Chapter 1

Memory Loss

"Do it"

"Hyung...are you sure about this? After all he is your-"

"Please don't make it more difficult than already is..i am sure about it. It's the only way"

"It's your desicion. know there is no way back. If i press the's done"

"I know the consequences. I want him to be safe and if that's the only way then I'll go with it. Press it"

 I wake up. Again..the very same dream. Doctor said that nightmares are side effects of the pills,but those nightmares are a strange way. It's weird. Every night the same dream,me being in a dark room,with some light entering from the very corner of it, tied up in a iron bed and the same conversation being held above me. I don't know why i can't see the faces of those people who talk and at this time I'm very tired of even thinking about it. After all it's just a dream. Maybe i should request another prescription. I turned around and picked up my smart phone, which was laying on top of the night stand. "Ugh. It's already 6:40?" With a light move i removed the two white blankets from my body and i stood up,heading to the bathroom. Winter was colder than last year so most part of my apartment was cold due to the fact that my source of money wasn't very generous. I work at a local coffee shop next to the train station. Even though i have a degree in business administration and management i never had the opportunity to make use of it. I don't even understand why i had rent such a huge apartment in the heart of Seoul when i don't even have enough money to feed myself properly. That's why i live with roommates from time to time. The last roommate left the apartment and town some days ago,saying he had found a job in a countryside and he should move at the outskirts of it. And now i need a new one. I passed the living room and at the time i was outside of the bathroom,a voice was heard.

"Goodmorning master Jung. The weather outside is at 5 celsius right now but in the morning hours mercury will reach 13 celsius. Should i prepare you a hot bath?"

I looked at the small digital screen next to the bathroom door where Rina,the digital house assistant with her hair as always combined into a ponytale was looking at me. "Yes. Prepare the bathroom,roll up the shutters at my room and please make me coffee. I want to be fully awake as soon as possible". I run my hair through my messy dirty-blonde hair,opened the bathroom door and stepped inside. "As you wish. Anything else master Jung? " I,again,looked at the screen which was placed also inside the bathroom at the very end of the large mirror above the washbasin. "Yes. Get out of the bathroom. I don't want others to look at me when i am inside the bathroom. Even though you are not others but something"

"If i had feelings that would hurt me master Jung." I heard her laughing."As you wish master Jung" And the screen turned black ,signaling that she was "out" of the bathroom.

Even after the hot shower i still didn't feel as warm as i expected to feel. The sun by now has already rise and most parts of the house were shiny. I like it that way. Darkness is something mysterious,something that doesn't suit me.

" Your coffee is ready and the shutters has successfully being rolled up. Also don't forget your pills master Jung. They are placed on top of the kitchen counter."

I sighed. "Thanks Rina" I took the cup of coffee which was placed inside the coffee machine and took a sip.

"Anything else master Jung?"

"No." I took another sip and sat down to a chair next to the small dining table that was placed inside the room.

" As you wish. Have a good day master Jung"

A good day? I huffed in disagreement. It's not that i am not happy about my life. Not at all. But it could be better. First of all, i could have a better job but i don't. I'm 26 years old and i have a job that most of freshmen desire to have. On the other hand,i ended up beind prisoner inside the same routine. Everyday,after a night full of nightmares,i wake up at the same time,i go for work at the same cafeteria and after six o'clock i return at the same apartment,doing absolutely nothing. My personal life couldn't get any worse. The only good thing is that i share my apartment with someone else. But the cohabitation will usually last for one or two months. I don't get it. Do i have something bad? Something that they make then leave before i even get used to them? I focused my gaze at the little white pill box on top of the counter as i was silently drinking the dark liquid which the porcelain cup contained. Anemia. That's the illiness i was diagnosed two years ago. And i still take those pills everyday.



"Were where you Daehyun?" My friend and colleague Hyosung looked at me while she was handing a drink,which i assumed was hot chocolate because of the shape of the plastic cup and steam, which was coming out of it. "Sorry". I immediately put on the brown apron with the white strips and came next to her. "I accidentally slept while i was in the train and i alighted at a wrong station" I mumbled some apologies to her again,because i knew that i left her alone at that time of the day when coffee shop was kinda crowded cause a lot of people usually start their day with a cup of coffee at this exactly cafeteria. "I know that you are a little irresponsible but i didn't expect that you would fall asleep that easily" She laughed. "Why you fell asleep? You weren't home last night,am i right?" Hyosung gave me that infamous smirk, which i know that always referred to something ual. "It's not what you think it is, baby" I like calling her baby,she looks so young especially with her short brown hair. "I didn't sleep very well last night,that's all." I took an order from a young female with a heavy black coat hugging her small frame. Hyosung didn't answer me,she was keeping herself busy making the next order. But I'm sure she understood the reason i didn't sleep well. After all she knows about my condition.

