The beginning of my deal

It all started with a DEAL!

I was in a really bad mood after having a row and breaking up with my boyfriend and was in the middle of crossing the road when a car almost hit me.

A few more inches and I'd be dead meat by now.

But, right now, right this second, i just want to find something for me to let off my rage. (guess it's just NOT the driver's day today...)

Not caring who the driver was i picked up a stone by the roadside and hit the car with it a little too hard......well..................................................................................................................... the front end dented. heheh 
Driver's POV

HOW DARE SHE??! I can't believe she just did that to MY CAR! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY CAR!

My car didn't even well.......................almost....................touch her.

She's so not going to get away with it.

I got out of my car and was about to lunge at her when she came back to her senses and run for it.

Tch, chicken

I decided to let her get away this time.

I've got a strong feeling we'll meet again...very soon.


Your POV

'Hi i'm Percy, your new roommuh...' O boy, this is so not my day. I can't believe it! My roommate! He's the guy I've offended by denting the front end of his car!!! I'm starting to regret my actions that day and my deal with Percy( your twin) now...

So, you must be wondering why the hell am I sharing a room with a guy and what's with the deal and all....well, uhm....... let's back track a little to where how it all started.

-four days ago-

'knock knock'

I was having insomnia when I heard someone tapping lightly on the window in the middle of the night.

I decided to ignore whoever it was out there since it was the middle of the night.

'knock knock'

It came again, louder this time.

I was afraid it would wake my parents up who were sleeping next door so I went to check it out.

I opened the window and found Percy standing on a ladder leaning against the wall.

'What're you doing here in the middle of the night?' I whispered loudly to him.

'I sneak out ok,  help me get in first.'

Suddenly I heard next door's door creaking, so did Percy.

If mum or dad finds out he's here and I'm helping him, we are both gonna be so dead.

'Hello, help me get in, NOW!'

'No time, this'll be quicker.' I said and pushed him. He topples backwards and well........ you know

Luckily for him, there's bushes all around to cushion his fall.

I quickly checked to see if he's alright and jumped back to bed pretending to be asleep.

After a while, I peeked to check if the coast is clear.

''Psst, it's safe, you can come up now.' I ran to the window and whispered to him.

Percy quickly climbed up and i helped him clambered in. He has leaves and branches sticking out of his hair.

I quickly stiffled a laugh when I saw him glaring my way.

'So, what's the biggie?'

'Look, I just receive a letter from Juiliard!' Percy said excitedly showing me the letter.

'And you're showing me this because...?'

'Because I need you to pose as me in Mccallie.'


Percy quickly muffled my shout. 'Shh not so loud'

'Are you out of your mind??? I mean, hello, I'm a girl you know.'

'Think about it, you get to play your basketball without mum nagging how girls shouldn't play basketball and all and I get to play my music.'

Hmm, it is tempting. No nagging and I get to do what I love best. But no, I'm a girl, I can't go to an all boys school, and worst, it's boarding school! No, ooh but there's basketball that mum never lets me play.Of course I've done it secretly tons of time without mum noticing. But I can finally play in a court, here's my chance to compete in a game...

'Done! So what do I do?'

'Yes! You're the best, sis! Show mum this letter and tell her you've been accepted to this school. She'll definitely agree to it since she always wanted you to play music.'



So mum agreed and here I am.

Hope he doesn't recognize me...

He just stared at me for a while and went back to playing his game.

Phwew, maybe he doesn't ...or didn't show...



Hey guys, thanks for reading!!!

just listened to SHINee's last christmas, it was great! XD

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up