No you're not. You don't even like me, " I mumbled and quickly turned my head.
" Yes I do, just not like you do, " she said quietly with a calm and sweet voice.
" But why not? Is it something about me? " I asked desperately. I could really feel the tears beginning to flow.
" No, it's just... " she never finished her sentence.
" Just face it, Zhou Mi's better than me, " I didn't dare look up, I didn't want her to see my pain. I had to be strong.
" No, it's just.... you took things too quickly. I just want to be friends, " she hugged me calmly.
" Let's make a deal, " I lifted my head up and looked at her. The tears were no longer falling.
Kay lifted her head off of my shoulder and looked at me.
" What is it Kyu? " I cringed with pain at the sound of that nick name. She's just playing with my heart some more.
" I bet you that I can make you fall for me, " I smirked at her. I could definately win at this.
" Okay.... " she looked at me suspiciously.
" But if you get Zhou Mi propose to you without you telling him to, then you win, " I raised my eyebrow slightly.
" P-p-propose? T-to me? " her eyes were huge and she kept on stuttering. " B-but I'm too young! "
" You're 21, aren't you? That seems old enough to me, " I continued with my little game. I was going to win her over in no time.
" Okay, so if you win? " did she want me to win?
" If I win, you become mine, and you can't be with Zhou Mi, " it seemed a little harsh, but that's how much I liked her.
" Um, okay, " she bit her lip nervously.
" But if you win, I will leave you alone but still do whatever you want, " I gave a small smile. " Not like that's going to happen, though. "
" Haha, right. We'll see about that, " she stood up and brushed off her pants. She offered a hand and helped me up.
" May the best man win, " I smirked. " And let that be me hopefully. "
" Boy, do you have confidence in yourself, " she smirked right back at me. Time to set my plan into action.
" Works everytime, " I gave her a charming smile that can make nearly any girl faint.
Well not Kay, anyways. She just held her ground and smiled brightly at me.
" Will we be returning home now? " she asked politely.
" Of course sweetheart, " I smiled sweetly.
" Still not happening, " she giggled and took my hand to drag me back home.
Instead, I pulled her onward.
" Not yet, anyways. This is just the beginning, " I hid an evil smile.
This is so going to work.
~~{ Kay's POV }~~
Kyuhyun's plan is definately NOT going to work.
There's no way I'm going to fall for him.
And there's no way I'm getting married already! I'm nowhere near ready!
Kyuhyun never said that I could just not do neither. I won't fall for him and I won't get married to Mimi!
Perfect, right?
I felt like something was wrong. Was I being to mean to Kyu? And Zhou Mi?
Maybe I should just relax a little. And have fun while I'm at it.
I didn't want to hurt Kyuhyun or anything, but I could still mess with him.
" Kyuu~ " I grabbed onto his arm and looked up at him.
He looked down at me, a little surprised at my sudden action.
" What is it Kay? " he smiled softly.
" What about Minnie? Is he okay with all this? " I asked curiously.
It made sense. On the first day, they had both told me that Kyumin was real. And now he's chasing after me? I don't think that Sungmin would be pleased with that.
A surprised look was slapped onto his face.
" I- I hadn't thought about that yet... " he said quietly. I giggled softly.
" But I'm sure he'll understand, " he smiled brightly and we continued walking.
It took me a while to realise that I was still clinging to Kyuhyun's arm. I quickly released him before it got too far. I could feel my cheeks heating up.
Why am I blushing? I shouldn't be embarassed!
We finally arrived to find the living room empty. There was a thick metal frying pan on the floor. The T.V. was on and we could hear the news reporter talking quietly.
Kyuhyun led me to the kitchen, still holding my hand, and sat me down at the table.
He left the room to go upstairs. I wanted to run, just to mess with him, but I decided to just sit there.
Kyuhyun returned shortly.
" I talked to Henry and he said that a criminal was here a while ago, but nobody was hurt, " he informed me as he sat down across from me.
He stared up at my face. I turned my head to look away from his piercing stare. He must have noticed because I heard him chuckle.
" Are you shy? " he asked me.
" No! " I shouted at him as I turned back to face him. This guy never quits.
I got hit with his eyes once again. They were so mesmerizing. I couldn't look away.
No, I can't like him! I can't let him win!
" You're really beautiful, you know, " he stated, tilting his head a little as if to look at me at a better angle.
I blushed and looked away again. No, don't fall for his tricks.
" You can't hide from me, " he said in a dark and mysterious voice. I could feel a sharp coldness flow through my whole body.
This guy did crazy stuff to my head, but there was no way that I was going to fall for him.
" Come on, look at me, " he said and patted my hand.
I slowly turned my head to face him
He instantly put this look on his face that would've made me faint, but I stayed still. He wasn't going to weaken me.
" What's wrong? You look nervous, " he placed a smirk on his face.
" Uh, I, uh, got to go to the bathroom! Be right back! " I used the usual excuse. I jumped up and ran upstairs. Once I reached the bathroom, I locked the door and collasped on the floor.
What am I going to do? 



hello readers!! enjoy the chapter??
anyways, is there any certain member that you want me to include a little more?
and what are your ideas? should Kay go with Kyu or stay with Zhou Mi?
OR BOTH???????
heehee ^^ keep reading and comment any thoughts, not to mention, SUBSCRIBE!!! 14 subscribers and 875+ views, keep up the good work!!
pictures anyone??

kyu's dorky smile ^^


proud of what hyukkie?? ^^


and of course a little Kyumin since they were mentioned in the chapter ^^ like the pic??

comment please!! subscribe too!! and keep reading!! any thoughts??

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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!