First day of school and I met a weirdo

It all started with a DEAL!


-gasp-he wouldn’t know would he? We look so alike, even our mother can't tell from us at times. Except for my birthmark, it’s hard to different shade between us. Unless he saw what’s inside my diary. But it takes someone really observant to see that. He couldn’t, could he? Maybe…

I’ll play dumb for now.

‘Nope, why? ‘

‘Nothing, just…’

‘It’s getting late now, go to sleep, ‘and I went off straight to bed.  Phwew, I’ve got to cut him off right there and then.

Next morning…

‘Key, heyyyyyyy keeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, keeeyyyyyyy, get up keyyyyyyyyy,’ I talked softly into his ear.

‘Hmmm…’ he swung his arms around and slaps my nose.

‘Owww’ I yelled.

‘Wha… wha …WHAT?’ key was fully awake now.

‘Hahahahahahaha serves you right for that,’ he came to his senses and started laughing his head off.


‘Okok I’m sorry, common, let’s go grab some breakfast.’

-The cafeteria-

Key led me to a table with four other boys sitting round it.

 Except for the tallest one and the one that looks like the maknae, practically everyone around the table gasped when they saw me.

‘Morning everyone, this is Percy, my new roommate.’

‘Hi, I’m Onew,’ a really really cute guy who was eating fried chicken and has a really sweet voice introduced himself.

‘I’m Jonghyun, but you can call me Jjong,’

‘Hello, I’m Taemin and that guy is Minho, he doesn’t talk much,’ the one that looks like the maknae said while pointing to the tallest guy there.

Omo minho looks sooo handsome.

I bought some breakfast and a drumstick and started eating. I felt someone glaring at me the whole time but it doesn’t feel like his target was on me.

I looked up and saw onew glaring my way and his target is………… my drumstick????????? Weirdo.

I ignore his glare and continue eating but he’s still kinda glaring at my drumstick.-sigh-

‘There, you can have it, now will you please stop glaring,’

‘Really? Thanks!!!’ he look like child finally getting something he craved for, cute xD

I’m having the same class as key that morning.

It was so boring; I can’t wait till basketball practice which I just sign up.

I was on the edge of sleeping when I felt something hit me in the head. Owww

I turned around to check out who did that but no one look suspicious enough, I decided to let it go.

‘Percy, please pay attention in class,’ the teacher said dangerously. I heard someone snickered behind me. Just you wait, whoever you are, I’m so gonna get you back.


hey guys, thanks for reading and your subs,rly apprieciate it

here's a gif from taemin

omo isn't he charming???><

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Chapter 2: the pad thing kinda remind me of the movie I saw .. hmm .. oh well ..
omo! Taemin :D
update! update! update! pleaseeee
SHINeeShawol30 #4
Update fast!
shwxin #5
Wishing everyone of you a very happy chinese new year eve this year<br />
Don't worry, be happy =)<br />
SHINeeShawol30 #6
yay!!! update soon
SHINeeShawol30 #7
yay finally! please update real soon!i thought you gave up