Chapter 15

My New ''Normal'' Family

((Korean Blue and Red Chinese))


I keep looking him for an answer. He took deep breaths in and out.


“It’s okay if you can’t tell me” I said looking at him.


“No i will tell you….You know how me and my brothers are called Monsta X right?” I nodded as he looked at me “well we come from a monster family or better said tribe….we are half demons and vampires” he said looking down.


“Wait aren’t they the same thing?” i asked i have read a lot of vampire and werewolves books but never demon book’s.


He shaked his head “not really demons are from hell and mostly are evil and can kill any magical being or person in a blink of an eye and can shift into hell creatures, while vampire just the soul of their victim” Minhyuk answer and looked at me as he got off me.


“Oh so it happens every night or?” i asked wanting to know more.


“Yes but on full moons we can’t stop from transforming” He answered and looked at me.


I then hear people walking over to us and it was the boys all with blood on their cloth and hands and months and all looking at me. I looked down and saw i was wearing some really short shorts and a tight long sleeve shirt and cover myself with my arms.


“Wow you look tasty Daka” Shownu said joking around.


I got up “i should be heading home” i say standing up.


“Please why don’t you stay with us” WonHo said.


“I can’t, i don’t like blood or anything like that” I say and was about to turn around when Kihyun grab my wrist and push me against a tree.


I was sacred and in shock the full moon glowed and it shined on me and i started shining. The boys looked at me and smell the air the scent of villain fill the air which was coming from me.


“You smell very sweet” Kihyun said and got closer to me.


I looked at him and closed my eyes. He got super close and kissed my neck Minhyuk pulled him away jealous just like the rest of his brothers. I felt my neck and i looked in a small mirror seeing a hickey on my neck. I looked up and the boys started getting close to me. I backed away tripping over a rock and falling on my back. I started crawling away and Hyungwon got on top of me and got close to my faces. I blushed a lot and closed my eyes when the moon stop glowing on me they calm down.


I looked at them scared “Hyungwon” i said opening my eyes.


He looked at me and ran his finger through my hair. I looked at him and he got close and peck my lips. I looked at him.


“You even taste good” he said and smiled.


“DAKA” we hear someone yelling from the other side of the river.


“You should head back or it will become war if you don’t” I.M said.


“Here let me take you” Jooheon grabbed my hand and we teleported behind a tree that was close to the river “go or they will be mad i am with you” he said and i node and he kissed my head before he left.


I shaked my head and walked out and saw my brothers and cross the river. The moon glowed on me and i shine aging and the river’s water went faster.


“DAKA” i hear two people near and i remember who it was.


“SUHO KAI HELP” i was halfway in the water and was getting dragged away.


Then Kai appear right on the edge and then saw how far Suho was and i was kind of in shock but remember I WAS ABOUT TO DIE BY A SMALL RIVER. Suho ran over and jump in like if the water was no problem he hugged me tight and took me to where Kai was.




I looked at him and looked away and Kai grabbed my faces and made me look at him.


“LOOK AT US WHEN WE ARE TALKING TO YOU” Kai yelled aging and then notice she was glowing a little.


I looked at him and started crying “Please stop yelling at me” i said crying not just because he was yelling he was also holding my faces to tight.


You bastard let her go” Lay yelled jumping on Kai to let go of my face.


Chen and the rest came running down and quickly notice i was glowing but forced back on Lay and Kai before they killed each other. I was still crying and while the rest went to stop Kai and Lay. Chen came over and checked on me.


“It's okay let me just pick ya up” he picked me up bridal style and carried me back home while the rest hold Kai and Lay.


When we got home Chen went right into Daka’s room and started the hot tub for her after he had laid her down. He picked her up again and put her into the water and clean her up and took only her shirt off. He left her in their and went to grab her some fresh and warmer cloth. He then came back and warped her in a towel and put the cloth on the sink for her.


“Open the door when you are done” he said and waited outside.


After i was done i walked out and looked like this.


“Cute and warm” Chen said happy for the cloth he had picked out for her.


Daka smiled and then Chen sat her down and started brushing her hair and dryed it. When he was done he took her to bed and move the wet bag he had put on the night stand.


“Why do you have this?” He asked holding the bag.


“My dad gave it to me he used it when he was a boy and then when i was 5 he passed it on to me.” i answered looking at him.


He node grabbing a wet towel and sitting next to me and he looked at my face only seeing Kai fingerprints on me.


“If i didn’t know any better i would think Kai is trying to hurt you badly” Chen said looking at my cheeks.


After a while i fell asleep and he was still sitting there not tired because of the full moon. He looked at the clock and then looked back down at me and smiled and played with my hair. He then saw something on my neck and move my hair and turned my head a little to see a hickey. He was mad and then smell it, he got super bad he busted into Suho’s room were for some reason everyone else was too.


“Chen what is wrong with you?” Sehun asked looking at him.


Chen ignored the question and looked at Suho “did you ing see what our little sister has on her neck” Chen said really mad as his eyes got golden yellow.


“What does she have on her neck? A tattoo?” Kai said not really caring.


“NO YOU SHE A FREAKING HICKEY ON HER NECK AND IT SURE AIN'T MINE OR ANY OF YOURS” Chen yelled really loudly making the house shake somehow not waking Daka up.


Kai looked at him in shock and the others turn around and looked at him. Chen hit the door and left to see Daka. The others looked down and one by one went to check on Daka leaving Kai and Suho in the room.


Kai looked down and Suho was about to leave.


