Chapter 19

My New ''Normal'' Family

(Red Chinese and Blue Korean)


Lay Pov

When me and Baekhyun got out of Daka’s room i headed into the restroom to take a shower and of course being the last one to take a shower i had to get the cold water so it took me awhile to get ready. By the time i had finally been able to put my pants and shirt on i heard a knock on the door, thinking it was one of the boys i went to open the door and saw Dayoung. The smile i had on my face went away.


“Surprise” Dayoung said with her arms out and smiling while i just stare at her “what's wrong” she asked making me snap out of my unhappy mode.


“Oh uh nothing i just didn’t expect to see you here today” i said as i open more the door.


“Well since what happen to the boys of course me and my sister wouldn’t leave you and your well feeling brothers go to school alone” she said walking into my room also reminding me that people thought of all of us as the popular kids from both sides.


“Oh okay” i said as i moved out her way as she walked in “well let me finish so like we can leave soon and not be late ok” i said closing the door and going into my closet to get my tie and jacket.


When i finally finished i walked out my room with Dayoung. We walked down stairs and seeing the rest already waiting for us. We stood together as the girls said bye to the guys we then heard footsteps from upstairs, looking up to see Daka wearing I.M’s hoodie. When i saw her i was amazed some how by the way she look i guess because she was actually happy this time and not looking mad or sad, but when i looked at the hoodie she was wearing and well...let's say even my fake smile went away. Seeing her wear I.M’s hoodie made me really upset mostly because i couldn't smell her amazing villain smell. She passed by us only saying goodbye to dad and Ms.Rin, I hoped she would say bye but she didn’t, she went outside running to Minhyuk. I was really hurt just seeing her run to his arms. As they walked away we saw the rest of his brothers running after them, I was hurt and heartbroken too of course i had to not show it.

“Are we gonna go soon” kris asked annoyed looking at the time “we will be late and everyone is maybe their by now”.


As he yelled out i looked at him knowing he wasn’t really annoyed but instead he was really mad. Seola walk over and rub Kris back to calm him down.


“Calm down love just let the girls say bye and then we can go” Seola said trying to calm him down but in his faces he was really mad.


The girls finished saying bye to the boys. Quickly we all got in the van and drove of to school. As we drove up we saw every student was already there waiting for us, we got out with the girls walking beside us as we started walking up to the front doors and then everyone from the right side started walking behind as Suho got the keys out and put them in the keyhole.


He turn the doorknob as he yelled “Ok everyone to class” as he open the doors.


As everyone from the right side walked in i looked at Daka and Minhyuk and then saw Kris running towards them when the worst nightmare for us was about to happen.


Back to Daka pov


I was looking down sad because Lay had forgotten his promise of this morning. Minhyuk looked at me and pull me towards him as he hugged me tight. Everyone turned and looked at him and me, Minhyuk put both hands on my face and got his face and my face closer and closer to each other. I knew what was going to happen so i close my eyes just waiting for whatever would happen. As are lips got a little close i could already feel a little bit of his lips on mine but before we could fully kiss i heard someone running to us.  Next thing i know Minhyuk had pushed me to Kihyun and Kris came running and kicking Minhyuk right in the chest. Minhyuk hit the wall and fell to his knees as Kris walked up to him picking him by the shirt. Lay and Baekhyun came running to Kris and trying to make him leave Minhyuk alone, Suho made everyone else get to class quickly closing the doors and then running over to the boys.


“Kris stop don’t do it here” Suho yelled getting to him and putting a hand on his shoulder “ and mostly not in front of Daka” Suho said as he and Kris turned looking at Daka who was hugging Kihyun scared.


“Fine” Kris said calming down but then punching Minhyuk in the face making Minhyuk's brothers react.


I.M. ran at Kris and kicked him away from Minhyuk. Suho, Lay and Baekhyun went to get Kris as they heard the principle running over to them.


“What in the world is going on here” the principle said yelling.


“Minhyuk got on him, Kris nerve and wanted to start a fight” Suho said holding Kris.


“That's not true you mother fu..” I.M. yelled.


The principle yelled at him before he could finish “Don’t u dare say that word here now mister, now all of you left siders go to your class or you are all in trouble” he said pointing at me and Monsta X.


“Wait what but...But” i was about to say something but the boys started pulling me away.


“Come on Daka” I.M. said pulling me into the school as the rest waited on Minhyuk to walk into the school.


As we got to class I.M. sat me down as i just looked down mad, annoyed, and stressed out. The boys walked in with Minhyuk as he sat down next to me.


“I hate this” i say looking down disappointed in what was happening today.


First Lay forgetting about his promise second them hurting my friends. Urg that was it they had cross the line today when the boys got better i would make sure to talk to them.


“I know we hate it to that they didn’t get in truble” Minhyuk said trying to sit up right.


