Chapter 17

My New ''Normal'' Family

(Red Chinese/Blue Korean)


The next morning i woke up and look straight at my calendar and today was sunday with meant tomorrow was monday and i went back to school i layed back down and sat back up when i heard the door open.


“Morning sweetie” my mom said as she walked in with a boxed.


“Oh hi mom” i said looking at the box “what's that?” i asked


“I called Eric a few days ago and he send me this for you he thought you maybe miss home and also need to know something about your dad” she said as her hand shake as she hand me the box.


I took the box and smiled and looked at it “thanks mom but i can’t open says open until 15 birthday” i say showing her the note Eric had left and smiled laughing at her a little.


“Oh wow yeah you're right” she said laughing and smiled as she sat next to me “so let's see how your foot is doing” she said.


I layed back down and put my left leg on the bed, my mom took off my sock and revealed a full raven feather mark on my leg.

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I never really got why but from a young age my mom and dad have been watching this wired birth mark I have ever since I was a baby it does hurt at time whenever something wired happens and I always thought it was more of a crazy idea of my parents got of me getting a tattoo.


“Ok does it hurt” my mom asked touching it.


“Only burns as always” I answer moving my leg away because of the pain.


“Ok as long as it does not hurt to much” she laughs trying to make me laugh.


I looked at her not getting why she was laughing so i got up and went to the restroom. As i closed the door i heard my room door open and then close knowing my mom had left the room. I then went and took a shower and then got out drying my hair and tying it up, then washing my faces and brushing my teeth. I walked out the restroom and sat down on the bed looking at the closet thinking of what to wear for today. After a while of thinking i just got up and pick a random outfit to wear.


(This is what i will be wearing today.)



After i put my shoes on i got up and tied my hair up i then walked down stairs and saw the boys wore doing some school paper work, knowing they would be busy the whole day i left and walked down to the park to the smoothie truck stand to have a quick breakfast. Well not really breakfast better said a small snack as i waited for my drink i looked at my phone i had 100 text messages from all of Monsta X. Of cores i read them all but didn’t know how to reply to them so i just kept looking at them when then i felt someone in front of me i looked up and saw bright red eyes and then fell down from my chair scared. I then saw who it was and it was  Kihyun I hadn't notice him at all staring dead at me.

Aye you should have said something you freaking idiot” i said yelling a bit as he helped me get up and laughed a bit “you almost gave me a heart attack i can’t even breath right” i said hitting him playfully.


He looked at me and smiled “well if that wore to happen then my heart would be broken to see our princess hurt like that” he said getting down to my eye leave smiling.


“Well you may worry about that one day” i say walking to get my smoothie.


As i grabbed it and turned around he grabbed my hands “Daka please don’t say that please it's no good and besides i am here to take you somewhere” he said still holding my hand and getting close to me.


“Is that somewhere to get yelled at by Wonho” i said drinking my drink with his hand still holding my hand.


“No its..” he then got closer to my ear and whisper it.


Seola Kris’s Girlfriend POV


My sisters had send me to get them drinks because we wore at the park walking a lot and they wanted some sugar. As i was walking to the smoothie i saw Kihyun and Daka Kris little sister talking i quickly got out my phone and hid as i took a video of them two together. I was in shock when i saw him lean down to her cheek leave and kiss her cheek, it look like she couldn't move after a while and he then picked her up and walked away with her as she try to make him let her go. After they walked away i cut the video a bit and send it to Kris.


Seola: Hey Love i have a little shocking present for you. *send video*


Kris: what the heck is this Seola?!?!?!


Seola: i was just walking and saw this happen love and now they are gone so i don’t really know where they went.


Kris: why couldn’t you have called me better said easier than just spying on them yourself!!!

Seola: watch your act mister besides they/ either way would have been gone by the time you would have gotten here.

Back to Daka and Kihyun


“No its that i am going to take you to our house so like that you and Wonho can be good again” he whispered in my ear.


“Really” i said in shock “your house...oh gosh” Kihyun then picked me up and i tried to get out his arms “wait Kihyun i don’t know this sounds too scary for me”.


“It's ok don’t worry we will not hurt you even though you do smell good” he said joking around as he walked and quickly showed his fangs and them.


“Watch it Kihyun” i said hitting his head and drinking my drink and giving him some of it.


After a while we had gotten to a big house in the woods.


“Wow nice house” i say looking at how big it was.


“Thanks we are proud of it ourselves to” Kihyun put me down as we saw walking out to us Minhyuk.


“Daka your…” Minhyuk was going to say something when I.M pushed him aside.


“Daka you're finally here we are happy to see you please come in quick” I.M said as he pulled me in walking over Minhyuk.


