Lost and found

It all started with a DEAL!


The bell finally rang indicating that class is over.

I rushed to the basketball court feeling all worked up and very excited. I’ve been looking forward to practice ever since my deal with Percy.

‘Hey Percy, wait up,’ key was chasing after me (in case you’ve forgotten, I’m posing as Percy in this school so everyone’ll know me as Percy.) wonder what he wants...

‘Hey, is something wrong? Are you out of your mind?’

Huh??? Why is he asking me that? Why am I out of my mind? And why does he even care? Why…… hundred of questions pop up.

‘Uhhhh no?’

‘Surely there must be something wrong with you, or else you wouldn’t go to THAT place, no one goes to THAT place unless they’re crazy or has some kinda “business

I can’t make heads or tails of what he’s talking about. What’s so wrong about going ‘there’? And where is ‘there’??????

‘Dude, do you even know where you’re heading right now?’

‘Uhhhh, the basketball court?’

‘Really? But isn’t the basketball court that way?’ Key pointed down the passageway I come from.

What???!!! Awww, I’ve been running in the wrong direction the whole time??!!! Good thing key showed up or else I’d be lost by now. I knew I should’ve studied the map of this school carefully. ~sigh~

I checked the time and suddenly realize I’m gonna be late for my first practice if I don’t hurry now.

‘Thanks for showing me the way key, I’ve really got to go now. Bye.’


I made it just in time before practice starts. I changed in a room and suddenly realize how lucky I am right now. If key hadn’t chase after me, I’d be lost by now and if I hadn’t gone to the wrong direction, I would’ve to change with a bunch of boys in this room by now. I haven’t thought that I’d have to change with boys before, but then again, I AM a ‘boy’ here.

After changing, I went out and saw…Minho??? Yah, but it’s not surprising seeing him here, by the looks of him, one would know he’s definitely an athlete.

What surprised me is that he’s my captain. Wow, never knew he’s good.

When he saw me, he looked quite surprise as well.


Minho’s POV

Just when I thought everyone is ready to play ball, Percy walked in.

I’m surprise to see him here; he doesn’t look like a guy who plays sports at all. In fact, he’s too gorgeous to be a guy, wasted….wish he’s a gi…..

No wait, stop! Why the hell I am wishing he’s a girl?! He’s a guy and I’m NOT gay!

Gotta get my head in the game, gotta get my head in the game, gotta get my head in the game! ugh!

‘Ok guys, you ready?’


‘Then it’s game time!’

I noticed that Percy ‘s quite good, ooh, gorgeous boy’s got skills. Maybe I shouldn’t have judge him by his looks at all.

He’s in the other team and so far has scored a lot for his team.

Now he’s making an attempt to shoot again. I’ve got to block him.

Practice went on like that till end time. 

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up