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Donghae froze. His head is spinning. He feels his body getting cold. His heart skipped a beat when he returned his gaze to his eyes and found himself in a stare battle with him. Those eyes, he can’t forget those eyes! “Hyukjae…” he muttered

“And I thought I’m famous enough for everyone to know my name.” he heard someone said, the voice too close. He was startled when he realized that the guy he was eyeing on earlier is already in front of him, sitting comfortably on his table.

“What?” he asked after his thoughts has finally gone back to the present time

“You called me Hyukjae.” raising his eyebrow to him

“Huh?!” Donghae couldn’t think straight. Seeing those eyes brings back painful memories. But no…it can’t be.

The guy held his chin firmly and leaned to him in close proximity. “You’re new here so I’ll forgive you. My name is not Hyukjae. I am Eunhyuk. That’s the first lesson you need to learn in this school.” then he released him in such a force that he somehow felt his jaw being dislocated. Eunhyuk stood up from his table then occupied the seat behind him. When the professor entered the room, it took him a while before he caught on. He could feel his piercing gaze. He could feel his commanding presence.

"This can't be happening. He can't be..." Donghae kept on telling himself until he closed his eyes then everything went black.


“Hyukjae, stop it!” Donghae pleaded while holding on to the other boy’s shirt, “He’s already bleeding!”

Hyukjae just pried Donghae’s hands, not wanting to be interrupted in what he was doing. He was in a rage and no one can stop him!

“Hyukjae!!!” Donghae finally screamed while tears are streaming on his cheeks

The boy’s fist stopped in the middle of the air. He felt a stab on his chest when he saw Donghae crying. He then turned to the plump boy in front of him, “Don’t you dare touch Donghae again! Not even a finger! I’ll break your bones next time!” he pushed him to the ground, then headed to where Donghae was slouched.

“I’m sorry…I was just…” Hyukjae trying to explain his outrage

“I hate seeing you like that. You scare me.” Donghae said while wiping his tears

"I'm sorry…” he said to which Donghae replied with a nod, Hyukjae then wrapped his arms around his shoulders then they started to walk home. After a few steps, Donghae felt a pain on his ankle, “Ouch!”

Hyukjae asked him worriedly, “Are you okay?”


“Are you okay?”

“Are you okay…?”

“Hyukjae…” he murmured then he felt someone tapping his arm. Donghae slowly opened his eyes.

“Donghae, are you okay?” asked the worried Sungmin, who rushed to see him when he heard what happened

“Sleeping beauty is finally awake.” Kyuhyun said with that familiar grin

Donghae just looked at them, still replaying that vivid dream on his mind.

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I miss ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
story is definitly interesting
MeinAltire #3
Chapter 26: Nice, hiro got caught...
Ahhh poor hyuk and hae, can't wait for the grand night kekkeke
Please update more :) Good luck
No offense , but i think this is too hyukhae than haehyuk instead. Even though Hyuk is the bottom in this story. Idk,there's something that made me feel a bit uncomfortable while reading it haha.
Chapter 26: will you still update this one?? T_______T

i miss you unnie :* take care
Chapter 26: I sad because its not a completed fic... please update this one. .
barani #7
Chapter 26: Hope hyukii get well soon and have grand event with hae kekeke
I like your story thanks ^_^
Please update soon. ..
257471 #8
Chapter 26: get well soon hyuk, really curious what will happen next
please continue this story soon :)
haebeast #9
Hope u would update this soon. :)
destrirra #10
Chapter 26: ual frustated for both of them hahahaha. I'm so curious abt the next, can you update it? u,u thank you for create this story :)