Chapter 2

My New ''Normal'' Family

Night Time Came


Eric had gone home with me and mom to stay at the house while we wore out.


“Eric i look ugly with this thing” I yell from my room.


“Come out and let me see what you have on” he yell back and waited.


I walk out my room and was wearing a pink puff dress with diamonds around the waist that went to my leg.




“Aye da that is very ugly let me see what we can do because is killing you da?” he asked.


I node as a yes and he grab some scissors and cut some part of the dress so i could breath.


“Okay now let's find you something better to where da” he said.


“You know how to pick out girls cloth?” I asked.


“Da i help my wife every single day” Eric said looking at me and smiles.


He looked throw my cloth and found a white top with a flowery skirt, a belt, jacket and boots.




“Put this on and come out for me to do your hair” he said and walked out the room.


I put everything on. Erick was a great guy he was there whenever my dad left died and when mom need help taking care of me. Erick used to have two girls but they grew up so i never got to know them but when his wife got sick he started doing everything for her so that's why he knows so much. And every time i remember a mooment when he helped us, it makes me notices how of a fatherly like he is to me.


After i was done i walked out my room and sat in a chair as he started to tie my hair up in a ponytail.


“Daka i want you to promise me something” he said.


“Okay what is it” i asked.


“Don’t get mad in front of him if they say something you don't like don't forget your mother gave you happiness and now you have to let her have it too” he said as he finished putting a bow on the tie of the ponytail.


“I...i can’t promise that but i will try” I said looking him.


He kissed my forehead and smiled “i know you can Daka just try” he smiles.


I smiled and wipe the kiss off my forehead while laughing.


-' I may be smarter than all the other kids in my school but I still have a kid like personality whenever i want to.'-


My mom came walking out her room “i am ready~” she sang and smiled like if she was a model.


Me and Erick roll our eyes like if we both knew what to think about this situation. Me and my mom rushed out the house as she yell to Erick the time we would be back and that if he wanted he could just call us to tell us he was leaving to go check on his wife. I got in the car while she did that, waving bye to Erick and with a face that said help me. He smiled and wave bye so did my mom and she started driving off to where we would meet Mr. Wu.


It took us about 10 minutes i was hoping that he didn’t make it but sadly he did. As he greeted my mom he turned to me and smile putting out his hand for me to shake, it's like he knew i wasn’t ready to get hugged by him. I shaked his hand and he smiled then we walked inside, them two together and me behind them.


At the beginning it was boring but it started to get better when the food came and a small show was going on as well so that was fun. I then checked the time and it was 9:30 and my mom and Mr. Wu had started talking about his business and what he was doing in America. Apparently he likes to travel a lot just like my dad no wonder mom fell for this guy. Mom also liked to travel and write stuff but when dad died that gift died as well.


I thought he wouldn’t ask me anything until he and mom didn’t know what else to talk about so he turned and looked at me and said “So Daka how has school been so far”.


I looked at him and gulped my drink that was in my mouth “it has been pretty good”.


“Well that's great” he smiled “you're going to high school right” he asked looking at you.


You node as a yes.


“Great i know a great high school in Korea you would love to go to” he smiled and my mom was trying to cut him off.


“W...What do you mean by that” you asked in a nice and confused way looking at your mom.

He looked at your mom too in surprise “oh well umm” he didn’t want to keep on going and he looked at my mom.


She noded and looked at me “Sweety i was gonna tell you this sooner but i felt like i should probably tell you now. Me and Shan are gonna get married and we are moving to Korea the reason why is because he has a lot to give to us not only money but love like your father gave to me and you” she said worried i would get mad “but i do ask you one thing could you please let me married him to feel love again?” she asked.


The good was we were sitting away from the rest of the people so i looked at her and said “i give you permission mother” i was sad when i said but my mom and Shan wore happy that they hugged and kiss.


“This is great news i will have a moving car outside your house in two day so i hope you get packing fast okay” Shan said so happy.


“Okay” my mom said.


I was really sad that when we left the restaurant i didn’t look at my mom at all i was really sad and mad i didn’t want to look at her at all. When we got home i grab some boxes that wore already outside and ran to my room and lock myself up. The next day i had everything of mine packed and ready even the dirty cloth wore now clean and packed i only had one outfits that i would wear for that day and the next.


As i got out my room i went to check if my mom had packed her stuff. Since we lived in a small places we didn’t have much of course i didn’t either but i felt like had more cloth than even the richest girl in the world would have. I went to the kitchen and there were 3 meals and some snacks i would eat everyday if i stayed alone and got hungry. Apparently all the kitchen was packed and was either coming with us or given to a thrift store so was our living room and also some of our books mostly the ones my mom didn’t pack wore all basically mine and my dads awesome fanfiction books.


I packed them all and hugged some of them close and cried a little, just looking at them made me sad and remember dad. I got the boxed and moved it to my room i then walked in my moms room and packed some of my dad's cloth that we have had in the room for a while also that they kind of fit me mostly his jackets and shirts. I walked out and folded them putting them nicely in a box and moving it also to my room. Last places i looked was my dad's old office i packed all his stuff and photo’s of him and me and mom. I then looked through his papers reading them wore cool. Then i bump into a book that i had never seen before in my life i picked it up and put it in the box as well. I walked as i hear a women and men's voice come in. I quickly walked out the room seeing it was mom and Mr. Wu i quickly close the door of my room.


“Is she okay” Mr. Wu asked my mom.


“Taking things slowly” she answer “but can you call the pick up truck today i think the car can be pack by tomorrow” she said and smiled at him.


Mr. Wu node and called the pick up truck to come early. My mom watched and smiled as she open the door to get the box out. I open mines a little. Throw out the hole day man walked in and out getting first the kitchen and living room stuff. Then night came and it was all quick in my room but not really in the living room because my mom and Mr. Wu wore having a movie night. I walked out to get something to eat and my mom was asleep while Mr. Wu was up. He watch me with a sad look and then looked away as i started eating.


I later finished and as i walked to my room he called me “Daka please come here”.


I walked over to the other side of him and sat down “ya” you asked.


“Please understand i am not getting in your way of you and your mom and neither trying to get your dad's spot in your heart okay just understand i am trying to be someone else to fit in your heart okay” he said looking at me.


I node and looked down i then got up and left to my room i sat on top of all the pillows that replaces my bed and fell asleep. The next day i woke up it was time to say goodbye to everyone and everything i knew. I even looked around my room and saw almost half my stuff was almost out. I saw the pickup truck men picking my mom stuff up first and then mine. As they wore about to finish with the last few boxes Erick and his wife came i ran up to them and hugged them crying they both hugged me back crying too.


Erick then backed away and put something around my neck and he looked at me and smiled “Dear Daka be good and make as much friends as you can don’t forget we are here for you if you ever come and visit okay”.


“Da and don’t forget forever in the pack no matter what ” Erick’s wife said and smiled at me.

I cried and they both grab the necklace that Erick put on me and they both said a few words. I then hear the car beat and my mom calling me to get in. I gave Erick and his wife one last hug and ran to the car getting in and waving bye to them. They waved back as they cried and i could not see them no more.
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