Chapter 8

My New ''Normal'' Family

((Red is Chinese and Blue is Korean))


The sun rose Daka and Exo wore sleeping until they all hear banging on the roof. Each woke up or fell off their beds to wake up they all quickly got out their rooms and ran outside and looked at the roof. They saw their father on the roof fixing it.


“It's early in the morning do you really have to do that???!!!!!!!????” Daka yelled.


“SORRY KIDS I HAD TO WAKE YOU UP ALL SOMEHOW” Mr.Wu said yelling back at them.


Daka rolled her eyes mad but also tired and then looked at the boys that wore all almost all shirtless. She looked at each of them and they wore looking at her she rolled her eyes and walked back inside. They followed she went to her room and closed the door when she did the boys went back to normal and went to their rooms.


Daka went brush her teeth and hair and did a sideways braid. She went back to her room and pick out her outfit.


She picked out a white shirt with a tree on it, dark navy pants, black hiking boots, a bracelet, a really warm red jacket.



Daka came out her room and Exo looked at her she looked at them “what is something wrong?” she asked.

“No nothing is wrong” Suho said and smiled.


Daka node wired out and started walking down the stairs.


“I think Monsta X is getting a effect on her don’t you guys think” Luhan said.


“You're right bad thing is she will be on the left side of school so that means she will be spending more time with them” Kris said.


The boys node worried and walked down stairs to the kitchen were Ms. Lin and Daka and their father wore already eating.


“Eat up boys your going with Ms.Lin...I mean your mother to go shopping for your school supplies” Mr.Wu said.


I looked at him and then looked at the boys as i ate and looked back down at my food annoyed.


“Yes and i also got a call from the school saying you would start school next week not this week. Which means this whole week will be all about getting you kids ready for school” Daka's mom said and smiled at them.


Daka finished eating and went to wash her dish D.O. finished to and went to wash his dish too. Daka did her dish quickly when she trun D.O. was right behind her they bump and the dishes fell making one crack and one broke.


“Oh no” Daka said and picked up the pieces of her plate.


“No don’t do that you will hurt yourself” D.O. said and helped her.


They threw the broken dish away and put the other one in the dishwasher. They bump heads as they got up and looked at each other in the eye.


Sorry” D.O. said.


It's okay” You answer


D.O. smiled shyly and you smiled a little back. You walked out the kitchen room to the living room and sat down waiting for the rest. D.O. breath in ‘Wow her smell is just so amazing’ he thought ‘D.O.!!!!’ Exo yelled at his brother through their minds making his head hurt.


When everyone was done eating Daka got out the house being followed by her mother and the boys. Her mom sat in the driver’s seat and Daka sat in the driver’s seat while the boys sat in the back seats. They drove for a while and finally got to the store they all got out of the car and walk into the store.


Daka went to the bags and grab a small brown bag that was pink inside. She then walked into the school stuff and grab everything she need in the way she liked. It wasn’t so hard to tell which stuff was from who because they had two carts 1 with all of Dak’s stuff and the other one with all of the boys stuff.


They grab another cart for the food and went to pay for everything. My mom payed and the boys helped her with the bags. I walked ahead from them and went out the store i looked around and saw a group of 4 girls dancing in front of the store with people around them. I walked over and went to watch them when the music stopped they stop dancing and everyone clapped leaving some money in a hat.


“Thank you all” one of the girls said.


Everyone left and i stand there looking at them.


“Hi” one of the girls said.


“Hi “ i said back

They stand together and smiled looking at me.








Can you guess who the four girls are? What do you think they will do to Daka? Will it be good or Bad? Find Out In The Next Chapter!!!!!!! 🎆🎆🎆

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