He knows..........and I got myself a tutor

It all started with a DEAL!


The days flew by studying and mostly fooling around with Key and his gang. I find Key’s quite caring once you get to know him better and onew…well…he’s ok, but I still find him weird sometimes.

~school break soon came~

Everyone’s busy packing their bags to go home for the holidays.

Well…all except me. No one will be home so I guess I’d better stay here to pass the holidays, better than no one at home right? At least some students are still staying.

Key’s been going to jjong’s dorm every so often ever since.

~sigh~ these holidays are gonna be quite boring without them.

But then I still find key and his gang around when holidays started. Guess it won’t be that boring after all.

“Hey, aren’t you going home for these holidays?”

“Nope. Why? You sound quite glad I’m here.”

Key suddenly leans towards me. We’re only an inch apart now.

“Uhhhh…huh…huh”(going red)

I am so not gonna admit it, nonononononononononono. But I can’t deny it too…

“Ooh lala, someone’s going red”

I feel like punching him in the face, anything to shut him up.

“Ow ow ouch… why did ya do that?!”

“Huh…uhhhh…omg I am so sorry”

Wow I really did punch him in the face while I thought I was just thinking about it. Man he’s lucky.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooo my face…sob sob…my beautiful face…sob my flawless face…ruined ruined ruined I say, ruined”

Ok now he’s being over dramatic, I wanna punch him again.

Better control myself. Better control myself. Better control myself.

Now I see a blue-black on his left check.

Pffft (stifling a laugh here)

Key looks like he’s losing it. Uh oh, better shut up now and be careful.

“Uhhhh…I’m sowwie…I didn’t mean to do that. Honest “

Still that look.

“Really, I’m really sowwie.”

Ignoring me now.

Then, “YOU” pointing an accusing finger at me.

“Yes”-gulp- please dun kill me please dun kill me please dun kill me o and please dun be mad please dun be mad please dun be mad.

“We would’ve been in a fight right now if you hadn’t been a girl.” He smirked.

“Huh…but I’m so not a girl, I’m a boy.”

“O yeah, well prove it.”


“Less chit chats and start striping”


“Well if you really are a boy, you wouldn’t mind taking off your shirt at all, or you would mind if you’re not.”

He does have a point there >~<

Uhhhh, guess it won’t hurt to tell…just him.

“-deep breath- ok look, I’m a girl.I dunno how’d you find out but please don’t tell anyone. I have my own reasons. Pretty pleaaaassssseeeee”

“Lemme think about it”

I’m practically showing him my puppy eyes now. It has always work with my dad.


Common… say it say it say it.


“Yay!!! You’re the best.”

“Course I am. Shouldn’t you show some gratitude?”

“Ok. What da ya want me to do?”

“A peck on the check”

“Say what?! Ewwww no way. I’ve got homework to do for now. Later”

5 minutes later…

“Ummm key, have you finish your homework?”


“What did ya put for question 2?”


“What about question 5?”

“5 ducks and 3 chickens”

“Urm….question 6?’


“Question 7?’

“Yah why don’t I just do it for you”

“Really???” that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard from Key.

“No. heheh nothing goes right without me.”

“Well, can you teach me?”


Awww I hear onew’s quite good in his studies. Maybe I should ask him.

I went to the library to look for him. No onew. The foyer. No onew. The canteen. No onew. Garden. No onew. I give up.  Things always turn up when I give up looking for them. And sure enough, I saw onew walking down the hallway deep in a book.

“Hey onew”

No response

“Onew… hyung”




Finally, he notices me.

‘Can you help me with my homework?”


Puppy eyes now.


“Pretty please”


I wouldn’t just let him go. I followed him everywhere, totally annoying him.

“O alright. Now will you please stop that”


“Come to my dorm tonight at 8”

“Ok” yippee

That night, I went to his dorm and…



hiiiiiii guys
long chappie today
won't be updating for a while now
school's starting T_T

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up