Chapter 4

My New ''Normal'' Family

((red is chinese and blue is korean)


Xiumin pov


As i watch Daka leave my brothers started talking.


Kris, Suho she doesn’t look like the kind of person our girlfriend’s will like and you know at school they might keep us away from her what will we do if they hate her and we have to stop talking to her” Kai said worried and fast not knowing if it would be good to have Daka as a sister.


Suho looked at him “let's not worry our girlfriends mite like her you never know” Suho said smiling a little at Kai.


Well kai mite have a point what if they don't like her she does look like someone they would hate” Kris said looking at Suho.


You don’t know that yet!!!!” Suho yelled.


My brothers then started fighting and i didn’t want to hear anymore so i walked outside and went to look for Daka. I then found her, her back was facing me and i diced to scare her so i made my eyes glow and got down on my knees and crawl over to her slowly and quietly.


I then got over her shoulder without touching it i made my eyes stop glowing and saw how pretty she looked with her eyes close i then giggle without her hearing.


“How is it going” i said in english she then jumped and screamed and punch me in the face.


Daka aka Your pov

I had my eyes close and i didn’t hear a thing well i could hear some voice which was weird because it sound that it came from the inside but i ignore it. As i meditate i started to see some weird stuff which was a little girl hugging a something that looked like a big animal with fur as brown as the forest ground and eyes as yellow and gold as the sun.

I couldn’t make out what the animal was but i knew who the little girl was me. They say meditation is sometimes the key to the past but i i didn’t remember that as part of my past but either something was blocking it from me or it was just me not wanting to see the truth of something.

But i then started going back and everything started going black that's when i hear “How is it going” I open my eyes quite and scream and punished the person in the faces when i then discovered it was Xiumin.


“Oh my gosh Xiumin are you okay i didn’t mean to do that” you said really worried.


“No it's fine i am alright” he said holding his nose.


You then sigh “oh okay that's good” you then his head “Stupid”.


“Owww what was that for” he said now holding his head.


“You're not supposed to scare people like that not even a girl because you never know what they will do” you say mad.

“Sorry but admit it it was funny” he said trying to make you smile.

You rolled your eyes and pull a piece of hair behind your ear “okay maybe it was a little funny” you smile a little.


Xiumin pov


I smiled and laugh when Daka said that i even looked at her small smile and thought she even looked cute.


“I am glad i made you smile what were you doing anyways” I asked Daka.


“Well i was meditating until what happen” She said and laughed a little.


I smiled and looked at the woods “well now that you're done and i am here would you like to go into the woods” i say standing up.


“Okay sounds fun” she said as she got up too.


I smiled and walked over the small river and started walking with her into the woods as she followed me.


Lay pov


After Daka left i started reading my book when Kai started talking to Suho and Kris after a while they then started fight. I looked over at my other brothers when i saw Xiumin leave the house the same way Daka left. I then got up without the others seeing as well and walked outside slowly.


I watched Xiumin crawling over to Daka then scaring her and getting punch in the faces i laughed inside but stayed quiet to see what they wore going to do. He then said something that made her smile just a little. Just one look at her smile and i was stunned i want too see it for a long time but then i snapped back to normal. As i saw Xiumin and Daka going into the woods. I don’t know what he is thinking taking Daka into the woods was no good. Xiumin should know that their wore hunters in their i then looked around and ran after them onces they walked in.


Daka aka Your pov


As we walked in i looked around i felt like i was right at home.


I felt Xiumin looking at me when he then said “so what do you think”.


I looked at him and answer “i feel like it just at home” i said and smiled a little.


He smiled back and we kept walking when then we stopped when we saw a deer running.


“Come on let's follow it and see what's it running from” I say looking at Xiumin.


“I don’t think it's a good idea but if you want to watch what happens we can go up that tree and watch it even looks easy to claim anyways” he said.


“I am not much of a climber but we can hide behind that big rock” i point at a really big rock.


“Okay let’s go” he said.


We walked to the rock and claim it and watch from the top from where we wore. We saw the deer and it jumped when then we hear a gun shooting and we laid low so they couldn’t see us. We then hear another shoot and peek a little. We saw the deer on the floor i was scared and surprised but Xiumin looked mad. He looked like he was about to jump but i stopped him.


“Xiumin what’s wrong” i asked him.


“They are not supposed to be hunting here” he said growling.


I looked at him and touch his shoulder to make him step back as we claim off the rocks slowly.


Lay pov


I followed them the whole time and when i saw Xiumin let her go watch the deer get hunt i was mad and walked slowly as they claim off the rock.