“It not that it's my brothers always messing up my day somehow to either get me mad sad or upset” i say turning to face him and the boys.


“Daka its ok this how it's alway been anyways for us anyways but for you you need to try and keep your brothers out of all your feeling ok” I.M. said going over to my side.


I look at him eye to eye and he kisses my forehead as i smile “okay i will” i say smiling at him.


At the end of school


After the drama that had happened this morning the rest of the day went pretty simple and easy. But it felt wired because the other boys were not here, normally i would see them everytime i walk to my locker but since they were not here today it felt kind of empty...i guess a bit more relaxing for me.


It was the end of day (yay finally) and as always the last class was P.E. which meant both side of the school would have to go and see each other. No one really like it but at least it was the end of the day so we didn’t have to see each other that long. The teacher had told us we where going outside today meaning we could do whatever we wanted.


Because of the right side girls wanting to change out of their school uniforms into their gym uniforms now we only had a little bit of time to be outside before the class/school day was over. Half of the right side boys were playing basketball and the other half were sitting on the bleachers, while the girls just walked around on the track. While half of the left side boys were either playing basketball on the second courtyard , playing baseball or just simply sitting on the bleachers, as for the girls were either cheering the boys on or sitting on the bleachers.


Me, I.M. , Jooheon, and Wonho sat in the bleachers while Minhyuk, Kihyun, Hyungwon, and Shownu where playing basketball with other left side students. The boys were sitting close to me while i draw in a notebook, they then stood up and i looked up at them.


“What are you guys doing?” i asked as wind blew and my hair covered my faces.


“We are going to go mess with their game” Jooheon said.


“We will be right back don’t worry princess” I.M. said patting my head and then walking down the bleachers with the boys as they went running to join the game of basketball stealing the ball from one of the left side boys.


I smiled and looked back down at my notebook again as the sky started to become gray i looked up around me and saw it looked like it was about to rain. I looked back down but before i continue to draw i looked back up feeling like someone was watching me. No one from the left side was around me i was literally the only one on the bleachers, i then looked around at the right side and saw Kris was looking at me. He just stared at me with a day dreaming faces. I didn’t know why but i also stared back at him. Before i anything else happen i heard the whistle blow. I reacted and saw everyone coming to get there stuff. The boys came up to me and helped me up as we walked down the bleachers, Minhyuk put his arm around me as we started walking back into the school to get out. As we walked i looked back to see i Kris was still there. Weirdly he was just staring back at me, then looked away quickly as we got near the school lunch doors.


I headed to my locker to put some books i really didn’t need and grab my folder that had all my homework in it. As i closed my locker and zipped up my bag putting it on my back i felt someone was looking at me. I looked to my left saw saw Suho standing 14 feet away from me. I looked at him for a while then turned around and started speed walking away to get out of the school. As i got out i quickly looked around for Monsta X remembering they had gotten detention because of the fight i then rushed pass everyone and started walking home as quick as i could. Onces i had gotten far away from the school i walked to the park and sat down near the smoothie truck. I breathed in and out heavy scenes i had almost tripped and it felt like i had ran a lot. The lady came over to me taking my order and going back into the truck to get it ready. I looked down for a quick second to check the time on my phone.


“Hey what's up” a males voices said as i jumped a bit scared and looked up to see who it was. When i saw the person i was so so happy and smiled bright “Xin” i said happy.


Xin (aka one of the members from the new k-pop group VARSITY and also long distances and best friend of Daka) was a really old friend of mine him and his brothers would always hang out with me when i was more wired that he still looks the same as always.


“Xin im so happy to see you” i got up and hugged him “it's been like forever since i last saw you and your brothers, how's it going, what have you and your brother's been up to” i asked happy and excited all at one time. I hadn’t seen them ever since i was 5 and last time i saw them was at my father's funeral.


“Yo chill little cub or you’ll hurt yourself” he laughed and hugged me back looking down at me. I was so small and he was so big that's why i always liked to hug him. He put me down and we both sat down and he looked at me smiling ready to answer my questions.


“It really has been forever since we last saw you little cub” he said smiling and rubbing my faces. He and his brothers always called me little cub because when we wore little we were soooo into wolf that we even became a pack ourselves just for fun whenever we played but the nicknames got haha. “It's been going great, me and the boys started working with our mom decorating for weddings and b-days and stuff like that. Our father went on kinda of around the world business trip and he's been gone for like 4 years so far.” he said smiling and looking at me.


“Wow sounds like you and the boys have been pretty busy” i answered as i got my drink and drink it.


“Yeah we have, right now we are here to decorate a ballroom for a girl that is turning 18. She has the most crazy idea for the party hahaha. Oh speaking about parties you're mom found our moms...well better said our decorating company's number… congratulations for your mom… she is getting married to a very rich man… and with the kind of sons he has you must be really lucky to have all those 12 boys around you hu”.