“Wait Suho i didn’t want to say anything but i think i saw one of Monsta X members teleport her to the river before you and the rest got their.” Kai said.


Suho looked at him “and you didn’t think of telling us really” he said and threw his has in the air.


After a while all the boys went to their own rooms and fell asleep. But their was still one person awake. Kai was in his room thinking about him and Daka the whole time he has had with her has been filled with fights and yelling and getting mad and hurt. The only good time he remembers was when they both hid away until Lay ruined the moment. He tried closing his eyes but all he could see was him and Daka in the closet so close. He couldn’t take it anymore and teleported to Daka’s room. When he got into her room he looked at her and smiled and walked over slowly and sat next to her.


He looked at her and played with her hair and he slowly got on top of her as she slowly woke up. Daka open her eyes and saw Kai on top of her.


“Kai what are you doing here?” she asked him.


“I-I can’t stop thinking of that time in the closet i need to finish what i was going to start” he said looking at her.


“Kai…” i said really scared.


“Shh i won’t hurt you” He said getting closer to me.


“Kai” i said worried as he keep moving closer to my neck “KAi!!” i said yelling a bit making him stop and looked at what he was doing.


“I am sorry Daka….” He got off me and started walking to the door but then stop and quickly walked back to me and kissed my head and nose “Please don’t tell the boys” he said as i nodded as a okay.


Happy with what he had done and the answer he slowly walked out my room locking it. I shaked what just had happen and fell asleep.


The next morning i woke up extra early. I got up and went to do my morning routine. When i was done i looked at the time, mom and Mr.Wu won’t be back until 10 maybe. I got out my room and all the boys wore still asleep. I open each of the doors and saw that the boys looked kind of cute as they slept. I walked down stairs forgetting to close Sehun’s door. I walked out the back door and went into the garden and sat down and looked at the sky.


“What a pretty day” I said to myself and looked to my side seeing a big dog’s paw like the one i had seen when i found Jaq dead yesterday night.


“Hay Daka” someone said and i turn around and saw it was Sehun.


“Hi Sehun how are you” i asked still looking at the paw mark.


“Good what are you looking at” he asked getting close to me and seeing the paw mark and he got in shock.


“Just looking at this paw mark notting much….fall must be here already if their is a wolf paw here” i said and touch it.


“Ya must be it” Sehun knew that belong to Tao because Tao would always play in the mud in his wolf form.


Sehun sat next to her and looked at her thinking to himself why i wasn’t glowing in the sun like i was last night under the moon. He also remember how beautiful she looked under the moon and with her vanilla smell fill the air.


“Daka i want to…” before Sehun could say anything they hear car’s driving up it was their parents.


“Mom Mr.Wu” Daka said getting and going to hug them happy they wore safe.


The rest of the boy’s walked down the stairs and covered their eyes when they saw the sun but hug my mom and their dad.


As we all walked back inside i got a text from Minhyuk saying to meet him in the woods. I didn’t want to go but i had to if not he would probably come into my house and take me by force.


“Hey mom i want to know if i could go and meet some friends in the park” i asked her before she walked into her room.


“Yes you can but be back by 3:30 we have to talk okay” My mom said and i nodded as i understood what she said.


I ran up the stairs and got ready. Putting a dark red and pink long sleeve shirt that said ‘i’m in love with an angel’, then putting on skinny jeans and floral vans finishing off with a light light pink scarf and letting my hair loss. I then grab my bag i had pack last night when i went into the woods and put a knife inside my sleeve just in case. Don’t worry it was covered so it didn’t hurt at all.


I walked down stairs waving bye to everyone as they ate. After i left Suho looked at Daka’s mom.


“Ummm mom i want to ask you something? If Daka’s dad was a werewolf and you wore a human what does that make Daka?” He said and the rest turn to look at her.


My mom stop eating and looked down “why are you asking Suho?” she asked she didn’t want to answer anything until she understood why they wanted to know.


“Its that last night you know full moon well we kind of found her in the woods and when the moon shined on her she was well…” Suho tried to finish but was too scared to finish.


“Glowing?” my mom asked as she drink some water and looked down.


Suho node as she looked down on her plate and then looked up.


“Let me go get something” she said as she stood up and went to get something from a box she had hidden in the chimney “this is a book Daka’s father keep with him until he die the only book Daka is not allowed to see and the only book she hasn’t read.”


She opens the book and the first image was of Daka when she was born. The boys looked at the tree behind were Daka laid with her mother and father.


“Being one of the 5th girls born by a werewolf and human. The other 4 girls are from the 15th, 16th, 17th, and 19th century. Now Daka is the 5th for the 21st century” she says looking at them “and we all know how those girls end…” she says.


“Dead?” said Lay hoping he was right.


Daka’s mom node “yes...but their was one book who spoke of one girl who would get the attention of 2 different tribes...and she would have to pick between them or her life.” she said and turn to the 2 next pages.


“If her eyes turn purple that means she is going to give herself and powers to the vampires”


“If they turn black and blue she is giving herself and powers to the werewolf”


“And if her eyes turn a kind of diamond form she is keeping herself and not giving herself to anyone...the only way that she can get the blue or purple is if whoever wants her must do a old routine from back in the time that makes her go to that tribe.” she said and finished by closing the book “Daka was also born with a raven on her foot...that raven mark controls her and it symbols her power just like you boy” she got up and put the book back in it’s place.


Suho looked at her and the rest did to realizing that Daka didn’t have any friends but 2NE1 and Monsta X and the only people who could have texted her would have been Monsta X the only problem was Daka didn’t want them near when she was with her friends.

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