"Daehyun,have you find a roommate yet?" Our shift was over and both me and Hyosung were prepering to leave the small coffee shop. "Nope. Why? Do you want to share your daily life with me your highness?" I wrapped the blue scarf around my neck and let a small laugh leave my mouth. "No silly. Not that i don't want to,but my boyfriend would kill me if i moved with someone else except him. He's crazy" I couldn't agree more with her last comment. Indeed,Henry,her boyfriend,is crazy. He gets jealous very easily and can get quite aggressive for no reason. But Hyosung loves him and it's not my type to judge relationships. "Anyway. My cousin,Jaehyo,is seeking for a rented house around your neighborhood. He studies pharmacy and his university is close to your house. The only problem is that he works as a part timer and-" "Don't worry about money. Call him and tell him to be at my apartment at 8. " By the time we exited the cafeteria,she immediately hugged me from behind" "Daehyun you are the best,you know that?" I smiled at her sudden gesture of affection. Hyosung gets easily happy even with the simplest things. That's something i really admire about her,she's cheerful and warm-hearted. "Let me call him,he would be happy to learn that" I turned at her only to see her taking her smart phone out of her pocket and dialing a number. "Sorry to tell you that,but i have to catch a train. Do you mind if i...leave?" She looked at me and smiled showing her white teeth "Of course not silly. Go,go. I'll send Jaehyo directly to your house,I'm sure you two will be friends very quickly,he's also a loner guy like you. You will be friends in no time"



A loner guy like you. Her voice echoed in my mind as i was walking back to my house. The thought about her comment towards me didn't seem to have stop repeating in my mind. Since when i was a loner guy? I admit that i have almost no friend neither i am a very social guy but that's not what makes you a loner. Or is it? Even if it is,i didn't choose to be a loner,loneliness choose me. But there is nothing i can do about it.`The only friend i got is Hyosung but we aren't very close to each other,unfortunately she's more like just a colleague for me rather than a friend i can freely talk to about everything in my life. The same goes to her i guess. When i reach the apartment,i saw a guy outside the door,ringing my bell. I guess that he was Jaehyo, Hyosung's cousin who came to my apartment before time gets 8. -perfect- thought ironically "There is no one inside. The owner just came back" I press my thumb on the digital screen,waiting some seconds so the system could recognise me and unlock the house. "You are Jaehyo right?" I removed my thumb when the screen turned green and before i could open the door,a hand was already pushing lightly the door. "Yes,i am" He smiled at me apologetically " Sorry for coming earlier but my cousin told me that you would already be home." Well,he was kinda correct i should have been home over 30 minutes ago but i preferred to make a stop for a pack of cigarettes. " I should be the one to apology to you,come inside,make yourself at home." I helped him with his black luggage as we were both steping inside my apartment. Jaehyo looked at me when i,firstly, closed the door and then approached him. For a university student,who, i suppose ,didn't have a lot of money,his style was screaming money,especially his black jacket,which I'm sure i saw at an expensive shop,some days ago and his,also black, pair of sunglases that was laying on top of his brown hair. "Your apartment is very nice,i really like it." He said with his hands crossed over his chest and wandering around,looking every furniture of my living room. "Well,the house was already furnished when i moved in here..i did some changes at the placement of the furniture,that's all" "Oh.." He turned his head towards me and smiled "it's still nice"

Some hours have passed and Jaehyo proved to be quite good company. I found out we had a lot in common from favorite foods to same taste of music. Also,he told me a lot about his family,his life as an university student and how he makes a living as a waiter. I was seriously thinking not to charge him for living with me,after all he was in the same economical condition as me, but the fear of the unpaid electricity bill,forced me to change my mind. Around midnight,when we finally decided that we should get some rest,i was in my room changing my clothes while Jaehyo was in the kitchen washing the dishes. He insisted on washing them because i paid for the Chinese take-out we ate an hour ago. "Daehyun hyung,what are those?" He came into my room holding my pills. I totally forgot to tell him about my illness,i didn't consider it was something worth to know about "Oh,those?" I take some steps towards him. "I have anemia,it's not something to worry about,but i have to take one of those pill everyday." The suspicious look on his face as he was examining the white box worried me. Why all of sudden he wasn't talking? I dared to ask him about his abruptly change of mood but i didn't get an answer. "Are you sure you are anemic hyung?" He said after putting the little box on my office next to the bed. "That's what doctor told me. I don't understand Jaehyo,what's wrong?" Jaehyo took some steps back and sighed. "Well...i read the ingrendients and.. the ingredients of your pills doesn't correspond to anemia. I know a lot about the medications for anemia,and those pills-" He pointed at them "Are not for anemia" I sat down on the bed,prepering mentally for his response. " If those pills aren't for anemia..then what are those for?"

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Ray1990 #1
I miss this story.
Ray1990 #2
Chapter 1: I'm reading this again form the beginning waiting for an update :)
mdq1987 #3
Chapter 24: Great special chapters
Chapter 24: A beutiful chapter about Daehyun and Himchan past.
Chapter 22: Awww that was nice! My sweet baby Channie, don't worry Dae loves you!
Ray1990 #6
Chapter 22: Yay an update! A flashback on Himdae's relationship. Can't wait for part 2 :)
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 22: Ohohohoho..... I loooveeeee it so much XD keep going XD