We Belong
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Eunji thank heavens for Sang Bum being out of her sight for several days now. She learned that he went on a trip to Jeju to visit his grandparents and she surely doesn’t care much.

“Miss Eunji.” Her attention was called by Wendy peeking at the door.

“Yes Wendy?”

“Miss Krystal is on the line.” Wendy replied making Eunji glance at the phone.

“Okay, I’ll get it. Thank you.” Eunji chuckled before picking up the phone. She appreciates how Wendy takes effort to stand and inform her instead of using the intercom since she once complained about how the intercom’s sound surprises her and making her lose her cool.



“Krystal, is there anything wrong?”

“Do I always call when there is something wrong for you to say that?” Krystal sounded so Krystal making Eunji chuckle. It’s true though, Krystal calls her when she needs help, or when she’s on a petty fight with Eunji and says that she’s calling her because among her friends, she’s the only one who can understand her since she’s married as well.

“Come on, tell me.”

“Well you see, Seyoung sent a new invite for her fund raising activity, as much as I want to go, it’s overlapping with my trip with Jongin to Spain... but I was thinking of passing it to you if you’re interested.” Krystal finally said. Seyoung, Eunji hasn’t heard anything about her for some time now, she thought that she’s off for some of her trips again or whatever.

“I’ll think about it, can you send me the invite though?”

“I’ll send it to your personal email, thank you so much Eunji!”

“Get back with an extra luggage if you’re thankful then.” Eunji playfully replied. She heard a pause before hearing a deafening “YAAAH!!” on the other line.

“Bye Krystal, enjoy your second honeymoon with Jongin.” And before the younger can reply, she ended the call.

“You need to have an extra luggage so the elders will stop asking us for grandchildren.” She playfully murmured as she checked her email too see Seyoung’s fund raising invite.



“Wife, are you sure? Krystal won’t be there.” Junmyeon’s tone sounds worried which made her chuckle.

“Don’t worry, I’m bringing Naeun with me, Wendy pledged to help out as well and of course, Cho family is going to be there. Some of the women who came at the last fund raising gave me a call as well, they want K & E’s sweets to be around… it’s not like Seyoung’s going to be there the whole time, she’ll be busy with her own kiosk.” Eunji tried to explain as she plays with her fingers on the table. Three days before Seyoung’s fair and she’s just informing Junmyeon now. She wanted to settle everything first before telling him so he can’t say no.

“What’s the purpose of me saying no when I know you’re already prepared for this?” Junmyeon can only sigh.

“Thank you.” she cooed.

“Tell me everything that happened on that day okay? And call me if something happens, I can let Mark drive the private plane in an instant.” He hissed.

“If you can, you could have been here two weeks ago.” She replied in a low voice which caught Junmyeon off guard. He didn’t see that coming.

There was a long pause, neither said something until Eunji sighed on the other line.

“I should have not said that, I’m sorry.” She said in a soft voice. She don’t know why did she say that, it just came out of .

“I’m sorry… I’ll be home as soon as I can, I’m so sorry wife.” Junmyeon’s voice sounds so sad, it made Eunji pout.

“Did I make you sad? I’m sorry.”

“No… I know it’s my fault, I’ve been away for almost three weeks now.” Junmyeon tried to sooth her up. Though it’s true, he can just ask Mark to fly him back to Korea but he doesn’t want to act like a love sick husband who wants to see his wife the whole time. He has seen his parents in this kind of situation as well, there was even a time that his father wasn’t able to come home for a year and they were able to surpass it so he surely looks up to his parents when it comes to a situation like this.

“Just promise me to do that okay? Call me, I’ll be on my phone the whole day.” Junmyeon tries to change the topic.

“I will, don’t worry.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”




The day of the fair came, it’s good that it’s on a weekend so she doesn’t have anything to do at the office and Wendy’s with them. She’s glad to know that the girl is good in making sweets as well.

Eunji was greeted by a lot of women, socialite and wife of businessmen.

“Welcome Eunji.” Seyoung came to their kiosk while she’s busy preparing the mix.

“Oh, hi.”

“I was supposed to send you the invite but I decided to send it to Krystal addressing the two of you since I know you’ll want to work together… too bad she’s on her honeymoon.” Seyoung sounded friendly that makes Eunji want to raise a heart. Did she have a change of heart? Only God knows.

“But you’re with your friends. That’s nice.” She eyed Naeun and Wendy who are busy as well.

“Yeah, I need extra help.” Eunji’s still cautious in talking to her since she’s not sure if what’s with this girl right now.


“Seyoung you’re there! I’ve been going around looking for you.”

That voice is familiar, so familiar that it made Naeun look up from what she is doing while Eunji froze on the spot, what is he doing here? how did he know her?

“Sang Bum! I’m glad you came!” Seyoung turned to see who called her and immediately gave him a hug.

