I'm so curious yeah

It all started with a DEAL!


Ahhhh feels good to be updating again XD Sorry for the long wait, I was just being plain lazy to upload this chappie from my phone XP Geez it already 12.40a.m. here in my time zone and I gotta be up at 5 for school. Aish wish it’s a Saturday every Sunday night…
Anyway, happy reading =)


I've been bothering my roommates for almost half the night now, especially Key since Onew is smart enough to put on his ear plugs the first time he heard me coughing. I bet he knows it'll be noisy tonight.

 "GAH!!!" Key got up and began rummaging through his bags. "Here" he tossed me a strip of pills and a bottle of water. "Let's hope it'll help you pass the night."

"T-thanks" I was stunned when Key did that, never thought he'd be so 'mom-like'.

"Aish what a troublesome kid." Key mumbled under his breath as he fumbled his way back to bed.

Those pills really did its' magic, key woke me up occasionally to have a light meal and take my pills while the rest of the day was spent sleeping.

That evening, I woke up with a jolt.

Something sounds weird. I strained my ears and manage to make a little out of it, it sounded like 'oh I'm curious yeah'. The tune's quite catchy.

I was just gonna check it out when Taemin came in.

He treaded softly on the carpeted floor towards the washroom, careful not to make a sound. When he came out, the noise was gone.

Coincidence, or Taemin's making?

Taemin sighed in relief as he crept back out.

I sprang up immediately right after he's gone, something's definitely going on in the washroom, something secretive. 

I tiptoed towards the washroom to have a look see, hmmm nothing unusual.

‘Oh I’m curious yeah’

That noise again! This time, it sounded right above my head. I glanced up n saw a green bird. A talking parrot, to be precise.



“Say Sherlock”


"Awww you clever little birdie"

Heheh this is fun, I spoke random stuff and the parrot repeats, interesting.

Time flies when you're having fun. True enough, Taemin soon came back; I knew he couldn't leave his bird unattended for long.

He jumped when he saw me with his parrot.

"P-p-percy. D-did I wake you?"

"Nah, the bird did all the work."

"I'm so so sorry, his name's Kiki. I wanted to keep him in my room but couldn't find my keys so Onew hyung lemme keep im' here until Minho comes back, on the condition I don’t breath a single word bout this to Key so... you're not seeing me and the parrot now, go back to bed." Taemin rattles on and stared at me with those cute puppy eyes. Awww kawaii XD

Suddenly, Kiki swoop down from its pole as Taemin was pleading and landed on my head. I can feel its sharp claws digging into my wig...and the worst thing that could've ever happen...happened; he took off into the air with my wig!

O gosh God save me.

Taemin stopped whatever he's doing and stared at me so hard I was getting the feeling that I’m some kind of alien from another planet!


"So...are you a boy or a girl?" Taemin shrieked.

Gosh the awkward moment when the prettiest boy I've ever laid eyes on asks the girl who plays her twin which gender she is. Gahhhh!!!

"Shhh Taemin, I'm a girl ok, will u please help me keep this secret, with whip cream and cherry on top? If you keep my secret, I won’t tell Key bout your parrot!" I quickly added.


Teehee I'm good.

I snatch back my wig and put it back on and chat with Taemin while waiting for the others to come back.


No one’s POV

On the other hand, Minho, who was gonna come in to search for his missing something(A/n I can’t think of what item Minho lost so I simply wrote something ><) heard voices and he thought it would be polite to let whoever was talking finish his conversation first.

But then Taemin's shriek stirred his interest in the conversation. He listened in to everything being said and gasped when the realization that you're a girl dawned on him...

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up