Chapter 14

My New ''Normal'' Family

((Blue korean and red chinese))


“Okay little you think you're all that it’s time for you to learn” she was about to punch you but you garbed her and twisted her arm.


“Don’t freaking mess with me because i will hurt you badly and it will be the last time you do” You said and your hands glowed a little as she screamed Kai ran and backed you away.


You looked at him as he went to catch her before she fell and you left without the boys aging and went running home.




Suho Ver:


When we got out we saw Daka twist Bona’s arm and saw that she was hurting her badly because she started screaming. Kai ran to get Daka away from Bona. Suho looked at the rest Kai looked at them. They left Bona with her sister and went after Daka.


Monsta X saw what had happen and diced to follow them but stayed far away.




Back To Daka pov:


As i ran home i didn’t stop to look back or looked back at all. I kept running until i got home and ran in as i heard the boys get in. I turn and saw them then i trip walking backwards and fell hitting my head. I tried getting and crawled to my room like my life depend on it i looked back and saw a wolf or dog figure running towards me. Next thing i knew i was in my room closing the door.




Exo Pov:


As we got home we saw her going up the stairs and falling not holding his anger much Kai jump at her as she crawl away making Xiumin jump behind him to stop him Suho tried to stop them using water so they could get tired. D.O walked up and saw she had already closed the door. The boys then took Kai to his room and same for Xiumin and they all went to check on both of them. So it would mean 6 boys in each of the boys rooms.


Daka Pov:


After everything that had happen i had taken a bath to calm down. When i got out i went into my closet and grabbed my pj’s and walked to my bed as i dry my hair and put my cloth on.



After a few minutes i saw it was almost time to eat so i decided to go down to the kitchen before everyone else did. In the kitchen i saw my mom and Mr.Wu talking and stayed by the conner as i listen to whatever they wore talking about.


“I can’t believe they almost fighted…..again” My mom said.


“Me either but this Friday is a full moon so i will take the boys out to take their anger out on some deer’s” Mr.Wu answer.


“I hope when we get married this won’t keep on going” my mother said.


Mr.Wu kissed my mom “i promise you when we get married we will tell Daka what we really are and she will get it and she will also understand she might be it to some day” he said and hugged her.


“Ya me too” My mom said and smiled at him Mr.Wu smiled and him and my mom walked to their room.


I moved a little and saw Kai staring at me getting scared and backed away making a base move a little.


“What was that” My mom asked.


I got scared and Kai moved somehow really quickly to me and hugged me and some how got me behind the stairs case as my mom and Mr.Wu went to look around the corner.


“Hmmm i don’t know must have been just the air” Mr.Wu said as he looked at my mom and she node as they both walked back to their room and finally closing the door.


When i open my eyes i saw i was really close to Kai’s chest and he was hugging me around my head and waist. He let me lose a little when our parents walked into their room. I looked up slowly at him and he looked at me and we were both about to walk from behind the stris case but then we heard a door open.


“I can’t believe it i forgot my phone let me find it” My mom said as she walked out the room.


Her bag was near the door me and Kai got scared we went into an open room that was the guest room and we hid in the closet which no one ever use. I know why not behind the door or bed well the room is kind of small because it’s like a relaxing room for if we want to do a cookout but we don’t want to do it outside a. Also the door is kind of stuck so it can not be close another reason why no one really notice it. We could hear my mom’s high heels right outside like if she was close by us.


I was really nervous thinking what would happen if my mom found me and Kai in the closet how would she feel would she even let us explain and would the boys even help us. I was sweating a lot Kai even notice i was to hecak worried to look at him.


“It okay she won’t find us after all no one ever uses the closet” Kai said looking out threw a small peeking whole.


I calm down and looked down as i could still hear my mom’s high heels.


“Oh found it must” My mom said as she walked to her room making her heels echo.


I calm down even more and Kai did too. We bumped heads as we look down at the same time.


“How long were you standing there” I asked him.