“Sorry Minhyuk” i said walking with I.M quickly as he dragged me to Wonho room.


“Just go in he won’t hurt you he just wants to talk and forgive himself for what he said if anything happens please don’t run away or you will get lost” I.M said looking at me and leaving as i got close to the door.


I knock first hearing him say come in and walked in and saw Wonho standing by the window and i close the door behind me.


“Please sit down Daka” he said still looking outside the window.


You looked around and sat down on the bed not seeing any chairs around. You looked down at your hands and then looked up to see Wonho in front of you on his knees. You didn’t move and he got closer and you back away a little laying on the bed and him getting on top of you. You didn’t move scared and in shock as he got closer to your neck.


“Wonho ?” you said not sure what he was doing and hoping your heart wasn’t beating to fast.


He laid his head on your shoulder “i am sorry….i am so so sorry Daka” he said and wrapped his arms around you picking you up a little “i am an idiot...i am the stupid one for calling you something you're not” he said crying and holding you close still.

“It did hurt a lot Wonho...a lot and with me already fighting with my brothers every day is already enough...that...that they hate me and pick their girlfriends more over me” i say and started crying.


He hugged me close “i am really sorry princess i...we promise we will always be here whenever you need us...and we will never pick anything else over you” he said holding me close still as he pick me up and i cried even more.


He grabbed my faces and wipe the tears away. I looked at him as i stopped crying and saw his eyes turn red.


“You smell really good Daka” Wonho said as he got looked at my neck and lips.


“Wonho what are you doing” i said a bit scared as he layed me down.


“Don’t worry what i am going to do won’t hurt” he said controlling himself going back to his human form and kissing my forehead taking away the scent of Kai that he could only smell.


He then backed away and looked at me then at my lips and slowly got closer to me. I close my eyes as he leaned into my lips when i then hear the door open.


“Get off her” Hyungwon yelled getting Wonho off me.


Minhyuk grabbed me and hugged me close “she is mine i already told you mine!!!” he yelled.


“She isn’t yours yet!!!” Hyungwon and Wonho yelled at him.


“Yes she is” Minhyuk picked me up and ran into his room closing the door.


Hyungwon and Wonho looked at each other and ran after them and trying to open the door “Minhyuk open the door!!!” they yelled.


“No she is mine M-I-N-E mine!!!!” he yelled from the other side of the door.


I.M watched his brother and used his powers to make Hyungwon and Wonho freeze and made the door open also making Minhyuk freeze as he got me out of Minhyuk grip and took me to his room as he closed the door and unfreezed them.


“Sorry about them they haven’t gotten use to being around you with the full moon of course tonight is the second night of the full moon so” I.M said as he went to his closet to get something.


“What are you looking for I.M” i asked as i sat on his bed.


“A hoodie” he answer.


I didn’t get why he would be looking for a hoodie until he found one and walked over to me.


“Here put this on” he said as he handed it over to me.


I looked at it and it had his name and a number on it.


I.M walked behind me as i put the hoodie on and he help me get my hair out and slide his hand down my hair and back. I then got up and turn around and looked at him.


“I.M is their a reason for why you gave me your hoodie or...” i asked looking at him.


“The only reason their is is that i want my scent to be on you not my brother” I.M said walking over to me.


“Scent” You ask not really understanding.


“Smell meaning i want my smell to be on you with your vanilla smell also meaning taking away the smell that your brothers left on you as they wore close to you” he said.


He then put one of his hands on my cheek and kissing the other side as i then hear the door opening.


“I.M SHE IS MINE” I heard Minhyuk yell as I.M hold me close and look at him.


“Yeah she is but she smells so much better with my scent” he said and smirk at Minhyuk who was about to lose it.


“OK that's it I knew it would be a bad idea to bring her over you four would all start fighting over her like you guys can't think in your right mind's” Jooheon said mad at them and getting me away from I.M really fast and taking me down stairs.


As we got down stairs he but a jacket and shoes on quickly and grab my hand as we walked out the house as the boys followed.


“This is craziness how is it you four can't behave while me, Shownu, and Hyungwon can” Jooheon said as we all kept walking.


I then stop walking and Jooheon looked at me and bent down holding my hands as he put both my arms around his neck and put my legs around him and got up and hold my legs as he kept walking.


“And it's just too much for her to take in. Already her and her brother's are fight almost every day, her learning we are vampire demons, her dealing with Exo girlfriends, dealing with her mother getting married with another man, getting use to the school, and even more again dealing with her brothers “ Jooheon said all the way to the park.


“And…” “Jooheon” the boys yelled before he continued and point at me as I looked very tired on his back.


“Oh...uh looks like we are here at the park… let's get you home sleepy princess “ Jooheon said laughing a bit as he and the boys started walking up hill.


