A/N-Please Read

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Dear devoted readers of Act,

                                                  I have not updated Act in a very long period of time and for a good reason.I am unsatisfied with my original story in plot, grammar and other aspects.In the near future, I would hope to publish a novel successfully and will be using some of the plot backing and characterization.It would be a waste of time to try and find time to write both my rough draft of my novel and the book online here that I have no intention of publishing.I understand that this will probably upset readers as they have not figure any part of the plot out yet.I give you guys  3 options.

Option 1: I can write a very detailed summary of how the series plot and characters would have ended up if I had continued on with the story.I would probably publish the summary tomorrow if I get enough comments.I will make sure to give insight into everything from book 1's beginning to book 3's ending.You would learn about xiumin true identity,the war, and sehun and atlass's relationship.

Option 2: I can start publishing my novel with the adapted plot and characters ( in Exo form).The time and setting are completely different.Some characters are switched, but not too dramatically.The updates will be slow as it has to be beta-read and edited to my standards before I publish a chapter.As well as the book will be missing alot of components as most publishing companies don't take already distributed material.


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naznew #1
Chapter 46: I choose Option 1..
Legggo #2
Chapter 46: I'm divided between option 1 and 2, the option 3 to me doesn't look that good, as you said you were unsatisfied with the plot. If you posted how this plot was going to end and later, posted the new plot, I would definitely read both and maybe get hipper for realizing the things you changed.
Ryvani #3
Chapter 43: I still can' t figure out who xiumin is, what his role in Atlass' life, and why he can appear freely in front of Atlass even if he is a prisoner??

I knew it! Sehun and baekhyun definitely has something behind their back :D
naznew #4
Chapter 41: Poor Atlass...
naznew #5
Chapter 40: Wah..so many chapter..i love it.. But i wonder why lay do that?
naznew #6
Chapter 36: Finally...Author-nim..i miss you.. Opps..scratch that..i miss this story..hehe.
Lay say its final? Err..you will kill Lay when he with troll?
naznew #7
Chapter 35: Poor Atlass..losing her mother while playing piano..
Chapter 33: Wow long time no update authornim but you're finally back :) good chapter waiting for the next update :D
naznew #9
Chapter 32: Sehun..sehun..his tempers so worse..