“The whole time” he answered.


“Oh” i was about to open the door but Kai grab my hand and put it against the wall as he got closer to me.


“Why did you hurt Bona Daka tell me” he said a little yelling and mad.


“Kai please don’t hurt me” i said really scared “i didn’t hurt Bona she hurt me first” i said trying to stay calm.


He looked at me “Why didn’t you wait for me or the boys” he asked.


“Because you would have done nothing” i answered looking down.


Kai looked at me “yes we would have” he got to my neck leave i looked at him.


“Kai?” i looked at him still and was kind of scared of what he was doing.


“We would have help you but you never waited” he said.


Kai got closer to my neck i was scared thinking he would hurt me but then someone open the door and it as Lay who grabbed Kai and threw him to the bed.


What the heck do you think you are doing to her she is not are lover she is our sister” Lay said trying not to yell.


Kai got up and looked at Lay and jumped on him “i don’t care she smells sweet and i want her for myself” Kai yelled at Lay.


Lay turned around putting Kai on the floor “I don’t care if she smells sweet or not we will not do anything to her she our sister” Lay said holding Kai by the neck “it's the full moon bother it's near you must wake up and not get stuck with her smell or you will go crazy on the whole house before the moon gets here” Lay said.


“Lay” i said looking at both of them not knowing their eyes wore going red.


He calm down “It's okay”.


Are you sure” he looked at me surprised i think they forgot i could speak Korean and Chinese too.


“Let's go before the boys get down here” Lay said as he quickly took me to sit in the kitchen and Kai followed behind closing the closet door. We sat down and waited for the boys.


I looked at Kai and Lay and we all didn’t talk much. When the boy’s went up to bed Lay stayed and helped me out with the plates.


“I am sorry you had to see all that...we as men can’t control ourselves when full moon is near” Lay said.


“I know my real dad never could either he was always more loving with my mom” I answered.


Lay looked at me and check my neck “You not hurt is the good part” he smile at me and put his hand on my back as i felt all the stress and pain go away.


We smiled at each other and walked to our rooms.


The rest of the days went calmer me and Monsta X push the Cosmic girl’s and Exo around to mess with them and every gym class we won any game we played. Me and Minhyuk also got closer together and he started taking me home on his motorcycle.


Finally Friday came and i was so happy because we left school early on Fridays. But this time instead of riding home me and Minhyuk and his brothers walked home.


“What a great running day right Daka” Shownu asked me.


“Please no more pain i rather do homework” me and the boys laughed to forget we wore in pain.


“What is so funny you little punks” Bona said “Ya what is so funny punks” Luda said as they both wore watching them from and ice cream stand while their sisters and Exo grab a coffee or ice cream.


“Leave them alone girls they are enjoying their day out of school like you two are supposed to as well” D.O said.


Bona and Luda turn around and ate their small ice cream.


As me and the boys got to my house i saw my mom and Mr.Wu getting some boxes in the car’s.


“Hay mom and Mr.Wu”


“Hello daughter” Mr.Wu said.


“Daka i told you call him dad” My mom said.


“It’s okay she will soon get use to it” Mr.Wu said.


“Ya mom you hear Mr.Wu… anyways what are you guys doing” i asked.


“Well we need to send some stuff to Sokcho that’s were our wedding and honeymoon will be and then we won’t be here tonight or tomorrow we are going to visit our friends so i can have a girls night out one last time.” My mom said.


“And i can have a boys night out which means” Mr.Wu said.


“You will be with the boys for 2 day’s oh and tell them we left food for tonight and that we left them a note for them too and that we might be back before you all wake up.” My mom said as she and Mr.Wu got out the last things they need.


They both kissed my head and left. I then turn over to look at Monsta X and they wore looking at Exo who wore walking up to the gate.


“Well we should leave” Minhyuk said and i node as a okay and they all hugged me and left as my brothers walked up to me.


“Daka go inside and start the tub water for us please” Suho said as they dragged a hurt Kai and Chanyeol up the car way.