As he said that you looked down “not really as lucky as everyone thinks” i looked up at him.


He looked at me with a faces i only saw whenever someone would bully me at school and he would go stand up for me, but it also meant that i had to spill what ever was bothering me. “Daka whats happen”.


I looked down sad and started telling him about everything that had happen ever since i moved here. Telling him how many times they had made me cry, get mad, annoyed and even the little times when i was happy, i told him everything that happened until today.


“And now Monsta X is in trouble because of what Exo did” i say looking down and drinking my drink tired and relieved that i let all that out. I looked at him and his faces was in shock but also mad.


“This wouldn’t have happen if we hadn’t move that very first time” he closed his fist up mad.


“Don’t say that...i mean i'm pretty sure this would had happen one way or another”


“Or not even in this life but the next”


For us we always thought their was a second world, second chances in life, second everything. We were never normal kids, we always went into the forbidden woods as little, we always did stuff others didn’t do, we were always ahead of other kids in everything. But that all die when my father die and Xin and his brothers left me.


“Either way it's not your fault. This started because of a small mistake i did, you should know the choices you make”


“Can affect your future” he said looking at me and smiling a bit.


I smiled back and looked at the time “wow we have been talking for quite a while now haha”


“Yeah we sure have but it was a nice and kind of sad talk haha” he smiled and laughed.


I smiled back and we both got up and hugged. After a while of saying our goodbyes i started walking up hill to get home. As i got home i didn't see my moms car neither Mr. Wu’s. I kept walking up as i got to the door and was about to open it. But someone from the inside opened it. I stood there as i came faces to faces with Bona and her sisters. I stepped aside and they walked out one by one but quickly kind of scared of me. As Mei Qi walked out last getting in their car i walked in and closed the door seeing the boys all in the living room still. Half asleep of course because they were sick.


Kris, Kai, Suho, Baekhyun, Lay and Luhan where the only 6 up while the others slept. They all looked at me and i looked at them and saw they had lipstick on their necks. I looked at them in a shocked, sad and mad way. I turn around and walked into the kitchen. I looked around for something to drink and then walked back out turning one more time to look at them and walked over to them.


“At least wipe the lipstick off” i said throwing a towel on the coffee table that had some papers. They looked at me and before any of them said anything, i bite my lip and wiped my eyes and walked away and walked up to my room.


I left the door open and started on my homework to forget seeing the lipstick on their necks. After a few hours later i walked back downstairs to see that they were all awake. They all looked at me with a worried look, as i just looked back at them. As i looked around i saw that my mom and Mr. Wu wore not home yet.


“Do you guys know where my mom is?” i asked looking down at my feet.


“They won’t be home until midnight” D.O. answered smiling a little at me as i looked up and looked at him.


“Okay thanks...i’m gonna go ahead and cook dinner then...hope you guys are hungry” i said just looking at D.O. and walking to the kitchen also noticing that Kai, Kris, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, and Luhan had wiped off the lipstick.


This whole day had been so weird, it wasn’t bad, neither good it was just simply wired. I started cooking chicken soup but without the bones so like that it would be easier for the boys and me to eat. As i finished i put the soup in bowls and put them on a little cart and pushed it to the living room. The boys looked up smiling at me and i handed each of them a bowl.


“I hope you guys like it” i said smiling at them a little.


“Thank you Daka but could you please help me actually eat my hands kind of hurt me” Tao asked me.


I smiled a bit more looking at him, 1. Because it was the first time he actually talked to me and 2. I hadn’t really fighted with him at all. “Sure let me just sit next to you”. I walked over to him taking him bowl and started feeding him.


As he finished eating the last two spoon fulls i gave him he didn’t stop looking at my lips and eyes. I looked at him in the eyes.


“Tao is everything okay” i said putting the bowl to the side as i lead back.


Tao move closer to me and then Suho pulled me away hugging me, as the rest threw pillows at him. I pulled away from Suho and saw Luhan started attacking him with a pillow.


“She is our sister!!!” Luhan said mad still hitting him.


Suho still hold me and covered my eyes. This went on for a really good long time, when Luhan was done Tao looked like he had gotten hit by a truck.


“Okay now that that's over we should all go to sleep” Kris said.


“Yea but all of you go to you're own rooms” i said getting up and looking outside seeing it was about to rain. I hugged myself and walked up stairs.  As the boys helped each other to their own rooms.


After a while now it started raining and thunder was hitting badly. I was so scared i couldn’t sleep so i walked out my room seeing one door open. I walked closer and saw it was Suho who was still awake. I walked in and he looked at me.


“I'm sorry it just i couldn't sleep” i said and started walking away.


“Wait Daka don’t go we do have to talk” Suho said as i looked at him and walk back in.


He looked out the door then closed it and locked it. I sat down on his bed and he sat down next to me.


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