Chapter 5

My New ''Normal'' Family

((red is chinese and blue is korean))


I was still sleeping when my music radio went off and my mom walked in and shaken me to wake up.


“Daka sweetie wake up come on you're going to be late” my mom said,


“For what?” I asked as i sat up and she walked to the balcony doors and grab the window sheets.


“Well to hang out with Kris of course” She said as she open the making me get blind and falling of my bed “and if you don’t hurry up and change i will pick an outfit out for you” she said as she turned and faced me.


“Okay fine but you're gonna pick it out anyways” i say getting up from my painful fall on the floor.

I went to the restroom and washed my teeth, then brushed my hair and then use the restroom, then got out and started picking cloth. I picked out a black pair of skinny jeans, a white tank top with the number 86 printed in black, a black button up shirt which i left open and had the sleeves rolled up, some white shoes and a blue belt and watch.


I looked in the mirror and sign then thought should i do this or not well it might not really be good idea but i will never know if i don’t do it. I hold my head and sat down in the small stool that was by my desk. I then look at and looked at the necklace Erick had gave me. I miss him and his wife so much i really would miss them a lot.


As i kept looking at the necklaces i saw that he had really done this by hand. I was really surprised. But when i first got it it surprised me more to see that it was two wolves making a heart.


I never really got what it was but every time i would sleep in my dad's arms as a little girl i would even see the same thing but tattoo to his arm. Even Erick but he also had it in some parts around his store and his wife and my mom both had it on the back of their necks. I now start to wonder will i get it too or was that just to show their friendship whatever it is it must be something special so i will never take it off even if they make me.


As i thought of that my mom was knocking waking the boys up to go down to eat. Apparently she was taking them to get their suits fitted for the wedding also it pick out some stuff for them. So while they did that i would be hanging out with Kris.


I heard a soft knock outside my door “Daka we are living now and whatever you are doing hurry up Kris is waiting for you now so hurry up” my mom said in a rushing voice for me to hurry.


I rolled my eyes and waited for her to leave. Ones she left i got out my room closing the door i keep walking looking down when i bump into someone almost falling as they grab my arms tight and hold me tight so i won’t fall. I then looked up and saw it was Kris.


“Hey watch where you are going next time okay i don’t want my little sister to get hurt” Kris said in a softly and over protective way.


“Okay” i said and back away from him.


We started walking down the stairs as one of the boys was at the door about to close it not before yelling “Good Luck you two” he said laughing.


“Shut up Chen” Kris yells as we get to the 2 last steps.


He walked down them but me still being a kid i jumped of them. He looked at me and i looked at him showing a smile. He smiled back and looked down.


“So let me grab something before we leave” He said looking away.


“Okay “ i answered and waited their “Hay” someone said from the couch it was Luhan and Sehun and Lay wore their with him “where are you guys going out?” Luhan asked.


I shrugged and Kris came back “come on let's go Daka” he said grabbing my shoulder and taking me to the door.


I walked out and Kris turn around quickly and growl at the boys as his eyes glowed yellow. Then he closed the door and smiled looking at me. I smiled back a little and click my shoes as they became skating shoes and i skated down to the gates. Kris followed and smiled.


“So i was thinking about going to a park and then getting a snack. What do you think?” Kris said looking at Daka.


“That sounds great i guess” Daka answered and kept skating near Kris.


Daka kept skating when and she was looking down when they got to a small downhill road, she would normally be paying attention who knows what was going through her mind she forget to stop and put her wheels away she went down staking faster. Kris saw and use his speed to try and grab her hand.

“OPPA!!!” Daka scream


When she scream Kris powers became more powerful he was able to grab her hand and stop her before she cross a road with a lot of cars driving around. He had pull her in and she was hugging him tight scared.


“Oppa” Daka cried


Kris eyes started glowing and he kept her head in his chest as he talked to her to calm her down and also so she didn’t see his eyes “It's okay next time when we have a free time together i will show you how to stop going down hill” he said and patted her head as his glowing eyes went away.


Ye” Daka said and finally back away from him.


Kris saw her crying he didn't like to see her cry even more now that they would be brother and sister.


Some minutes passed and they finally got to the park. Kris went to sit at a small table next to a smoothie truck.


I went to skate around when i saw a group of 7 boys skateboarding. Yes thos 7 boys wore Monsta X but of course i didn’t know that yet. I watched them for a while and then skate back to Kris when then i spotted and saw he was touching another girls face i knew she was probably his girlfriend so i went back and skate to where the boy 7 wore.


Kris pov


I was sitting alone watching Daka when then someone comes and covers up my eyes and i feel their hands and when they take their hands off i see it was my girlfriends. I was in shock but smiled and we started talking. I knew Daka was walking over so i started touching my GF faces so she only looked at me and not turn to see Daka.


Back To Your aka Daka pov


As i sakte back to watch the 7 boys sakte i bumped into someone which made both of us fall. I click my shoes which made them go back normal shoes, I stood up and helped the person i made fall get back up.


