Chapter 1

My New ''Normal'' Family

It was a normal morning me and mom were getting ready for the day. Mom was going to thecoffee shop like always and I was debating if I should go to school or not after all it was the last day of school.

"Daka have you decide if you will go with me or go to school?" mom yell asking.

I thought for a second - 'maybe i should go the guys can meet me there when school is over' - I stood up and yell "i am going with you mom".

I grab my stuff that I needed and walked out my room.

My mom was happy "Well that's great honey you know, i might as well call someone to meet us there" my mom smiled and look at me.

I knew that look on her faces it had been a long time since I had seen that faces and that face ment she had met someone. She normally had it everyday whenever she knew dad was coming home. I smiled trying not to look sad. I never really thought about having a new dad, I actually always thought I had my real dad with me even after he die.

My mom look at me as she grab her shoes, bag and keys "are you ready?" she asked.

I look at her and nod "ya i am ready" I put my bag on and walk out the door.

She walked out behind me closing the door as I walked to the car. When I got to the car I waited for her as she walked to the door of the car and open it. I got in after she had putted her stuff in first. I got my phone out and she started driving. I made a group chat with all my friends telling them I would be at the coffee shop.

One by one started texting back saying they wore all leaving to start summer early while others wore saying that they wore moving so I wouldn't be able to see any of them. I close my phone shut, I was a sad as more texted came in. I didn't want to read them so I just put my phone away. I look out the window and thought about what would happen during the summer.

-' But what i didn't know was that for me it would be a short summer'-.

It normally was that i would go to work with mom and help arouund at her job but this time I felt like something different was going to happen. As me and mom arrive I stop and look throw my bag.

"You got everything you need Daka?" mom asked.

"Ya i do" I answered and got out with my bag.

Igot out and walked to the coffee shop door opening it. Mom was turning the lights on and I went to take a seat at my usal spot and put my phone and computer to charge.

"Want anything to eat?" mom asked.

"Not right now mom" I answered taking a seat.

She smiled and went to the kitchen as she called someone the owner of the shop came in.

"Wow so early ya" the owner siad and smiled.

"Yup" I answered opening up my computer.

"Aye Daka where is your mommy" the shop owner ask looking for her.

"She is in the kitchen on the phone" I answered and poniting to the kitchen as i login to my computer.

"Aye thank you Daka you are such a great girl and don't ever change that ya?" the shop owner siad making it sound like a question.

I node as a okay and smiled as I went back to looking at my computer screen. My mom then came out the kcitchen really happy, me and the shop owner looked at her in a weird way.

She then looked at me and him "What?" she asked confused.

"Aye noting" the shop owner said right at the same time as I said "Nothing" .

You both look away and went back to what you were doing. The day went by fast and it was already 3:30 pm. A customer had finished getting their order and a few minutes they left, a man walked in he looked Korean and also looked like he had a lot of money on him because of all the stuff he was wearing.


He then walked up to the shop owner asking “can i speak to Lin Jin-Su?”.


“Sure thing. LIN COME HERE PLEASE” the shop owner called my mom.


She came rushing out the kitchen and smiled when she saw the man. The man also smiled back and they hugged and kiss on the lips.


-' My faces experssion is one that i am pretty sure no girl would do to a romacntic momment but when its your mom with some random guy you don't know you would understand why i wasn't happy at all'-


“I am so happy to see you again.” mom said and smiled “oh by the way this is my daughter Daka” she say pulling me out of my chair to meet the guy.


“Wow you were right Lin she really does look fully american” the guy said.


“Sweetie why don’t you go in the kitchen with Mr. Eric while i talk to Mr. Wu here” she said and smiled still looking at him.


Me and Eric walked to the kitchen, both of us look out the kitchen door to see what was happening.


“I am so happy to finally see you again.” Mr. Wu said smiling at my mom “but i didn’t come to only say that i came here to ask you out for dinner and that you also brought your daughter along because i have a surprise for you two” he said and smiled.


“Okay i would love to, i will see you when i am done with my shift okay” my mom said.


Mr. Wu node as a yes and smiled then they both got up and hugged and kissed goodbye.


Eric looked at me and said “Aye don’t break anything or anyones hand ya?”.


I looked at him and node and looked back at my mom, seeing her happy made me happy but seeing her with someone other than my dad was really thought and hurtful for me.

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