I'm NOT making out with him so DON'T call me gay. (key)

It all started with a DEAL!


Key's POV

 You probably might be thinking why the hell I’m making out with Jjong right here and now right?

Well I am so not making out with him so don’t call me gay.

I've never seen Jjong in such a state before, must've been something really big.

I got a call from hell knows who a few hours after Percy left our dorm. I've never seen the caller ID before.

Turns out to be a waiter from a bar. Something about needing someone to bring back our good ol' friend Kim Jonghyun.

Knowing him he'll probably do something really unpredictable some time after he's drunk, I quickly put on my coat and rush there before he can do anything ridiculous.

I've watch him done it before and I can tell you it's funny to just watch but not so if you're the victim.

Turns out he's still not endangering others when I got there.

I helped him into a cab and the cabby drive us back to school. (What you don’t expect me to carry him back do ya)

I half drag half pull Jonghyun back to his dorm.

That's when his unpredictable ways kick in. I was practically dragging him to his bed when he was murmuring something about 'don’t leave me' or something.

 Then, he suddenly hug me and k-k-k-kiss me! That was my first kiss ya know T^T given to Kim Jonghyun! I tried to pull away but he just held on tighter.

That's when I saw Percy came in. She must've gotten the wrong idea by the looks on her face. Who wouldn't if he or she saw a guy making out with another guy.

~sigh~ I can see a hell load of trouble coming my way now.

"I-I-I-I'm so sorry. I'll go. Please, continue."

What! Please continue! Instead of saving me, you left me there to die?!

"Noooooooooooo wait..."

Just then Onew hyung came back with a chicken in hand.

He'll save me right? No! He just made things worse. He probably knows what's wrong with Jjong but instead of saving me, he simply said "Woah let's just leave these two lovebirds to it. Common Perc, we'll study somewhere else"

 ajatgjmdagptmdajpgmagpdaptjatmjpdmtj curse you you stupid tofu, wait till I get out of this I'm gonna take you away from your all time favorite chickens. I'll kill all of them. I'll this school clean of it. I'll I’ll I'll... (XP can't think of any more threats besides chicken)

Ugh and you totally owe me now Kim Jonghyun.

 Anyway, I finally yank myself away from Jjong and help him to his bed.

Phwew that was hard!

Say I should've taken some pictures of him just now, would've made some really good threats. Heheh.

Thinking of going back to my dorm now but the thought of having to explain to Percy about it and dunno whether Jjong minds if I invade his privacy...I guess...guess...guess I have nothing to do now besides staying here.

The thought of going to the dance studio to clear my mind off all these things pop into my head out of the blue.

 It's been such a long time now since I went to a dance studio.

The music started and I danced to the beat.

Instantly, I felt relaxed.

I've forgotten how dancing really feels like...ever since that day...ever since I stopped...but now…now I'm just glad that I've never forgotten how to dance, this sensation, this feeling. Why did I ever stop doing the things I do best?

I've always blame fate why let me meet her, fell in love with her but never get to see her again…after that trip...after.........(stopping my thoughts)

Why make her leave me forever when I've just learned something called love.

Because of her I’ve worked so hard on my dancing skills.
Because of her I learnt to sing.
Because of her I never gave up on my dreams.
Because of her I learnt what love is.
Because of her…I learnt that nothing is ever fair in this world...the hard way.

-sigh- Guess no one can escape fate no matter how hard they try.

 Now, I'm just soooo glad I've met her; she has given me a beautiful memory to look back at and has given me a new interest besides water skiing and shopping. (Hey it's normal for a guy to love to shop too ya no. I mean malls are not just meant for ladies)

I continue to dance and dance and dance until I'm worn out.

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up