He... or she??? (key)

It all started with a DEAL!


Key’s POV

Someone knocked on the door and a boy walked in.

He started babbling bout something. I didn’t pay too much attention to him; all I get is that his name is Percy.

I looked up to check him out and saw -gasp- OMO He’s just sooo gorgeous, even prettier than taemin ><

Nononono,  I’m a boy, I’m NOT interested in boys, no, I’m not, he’s just another gorgeous boy I’ve never seen before  in my LIFE!!! Ugh, gotta stop staring, gotta distract myself, I went back to playing my game, but I can’t help noticing his every move.

I dunno why but I felt quite attracted to him the minute I saw him.

He set his bags on his bed and started unpacking.

I saw something fell out of his bag and landed near me and –gasp-(another surprise for key???) PADS???!!!

I really need to double-check or I’ll need some glasses.

I picked it up and it’s true???!!!

Percy quickly snatches it away from me.

 I stared at him, shocked. He’s not really a girl right???

‘I…it’s not what you think. See I take these along with me every time, they stop nose bleed very quickly, and I always have nose bleed.’ saying that he quickly stuck it into his nose. ‘See’

‘O….k. By the way, I’m Key.’

I don’t really believe him. I’ve GOT to check it out later.

He went into the restroom. Here’s my chance. I quickly rummage through his bag and found face cream, lotion, sunscreen blah blah blah and a notebook. His diary? Curiosity got over the best of me. The first page was a picture of him and… him? No way. I get a closer look and noticed that the other ‘him’ is a girl. I’ll bet it’s his twin sister. I noticed the only difference is that his sister has a birthmark on her neck and their hair color. They look soooo alike.

‘YAH, what are you doing? Hands off that book!!!’

‘okok, I’m sorry.’ I backed up.

He quickly hid his diary somewhere I couldn’t see. It’s not like I’m interested in his diary anyway. What is he hiding??

I focus on his neck and noticed that he has a birthmark there too, just the same as his sis in the pic!!! Now I’m not so sure he’s really a he anymore.

‘Hey, did anyone ever tell you you’re gorgeous? Almost like a girl?’

He gasped. Heheh, admit it. or I’ll make you…

This'll be fun...

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up