I ran in and started the water taking only my backpack off and then ran outside to help them.


“What happen” I asked.


“Boys from another school came and mess with us that's all” Tao answered.


I took my jacket off and fold my sleeves up and help take Kai and Chanyeol’s shirts off only and help them get wash only from the head and top part.


“You guys wash the rest i will bandage them up when they are more rested” i said as i walked out the rest room and dry my hand’s off.


I went to get the first aid kid in the kitchen and ran up stairs hoping the boys wore down. I saw Kris outside in the hallway waiting for Suho to get out of Kai’s room as he laid him down next to Chanyeol.


“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay and help?” Suho asked me.


“Ya i am sure” i said as i got in between both of them in the bed so it would be easier for me to heal them.


Suho left closing the door i started to clean up their punch marks and wounds. They both watch me as i heal them.


As i patched up Chanyeol’s last wound he and Kai looked at me as i backed away and was about to get off the bed.


“Wait please don’t go we need you to stay for a bit” Chanyeol said.


“Until we fall asleep please” Kai said as well.


I looked at them and gave up and laid in between them both. They both smiled and looked at me with their lips cut a little.


After a few hours i was the one who fell asleep and by the time i woke up it was already night and i was in my room. I looked at the time and it was dinner time, i went out and saw that the boys wore no where in the house. Their was a note for me that said.


‘Dear Daka we went out for a bot woke be back until 3 in the morning we have a key so keep the door closed’.


I looked around and saw that their was something outside the back door. I walked over and screamed and saw it was Jaq and he was dead. I open the door and scream and even so the more i scream no one could hear me because no one lived around us. I saw animal foot prents like a dog but i knew it could not be a dog they wore too big for a dog.


I closed the door walking back to my room and grabbing a small bag from a boxed i had in my closet. I walked out leaving a note for the boys telling them i would be going in the woods. I grabbed some knives and hide them grabbing a small flashlight and a big heavy bat i hid in the house.


I open the door and walked out into the woods.




Exo pov:


After we were done hunting we went back home with no cloth only blankets and towels around us. We walked into the house making zero noise hoping to see Daka eating but she wasn’t in the kitchen neither in her room or anywhere in the house.


They then went to the back door seeing it was open and seeing the dead Jaq we had left behind.


“All the kinfe’s our gone” D.O said.


We looked at him and smelled that Daka had left the house. We looked at the woods and became our animal form again and walk slowly into the woods.





Daka Pov:


As i slowly walked into the woods i heard animal’s everywhere. I looked around everywhere at every step i took. I then felt someone hug me from behind and i tried to scream and kick. Then whoever the person was let me go and turn me around i kept my eyes close not wanting to see who it was.


“What the hell are you doing out here” i open my eyes to see it was Chen.


“Chen i thought you wore someone trying to kidnap me” i said.


“Well it ain't gonna happen here” he said as we started walking home and the full moon showed.


I then heard a howl and ran back and deeper into the woods. Chen looked at me and followed but lost me when i fell down a hill. I got up quickly and looked around and didn’t see Chen. I then crossed a small river and keep walking deeper until i got to someone ripping the throat of another person. I didn’t move because i was in shock and only step back a little. Then the figure turn to me and ran to me i didn’t move and closed my eyes waiting for pain.


But when i open them i saw it was Minhyuk on top of me holding one hand around my neck and the other in the air. He looked at me with red eye’s.


“Minhyuk” i said as he then reacted and looked at me.


“Daka what are you doing here” he said noticing he would have hurted her if she hadn’t said anything.


“What are you doing better said?” i asked him scared.


He just looked down and got closer to me. I tried getting away scared but he hold me down and came really close to my lips.


“I don’t want to scare or hurt you i am sorry” He said and started crying on my shoulder.


I patted his head as he calm down and looked at me still close. I looked at him his month full with blood.

“Minhyuk….what are you?” i asked looking at him.

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