Taemin got hyper

It all started with a DEAL!


Someone came knocking on your door early next morning. No one seems to bother with it but the knocking came again and again and it was getting really annoying.

“Key, answer it” Onew mumbled from slumber land.

“~groan~” Key climbed up drowsily and answered the door.

It was taemin. He was all dressed up and looking really hyper.

“So hyung, wakie wakie, I wanna beat the crowd!!!”

Key stared at him like he’s gone bonkers.

“Taemin-ah, it’s just 6 in the MORNING and the universal studio isn’t open till 10! Go back to bed” and with that, Key slammed the door right in front of Taemin’s face and went straight to bed.

Gosh that was harsh.

Taemin went back to his dorm and found Minho and Jjong that he had tried so hard to wake drifting off to dream land again.

~sigh~ fine, sleep!”


~3 hours later~

Everyone was ready to go. We walk through the HUGE mall to universal studio. On the way we have to descend through the escalator and once we step onto it, it’s like we’ve gone into Marine World. The lightings were making the floor look like the ocean floor and music boomed surround the little space. There were screens arching above us and sometimes flowers or dolphins appeared on screen. It was beautiful…and romantic…so to say.

Onew and Jjong bought us the tickets and wow look at the crowd. I was looking excitedly at everywhere, everything seems so fresh to me. There were all those cartoon characters on the street letting people take pictures with them and a lot of fun things to play.

The blue and red roller coasters caught my eyes almost immediately.

“Common, let’s go on that!” I gestured everyone towards it.

“Nooooo…that first!” Taemin pointed to ‘Light’s, camera, action!’

“Fine! But I insist that we ride THAT right after this”

There wasn’t much crowd yet so we didn’t waste too much time lining up.

The insides were great. It’s a set where most directors make their effects on films and everything. There was a storm on the sea and lots of buildings were ripped off. All I can say is the effects are really fantastic! I can feel the intense heat made by the fire when the ship exploded and the water splashing towards us.

The effects were great but it didn’t last long enough, just a short 5 minutes and everything was over…

I then gestured everyone towards the roller coasters. The red one (human) was upright and you can put your feet on firm ground while the blue one (cylone) has your feet dangling in the air. I noticed Key look a little green just looking at all those loops and falls the roller coasters had.

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up