Yay we’re going away on a vacation break!

It all started with a DEAL!


I woke up early next morning surprised to see everyone already up and about.

 I mean it was only 6.30 and its school break!

"Hey Percy, great you're finally up. I was gonna wake you ya know. Onew hyung decided we should all go on a holiday to relax and have fun for awhile after all those heavy school works." Minho greeted me when I woke up.

I was getting used to seeing key every morning when I woke up that Minho appearing in front of me now felt quite strange.

 "o.......ok" I was still in a daze.

 "W-w-wait why am I the last one to know that?"

 "Cause you're the first to fell asleep yesterday night and the last to wake up today. Duh sleepy head" man he’s annoying. Key has to ruin my bright cheerful morning, and I was in a really good mood too!

I decided to just let it pass and turn my attention back to Minho, still waiting for his answer.

"-chuckle- key has a point too ya know..."

 It sounded like ding ding key 1. Percy 0 to me. ~groan~ hate that.

I used to think Minho was the only decent one around, totally changing my mind now.

"...anyway, Onew hyung just decided bout a vacation break last week and it was confirmed only yesterday...night."

 Just then Onew came out of the washroom looking all tidy and neat.

 "Aah what are you guys still doing here, I thought I've shooed you all back to tidy up and pack your things!"

 "Okok I was just gonna wake Perc up hyung"

 "Yeah me too"

"Ok now he's up will you all please go back. Tick tock tick tock time will not wait. Plane's departing at 10 so we gotta check in by 9.30. Now go go go."

Onew soon got everyone (actually the only people there left were us, Taemin already went back) out.

Minho and Taemin's dorm were on the same floor (5th floor) as Onew and Jjong's dorm while mine and Key's were on the sixth.

 I felt tension like never before when we were walking back together. I tried to think up some conversation to lighten up the mood a little.

 "So where are we going for the vacation?"

"The universal studio!!"

"The universal studio!!" both answered in unison.



"Singapore!!" again!

I felt some glares overhead me. Man being sandwiched in the middle ! And I just made the situation worse.

The atmosphere felt really awkward now.

We soon reach Minho's dorm. Phwew I felt quite relief when I'm no longer sandwiched between the two of them, now there's just Key left.

"Hey Key, did my mum know about this?"

"Yep no sweat. Your mom was ok with it. Onew hyung took care of everything."

 Wow I never knew Onew was the kind that plans everything ahead for everyone kind. Somehow he just doesn't look like one.

We quickly pack our bags and tidy ourselves up once we got back to our dorm. It was like hitting a fast forward button.

 It was 8 when we were ready. All of us quickly grab a bite from the school's cafeteria and set off to the airport.

We reach there in the nick of time and soon boarded the plane. Wow there were a lot of pretty air stewardess on board.

Jjong seemed quite please when he saw them. Tch. Bet he's thinking "yay, quality time together with some pretty ladies." ~sigh~he sure changes fast, few days before he was mourning over his break up and now he's drooling over those pretty air stewardess. Boys.

 "Yahoo, quality time together with some pretty ladies. Keke…"(Jjong's thoughts)


Annyeong guys, have been really obsessed with animes now. Keke.

Anyway, comments are loved and appreciated. Tell me if I have reached the definition of shocking or comedy or anything else by far ok? Thanks a load. =) Btw, I’m gonna update like 2 times a week from now on. Sorry…

And thank you guys for your support and commenting and subscribing. Kamsahamida. =)

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up