Chapter 10

My New ''Normal'' Family

((red chinese and Blue Korean))


The next morning Ms.Lin was up in Daka’s room getting her in a warm bath and getting her dress as well. Mr.Wu was getting ready for work while the boys wore in the dining room eating not really too hungry. When they heard a knock on the door Ms.Lin was walking down the steps as well. Kris went to open the door and then closed it when he saw Monsta X.


“Kris!!” Ms.Lin scream at him and went to open the door.


“Hi Boys what brings you here?” She asked letting them in.


“Well we came to pick Daka up…” I.M said looking at kris and the boys and Ms.Lin and Mr.Wu “to go to the ‘cough’ umm movies” he said looking at them worried kind of.


“Oh great news” Mr.Wu said happy “Let me call her...DAKA MONSTA X IS HERE” he Yelled.


You come walking down the steps wearing a blue shirt, with a skin color vest, a brown and blue skirt, and some really light skin high-heel boots.

((It the upper right blue outfit))

Monsta X and Exo are in shock when they see you.


“You like it i dress her up myself” Ms.Lin said.


“Mom stop you're embarrassing me” You whisper to your mom smiling and hiding your faces.


“She looks wow” I.M said.


“Watch It” Luhan growled.


“You know what we will go out too” Kris said.


“You Will!!!!!” You, your mom, Mr.Wu, and Monsta X said all together in shock.


“We will?!!” The rest of Exo asked.


“Yes” Kris said looking at them with a mean look on his faces.


“Anyways~ you kids have fun bye” Ms. Lin said as Monsta X and Daka left.


Kris smile but was also mad in a way as they left.


“Kris what are you really going to do?” Ms.Lin asked closing the door and going to the kitchen.


“Notting Ms.Mom” Kris siad as he drag his brothers up to his room which was the secound biggest next to Suho’s and Daka’s.


Once they all got in Suho look at Kris with his arms cross “Kris what is this really about” he asked annoyed.


“Call your girlfriend we are going on a spy date” Kris said feeling smart.


The rest just rolled their eyes. After a while their girlfriends came and they all got into a car and went to the Movies. The girls thought it was a we are sorry date so they didn’t really know why they wore their.


Kris saw Monsta X and tolled the rest of his brothers through his mind ‘look their they are’.


Kris parked the car getting out waiting on his brother and his girlfriend.


“Hi i would like 8 tickets” Minhyuk said to the person who gave the tickets.


As Kris waited for the rest he watch as Daka stand next  I.M and Hyungwon and when Minhyuk grab the tickets I.M and Hyungwon hold Daka hands and Kris was in shock.


“Let's go guys” Minhyuk said.


“Careful Daka you could get lost in her” I.M said grabbing her hand.


So did Hyungwon to make Minhyuk jealous.


Kris got mad just watching what they did and went up to get the tickets while the rest watch him and walked behind him.


“Hi i would like 24 tickets” Kris said in a hurry.


Luhan look at his brother knowing the only reason why he wanted to hurry in.

As they got in they saw I.M and Minhyuk and Daka waiting to get some snacks.


“Why don’t you guys go and find our seats while me and D.O. get some snacks” Kai said looking at his brother and girlfriend’s sisters.


They nod and walked away leaving Kai and D.O. to get the snacks. After they wore done getting snacks and walked to their seats Exo finally found Monsta X and saw Daka sitting between Minhyuk and Kihyun. The movie started and Exo wore looking at Daka to watch her while the girls watch the movie. Minhyuk looked at Daka and whisper something in her ear and from where Exo was they thought they wore seeing something else. Daka looked at him and smiled. At around the middle part of the movie Kihyun hold Daka’s hand making her look at him and they smiled at each other. He did it to get his brother jealous and didn’t know but also got 12 werewolfs mad.


At the end of the movie Monsta X and Daka left first then Exo following. As they got out on to the dark street Monsta X and Daka stand outside talking when then Exo walked out and since their wore 24 of them it was hard for them to walk out all together and because of that problem Luhan was pushed against Shownu who accidentally push Daka making her tumble a bit as she hold on to Minhyuk to stop her from falling.


“Daka are you okay it was me okay i promise and i am sorry” Shownu said hoping she was okay he then turned and saw who did it “Hey Luhan what’s your problem pushing into me to make me look like the bad guy”.


Luhan turned around and looked at Shownu he knew he was going to bump into to him and he really didn’t care so he did.


“Oh really make you look like the bad guy are you sure you weren't already the bad guy” Luhan said smirking in a evil way as his brother and girls stop to see Luhan rude talking Shownu about to start trash talking.


“Look you little deer you better say you sorry or do they not show that on your side of the school scenes you are the good ones”


“You better shut that dirty thing you call month before it goes bad for you” Exy ((aka Luhan’s Girlfriend)) said standing next to her boyfriend.


“You better shut your little robot girlfriend down Luhan or let me guess the robot comparing didn’t come with a shut down with them” Shownu and Monsta X laughed.