They finally got to the house and knock on the door. As Daka’s mom open the door.


“Hi we have a very sleepy and tired delivery for ya ma’am” Jooheon said joking around as he showed a sleepy Daka on his back.


“Oh my it sure does look like a sleepy one” Daka’s mom said laughing as the boy's laughed a little too “but please do come in her room is upstairs and the boys are in the kitchen working on school papers so if you want you can just leave her on the couch but I do need to go now so please be careful with her” Daka's mom said in a very sweet and loving way as she then walked out and left closing the door after Monsta X walked in.


Monsta X looked to their left as they saw Exo and they smirked.


“I am going to kill you all for touching and being with my Daka” Suho said growling and standing up.


“You can't do anything to us you filthy dog's. Jooheon take her to her room OUR princess must sleep” Minhyuk said and smirk at Exo.


“You aren't taking her no where” Xiumin said growling as he and Luhan ran after Jooheon who already was up stairs closing Daka's door.


Jooheon was the fastest from his brothers also because he could teleport and that by the time Xiumin and Luhan got to Daka's room he had left and was back down stairs.


They all smirk as then Kai smelled their scent and could smell Daka's scent on them.


“Now you have done it I will kill you all for touching her she is mine” Kai said teleporting to them and was about to punch Shownu put was freeze and pushed back falling on Kris and Suho by I.M.


Xiumin and Luhan tried to jump on I.M and Kihyun but I.M freezed them and Kihyun threw them onto Tao and Lay. Jooheon teleport pushing D.O. into Sehun and hitting both Chen and Baekhyun. Chanyeol was the only one standing as he went to punch Minhyuk but couldn't because Minhyuk had blind him and maybe him see darkness.


“just listen to our plan dogs and stop trying to fight us you see we all care about Daka more than a friend and a sister am I right or am I wrong” he said walking over to Kris and Suho.


“We all ready imprint on our girl friend Daka is just a sister to us” Suho answer trying to make Minhyuk believe him as Minhyuk got in his mind giving him a lot of pain.


“Lies lies lies it's sad she has to be with such a dumb group of brothers” Minhyuk said getting away from Suho and walking over to Kai.


“By the time our father and her mother get married you guys will never get near her ever” Kai said getting up.


“We will see because she is mine mine MINE FOREVER AND EVER” Minhyuk said yelling and pushing Kai down “best thing for you guys to do is stay away from her and be with your girlfriend's who you care oh so dearly about and don't let your guard down ever with them” Minhyuk said as he walked away from Kai.


I.M unfreeze the boys and they all stood up in a bit of pain. Monsta X walked out the door closing it behind them. Exo stood their and clean the stuff that was on the floor and sat down at the table.


“What are we gonna do in 1 more month we will have the winter festival and then winter break which means during that time we will be in Sokcho for the wedding they can easily do anything while we are gone” Kai said looking at Suho and Kris.


“All we can do so far is try to keep them away from the girls and keep the girls away from them because they won't do anything stupid to hurt us or Daka's hearts” Xiumin said as he help Lay and Luhan and Tao sit down.


As the boys talked Baekhyun walked up stairs and open Daka's door and walked over to her.


“Oh Daka if you only knew how much we care about you, how much we badly want you for ourselves but thanks to our girlfriend's...our parents…and Monsta X we can't have you as our mate.. “ Baekhyun said.


He then smelled the air and took of your blanket seeing you wore wearing I.M’s jacket. He got really mad and quickly but slowly took it off you throwing it on the floor. He then layed down next to you and covered you up again as he hugged you and rub the back of your head hoping Monsta X smell would go away.


Suho peek thru the open door without Baekhyun seeing him and watched him. Kris had followed Suho and looked at him closely as Suho slowly and quickly closed the door.


“That's the most craziest idea ever you know the girls could easily hurt Daka if we break up with them after we get out of school” Kris said looking at Suho.


Suho looked down “I don't know what else to do about them I can't stand them anymore”


“Neither can I none of us can we are tired but you saw how badly they hate Daka we break up with them and they will hurt her badly” Kris said making Suho rethink his idea.


“Well sooner or later we will have to even if its one by one or just all together it would have been better to do it now then later” Suho said he may be the leader of one half of the family but Kris is to so even if he wanted to do something badly and Kris doesn't want to do it Suho can't do it.


“Did you tell them to go to sleep” Suho asked.


“Yeah but they wanted to sleep down stairs they are still in a bit of pain” Kris said as he hold his side.


“Let's just hope they didn't do anything to bad with their powers” Suho said as he walked to his room.

“Yeah let's hope so” Kris said walking to his room too.

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