Now onew's being REALLY normal

It all started with a DEAL!


Your POV

I was starting to regret after walking out of my dorm. The hallway was kinda dark and creepy. I wanted to turn back.

[(your inner self) no way! You must NOT turn back; it’s a matter of pride]

Yeah I’m right, must go on.

As usual, I wasn’t looking where I was heading and bumped into someone. Man he’s hard.

‘Owww, sorry…’ but I wonder who it could be, I mean look at the time now. ‘…Minho?’

‘Hey, what’re you doing strolling around at this kind of hour?’ actually, I was quite glad to meet him here.

‘Look who’s talking’

Then…. An awkward silence…

‘Sleepless night for you too?’ Minho was the first to break the silence.

‘…yeah’ can’t believe someone’s having the same issue as me^^

‘Do you wanna hang out a little in the garden?’

‘Ok sure’

[(inner self) kya!!!! Must keep my cool, must keep my cool, must keep my cool… argh!!! (Fangirling around) a handsome guy, even better, a basketball player, nononono, captain I just met asked me to hang out with him!!!! O yeah! Psh… totally forgetting I’m a boy here ~sigh~ this .

We sat on a bench, sometimes having a little chat.

Now why was I out of my dorm again? Bah who cares when you have someone as handsome as Choi Minho sitting beside you.

We were getting into some really deep conversation when SOMEONE have to spoil all the fun. Key jumped out from the bushes behind us so suddenly he scared the hell out of him.

‘KE…’ Minho clamped my mouth just in time.

‘Shhh, we’re gonna be in big trouble if the head finds out about this.’

I studied key’s expression and he look kinda… weird? I’d say. I dunno how to put it.

Key just yank me away without another word. I struggled at first, I mean hey, I’ve got legs that I can control myself you know, you DON’T have to do that. ~sigh~ once again…my pride…wounded T.T

I soon gave up, the more I struggle, the tighter key’s grip became. One thing for sure he’s definitely NOT letting go.

All this while, Minho didn’t even budge. Sheesh, I would’ve appreciate some help right now.

Btw, why is key here all of a sudden? Shouldn’t he be sleeping his off right now? He won’t kill me if he really gets panda eyes tomorrow right? Not my fault. But still, pray to God he doesn’t, just in case.

He let me go as soon as we reach our dorm.

Suddenly he took hold of my hand and started examining my palm. Aish, he sure is acting weird tonight, and that makes onew really normal. Guess I’ll just play along with him for now.

‘You have very soft hands for a guy.’

Huh? What is Key talking about? He noticed? But I was so sure I didn’t blow my disguise. In fact, I was quite confident with it.


Then he suddenly hug me, actually I’d prefer squeeze.

After that, he went straight to bed without even explaining his weird actions.

Aish, save it for tomorrow, I was getting quite sleepy now.

To bed to bed. Ahhh bed sweet bed.

Key’s POV

After examining ‘it’s’ palm and hugging ‘it’, I’m certain my roommate’s a she. I can feel her s when I was hugging her very tightly and her hands are too soft to be a guy’s.

Now back to bed, or else my beautiful face is gonna be ruined with panda eyes.


Yo dear readers, thanks for reading ^^

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This chapter turned out to be quite random... ( i was feeling random tonight XDD)

I added an inner self, hope you all will enjoy it

Happy reading XDD

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up