
It all started with a DEAL!


‘Come on, let’s go on that’ I said excitedly pointing on the red roller coaster and gesturing everyone towards it.

‘Urm…I think I’ll just skip that.’ Minho retreated.

‘I heard chickens calling me.’

‘Me too!’ since when is Jjong ever interested in chickens???

All that’s left is key and taemin now, I’m not getting another no from either one of them, though Key looks like he was gonna say it.

I quickly cut him off and dragged both Key and Taemin towards the red roller coaster. Taemin seems fine with it but that’s not the same for Key.

‘Waih……ahhhh… nonononono wait! Are you sure you wanna go on that ride? It’s a 60 min wait ya no.’

‘Sure I do, it’s worth the wait, common.’

Key looked a little worried and a little…….scared? Nah, he wouldn’t be right? If so, heheh,  revenge is sweet.

‘Are you……scared?’

‘Course not! I’m not gonna chicken out. It’s JUST a ride.’

‘Ok sure whatever, if you’re sure.’

‘Sure I’m sure.’

‘No regrets? You still can chicken out you know’

‘No way, let’s go.’

 We gave our bags to onew and went in and wow look at the crowd. This attraction seems quite popular.

It was kinda boring just queuing and doing nothing. But finally, it was our turn to go on that ride. Key looked worse than ever.

‘Are you sure you wanna go on that ride?’


Suddenly, it started to rain.

‘Due to severe climate conditions, we are closing this attraction for your own safety.’

Awww, we were so close. But key looked kinda relieved. One of the ushers came towards us and told us that we can still go on the mummy ride in ancient Egypt, it’s an indoor attraction or we can wait till the rain stops but dunno how much longer.

‘We’ll wait’ I told the usher. We’ve came sooo far, and sooo close.

We waited for like 10 minutes and key started to grow impatient.

‘Comon, let’s get outta here. We’re wasting time. We’ll come back later when the rain stops.’

He’s got a point. But when we got out of the crowd, I started to regret. It was pouring and we don’t have our money and phones with us. Worst still, I can’t see any sign of Onew, Minho, or Jjong.

We’re stranded here! Everyone around us are busy running to the store opposite us to buy ponchos or contacting their friends or relatives to come fetch them.

We should’ve kept our stuffs in lockers. We stood there for like 15 minutes and two ushers wearing ponchos and holding an umbrella each came towards our direction.

One of them asked if we would like to go anywhere, she’ll shelter us.

I was so glad to hear that.

The last time I saw them was in sci-fi city. Maybe they went back there to wait for us.

After sheltering us to sci-fi city, the usher walked away to shelter others.

Soon, the pouring rain became a drizzle.

We looked around but still no sign of them. I decided to walk around a bit and try to find them in this crowd.

We looked for them for a little while but the rain was getting bigger again.

We quickly ran to somewhere sheltered.

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up