“Of course, I got your invite on top of my schedule, I can’t let this pass now or else-“

“I’ll kill you. Good that you know.” Seyoung playfully replied as she punched his arm. Sang Bum laughed and glanced at the person that Seyoung was talking to earlier, a sudden smirk formed on his lip.

“Oh, Eunji is here.” he looks at her frozen image, a smile crept on his lips when he saw Naeun walk and stood beside Eunji.

“And she’s with her friend.”

“Hi.” Eunji replied shortly after feeling Naeun’s nudge that brought her back to reality. How can these persons be acquainted with each others? Like, can’t she take a break?

“I’m glad to see you… and I see you’re baking your cookies…” he sounded so conceited as he stepped closer to the display and took one cookie from the free taste.

“As expected, your cookies are still-“

“I think we should excuse ourselves for now, we still need to finish our set up before the start of the opening of the booths.” Eunji butted in.

“I think that’s right, come to my kiosk, I know you haven’t eaten breakfast but you’re already eating sweets.” Seyoung replied as she eyed the cookie on Sang Bum’s fingers.

Sang Bum eyed Eunji first as he smirk making a visible grunt on Eunji’s face. It wasn’t left unnoticed by Seyoung’s eyes. What’s up with these two?

The moment Seyoung and Sang Bum left, Naeun immediately turned Eunji to face her.

“Why is he here?” she asked in a whisper as she doesn’t want Wendy and Mrs. Cho to hear their conversation.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know how they knew each other.” Eunji replied with a sigh.

“This is going to be a long day…” Naeun warned.

“It really will…” she sighed again.




“How did you know Eunji?” Sang Bum asked as they entered Seyoung’s kiosk.

“Who wouldn’t know her? She got Junmyeon from me, of course I know her.” Seyoung replied as she flipped her hair making Sang Bum roll his eyes.

“Junmyeon was never yours Seyoung.”

“I just arrived late, when I arrived they’re married… I just can’t accept that.” Seyoung crossed her arms. She got a lot of workers to set up her booth as she’ll just cook (merely for pictures) later.

“Whatever you say… give me some breakfast, I didn’t fly from Jeju to be your stage partner by the way.” Sang Bum sat on the side and took a bowl of rice. Seyoung rolled her eyes as she gathered side dishes for Sang Bum.

“I know you can’t resist my invite.” Seyoung confidently replied as she settled the side dishes infront of Sang Bum.

I just realized that it’s a good decision that I came… Sang Bum thought.

“Have you always invited Eunji?” Sang Bum asked out of blue while Seyoung’s busy bossing her workers around.

“Come again?’

“Eunji… have you always invited her?”

“Naah, I just invited her the last time, she came with Krystal, you know, Jongin’s wife… then I invited them again this time since they recorded one of the highest sales and contribution for the donation last time… why?” Seyoung explained.

“Nothing… just curious.” Sang Bum played blank as he munched some rice making Seyoung raise a brow.

“Are you not telling me something?” Seyoung suspiciously asked. He’s been bringing up Eunji. It made Sang Bum pause and look at her.

“What? can’t I ask? She’s my colleague in the

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FINAL CHAPTER for We Belong is posted. Thank you so much everyone!


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Limonium #1
Chapter 30: Suji, i love them so much, its rarely any moments of them nowadays but still, reading this, makes me fall for them even more
Angel_Light #2
This story is so beautiful it filled my heart... Suji so cute
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️ Apink ❤️
nurarabella #4
Chapter 30: It's was awesome, I love this story so much ❤️
Chapter 30: This story is so beautiful :") overall i like this story, but it makes me frustated in some parts, especially when it is about sang bum. It makes me want to kill him but i don't know what will be the reason of me to kill him. I hate him already even before the story about eunji's past revealed.
I like how junmyeon respect eunji, bring their relationship in a slow pace for eunji's sake, i like how he think about eunji before him. They're deserved each other. I hope i could have relationship like theirs in the future :").
Sylcro #6
Chapter 30: Extra très belle histoire très bien écrite j adore suji ? ?
Chapter 30: I can't believe it, im at the end of the story now? God, what a perfect family they have. I wish for their happiness to last long!

Thankyou for writing such a good story with full of fluff and right amount of conflict, I love every single chapters you wrote. Though I might say my favorite is when Junmyeon and Eunji met for the first time. I guess it gives me the most butterflies, like I knew they are going to be a great couple in the future.

I start to grow more love for SuJi otp, this is not good. Hahahaha but again, great work author-nim! Love it! And thankyou!!
Chapter 29: GREAT BABY BOY! I don't know why but Rv-Bad Boy song starts to play when I read about it.
But afterall, it's the son of Eunji-Junmyeon, I wonder how angelic he would be.
Chapter 28: Finally Seyoung can understand the whole situation she got, I thought she would never do.