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Donghae had lost count how many times he sighed since he left his house. If it was up to him, he would rather stay at home and listen to music while reading a book. He has always thought there are a lot of ways to use his time better than socializing with half- women whose clothes leave nothing to his imagination or to men who knew nothing than pampering up their so-called male ego. Booze. . Parties. He sighed again while turning the car engine off. There’s no need for him to check the house number to know it’s Sungmin’s since the party is almost extended at the frontyard.  He looked around the neighborhood and concluded that it is a rather decent one. It is a wonder to him though how Sungmin could get away with a chaos like this without the other homeowners complaining about it.

He was amazed at himself that he actually made it past the door without puking. Lip locking and neck sessions are everywhere! He even saw one couple where the girl was "feeding” her guy. He shook his head in disgust. Sungmin better have at least one good reason for dragging him here. And why was there a party again?

Surprisingly, the actual party inside seemed to be a normal one. People are drinking, dancing and oh well…groping. He nodded to a few familiar faces from his class, not really wanting a conversation. He tiptoed trying to find Sungmin or Kyuhyun from the crowd. Not in sight. He was on his way to the table to grab a drink when he heard that familiar squeal.

“Donghae-ah!” Sungmin, who was rushing from halfway the stairs

He smiled at him, trying not to pay attention to the pink jeans he’s wearing.

“My prince!” said Sungmin while literally strangling him, “I knew you would come.”

“S-suhmeee…” Donghae, while trying to release himself from his friend’s excessive neck hug.

“Oh! Sorry!”  then he laughed in a very feminine way


Donghae just looked at him while trying to catch his breath. Then Sungmin suddenly giggled. To his surprise, he saw two pale arms wrapping around Sungmin’s waist from behind then the taller guy planted a kiss on Sungmin’s neck, lingering for a few seconds, leaving a reddish mark.

“Kyuhyun?!” Donghae managed to ask after the initial shock has worn off. Did he see it correctly? Was it really Kyuhyun ravishing Sungmin in front of him? What happened to the indifferent Kyuhyun?

Kyuhyun grinned when he saw the expected jaw-dropping-Donghae, “We’ve been together for almost 2yrs.” he informed Donghae like it was the same as telling him that the sky is blue. He was speechless! He really had no idea. No. It never occurred to him that this guy is actually gay. Moreover, in a relationship with Sungmin! He can’t recall a single moment where the two are sweet to each other. They acted like they are just schoolmates. Period.

“No PDA, especially at school.” Sungmin explained to him. “That’s the only condition my father required when he knew about us.”

Donghae’s lips formed a small ‘o’.

“We’re sorry we didn’t inform you sooner.” Sungmin apologized, then gave Kyuhyun’s arm a slight punch, “Blame this guy!”

Kyuhyun laughed, “It was fun…” he said while continue laughing, “I should hav

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I miss ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
story is definitly interesting
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 26: Nice, hiro got caught...
Ahhh poor hyuk and hae, can't wait for the grand night kekkeke
Please update more :) Good luck
No offense , but i think this is too hyukhae than haehyuk instead. Even though Hyuk is the bottom in this story. Idk,there's something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable while reading it haha.
Chapter 26: will you still update this one?? T_______T

i miss you unnie :* take care
Chapter 26: I sad because its not a completed fic... please update this one. .
barani #7
Chapter 26: Hope hyukii get well soon and have grand event with hae kekeke
I like your story thanks ^_^
Please update soon. ..
257471 #8
Chapter 26: get well soon hyuk, really curious what will happen next
please continue this story soon :)
haebeast #9
Hope u would update this soon. :)
destrirra #10
Chapter 26: ual frustated for both of them hahahaha. I'm so curious abt the next, can you update it? u,u thank you for create this story :)