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A/N- I was thinking about making the story where I show each characters side of the story and what their doing to show their plot line and background.tell me if you think I should do that or keep just telling what Atlass sees going on.


Leaving early meant leaving training for a while.She felt relieved to be away from all the constant beatings.She had gotten better but she was nothing compared to them.The only thing that kept her focused on training was those red eyes.She couldnt get them out of her mind no matter how much she tried.

Chanyeol was more than relieved when he found out he didnt have to accompany her on the trip to visit her mother.Suho was accompanying her much to her displeasure.It took about 3 days to get to her mother's cottage.

She was suprised to see the cottage that used to be so lively and cheery was in fact dreary and gloomy.The shutters were old and rickety.The floors were un even on the porch and dried out.The place looked like it could fall apart.Her sister Georgina was sweeping the porch when their carriage pulled up.She didn't look happy to see them as she stopped what she was doing to attend to something in the house.

When atlass foot hit the snow she could feel all the memories of the home flash towards her as well as the emotions.’dont cry’she warned herself.She didnt want her mother to see her cry.She opened the door as it creaked along the wood floors.Suho had insisted on staying outside while she talked to her mother then he would come in later.

Her mother was sitting down in her oldrocker.In only a few months since Atlass had seen her her skin had become a sickly light purple.Her skin was wrinkly and dry.Her eyes shagged and she looked like she had lost alot of weight.This immediately concerned her as her mother was always a tiny petite woman to begin with.Her mothers lips raised into a smile at the sight of her daughter being home.

‘Hello,mother.”she said sitting next to her rocker on the couch.She reached out a hand towards her mothers.

“How are you feeling.”she asked.Her mother looked like all the youth was taken out of her.Her pretty delicate features were gone.Her fingers were nimble and all the strength she had was gone.Atlass could feel the bones as her mother slipped her hand into hers.Her sister snickered.

“How do you think she feels?”It was a jab and it did its job.It certainly stung her.It was the harsh truth.Georginas words were cold and bitter.

“Georgina.”Her mother warned.Her voice was so fragile and soft.It was almost as if her voice was gone.Georgina irritated my the two left the room in a hurry.Her mother patted Atlass hand and shock her head.

“Your sister is just upset.She doesnt want to face the reality that soon i will be gone.”it was like the small sentence had taken all the air she had in her lungs and she heaved her chest up and down.Slow it calmed to a still.

“How long has this been going on?”her eyes were bream with tears.

“17 years.”her mother said it like it was an accomplishment. “I remember when i first found out i was pregnant.At first i tried to hide it from your father.He was always a smart man , he could feel the extra energy surging through me.He told me to get rid of you that it would cost me,my life.He warned me but you were just to precious to me.”she started playing with the strands of Atlass hair and she let her.

“As a baby, you were strong and powerful.I was forced to have you early as my body couldnt keep harbouring you for much longer.My bones had grown weak.You were the life out of me.”Her mother quickly wiped away atlass tears and opened up her palm. “You were this tiny but soon you grew up abnormally fast.You were my little girl.I knew I would have to homeschooling you eventually.You had no cont

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naznew #1
Chapter 46: I choose Option 1..
Legggo #2
Chapter 46: I'm divided between option 1 and 2, the option 3 to me doesn't look that good, as you said you were unsatisfied with the plot. If you posted how this plot was going to end and later, posted the new plot, I would definitely read both and maybe get hipper for realizing the things you changed.
Ryvani #3
Chapter 43: I still can' t figure out who xiumin is, what his role in Atlass' life, and why he can appear freely in front of Atlass even if he is a prisoner??

I knew it! Sehun and baekhyun definitely has something behind their back :D
naznew #4
Chapter 41: Poor Atlass...
naznew #5
Chapter 40: Wah..so many chapter..i love it.. But i wonder why lay do that?
naznew #6
Chapter 36: Finally...Author-nim..i miss you.. Opps..scratch that..i miss this story..hehe.
Lay say its final? Err..you will kill Lay when he with troll?
naznew #7
Chapter 35: Poor Atlass..losing her mother while playing piano..
Chapter 33: Wow long time no update authornim but you're finally back :) good chapter waiting for the next update :D
naznew #9
Chapter 32: Sehun..sehun..his tempers so worse..