“I am so sorry i didn’t mean to bumped into you” I said scared they would yell at me “No it’s fine i should of stop you before we both fell” a kind and sweet but at the same time strong voices said.


“You must be new around here because i never seen such a pretty faces like yours around” the boy said his hair was white and blonde as the sun touching the snow and his eyes a dark brown.


Daka blush “it's that i am new name is…”.


Before Daka could say her name Kris called her “DAKA LET'S GO HOME NOW IT WILL RAIN SOON!!!”.


“Sorry looks like i have to go” Daka said both embarrassed and mad.


“It's okay look like i will see you around then. Oh by the way my name IS MINHYUK” Minhyuk yelled as he started backing away to meet up with who Daka thought wore his friends.


Daka ran to meet up with Kris who took her hand and use his speed walk. But it was still no use the rain catch up to them still and for the time the got home they looked like they had fell in the pool.


“Thank you, you kept her alive” Suho said as he went to hug and pick up Daka and spin her around.


Daka tapped his shoulder as she felt more cold just by the spin he gave her. “Oops” Suho put her down “come i made you a warm bath. It should be warm because i put a lot of hot in it” Suho said as he bent down and picked her up and carried her up stairs.


When they got in her room Suho check the water “Okay it's ready to go while you take a bath i will pick some cloth for you”.


Daka wasn’t so sure but she was to cold to even say a word that she ran into the restroom and close the door and taking her cloth off and going into the tub. She relaxes once she got in.


“Daka once your done i left you some cloth on the bed once your done come down stairs i will have some hot soup for you okay” Suho said.


“Okay” Daka answered.


Few minutes pasted and then you got out of the tub putting a towel on. You walk out and see the cloth Suho picked for you.


You put on gray skinny pj pants, a light white t-shirt, with a white long sleeve t-shirt on top, some warm socks as well as a pair of small soft ankle boots, a red warm jacket and a warm hat. Yes everything was SO WARM.


After you got change you walked out your room and almost bumped into Luhan who was going into his room.


“Sorry Luhan” “It's okay Daka” Luhan said and smiled.


Daka smiled a little and started walking away slowly and then Luhan turn and stopped her “Hey Daka” “Yea” Daka said turning around to faces him “I really like your necklaces” he said. Daka hold it and actually smiled “Thanks” she smiled and walked down stairs.


Luhan smile and hit his head walking into his room for not watching where he was going.


Daka got down stairs and saw Lay and look quickly away as he turned to look at her and she walked to the kitchen to see D.O. and Suho cooking.


She sat down “great you're here” Suho said and went to sit down next to her and smiles playing with a piece of her hair.


She felt wired and try to move his hand but he still played with her hair. D.O. look at them and rolled his eyes at Suho ‘why are you doing that to her Suho’. D.O. said through his mind. ‘Her hair looks soft what do you want me to do’ Suho looked at D.O. .


“Is the food almost ready” Daka asked as they shaked their heads and looked at her “ya its almost ready” D.O. said looking at her.


“I am going to take her to the living room and watch TV bring the plates when your done D.O.” Suho said as he grab my hand and quickly drag me to the living room.


D.O. look at him mad as Suho darg Daka away. Daka followed Suho as he sat down first and she sat next to him. Kris came walking down and saw Suho holding Daka. ‘what do you think you're doing’ ‘calm down Kris it's not that bad’ Suho looked at Kris and smirked. Daka waved her hand in front of them making them come back.


Lay look at Daka next to Suho and rolled his eyes, D.O. then came whit Daka and Suho’s plates. Suho grab his plate and so did Daka, they wore two different meals Daka’s was soup and Suho had noodles with chicken wings.


Daka blew on her soup “Here” Suho said feeding her some of his food. She ate it and node that it was good. Suho smile and looked at her necklaces.


Kris walked down and picked Daka up sitting her next to him grabbing her plate and feeding her. She smile because it was good. Ones they finished Lay and D.O. had fallen asleep they turn on the TV and slowly Kris and Suho fell asleep.


Daka got up slowly moving away from Kris and went to get a videotape from her room.


((if you want you can listen to this song for the next part ))


Daka walked down and put the video tape on. She started playing it and the whole video was full with images of her and her father. Daka smiled and started to cry a little she grab a pillow and then her blanket and watch the video crying.


Kris open his eyes and watch her crying and as she slowly fell asleep. Kris got up and stopped it at and image were she and her father wore standing next to a big dog. Kris look at her and sat down next to her and patted her head as she slept he look at the image and smile. He then rewind the video and watch it. He smile as he saw each year of how she grew up. He laugh at a park where she had tackle her father down. He cried when she was in a play acting as a pirate. He kept smiling even at her art and when she didn’t give up and at every part were she did the impossible.


Kris looked at her and smile “You will be the greatest sister i ever had” he said and stop the video and fell asleep he smile and Daka turn to hug him.

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