I grab them both by the month and pulled them away as they tried to scream and dragged them away.


As we got a few feet to the house i let them go.


“What was that for lay you know i could have hurted you” Xiumin yelled.


“You know well i could have blocked the move anyways” I yelled back.


“Hay both of you calm down if you don’t you will bring out the whole house” Daka yelled at us both but looking at me so i would leave Xiumin alone.


“Fine but why did you even come with Xiumin here to the woods in the first place” I yelled a little asking.


“Because i wanted to come and see the woods and get away from the house for a while” Daka answer.


I was so mad because she was little and i didn’t want her to get hurt but i couldn’t control myself i snapped at her and i still can’t believe i even told her what i say.


“Oh really well if you wanted to be anyway from the house why didn’t you leave before we got here so you didn’t have to even meet us” I yelled and looked at her noticing what i had just told her.


Her faces was scared and so was Xiumin i didn’t even know i had gotten so close to her i even was holding her wrist.


Daka aka Your pov


When lay yelled at me i was scared and hurt because he was holding my wrist of cores and at the same time all of this happen i thought wow my first day already here and it is my first fight with one of my brothers great just great.


I really wish i had never followed Xiumin into the woods i should have know that something like this was going to happen. It was quiet for a while until i started feeling my eyes hurt and i started to see blurr.


“Well you know what maybe i should have” i made him let me go and started to run back to the house.


“Lay we need to get her before they see her crying” Xiumin said to Lay who was still in shock from what he had said to her.


“What have i done” Lay said and started to run with Xiumin after Daka.


Daka ran and ran like she never did before when she finally got to the house she went running to the door opening it and running up the stairs as the door bang loudly and close. The 10 boys that had be fighting for quite a while hear her run in and saw her crying and shedding tears that's when they finally realize two of their brothers wore gone.


Xiumin pov


It was scary to see what had happen worst part was that it was mostly all my fault for taking her into the woods. One thing for sure that makes me wonder was why i couldn’t feel of hea or since my brother coming i normally could but it was like i had my brothers thought or something like that when i was with her.


As we got to the house and ran into the door me and lay saw 10 brother standing right in front of us looking mad and a bit jealous but mostly hurted.


“LAY” they all yelled which was happy for me because i wasn’t the one to blame this time.


“Okay i get why you are mad at me but what about Xiumin he took into the woods” Lay said not wanting to explain everything that happen.


“We will talk to you in a minute right now Xiumin needs to say a quick thing” Kris says.


I smiled at Lay happy it wasn’t me this time i then looked at Kris and said “The hunters wore hunting in are area aging” i say and looked at them.


“Okay we will see them anyways in 2 weeks don’t forget full moon and new month” Suho said smiling as their eyes glowed “But now it's also time to show Lay how to treat a little sister”.


This was never good when they did it to me but we normally do this if someone does something bad.


For example when ever they say something like ‘Xiumin it's time we show you how to paint on walls and not your brothers’ met you would get a cold bath for some second or minutes. And this wouldn't be good for Lay….not aT ALL!!!!

Daka aka Your pov


As i got into my room i close the door shut and laid in bed crying a lot and holding a picture of me and my dad. I was sad i hated being there ever since we got in their i knew i wouldn’t like it also trying to find love to fit those boys in wills never happen as well.


I got on my phone and putted headphones on and just listen to music as i hear screaming in the other room which was weird because my mom had gone out to look at the school i am going to be in. So i ignored it thinking it was the boys girlfriends and not really thinking of the screaming being from the boys.


I then fell asleep while still hearing the screaming and music. My music wasn’t to loud so i could kind of really still hear everything. After an hour i was woken up with a banging on my door i open my eyes and got up and as i was opening the door another door close which had the name Luhan on it. I then saw a paper on the floor then picked it up going back to my room.


The note said “Hi Daka me and the guys thought since after what happen with Lay we would make it up to you by each one of us hanging out with you once a day at the time. Which if you're confused this is what it means since tomorrow is Monday of the new month you will be hanging out with Suho for the whole day. Then the next day another brother and so on and so forward. Note i will be leaving you a piece of paper or sliding them under your door with which member you will be hanging out with. So you should be getting a paper right about after you finish reading the note.


As you finish reading the note a paper slid under the door you picked it up and it said “After Breakfast you will be hanging out with Kris have fun and be safe” i laughed inside just reading both notes but if it was true what he is saying i will give it a try.

I got in my pj’s and got in bed putting music on a little low and closed my eyes falling asleep smiling.

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