Daka watch her brothers and friends fight she didn’t like it at all.


“THAT'S IT!!!” Daka looked up to see that Luhan was running towards Shownu.


Before a blink of an eye Luhan and Shownu wore already on the floor on fighting. She didn’t like it at all worst part was that the rest of Monsta X and Exo wore either trying to join the fight or trying to stop it. She then watch as Exo girlfriend's the Cosmic Girls yelled fight over and over aging. Daka could take it anymore and tried to help Shownu get Luhan off him. Before she knew someone hit and she backed away as 5 security officer came running. 1 went to check on Daka who was holding her side were had gotten hit and the other 4 went to get the boys off Luhan and Shownu so they could get Shownu and Luhan apart.


After a few minutes Mr.Wu and Ms.Lin came in a car to pick up the boys and Daka.Ms.Lin went to check on the boys and Mr.Wu went and saw Daka being check on the side where she had gotten hit the doctor let Mr.Wu take her while Ms.Lin got the boys in the car. Monsta X went over to Mr.Wu to tell him they wore sorry and as they said that their father came to follow them home. Cosmic Girls left in their car they had drove in. Everything was back to normal after they all left.


On the way back home Mr.Wu hold Daka in his arms as he check on where she got hurt. The boys wonder what had happen and they looked at each.


“Dad what happen to Daka?” Suho asked breaking the silence.


“Apparently she got hit on the side while trying to help Shownu get Luhan off him” Mr.Wu said looking at Daka’s eyes that looked tried.


Suho was shocked but then looked at his brothers. His brothers look down thinking who could had down it all but one. Chanyeol looked down and put his hands on his forehead and looked down.



Suho looked at his brother and asked threw his mind ‘Chanyeol do you know what happen?’. ‘No i don’t know’ Chanyeol answer getting his brother out of his head making his brothers and father look at him.


When they got home the boys went to the living room with Ms.Lin while Mr.Wu took Daka to her room. She looked like she was in a lot of pain and was able to move just a little.


Ms.Lin looked at the boys “Boys do any of you remember probably hitting someone?” she asked then.


“No” they all answered.


Ms.Lin looked at them knowing one of them wasn’t telling the truth “okay up to your rooms then” she said sitting down on the table as they left.


Chanyeol stopped Lay as soon as his brothers entered their rooms. Daring lay to his room.


“Lay i have to tell you something….back when we wore at the fight i did feel someone pull me but i thought it was one of the Monsta X boys so i hit the on the side and i think i was wrong and i think i accidently hit Daka” Chanyeol said really “please don’t tell anyone please i don’t want the others to be mad at me before checking who i was gonna hit” Chanyeol begged him.


“Don’t worry i won’t tell anyone not even Ms.Mommy or Mr.Dad” Lay said crossing his heart.


“Thank you so much” Chanyeol said “now ounces dad's gonna we need to get into Daka’s room and heal her that’s why i also grab you” Chanyeol smiled.


They waited a while until their father finally went down stairs to go to his room and he fell asleep. Chanyeol and Lay quickly walked out Chanyeol’s room and walked over to Daka’s room opening it quickly and walking in slowly closing the door behind them too. They saw Daka sleeping with Jaq her pet ferret/pine marten in one of her hands. They slowly walked up close to her and Lay put his hands on where she got hit. As he healed her Chanyeol had a flashback of what had happen.


Chanyeol was trying to get Shownu so Luhan could push him he felt someone pulling him away and he thought it was one of Shownu brothers trying to get him off them so he punch them not thinking it could have been Daka.


Chanyeol came back from his flashback when Lay snapped his fingers.

“I have done it if she wore like us she would been back on her feet in 2 and half days but since she isn’t like us her pain will go away but the bruise will still be there for a while so i guess she will be back on her feet on Sunday and then she will be able to go to school of cores just no swimming so no one sees her bruise” Lay said to Chanyeol to make him feel better.


“Okay thanks Lay” Chanyeol said.


“No problem after all she will be a forever sister soon so yea” Lay said and smiled as he left and walked to his room.


Chanyeol looked at Daka and put his hand on her faces and slowly lean in to kiss her head lightly. He smiled and then grabbed a chair and sat beside her and hold her hand.


“Daka...i am so so sorry i didn’t mean to hit you on the side i mean it. I really thought you wore one of Shownu brothers because of how strong you are and i just….” Chanyeol started crying “and i just hit you without even looking or thinking twice”.


Chanyeol started crying and put his forehead on his hands and cried “i wish i could go back in time and make a better choise but the only thing i can do is throw and work with fire.” Chanyeol cried more put his head on your hands.


As Chanyeol cried Daka moved her hand a little and patted his head slowly as she could sense she was still tired. Chanyeol looked up a little and was happy to see her and that she was fine he quickly kiss her head as she fell back asleep. He sat next to her in her bed and fell asleep next to her. The hole night Chayeol didn’t move just to be next to Daka.

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